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1、 我可以占用你几分钟时间吗? Could I occupy some minutes of yours?bow out of the spotlight sift through仔细审查 paroxysm突然发作 In the new NBC sitcom, British Columbias most beloved export plays Mike Henry, an NBC newsman who quits the rat race after being diagnosed with Parkinsons. 在该NBC新情景喜剧中,来自卑诗省,深受观众喜爱的Fox扮演Mike He

2、nry,一位前NBC新闻播音员,因为被诊断患有帕金森症而退出江湖。The tremors, the instability, the involuntary spasms,all motor symptoms of Parkinsons disease could be written off as part of Foxs famously dgety comic repertoire. 在Fox身上出现的帕金森症所特有的运动症状,如震颤,行动不稳定以及不由自主的抽搐,原本可能被视为他招牌式的坐立不安型喜剧表演动作而忽视。He also returned to TV as a popular

3、 guest star, most recently on Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Good Wife- two shows that hilariously leveraged the idea of a Parkinsons sufferer using his illness to manipulate people.他也曾以深受欢迎的客座明星身份回归荧屏,最近参演了抑制热情及傲骨贤妻。在剧中,有人利用帕金森患者身份操纵他人。两部作品都以搞笑方式大肆渲染以上剧情。But instead of sifting through a cache of well

4、-rehearsed stand-up bits, it taps into Foxs enduring likeability.该剧不是对一些千锤百炼的单口相声桥段进行筛选,而是充分发掘Fox经久不衰的观众缘。Fox has come a long way toward managing the paroxysms that once could have threatened his career. Hes got it under control and us under his spell.Fox的突发症状,一度威胁到他的职业生涯。他好不容易才能应对这些症状。他已经克服了这些磨难,以魅

5、力征服了我们。互联网时代的今天,信息的即时性、海量性、全球性,让信息藏无可藏、躲无可躲。只要打开网络,你就可以知道想知道的事情。In this so-called cyber-age, information explosion makes it possible for a netizen to be informed of anything that is happening around the world.文章偷情事件的曝光,让他好男人的形象在瞬间轰然坍塌Mr. Wens public image as a “family man” fell apart /was ruined ove

6、rnight, as a result of the much publicity he received as to his love affair.道德的批判如血雨腥风般骤然而起,且愈演愈烈,大有不把文章拍死砸死折腾死,绝不善甘罢休之势。He is now flooded with criticism which has been escalated to an online orgy. People derive great pleasure from making moral judgment and torturing the celebrity with abusive langu

7、age.当然,中国人实行一夫一妻制,既然领了那个红本本,就要对红本本上的那个人负责,不得背叛、不得背离、不得移情别恋。empathyOf course, Mr. Wen is to blame because he seems to be unaware of the law of monogamy practiced in China. A married man is not supposed to cheat on his wife.小家安大家才能安,大家安国家才能安,这是人人都知道的硬道理。Its well known that families constitute the basi

8、c units of a society and are the basis for a stable and harmonious society. 撇开作家不谈,撇开余老先生不说。Lets drop the topic of Mr. Yu, author of the book.还没有开始赏读之前,我就想,“文化苦旅”,难道是文化的形成是一段痛苦的历史集合体,或者文化的形成是一段艰难而痛苦的旅途,Before I begin reading the book, I wonder why the author uses this title, “a bitter journey to Chi

9、nese culture”. Is it because some bitter episodes in history constitute culture or because the shaping of culture is a long and bitter journey?或者文化是人类的一次痛苦的心旅历程,又或者形形色色的故事经过一段时间之后,集结成了一本文化册子,Is it because culture mirrors a bitter journey of the human heart or because various stories, with the passag

10、e of time, find their way into a collection of essays?又或者文化本身就是一场旅行,是苦涩的。当然,我知道,单从字面上理解,对文化本身,是一种不诚恳的态度。Maybe culture in itself is a bitter journey. Of course, I know a mere literal understanding is a betrayal to culture itself. 男女在一起,许多问题相差悬殊,譬如家世背景、收入学历,其实相处起来,一点都不成问题。When men and women get togeth

11、er, some big issues, like contrasting family background, income and education background, do not constitute/pose a big threat to their future.反倒是看似简单的小问题,譬如做人的底线,对感情的态度,却会成为难以逾越的鸿沟。However, some other seemingly insignificant factors, such as living morals and attitudes to love, will become insuperab

12、le barriers in relationship.物质条件,无论多大都是小问题。精神上的,无论多小也是大问题。灵魂的门当户对,才最重要。Are you his/her soul mate? Thats what morning, and the new sun sparkled gold across the ripples of gentle sea.清晨,初升的太阳照着平静的海面,微波荡漾,闪耀着金色的光芒。The man who waters his grass after a good rain is carrying coals to Newcastle.T

