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1、3be determined to do sth.决心做 4.contribute to/make contributions to 为做贡献5show great interest in 对很感兴趣 regarded/considered as 被认为是7take a masters degree 获得博士学位 admitted to/be enrolled by 被录取9win the championship 获得冠军 10.get the worlds attention 得到全世界的关注11go abroad for further study 留学深造 12.b

2、e remembered as 作为为人们所记住13achieve great success 大获成功 14.rank No.1 in 在上排名第一话题句型1.Born into a poor family,she had little schooling.她出生贫穷,只受过很少的教育。2Deng Yaping,whose hobby is playing pingpong,has devoted herself to the sports after graduation.邓亚萍的爱好是打乒乓球,毕业后一直从事体育事业。3In 2002,she was admitted to Cambri

3、dge University,where she majored in economics.2002年她考取剑桥大学,在那主修经济学。4As a dedicated official,Deng Yaping sets a good example to us/sets us a good example,so all of us show great respect for her.作为一名富有献身精神的官员,邓亚萍给我们树立了一个良好的榜样,所以我们都很敬重她。5With great determination and perseverance,she commits to helping

4、the blind and deaf children,which makes a great contribution to the charity.凭着无比的决心和毅力,她全身心地帮助盲聋儿童,为慈善事业做出了重大贡献。6Famous as she is,she cares little for money and fame.虽然很出名,但她却不计名利。话题语篇请根据下面人物简介写一篇作文:姓名屠呦呦国籍中国职业药学家、科学家主要经历1.1930年12月30日生于浙江宁波;2.1951年考入北京大学,专攻/主修制药专业,于1955年毕业;3.毕业后接受中医培训两年半,并一直在中国中医研究院

5、工作;4.1972年成功发现并制成一种治疗疟疾的药物青蒿素而获得多种奖项;5.2015年10月5日,她被授予诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,成为中国第一个获得诺贝尔奖的女性科学家。总结我们要向她学习,投身科学研究。注意:词数100左右。参考词汇:中国中医研究院/所China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine;疟疾malaria【话题模板】 Tu Youyou, a famous female pharmacologist and scientist,was born in Ningbo,Zhejiang Province on December 30th,

6、1930.In 1951, she was admitted into Beijing University,majoring in making medicine and graduated in 1955. After graduation she was trained in traditional Chinese medicine for two years and a half and she has been working in China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing. In 1972, she succe

7、eded in discovering and developing artemisinin out of a Chinese herb to cure those patients of malaria in different places of the world, so that she won many big awards.To our excitement and delight, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on October 5th, 2015, becoming the first C

8、hinese woman who won the Nobel Prize.We are called on to learn from her and devote ourselves to scientific research.对应学生用书P77.单词过关A拼写单词1 vt.获得;增加2 n. 紧急情况3 vt. 应得,值得4 vt. 控告,谴责5 vi. 怒视,瞪6 n. 渴望;欲望7 n. 要求8 v. 证实9 adj. 感谢的,感激的10 adj. 不安的,不快的B拓展单词11accurately adv.精确地,准确地 adj.精确的,准确的 n精确,准确12description

9、 n描述,形容 v描写,描述13predict vt.预言,预测 n预测,预告 n预言家14failure n失败 vi.失败15satisfaction n满意,满足 vt.使满意,使满足 adj.感到满意的 adj.令人满意的16independent adj.独立的 n独立 vi.依赖,依靠17relief n减轻,宽慰 v使安慰,缓解18anxiety n忧虑;担心 adj.忧虑的;焦急的 adv.忧虑地;焦急地19judge vt.评判n.法官 n判断,判断力20devotion n奉献 vt.献身于,专心致志于 adj.献身的,忠诚的C识记单词21assessment n 22pr

10、evious adj. 23associate vt. 24description n 25disability n 26entirely adv. 27strength n 28appropriately adv. 29concentrate vi. 30expression n D语境运用31To the mothers , her son achieved results in study, which,of course, the whole family. (satisfaction)32As a , though he tried his best to everything, t

11、he majority of he made were often wrong.(predict)33To predict the weather and give us more information, the observers try their best to guarantee the of their observation. (accurate)34How she awaited the doctors answer, and the moment she listened to his advice she had no more (anxious)35The said, “

12、 from the mans behavior, our is practical”(judge)答案:2.emergency3.deserve4.accuse5.glare6.desire7.requirement8.confirm9.grateful10.upsetB11.accurate;accuracy12.describe13.prediction;predictor14.fail15.satisfy;satisfied;satisfying16.independence;depend17.relieve18.anxious;anxiously19.judgement20.devot

13、e;devotedC21.评估22.以前的,过去的23.联想;联系24.描述;形容25.残疾;无能26.完全地27.长处;优势28.适当地29.集中(思想、注意力等)30.表情;词语;感情D31.satisfaction;satisfying;satisfied32.predictor;predict;predictions33.accurately;accurate;accuracy34anxiously;anxieties35.judge;Judging;judgment.短语排查A短语翻译1 提出,想出2 集中于;专注于3 说服某人做某事4 起草5 受欢迎6 另一方面7 就而言;从某个角

