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1、38.wear a smile on her face 脸上带着微笑 me with my homework 在家庭作业方面帮助我40.answer questions correctly 正确地回答问题8A Unit1 重点句子1.What makes your friend so special? 什么使你的朋友如此特别?2.Can I have some more food ? 我可以再要点食物吗?3.Theres nothing else in the fridge. 冰箱里什么别的东西都没有了4.Swimming isnt as/so interesting as hi

2、king. 游泳不如徒步旅行有趣。5.When she is on the bus ,she always gives her seat to someone in need. 当她坐车时,总是给需要的人让座。6.Betty and I may not get to see each other often,but well always best friends. Betty 和我也许不能经常有机会见面,但我们永远是很好的朋友。7.He has poor eyesight because of working on the computer too much at night.他因为夜里玩电

3、脑时间太长,视力不好。8.His legs do not fit under the desk. 他得腿在桌底下放不下。9.When something worries me,I can go to her. 当什么事情困扰我时,我可以找她。10.His drawing is the most beautiful in the drawing competition.在绘画比赛中,他得画最漂亮。11.Millies drawing is more beautiful than Simons 米莉的画比 Simon 的好12.I dont think swimming is as interes

4、ting as hiking. 我认为游泳不如潜水有趣。13.I want to be as popular as she is when I grow up. 我长大了想像她那样受欢迎。14.Whatslike? 怎么样?15.Kate is both my best friend and my neighbour. Kate即使我的最好的朋友,又是我得邻居。16.I got to know her ten years ago.我是在十年前认识他的。17.Thats what we think too.这也是我们所想的。18.I dont think any of these outdoor

5、 activities are dangerous if were careful.我认为,如果我们小心一些,这些户外活动中的任何一种都不危险。8A Unit2 重点词组一、词组1、school life 学校生活2、British/American English 英式英语/美式英语3、in Year/Grade 9/ in 9th grade 在 9 年级4、a mixed shool 一所混合学校5、learn how to cook and sew 学如何煮饭和缝纫6、cook healthy and tasty meals 烧健康美味的饭7、have driving lessons

6、上驾驶课8、drive me to school 开车送我上学9、play softball 打垒球10、a senior in 12th grade 12 年级的毕业生12、with a pleasant taste=tasty 美味13、read an article by a girl from the USA 看美国一女孩写的文章14、someone you admire very much=hero 你很钦佩的人(英雄) 15、have Computer Studies 上电脑课16、have 7 weeks off=have a seven-week holiday 放七周假17、

7、stay in hospital for a month 住院一个月18、be able to do sth=can do sth 能够做某事19、look out of the window 看窗外20、hear the news 听说过这新闻21、go on school trips to 参加学校组织的去.的旅游22、move to Canada 搬去加拿大23、listen to pop music 听流行音乐24、my ideal school 我理想中的学校25、have half an hour of homework 有半小时的作业二、句子8A Unit2 重点句子2.What

8、s school like? Its like watching TV, but therere fewer advertisements.上学时什么样的? 就像看电视,但广告少一些。3、I didnt know how to do things for myself before I came to this school. 来这所学校前, 我不知道怎样自己做事。4、During this years Reading Week, I read the most books in my class. 在今年的读书周期间,我是我们班读书最多的。5、We can read any book fro

9、m the school library. 我们可以看图书馆里的任何一本书。6、We can even bring in books and magazines from home. 我们甚至可以从家里把书和杂志带来(学校)。7、We want to read all our classmates books as well. 我们也像看所以同学们的书。10、Kitty drinks more milk than Andy.=Andy drinks less milk than Kitty. Kitty 喝的牛奶比Andy 多。 11、Amy scored the most points./S

10、imon scored the fewest points. Amy 得分最多。Simon 得分最少。12、Daniel has the most money./Kitty has the least money. Daniel 的钱最多。Kitty 的钱最少。 13、Johns tie is different from Tinas.= Johns tie isnt the same as Tinas. John 的领带和 Tina 的不一样。14、The number of students in our school is 1800. 我们学校学生的数目是 1800. There are

11、 18000 students in our school. 我们学校有 1800 名学生。15、Whats the length of the summer holiday? 暑假有多长?=How long is the summer holiday?16、Time spent on our homework is two hours.我们花在作业上的时间是两个小时。=We spend two hours in our homework.17、Your school has more Grade 8 classes than my school. 你们学校 8 年级的班级比我校的多。18、S

12、he wont be able to play basketball for three months. 她将有 3 个月不能打篮球。19、Mr Wu is going to be on TV tonight. 吴老师今晚将上电视。21、There is a park on one side of our school and a shopping mall on the other. 我们学校的一侧有一个公园,另一侧是一个购物中心。22、We have a big library with lots of useful books. 我们有一个大图书馆,里面有许多有用的书。23、They l

13、eft their pencil boxes in the classroom. 他们把他们的铅笔盒忘在教室了。24、My bike is the same as yours. 我的自行车和你的一样。25、My bike is the same colour as yours.= My bike is the same as yours in colour. 我的自行车和你的颜色一样。26、Millies pencil box is the same size as Amys pencil box. Millie 的铅笔盒和 Amy 的一样大。三、语法1、比较级修饰名词 (few fewer

14、fewest; little less least)2、be different from 与 be the same as 的用法8A Unit3 重点词组1.来吧,快点 come on 2.爬山 climb the hill3.乘船旅行 take a boat trip4.路过歌剧院 go past the Opera House5.7.上/下长途汽车 get on/off a coach 8.起初 at the beginning9.乘长途汽车 by coach10.从 A 地到 B 地的旅行 the trip from A to B 11.在高速公路上 on the highway12

