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1、s interested in the material-我会邀请有兴趣投入and I would add someone who is really interested to work,我们上次谈到的那种努力的人上来to put the kind of effort that we talked about last time.你不需要投入那种Just not the kind of effort that we would require you to为了明白某个概念而大为头痛的努力wreck your head about understanding certain concept,而

2、是努力把这些观念融入你的生活but it is effort in terms of applying these ideas to your lives.也许你之所以上这门课程Now you may want to take this class,是因为你对积极心理学的理论感兴趣because you are interested on academic level in positive这也没问题psychology thats perfectly fine.你将会得到很多.And youll get many-我们每节课都会谈到非常多的研究well talk about numerous

3、 studies in every lecture,从下节课开始starting next time.我们将接二连三地谈到那些研究Well talk about study after study after study,所以你也可以得到理论方面的知识so youll get that element as well.但是 如果你修积极心理学However,if you are thinking about taking positive psychology是为了个人利益 那么你就需要努力for personal benefits,you need to put the effort in.

4、对此今天我会作进一步的阐述And Ill talk more about that today.所以这门课程任何人都可以修So the class is for everyone.包括那些非常开心而且想更开心的人Anyone whos extremely happy and wants to be happier,及那些不开心但是想更开心的人and anyone whos not happy and wants to be happier.考试成绩 这不是个问题Pass/fail- perfectly fine.这门课程的宗旨以你们的利益为上Again the idea about this

5、class is first and foremost for you.所以我建议如果你想及格So I would urge you if you do take pass那么就要努力and fail to put in the work,因此是否及格的决定因素之一and thats why the one element of pass/fail is not negotiable is就是所有的回应报告必须交上来that all the response papers have to be submitted.回应报告不会评分Now the response papers,as you k

6、now,are not graded.它们基本上就是心得体会They are basically reflection papers.也就是你会思考能够融入Will you reflect about the ideas about things你的生活的想法和事情吗that can be applied to your life它们是必需要交的But they are required.你交上来 你就及格So you hand them in,you pass.不交就不及格If you dont hand them in,you fail.除此之外But other than that,by

7、 all means,如果你想参加考试 那也没问题if you want to take this class pass/fail,it第三件事Third thing,在这门课程你将会接触很多理论和观点youll be exposed to many theories,to many ideas in this class.不是所有理论观点都会引起你的共鸣Not everything would resonate of you.2008年出版了一本很棒的书Theres a wonderful book just came out in 2008,就在两周前 书名叫快乐之道just two we

8、eks ago,called The How of Happiness它由Sonja Lyubomirsky所著by Sonja Lyubomirsky.在书中她谈到了一个概念.And there she talks about the concept-她是加州大学河滨分校的教授shes a professor at Riverside (UC),哈佛大学的毕业生 斯坦福大学的研究生Harvard college graduate and went to Stanford for graduate school她谈到了找到适合的重要性she talks about the importance

9、 of finding fit,63也就是某种方法meaning the fit between certain technique,某种工具 某种观点是否适合你or tool,or idea,and yourself.并不是你听到的每种观点Not every idea,每种研究not every study that youve heard about,以及你运用的每种介入方法.not every intervention that you actually practice你在生活中将会运用介入方法and you will practice interventions in your li

10、fe,不管是作善举whether its doing acts of kindness,还是表达感激s expressing gratitude,还是体育锻炼 还是写日记s physical exercising,whether its journaling.这些事情你在整个学期里都要做You will do all these things throughout the semester.然而并不是一切都适合你Not everything would be right for you.你将会接触它Youll be exposed to it.尝试它ll try it.然后你将作出决定And

11、then youll make up your mind,对 我想把它融入到生活中yes,this is what I want to incorporate或者不 它对我没什么意义or no,this is just not relevant for me.所以记住这一点很重要So its important to keep that in mind.我所说的一切都有研究论证Anything that I talk about is backed by research,但是研究没有说它适合所有人but the research doesnt say its right for everyo

12、ne.它说这对于大多数人或者对于很多人It says its for most people or for many people;都有作用或者正在起作用this has worked or it is working.所以你要积极参与到课程中So again be an active participant in this class而非某种学说的被动接受者as opposed to passive recipient of a doctrine.鉴别哪些东西适合你.不是一切东西And identify the things that work for you- not everything

13、.我敢说并非一切东西都适合你I guarantee not everything will work for you,但是有很多东西会适合你but a lot of things will.关于我之前提到的回应报告Your response papers that I just mentioned earlier:它们在下午五点钟就要交 很抱歉they are due at 5 pm,sorry,从下周二开始你将在每周二下午五点收到ll get them by 5 pm on Tuesday,starting next Tuesday.然后在周日下午五点前交到你的任务组And they wil

14、l be due at 5 pm on Sunday to your TF.回应报告对大多数人来说Again the response papers are usually for most people fun,都是有趣而好玩的活动interesting and engaging activities.它不会评分 它让你去思考Not graded,just basically for you to reflect,并通过它们去成长for you to grow through them.要写论文的人Thesis writers.你们中有多少人要写论文How many of you are t

