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本文(金版新学案高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业13 Unit7 The Sea 北师大版必修3Word下载.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

金版新学案高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业13 Unit7 The Sea 北师大版必修3Word下载.docx

1、Aagainst BfromCin Dto7The lawyer presented more and more evidence,and_,the criminal had to admit his guilty.Agenerally BfranklyCeventually Dcarefully8(2013嘉兴高三检测)My mother bought a new skirt for me at a_yesterday.Adiscount BbargainsCpay Dcost9After searching for one month,he finally managed_an apart

2、ment near his office.Afinding BfoundCto find Dto have found10It was estimated that 70% of the population_if food were not imported.Astarve Bhad starvedCwere starving Dwould starve11We_the story at the point where John has lost his job at the newspaper office.Afill out Bput downCgive away Dpick up12G

3、iven_time and money,we can finish the work ahead of schedule.Amore BmostCless Dleast13Where did you meet Mr Smith this morning?It was in the hotel_he stayed.Awhen BwhichCwhere Dsince14The female model came onto the stage,wearing a pair of sunglasses,her beautiful face_by an upturned collar.Ahidden B

4、hidingCto hide Dhid15We hope you can come on the trip tomorrow.It will be amazing!_,but I have to meet a sales representative from New York then.AWhy not BNever mindCWith pleasure DIm sorry.完形填空建议用时15(2013烟台高三诊断性测试)Before graduation from college,my son began to seek a job.He targeted a company which

5、 planned to_1_only one person.However,there were over 20 candidates,among whom was my son.I_2_him,“Its difficult to get into the company.Dont_3_too much for fear that you would feel disappointed when you fail.” My son said smilingly,“_4_I try,there will be hope!”Of the 20 candidates,only three could

6、_5_the final round,which would later decide the one to be employed.Everything seemed to_6_quite well and my son_7_the first round and entered the final.Unexpectedly,the final interview was unbelievably_8_,and all of them were asked to go home and wait for the_9_of the interview.One morning,my son_10

7、_a text from the company that he was not employed.Before I_11_what to say to comfort him,I was told that afternoon that my son received another_12_saying he was employed._13_the first text was also part of the test in the interview.The three men received the same text that morning and only my sons_1

8、4_was satisfying to the company,so he was employed.I asked my son_15_they replied.My son told me that one_16_silent,one said “goodbye”and he said “thank you”Only then did I know my sons“_17_”came in that way.That is:dont forget to say “thank you”to those who even_18_you.Saying “thank you”shows your_

9、19_for others work,therefore,you will get the upper hand in terms of_20_compared with others under the same conditions.,1.A.employ BsupportCmanage Dinterview2A.interrupted BpromisedCreminded Dfollowed3A.spend BexpectCwaste Dwish4A.As if BAs soon asCEven if DAs long as5A.enter BsurviveCchange Djudge6

10、A.move BgoCfit Dstay7A.passed BearnedCleft Dstarted8A.challenging BsimpleCperfect Dsecret9A.course BplanCanswer Dresult10A.prepared BreceivedCcopied Dwrote11A.figured out Btook upCset off Dworked BnoteCtext Drule13A.Ridiculously BActuallyCCleverly DSadly14A.reply BquestionCreason Dbelief1

11、5A.when BwhatChow BkeptCmade Dwent17A.hope BdreamCplan Daim18A.cheat BhateCdislike Ddisappoint19A.pity BdoubtCrespect Ddesire20A.chances BskillsClessons Dsalaries.七选五河北省示范性高中高三上学期期中考试) Let children learn to judge their work._1_.If corrected too much,he will stop talking.He notices a tho

12、usand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use.Bit by bit,he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other peoples._2_They learn to do without being taught to walk,run,climb,whistle,ride a bicycle,compare their own performances with

13、those of more skilled people,and slowly make the needed changes.But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself._3_we act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him,or correct it unless he was made to.Let

14、him work out,with the help of other children if he wants it,what this word says,what the answer is to that problem,whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.If it is a matter of right answer,as it may be in mathematics or science,give him the answer book._4_Why should we teachers was

15、te time on such routine work?_5_Let the children learn what all educated people must some day learn,how to measure their own understanding,and how to know what they know or do not know.AChildren learn to do all the other things in the same way.BLet him correct his own papersCPoint out his mistakesDW

16、e do it all for him EWe allow him to learn from other childrenFA child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the timeGOur job should be to help the child when he tells us that he cant find the way to get the right answer.短文改错山西省山大附中高三上学期期中)In modern society,competition is everywhere

17、.No wonder a English philosopher considers competition the source of a series of problem such as frustration and anxiety.Therefore,if we stress cooperation too much,there would be no progress.In my opinion,all are important and necessary.Lets take the competition at school for example.Even a gifted

18、student wont make a remarkable progress if he is in a class without competition.Thats because competition,and rather,challenge is a driving force made him go forward.On the other hand,if we dont cooperate with each other,its impossible for us learn from each other.And thats why most of the great dis

