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3、, speeches, speech drafts, personal reports, work information, letter of evidence, office secretary, other sample essays, etc. To learn about the format and writing of different sample essays, please pay attention!天一阁及其周围园林具有江南庭院式园林特色。天一阁的藏书和建筑为研究书法、地方史、石刻、石构建筑和浙东民居建筑提供了实物资料。接下来是本店铺为大家整理的关于宁波天一阁英语导游

4、词,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!宁波天一阁英语导游词1Tianyige museum is a comprehensive museum with the characteristics of bookcollection culture and integration of social history and art, covering an areaof 26000 square meters. The environment is elegant, the garden is exquisite, thearchitecture is simple, rich in strong local

5、characteristics. The overall layoutis composed of three functional areas: library culture area, garden leisure areaand exhibition area.Tianyige library is the oldest existing private library in China and one ofthe three earliest existing private libraries in the world. It was built betweenthe 40th a

6、nd 45th year of Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1561-1566 AD). Itwas originally the library of Fan Qin, the right servant of the Ming army. In1982, it was announced as a national key cultural relics protection unit by theState Council. There are nearly 300000 volumes of all kinds of ancient books

7、 inthe collection, including 80000 volumes of rare books, especially the localchronicles and imperial examination records of Ming Dynasty. In recent years,the cause of our museum has developed rapidly, with the addition of China LocalRecords collection, yintaidi official residence Museum, mahjong or

8、iginexhibition hall, etc. More than 6730 volumes of Contemporary Local Chronicles atall levels are collected in the China Local Chronicles collection, accountingfor more than 80% of the total. Yintaidi museum displays the Home Furnishing Artand architectural art of the families of officials in the Q

9、ing Dynasty. It wonthe Best Creativity Award for the top ten fine exhibitions of national museumsin 2000. The Museum of the origin of mahjong shows the origin of mahjong and itshistorical origin with Ningbo in three dimensions. Built in the 1920s, Qinsancestral hall is admired by tourists for its un

10、ique ancestral hall culture andexquisite folk crafts, and is listed in the fifth batch of national key culturalrelics protection units.宁波天一阁英语导游词2Located in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, Tianyige is the earliestexisting private library in China, the oldest existing library in Asia and oneof the th

11、ree earliest family libraries in the world. Tianyi Pavilion, coveringan area of 26000 square meters, was built in the middle of Ming Dynasty underthe leadership of Fan Qin, the retired right Minister of the Ministry of war. Itwas announced as a national key cultural relics protection unit by the Sta

12、teCouncil in 1982.There are nearly 300000 volumes of all kinds of ancient books in thecollection, including 80000 volumes of rare books, especially the localchronicles and imperial examination records of Ming Dynasty. In recent years,the cause of our museum has developed rapidly, with the addition o

13、f China LocalRecords collection, yintaidi official residence Museum, mahjong originexhibition hall, etc. The book Pavilion is a two-story hard mountaintop buildingof wood structure, with a height of 8.5 meters. The ground floor is six roomswide and six rooms deep, with corridors in front and back. I

14、n addition to thestaircase, the second floor is a large room separated by bookcases.In addition, Tongyue lake, a Tianyi pool in front of the building, cannot only beautify the environment, but also store water for fire prevention. Thearchitectural layout of Tianyi Pavilion was later imitated by othe

15、rlibraries.宁波天一阁英语导游词3Hello everyone! Im the tour guide of Ningbo Tianyige one-day tour. My nameis Bao. You can call me director Bao. The Tianyi Pavilion in Ningbo is one ofthe oldest libraries in China. The reason why it is named Tianyi is not thatFan Qin, the owner of the library, is determined to

16、 build his library as thenumber one library in the world, but that it is based on the theory oftianyishengshui in notes to the book of changes. Because fire is the biggestdisaster of the library, and water can conquer fire. The name inadvertently alsoreflects the meaning of No.1 in the world, and la

17、ter became the No.1 Libraryin the world.Look, this is Tianyi Pavilion. It is famous for its history and culture.When we walk in later, we will see the most beautiful and characteristiclandscape. The garden of Tianyige is built according to the Jiangnan garden.After entering, you can see rockery, poo

18、l, pavilion and other kinds ofbuildings. Well, its better to see a hundred than a hundred. Now lets go andhave a look at Tianyi Pavilion. Come on, everybody, this way.Here, we came to the east garden. You see, is there a small pool in themiddle Its called Mingchi. Is there a big rockery next to it T

19、his bigrockery was built with the rocks by the sea. Come, close to the rockery, can yousmell the smell of the sea In the lake, there are colorful little carpswimming. If you drop fish food, the fish will not swim in the water asgracefully as they did just now, but will rush to grab food. Interested

20、touristscan go there to buy some fish food to try, but in order to ensure thecleanliness of the pool water, do not throw other food!This is the most famous scenic spot in Tianyi Pavilion - Tianyi pool. Therockery beside the small pool is the famous nine lions and one elephant. Ninelions and one elep

21、hant is known as the classic of ancient private garden, whichis composed of nine lions and one elephant. From different perspectives, its abit like a woman looking at herself in the mirror. From another perspective,its like an old man herding sheep. From another perspective, its like a frogin the fi

22、eld and a turtle worshiping Buddha.Now is free time, please do not spit, do not litter, do not make noise.Meet at the door an hour later.Goodbye, everyone. Welcome to Tianyige next time.宁波天一阁英语导游词4Tianyige museum is located on the West Bank of Moon Lake in Ningbo City,where Tianyige, the oldest exis

23、ting private library in China, is located. It isa library built by Fan Qin, a retired official in the Jiajing period of the MingDynasty (1561-1566). There are ancient books and bookcases in the building,which are filled with a thick aroma of books.In fact, the museum is a garden in the south of the

24、Yangtze River. The EastGarden and the South Garden in the park are well arranged with rockeries, ponds,pavilions and other scenery. Walking in the simple brick and wood corridor, youcan feel the quiet environment. There is a forest of Steles in Mingzhou in thepark, and hundreds of Steles record the

25、ancient official education history.There is also the painting and calligraphy Museum, which often displays the finepaintings and calligraphy works of the past dynasties and celebrities collectedby Tianyi Pavilion.In the park, there are also the library Dongming thatched cottage beforethe completion

26、of Tianyi Pavilion, the Qins ancestral hall displaying thearchitectural features of Ningbo folk houses, and the former residence of fan.In the mahjong exhibition hall, you can see all kinds of mahjong cards, let youunderstand the origin and development of mahjong culture.宁波天一阁英语导游词5Tianyige museum ho

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