15、.到达世界公园 arrive at the World Park13.大部分旅程中感到恶心 feel sick for most of the trip 14.变得很激动 become very excited15.由金属制成 be made of metal 16.很快下车 get off quickly17.在我们前面 in front of us18.一百多个名胜模型 models of over 100 places of interest 19.想要参加跳舞队伍 want to join in the dancing20.在线交谈 chat online21.感受古老公园的美 fee

16、l the beauty of the old park 22.去骑马 go horse riding23.准备出去 prepare to go out24.同意和他们去 agree to go with them 25.决定呆在家里 decide to stay at home 26.希望观看日落 hope to watch the sunset 27.玩捉迷藏 play hideandseek28.把他们的秘密憋在心里 keep their secret to themselves29.在篮球决赛中 in the basketball final/ in the final of the

17、basketball competition 30.为我们的队加油 cheer for our team31.在你的支持下 with your support 32.进入决赛 go to the final33.在决赛的最后 at the end of the finala fun place 34.一个参观的有趣的地方 a fun place to visit35.计划一天外出 plan a day out36.攀岩 climb the rocks / go climbing on rocks /pull oneself up the rocks37.38.奖杯奖牌颁奖仪式 presenta

18、tion of cup and medals39.返回美国 go back to /return the USA 40.换乘汽车 change to the bus41.take the undergroun to the centre of Beijing = go to the centre of Beijing by underground42.算出每个人的旅行费用 work out the cost of the trip43.由于好运 because of good luck44.使它成为对每个人真正有趣的一天 make it a really fun day for everyon

19、e8A Unit3 重点句子1.你需要锻炼并且保持健康。 You need to exercise and keep fit. 2.让我们玩得开心点吧。(enjoy)Lets enjoy ourselves.3.It is a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees. 这是一个带有大花园和许多树的漂亮的建筑物。4.Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park. 吴先生邀请我参加他们学校去世界公园的旅行。5.Yesterday, Mr Wu and the

20、other students met Kitty and me at the school gate. 昨天, 在学校门口,吴先生和其他学生遇到了 Kitty 和我。6.在城市公路上交通很拥挤,但当我们在高速公路上时情况有所好转。There was a lot of traffic on the city roads but it got better when we were on the highway. 8.Kitty 和我不再感到恶心。Kitty and I did not feel sick any more. /K itty and I no more felt sick9.The

21、 model Pyramids looked just like the real ones in Egypt. 金字塔模型看起来就像真的在埃及。10.Daniel taught himself how to make a home page. /Daniel learnt how to make a home page by himself. 丹尼尔自学如何制作主页。He put his photos on his home page for everyone to look at. /Its interesting to see models of so many places of in

22、terest. 看到如此多来自全世界名胜古迹的模型,真的很有趣。 11.感谢你同意让我今天去旅行。Thank you agreeing to let me go on the trip.12.我想要坐在公共汽车的前部。I want to sit at/in the front of the bus.13.午饭后花一个多小时回到我的学校 It takes over an hour to get back to my school after lunch.14.如果你想来,请尽快让我们知道。If you want to come ,please let us know as soon as pos

23、sible.15.我希望你能加入到我们中来。I hope you can join us. 16.感谢你为我保密。Thanks for keeping the secret for me.17.Our team played badly at first but got better in the second half.18.世界公园占地 467,000 平方米。The World park is 467,000 square metres in area.19.Luckily, the climbers helped Simon.幸运的是,有登山者帮助 Simon。20.Unluckily

24、, he hurt himself.不走运的是,他把自己弄伤得很严重.8A unit 4 重点词组1.看上去好吃 look delicious2.处于危险中 be in danger3.需要帮助 need help4.采取以下行动来保护大熊猫。take the follwing actions to protect giant pandas5.让大熊猫自然保护区更大。 make giant panda reserves bigger6.鼓励农民离开大熊猫保护区。 encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves7.使某人某物安全 keep

25、sb/sth safe from danger8.继续生存 continue to live9.很了解动物 learn a lot about animals10.看见喂动物 see the feeding of animals11.看海豚表演 watch the dolphin show12.为我的报告获得更多的信息 get enough information for my report13.以家庭形式生活 live as a family14.用虎骨制药 make medicine from tiger bones15.不为取乐杀戮 don not kill for fun16.通常独居

26、 usually live alone17.居住领域的丧失 loss of living areas18.团队合作 work as a team19.擅长捕猎其他动物 good at hunting other animals20.彼此友好 friendly towards each other21.直立行走 walk upright8A unit 4 重点句子1.如果我不吃东西,我会死的。 If I dont have food, I will die.2.如果我死了,没有人会照顾你。 If I die, no one will look after you.3.长成了一只健康的年轻大熊猫

27、grew into a healthy young giant panda 4她四个月时大约重十千克,并且她开始第一次走出家门。5在最初的时候, 希望喝妈妈的奶一天长达 14 个小时。At the very beginning, Xi Wang drank her mothers milk for up to 14 hours a day. 6可悲的是,通常由于人为的原因,大熊猫在野外生存很困难。Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild, usually because of people.7.这儿是

28、一些将来如果希望在野外生活可能出现的问题。Here are some of the problems that Xi Wang may have in the future if she lives in the wild.8.如果猎人捉到一只大熊猫,他们会为了取它的皮毛杀了它。 If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.9.如果农民砍伐树木和森林,大熊猫将无处生存。If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. 10熊猫妈妈常常会让熊猫宝宝们独自呆上两整天。Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own. 11如果人们看到熊猫宝宝独自一人,他们常常会把他们带走。If people find baby pandas alone, they will often take them away. 12如果我们什么都不做,世界上不久将没有大熊猫。If we do nothing, soon there will be no giant pandas in the worl

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