13、here is more to their life than political and social and economic problem, more than transient everydayness. Its an ill wind that blows nobody good. 无论多么聪明的人,也难免犯错误。 凡事皆有利弊黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它寻找光明!Darkness gives me a pair of black eyes , while I use them to look for brightness. 由于身体原因未能实现 It failed for m

14、y body 心里的那种渴望 A wish of ones deep heart 学习动力 Motive power 取得很好的收获 Get wonderful harvest活在当下live in today.the present 长远眼光 long eyes 严密的思维close brain 落入俗套Find it conventional找回自信 Seek faith back 奋斗的青春是最美的 The struggling youth Out of sight, out of mind眼不见,心不烦 人走茶凉,离久情疏 It is a wise father that knows

15、his child 即使父亲也不一定了解孩子 She is a dragon lady 小龙女母老虎/强势女人A love child幻灯片82可爱的孩子? 私生子?bastard 幻灯片83 She is robbing the cradle 幻灯片84 street worker Street girl 三陪服务 傍大款 Escort service 出人头地 Be somebody Make a career 我和爱人自由恋爱结婚的.My wife and I got married after free love.负责干部 responsible cadre 休息室 resting p

16、lace 翻译水平 translation level 一次性用品 Disposable products 旅游热点a hot spot of tourism宣传部门propaganda departmentThere was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead天未下雪,但叶落草枯The problem of alternative fuels of vehicle is one problem we shall approach.车辆的代用燃料是我们将要着手处理的一个问题。Thats a tall

17、story about the towns high street.关于这个城镇主街的说法实在令人难以置信他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时的柴米油盐问题。We believe that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust.我们相信,年青一代将不会辜负我们的信任。Such flights couldnt long escape notice.这类飞行迟早会被人发觉的There is a mix of confrontation and cooperation between them.他们之间既有对

18、抗,又有合作。Human affairs are all subject to changes and disasters.人世间,事不由己,变迁灾祸,难以逆料。Every day now, the suppression of truth and the organizing of public ignorance shame journalism.现在,天天都在隐瞒真相,愚弄公众,这种做法是新闻界的耻辱。Ring farewell to the century of physics, the one to which we split the atom and turned silicon

19、 into computing power. 向物理世纪告别吧,在这个世纪里,我们分裂了原子,把硅变为计算机的动力。向物理学的世纪告别吧,在这个世纪里,我们实现了原子的分裂,我们把硅变成了计算能力。As a place to live, it left much to be desired. As a secret training base for a new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity.作为居住的地方,这里有许多不足之处,但作为新飞机秘密训练基地,却是非常理

20、想的。因为它地处边陲,人们不易发觉其中的活动。Distance from the event should make the memories less painful. 时过境迁,痛苦的往事自然在记忆中淡漠。 Small talk is what friends make when standing around doing nothing. Small talk serves as a good ice breaker when people do not know each other. Rich women for the most part keep themselves busy

21、with innumerable trifles of whose earth-shaking importance they are firmly persuaded. 有钱的女人相信,她们花很多时间忙于那些琐碎的小事是因为这些小事事关重大 3. He liked to unwind with a cocktail before dinner. 4. Wont you rewind the movie to its beginning? 5. Tom is just another kid in the neighborhood.6. Well, I heard some people Ch

22、atting just the other day7. China s path to economic take-off has been fairly standard. 8. John and Maryhititofffrom the very beginning. Im not a hit-and-run type Hit the road/books 幻灯片9 9. When sober he cancomeacrossasan extremely pleasant and charming young man 10. The Americans come across as eas

23、y-going at first sight.:1. What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. 2.This is a wet summer.3. How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart?. 4. Sure, shes only six, but shes old enough toknow better thanto run off without us.She has outgr

24、own the habit of biting her nails5. John knew he was skating on the ice, but he could not resist teasing her sister about her boyfriend. 幻灯片376.Not many people dare to venture into the unknown.7.The rest of evening passed in a blur. 8.My uncle remembered me on my birthday. 幻灯片39 9.The bacteria pneum

25、onia may complicate influenza at both extremes of age.10.I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain.他动用关系,使儿子谋得一个理想的工作Used connections, secure a job 3. The days as a 6th grader will last forever in his memory. 4. The days as a senior/junior will last forever in his memory.5. As a result

26、of those economies, many of our important new projects in other fields became possible.幻灯片61由于 (采取了) 这些节约措施,我们在其他方面的许多重要的新工程才得以实施。6.The judge said that he would make an example of Sally and would fine her the maximum amount.。7. The service in the army will be the making of him!Once I was his boss, but now he is mine. 我曾/一度是

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