15、hesis writers请举手让我看看Just so I get a show of hand here.好的 很抱歉 我没有在开玩笑Ok,I am sorry. No Im kidding.要写论文的人 你们不用参加期中考试Thesis writers: youll not need to take the midterms.我知道那段时间里非常紧张.I know its crunch time around that time-我自己也经历过那段时期being through it myself here.所以你们不用参加期中考试So youll not have to take the

16、 midterm.你的期末考占更多分数Your final will account for more.除非你想参加期中考试Unless you want to take the midterm,当然我们非常欢迎你参加of course youll more than welcome to.我们不会把你扔到教室外面we wont throw you out of the classroom.写论文的人可以不用参加Your thesis writers may.网上将会有很多公告ll be many announcements online.请经常查看网站Do check the website

17、 on the regular basis.我们会发布很多东西 而不是向你发邮件We communicate a lot of things. Instead of sending you emails,我们会发布公告ll have the announcements.需要经常查看一下 大概每天六七次Check them regularly,about 6 7 times a day.这只是开玩笑Just kidding.一两天一次就已经足够了Once a day or once every two days is more than enough.在开始课程之前.d like Before

18、I do jump into the material今天的课程非常令人兴奋and we have a very exciting lecture today,我们会邀请进修学院任务组组长Deb Levyto invite Deb Levy who is the head TF for extension school-哈佛进修学院的同学们so extension school students,我知道该学院的一些同学在这里I know there are a couple of you here,还有一些在家里.those of you at home-有请 Deb Levyhere she

19、 is. Deb Levy.00:06:13,050 - 00:14,280好的Deb Levy:Alright.我大概有二三十分钟的发言时间I have about 20,30 minutes to talk所以我会从我小时候讲起.这只是开玩笑so Im gonna start with my childhood. I am just kidding.我是进修学院的任务组组长 我们很激动I am the head TF for the extension school and we are thrilled.进修学院有296名学生在选修这门课程We have 296 extension st

20、udents taking this course online,也就是说他们会收看视频which means they are going to watch videos,进修学院的学生们and then extension students你们会参加电话会议ll be in sections on teleconference,人们会打电话进来When people are gonna call in,所以我们将会有电话会议there are gonna be teleconferences这是个很好的机会which is going to be a great opportunity.我

21、们跟新西兰的人打声招呼Lets say hi to people out there in New Zealand.还有法国的 肯塔基州的 莱克星顿的人Hi. France. Kentucky. Lexington.真是难以置信Its really unbelievable.另一件事就是 我想拍一张照片So the other thing is I want to take a picture actually.教室里不准拍照(Tal: No pictures in the classroom.)也给你拍一张 Talll take a picture Tal.我不会授课So I am not

22、going to do any lecturing.但是Tal和我有着相似的系统知识But since Tal and I have very similar systematic stuff,所以如果Tal因某种原因缺席的话so if Tal is absent for any reason,我会代你授课ll be doing the lecture for you.很好 Good.)另一件事就是 进修学院的学生们The other is: people who are extension,希望你们要耐心点I want to you be patient.我们会尽快把信息发出去We are

23、going to get information out there as soon as we can.大概下周你们就会分组ll all be sectioned in next week or so.能来这里真是太激动了And feel thrilled to be here.好的 谢谢你 DebGreat. Thank you Deb.我想以一个故事开始今天的课程So I want to start with a story,那是两年前发生在我身上的事something that happened to me exactly 2 years ago,恰好两年just about to t

24、he day,那是我上次教积极心理学的最后一节课when was the last time when I taught positive psychology.那学期开始的时候As the semester started,同时那是压力很大的一个时期 我的导师it was a very stressful period also,my mentor,我要把这节课程who I am dedicating this class as well as以及将来的积极心理学课程献给all my future positive psychology class is to,在课程开始前一天去世的Phil

25、ip StonePhilip Stone passed away just the day before the class started.那时候我压力非常大Very stressful period.我生病了 病得非常严重And I got sick. And I got very sick.然而我还是上完了课Somehow I got through the class.我教授周四的课程 它从两年前开始I taught the Thursday class. That started 2 years ago.课程在周二上It started on Tuesday. So I taught

26、 on Tuesday.后来改为周四 我服了很多药Somehow Thursday,completely drugged.This lecture I made it through somehow.我回家后无法入睡And I went to home and I couldnt fall asleep.我感到非常痛 所以我去看医生了I was in real pain. I went to the doctors.那是周五下午 我说That was on Friday afternoon,just saying我必须要看医生 我服的药不起作用you know I have to go. Th

27、e medication I took didnt help.我去看了医生 验了血Went to the doctors. Had some blood tests.几天无法入睡之后And finally after days I couldnt sleep由于痛苦我终于睡着了because of pain,fell asleep.那是周五晚上This was Friday night.午夜的时候电话响了In the midnight,there was a phone call.我没有去接 我很快睡着了I dont hear it. I am fast asleep.我的妻子Tommy拿起了话筒My wife picks it up. Tommy picks it up.那是医生打来的s the doctor.医生对Tommy说And the doctor say

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