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人教版选修6单元综合复习Unit 2 Poems.docx

1、人教版选修6单元综合复习Unit 2 Poems人教版选修6单元综合复习:Unit 2 Poems选修6 Unit 2 PoemsI. 单元基础知识1. 核心单词(1) concrete adj. (2) repetition n. (3) championship n. (4) emotion n (5) endless adj. (6) contradictory adj. (7) appropriate adj. (8) vt.传达;运送(9) adv.最后;终于 (10) n负担;负荷物(尤指沉重的)(11) vi.& vt.转化;转换;改造;变换(12) n交换;交流;互换 vt.&

2、 vi.调换;交换(13) vi.& vt.取笑;招惹;戏弄 (14) n悲伤;悲痛;懊悔 adj.悲伤的(15) n诗(总称);诗意 n诗 n诗人2.高频短语(1) try out (2) hold on (3) be appropriate for (4) let out (5) 为所喜欢;受欢迎(6) 用完(7) 尤其;特别(8) 轻松;不紧张;从容3.重点句型(1)_, children learn about language.孩子们通过童谣中的文字游戏学习语言。 (2)_, this stone would utter speech.行人归来石应语。(3) There are va

3、rious reasons_.人们写诗有许多原因。(4) And said _they all were true.而且说,虽然奇怪,但它们都是真的。(5) Some rhyme (like B)_ others do not (like C)有些诗押韵(像B),但也有些不是这样(像C)。II. 考点精析及演练1. convey vt. 传达;表达;运送;传导;传播【常见用法】 convey sth. to sb. 向某人表达/传递某物convey sb./sth. from A to B把某人或某物从A地运送到B地convey ones feelings/meanings 表达某人的感情/意

4、思【用法检测】(1)As a teacher rich in experience, he knows exactly to the students.作为一个经验丰富的老师,他知道如何准确地向学生表达他的想法。(2)He insisted that all the injured in the fire on January 2nd, 2015 from the spot to the hospital at once.他坚持所有在2015年1月2日的火灾事故中的伤员应该立刻从事故现场转移到医院。2. appropriate adj. 适当的;恰当的;合适的【常见用法】 at appropr

5、iate time在适当的时候 be appropriate to/for适于;合乎It is appropriate that sb. (should) do.某人做是恰当的【易混辨析】 fit, proper, suitable, appropriatefit指具有适合于某个目的、某种工作或某种用途等的品质或条件proper往往侧重于符合某个标准或习惯suitable指具有适合于某种特定场合、地位或情况等的品质appropriate指专门适合于某人或某事,语气较重,强调“恰如其分”3. exchange n.交换;互换;交流;兑换;v.调换;交换;交流;兑换【短语集锦】exchange A

6、 for B 拿A换B in exchange for变换;交换exchange sth. with sb.与某人交换某物 in exchange作为交换exchange thoughts/ideas交流思想 exchange students交换生【用法检测】Where can I exchange my dollars_ pounds?I exchanged seats_ Bill.He gave me an apple_ exchange for a piece of cake._.(用动词exchange改写句子)4. load n.负担;负荷物;v.装载;装填【短语集锦】take a

7、 load off ones mind卸下心头重负 have a load on ones mind放心不下loads ofa load of许多 be loaded with负载load.with.用装载 load sth. into/onto sth.把放在/装进【用法检测】(1)完成句子。Knowing that they had arrived safely took a load _my mind.He didnt want to be loaded _any new impressions.(2) 用过去分词短语作状语改写句子。Because locusts are loaded

8、with protein,they taste a bit like fried chicken._ 5. take it easy轻松;别紧张;从容【短语集锦】take things easy别紧张,慢慢来 take ones time不匆忙;别着急take.seriously认真对待 take ones chance碰运气take it for granted想当然,自以为是【用法检测】 (1)She was nervous,but her husband told her _.(2)_its just a short distance from here to the restauran

9、t.take it easy6. run out of (人)用完;从中流出/跑出【同义表达】run out of, give out, use up, finish up【易混辨析】run out结束;用完(主语为物,无被动语态)run out of结束;用完 (主语为人,可用被动)give out用完(不及物,一般不用于进行时);放出(热、光等);公布;分发use up用完;耗尽(及物)【用法检测】 改写句子。He ran out of his ink.(1)_ (改为被动句)(2) _ (用run out改写句子)(3) _ (用give out改写句子)(4) _ (用use up改写

10、句子)7. hold on (电话用语)别挂断,等一下;坚持;紧紧抓住【短语集锦】hold back阻挡;抑制;克制;控制 hold on to抓住;保留hold up举起;支撑;耽搁;抢劫 hold out伸出;维持【用法检测】 (1)Emily Galvin, his lawyer, _ tears as Mr. South embraced his sons.(2)We were_ by a traffic jam.(3)She_ her gloved hand to shake mine.8. let out发出;放走,释放;(把衬衣、外套等)放大、放长、加宽;泄密【同义表达】 let

11、 out,give away,betray【短语集锦】let alone不打扰;更不用说 let sb./sth.be听任;不打扰let down使失望;辜负 let go (of) 放开;释放;忽略【用法检测】 写出下列句子中let out的汉语意思。(1)Throwing their hats into the air, the winning team fans let out loud shouts._ (2)It lets sunlight in but doesnt let heat out. _ (3)He didnt let out anything important. _9

12、. make sense 有意义;讲得通;言之有理【短语拓展】in a sense 在某种意义上 common sense 常识 make sense of 搞清的意思 in the sense of 从意义上说 in a broad sense 广义上讲 no sense 不必;没道理sense of responsibility 责任感,责任心 sense of humor 幽默感,幽默【用法检测】单项选择 Im sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty good of direction. A. idea B.

13、feeling C. experience D. senseIII. 语法 虚拟语气(II)(一) 虚拟语气在宾语从句中的应用1. 用在wish之后的宾语从句中。wish后的宾语从句使用虚拟语气,表示不能实现的愿望。主句用法从句谓语动词的形式主语+wish表示现在不能实现的愿望一般过去时(be用were)表示过去不能实现的愿望had+过去分词表示将来不能实现的愿望would(could)+动词原形注:当从句主语为第一人称时,应说I wish I could,一般不说I wish I would。如:I wish I could become a scientist some day. 我希望将来某一天能成为科学家。2. 用在表示命令、建议、要求等一类动词后面的宾语从句。表示命令、建议、要求等动词后面的从句中用“should+动词原形”构成虚拟语气,其中”should”可以省略,这些常见动词为:一坚持(insist)二命令(command, order)三建议(advise, suggest, proposal)四要求(request, require, demand, desire)。注:当insist表示“坚持认为”、suggest表

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