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1、篇一:黑客帝国经典对话与墨菲斯对话:this. 这.is the construct. 是主架构39:03.75lts our loading program. 资料载入程式 39:06.05we can load anything. from clothing. 应有尽有 .to equipment. 包括有衣服器材.weapons. 武器 simulations. 模拟训练 39:14.66.anything we need. 要什么有什么39:31.44your appearance now is what we call residual self-

2、image. 这是所谓的“残留自我影像” : 39:35.48lt is the mental projection of your digital self. 你在虚拟世界的投影this isnt real? what is real? 这不是真的?什么是真实? 39:47.29how do you define real? 真实该怎么定义? lf youre talking about what you can feel. what you can smell. taste and see. 如果你指的是触觉 嗅觉、味觉和视觉 39:54.63.then real is simply el

3、ectrical signals interpreted by your brain. 那全是大脑接收的电子讯号 this is the world that you know. 这是你熟悉的世界 40:06.54the world as it was at the end of the 20th century. 就是二十世纪末的世界40:11.95lt exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation. 其实这是互动的虚拟世界40:16.55.that we call the matrix. 我们所谓的母体 40:22.3

4、3youve been living in a dream world. neo. 你一直活在梦世界,尼欧40:51.16we have only bits and pieces of information. 我们只有残缺的资料40:53.76but what we know for certain is that in the early 21st century. 不过我们知道在21世纪初.all of mankind was united in celebration. 全人类欢欣鼓舞 41:01.30we marveled at our own magnificence as we

5、gave birth to al. 庆祝我们伟大的成就 ai终于研发成功 al. ai? you mean artificial intelligence. 你是说人工智慧? 41:10.61a singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. 这个人工智慧繁衍出电脑人41:15.95we dont know who struck first. us or them. 谁先攻击谁已经不可考41:19.78but we know that it was us that scorched the sky. 不过人类却遮蔽

6、了天空41:24.72they were dependent on solar power. 当时电脑人只能依靠太阳能41:27.06.and it was believed that they would be unable to survive. 人类以为电脑人只要41:30.79.without an energy source as abundant as the sun. 失去太阳的能量就会灭亡throughout human history. we have been dependent on machines to survive. 在近代的历史 人类一直仰赖电脑生存 41:40

7、.90fate. it seems. is not without a sense of irony. 命运,它似乎充满了反讽42:10.43there are fields. neo. endless fields. 它们开发出一望无际的场地42:14.44.where human beings are no longer born. 人类不再从娘胎出生42:18.38we are grown. 而是被栽培出来for the longest time. l wouldnt believe it. 我一直不肯相信 42:29.09and then l saw the fields with m

8、y own eyes. 直到我亲眼看见它们42:32.99.watched them liquefy the dead. 将死人融化 they could be fed intravenously to the living. 融化的液体用来喂食新生儿42:38.86and standing there. facing the pure. horrifying precision. 我眼睁睁看着它们规律的运作42:43.30.l came to realize the obviousness of the truth. 终于知道残酷的真相built to keep us

9、under control.为了控制所有的人类 in order to change a human being.into this. 把我们从人变成这玩意与先知对话:do not try and bend the spoon. 别试着折弯汤匙 thats impossible. 那是不可能的lnstead. only try to realize the truth. 你要试着看清真相 what truth? 什么真相? there is no spoon. 汤匙不存在 71:32.13there is no spoon? 没有汤匙?71:33.70then youll see that i

10、t is not the spoon that bends. lt is only yourself. 改变的不是汤匙,而是你自己l know youre neo. 我知道你是尼欧be right with you. 我马上来 -youre the oracle? -bingo. -你就是祭师? -答对了 72:15.70not quite what you were expecting. right? 跟你想像的不一样,对吧? almost done. 快好了 72:24.31smell good. dont they? 很香,对吧? yeah. -ld ask you to sit dow

11、n. -很香 -我就不请你坐了 72:30.75.but youre not going to anyway. 反正你也不会坐 72:33.66-and dont worry about the vase. -what vase? -花瓶的事没关系 -什么花瓶?that vase. 那个花瓶 lm sorry. 对不起 72:43.07l said. dont worry about it. 我说没关系72:46.13lll get one of my kids to fix it. 我会叫那些孩子修 72:48.67how did you know? 你怎么知道?72:51.91whats

12、really going to bake your noodle later on is. 让你觉得更困惑的是72:55.94.would you still have broken it if l hadnt saidanything? 我不说你会打破花瓶吗?73:03.85youre cuter than l thought. 你比我想的更帅 morpheus believes in you. neo. 莫斐斯相信你,尼欧 lost. 没人习惯这种生活 整批人都死亡and no one. not you. not even me. 没有任何人,包括你和我 91:48.78some beli

13、eve that. 有些电脑人相信73:08.79l can see why she likes you. 难怪她喜欢你 73:11.96-who? -not too bright. though. -谁? -你不太聪明 73:18.40you know why morpheus brought you to see me. 莫斐斯对你很有信心so. 那么 .what do you think? 你觉得呢?73:28.98do you think you are the one? 你是救世主吗? 73:32.71honestly. l dont know. 老实说,不知道 you know w

14、hat that means? 你看得懂吗? lts latin. 拉丁文 73:40.89means. know thyself. 意思是“了解自己” 73:44.59lll let you in on a little secret. 我跟你说个秘密 being the one is just like being in love. 当救世主就像谈恋爱 73:53.30no one can tell you youre in love. you just know it. 没什么道理,你却很确定.through and through. 全身上下都知道 balls to bones. 从毕

15、丸到骨子里都知道 well. 那74:05.31.ld better have a look at you. 我最好看看你 open your mouth. say. ah. 张开口说“啊” okay. 好的now lm supposed to say. hmm. thats interesting. but. 现在我该说 有意思,不过 then you say. 你要反问 74:34.28.but what? 不过什么?74:35.68but you already know what lm going to tell you. 你早就知道我要说什么lm not the one. -sorry. kid. -我不是救世主 -小子,很抱歉 you got the gift. 你很有潜力 .but it looks like youre waiting for something. 不过你在等待什么74:55.93

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