14、度上看8 控告某人9 对作出反应10 禁不住要做某事11 奉献;致力于12 和比较起来13 愿意做某事14 结果为;以结束15 处理,对付16 说实话17 怒视B选词填空(选用A中短语填空)1They didnt fight, and just only stood there each other.2 other vehicles, cars are really quite convenient.3The scientists are beating their brains out trying to a solution to the problem.4He putting/bring

15、ing an end to the terrible disease.5As for money, hes quite rich, but not happiness.6With so much noise outside, I have some difficulty in my homework.7Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just with sweet dreams.8With the world changing fast, to something new we should exchange info

16、rmation with the others every day. up with2.concentrate sb.into doing sth.4.draw popular with .6.on the other terms of8.accuse sb.of .9.react to10cant help doing devoted topared willing to do sth.14.end be honest17.glare atB1.glaring at2

17、.Compared toe up with4.was devoted terms of6.concentrating on7.end with.句式仿写1教材原句It is generally believed that people with high EQs are open to new ideas and have positive attitudes towards life.人们普遍认为高情商的人善于接受新观念,对待生活持积极态度。仿写运用人们普遍认为阅读能增加我们的知识,使我们心胸开阔。 reading can increase our knowl

18、edge and broaden our mind.2教材原句On the other hand,there is little doubt that people with low EQs often have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations .另一方面,毫无疑问的是,低情商的人经常在与别人相处和处理困难形势时有问题仿写运用无疑这个人不知道应向谁征求意见。 the man didnt know who to ask advice from.3教材原句I really dis

19、like it when he eats garlic for lunch.我真的不喜欢他午饭吃大蒜。仿写运用我不喜欢她对我做事指手画脚。I dont she tells me how to do things.4教材原句Perhaps the postcode was wrong,and thats why the letter never arrived.可能邮政编码错了,那就是信一直未收到的原因。仿写运用他将去国外学习很长一段时间,那就是我们明天将为他送行的原因。He will go abroad to study for a long time; we will see him off

20、 tomorrow.1.It is generally believed that2.There was no/little doubt it when4.thats why.课文回扣语法填空Most students do an IQ test in their school career because they believe that 1. is IQ that determines how well theyre going to do in life. 2. new research into EQ suggests that success is not s

21、imply the result of a high IQ. Professor Salovey, who invented the term EQ, gives the following 3. (describe): At work, it is IQ that gets you 4. (hire) but it is EQ that gets you promoted. 5. (support) by his academic research, Professor Salovey suggests that when 6. (predict) someones future succe

22、ss, their character, as measured by EQ tests, might 7. (actual) matter more than their IQ.The results of studies show that EQ is 8. important, if not more important than IQ. To get ahead in the world and lead 9. happy successful life means getting on with other people and 10. (be) able to understand

23、 and react to situations in the best way.1.it2.However3.description4.hired5.Supported6.predicting7.actually8.as9.a10.being对应学生用书P781concentrate vi.集中(思想、注意力等);专心concentrate ones mind/attention/thoughts/efforts on集中注意力于;下列短语均表示“专心,集中于”:focus/fix ones attention on;put ones mind to;s heart into;be abso

24、rbed in;be lost in;apply oneself/ones mind to(1)I cant concentrate on my studies with that noise going on.有噪音我不能集中精力学习。(2)We must concentrate our attention on improving education.我们必须致力于改进教育工作。即学即练单句语法填空或完成句子(1)For example,I can just concentrate on (read)for a short time.(2)Water companies should re

25、ducing waste instead of building new loads of reservoirs.自来水公司应该努力减少浪费,而不是修建许多新水库。(1)reading(2)concentrate all their efforts on/upon2deserve v值得;应得;应受(报答或惩罚)deserve doing/to be done 值得(被)做deserve to do sth. 应该/值得做某事deserve consideration/attention 值得考虑/注意(1)No matter how ordinary a job is,it plays a

26、part in society and therefore deserves our respect.无论工作多么普通,在社会中都起着重要作用,所以值得我们尊重。(2)These celebrated markets deserve attention from economists as well as tourists.除了游客外,这些著名的市场也值得经济学家关注。注意当物作主语时,deserve后接doing,主动形式表示被动意义,等于接动词不定式的被动式。有相同用法的动词还有:need,want,require等。单句语法填空(1)Its true that she was in po

27、or condition but she hardly deserves (lose)her job.(2)Global warming is such a great threat that all the options deserve (explore)(1)to lose(2)to be explored/exploring3accuse vt.控告;谴责;指责(1)accuse sb.of(doing)sth.charge sb. with sth. 因指责/指控某人(2)the accused (刑事)被告(3)accusing adj. 谴责的;指责的(1)Are you acc

28、using me of cheating?你是在指责我欺骗吗?(2)I hate it when people accuse us of that.我讨厌别人就那件事指责我们。注意我们学习过的“动词sb.of sth.”的短语还有:remind sb. of,rob sb.of,rid sb.of,inform sb.of,convince sb.of,cure sb.of等。(1)The neighbour who was once charged attempted murder accused me playing my radio too loudly.(2)The (accuse)got what they deserved.(1)with;of(2)accused4upset adj.不安的,不

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