19、coveries or inventions in the modern world are the result of cooperation.To conclude,those who laugh last are the people who can successful cope with the relationship between competition and cooperation.写作训练(山西大学附属中学20122013学年第一学期高三12月月考)假如你是李华。英语课上,你的老师要求大家各自描述一下自己想象中的大学生活。请你根据以下提示,介绍一下你想象中的大学生活是什么

20、样子的。1大学是人生的重要阶段之一;2课余时间参加一些社团和活动;3学好专业课的同时通过网络课堂给自己充电;4根据将来期望的职业对大学生活进行规划。注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_答案;课时作业(十三)1解析:play a trick on是固定搭配,意思是“捉弄,开玩笑”;由neighbours后面的定语从句可知,这里的neighbours是特指,故用定冠词the。答案:B2解析:由答语中的I am used to this one(我习惯用这个)可知,答话人不希望对方更改IP地址。C3解析:由took a long time可知,战争对英国经济的影响是消极的

21、,即经济需要“恢复”,故选recover。escape from逃离;suffer from遭受;benefit from从获益。D4解析:句意为:旅行归来的人常会有焕然一新的感觉。energetic意为“充满活力的;精力充沛的”。tired疲劳的;strong强壮的;exciting令人激动的,常用于修饰物。5解析:我回过头来发现我一个校友,我一时记不起他(她)的名字。A项“避免”,C项“失败,使失望,不及格”,D项“溜走,从溜走”。6解析:ban sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事。句意为:因为一次由醉酒驾驶所造成的严重事故,Anny被禁止开车两年。7解析:律师呈现了越来越

22、多的证据,罪犯最后只好认罪伏法。eventually表示“最后地”;generally表示“一般地”,frankly表示“坦诚地”,carefully表示“仔细地”。8解析:昨天我妈妈给我买了件打折的新裙子。at a discount意为“打折”,是固定短语。bargain意为“便宜货;砍价”;pay意为“薪水;工资”;cost意为“费用;成本;代价”。A9解析:manage意为“设法完成”时,其后多跟不定式。find不是发生在managed之前的动作。10解析:由句中的was和were可知应用表示过去的时态,且starve这一动作还没发生,故用过去将来时。11解析:题干要表达“从开始继续讲故

23、事”,故选pick up(继续)。fill out填写;put down写下;give away泄露。12解析:提前完成工作需要“更多的”时间和资金,故选more。13解析:_he stayed是hotel的定语从句,空缺处内容在从句中作地点状语,故选where。14解析:hide与face之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词;hide的过去式和过去分词分别为hid,hidden,故选hidden。15解析:由“但是我那时需要见一位纽约的销售代表”可知,答话人不能去旅行,故选Im sorry,表示道歉。.完形填空语篇解读:由于竞争激烈,作者一开始对于儿子应聘一家公司的工作并未抱太大的希望,结果

24、儿子最后被录用了。对此作者深有感触,认为尊重别人的工作就会在同等条件下比别人获得更多的机会。根据下文“which would later decide the one to be employed”可知,公司计划只雇用一个人。employ表示“雇用”;support表示“支持”;manage表示“管理,经营,能应付”;interview表示“面试,采访”。根据上下文语境可知,参与应聘的有20人,从中只录取1人,作者认为儿子进入该公司的难度很大,于是提醒儿子。interrupt表示“打断”;promised表示“答应,许诺”;remind表示“提醒,使想起”;follow表示“跟随,听懂”。“r

25、eminded”符合语境。根据语境可知,此处指作者安慰儿子,不要抱太大希望,以免没被雇用后会失望。在四个选项中,“expect”表示“期望,预期,预料”,符合语境。儿子笑着说:“只要尽力就有希望。”四个选项均可引导状语从句,as if用来引导方式状语从句,as soon as引导时间状语从句,even if引导让步状语从句,as long as引导条件状语从句。根据语境可知,空格处表示的是一种条件。根据下文“entered the final”可知,在20名应聘人中,只有3人能够进入最后一轮。enter表示“进入”。根据下文语境可知,儿子进入了最后一轮面试,由此推知,此处指一切似乎进展不错。g

26、o有“进行”之意,符合语境。作者的儿子通过了第一轮面试,进入到最后一轮。根据语境可知,空格处应该使用“passed”。8解析:出乎意料,最后一轮面试出奇地简单,就是回家等待面试结果。四个选项均为形容词,challenging表示“具有挑战性的”;simple表示“简单的,简朴的”;perfect表示“完美的”;secret表示“秘密的”。根据语境可知,此处指的是回家等待最终的面试结果。result意为“结果”,符合语境。根据下文“The three men received the same text”可知,应选received。在我还没想出该说什么来安慰儿子时figure out表示“想出,理解”;take up表示“从事,拿起,占据”;set off表示“出发,动身”;work on表示“继续工作”。由此可知,空格处应该使用“figured out”。根据上文中的“a text”及“another”可知,空格处应该选“text”,表示又收到了一份通知。Ridiculously表示“荒唐地”;actually表示“实际上”;clev

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