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1、随后代理处发起了一场以自由、逃避压力、松弛和享受西部户外景色等旅行体验为中心的运动。强调乘坐火车旅行得到的各种体验,并且把在西部乘火车旅行描绘成奇妙的历险。广告展出了许多在一些比较有名的西部路线上可以欣赏到的美丽风光的照片,并且突出一些火车的浪漫名称,如“帝国开拓者”等等。这些广告都很有策略地安排在适合全家人观看的电视剧和有关自然与美国的节目中,以期最为有效地接触到目标观众。结果令人印象深刻,比如在一则广告中被重点介绍的“帝国开拓者”,从芝加哥到西雅图线路的利润增加了15个百分点。难 句 解 析1. Therefore, the task for DDB Needham was to enco

2、urage consumers to consider other aspects of train travel in order to change their attitudes and increase the likelihood that trains would be considered for travel in the west.【分析】复合句。句中was后面为不定式作表语,其中in order to引导两个并列关系的短语表目的,其中that引导定语从句 修饰 the likelihood。2. The agency then developed a campaign th

3、at focused on travel experiences such as freedom, escape, relaxation, and enjoyment of the great western outdoors.that 引导定语从句修饰 campaign,such as后四个词语并列,of the great western outdoors 作后置定语修饰enjoyment。3. Advertisements showed pictures of the beautiful scenery that could be enjoyed along some of the mo

4、re famous western routes and emphasized the romantic names of some of these trains(Empire Builder, etc.).【分析】并列复合句。第一个分句中 of the beautiful scenery 为后置定语,修饰 pictures,that 引导的定语从句修饰 the beautiful scenery。第二个分句中 of some of these trains 为后置定语,修饰 the romantic names。下面我们学习文中标红的高频词#09#09高频词汇comprise* /k5m9

5、praIz/ vt. 构成,组成;包含,包括【联想】com(共同) prise(奖赏) 奖赏包含大家的努力 包含【引申】同义consist of 由组成contain vt. 包含,容纳include vt. 包括,包含involve vt. 包含,含有【活用例句】Women comprise a high proportion of part-time workers. 兼职工人中妇女占绝大部分。decline* /dI9klaIn/ n. & vi. 下降,减少;衰退 v. 谢绝,拒绝【联想】谢绝(decline)背我过斜坡(incline)【搭配】a rapid decline 迅速下降

6、;decline in profits 利润减少;on the decline在消减,在衰退;decline an invitation 谢绝邀请【引申】同义weaken v. (使)变弱,(使)减弱【活用例句】I offered to give them a lift but they declined. 我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们婉言谢绝了。/Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s. 英国工业自 20 世纪 70 年代以来一直在走下坡路。transportation /8trnspO:9teISFn/ n. 运输,运输

7、系统,运输工具【引申】同根transport vt. 运输 n. 运输系统,运输工具【听力例句】Transportation in the future wont be limited to the ground;many people predict that traffic will quickly move to the sky.将来的交通将不仅仅限于在地上,很多人预言说交通将很快可以移到天空。05.6portion* /9pO:SFn/ n. 一部分;一份【联想】port(看作 part 部分) ion 一部分【引申】同义part n. 一部分【听力例句】They are a smal

8、l portion of the prison population. 他们是监狱里总人数的一小部分。02.1 同义proportion* /pr59pO:SFn/ n. 比例,部分;均衡,相称【词根】pro(许多) portion(一部分)按比例分成小份比例,部分【短语】in proportion to. 按照的比例,与成比例【活用例句】When carbon is added to iron in proper proportions the result is steel. 往铁中加入适量的碳,铁就会变成钢。派生proportional /pr59pO:SFnl/ a. (to)比例的,

9、成比例的【词根】来自proportion(比例) al(的)成比例的【听力例句】So the figures for the growth of towns and cities represent proportional growth of unemployment and underemployment, a growth in the number of hopeless and despairing parents and starving children.因此,满足不断壮大的城市和城镇需要的人口数量的增长,相应地代表着失业人口、未充分就业人口、绝望的双亲和饥饿的孩子的数量的增长。

10、07.12relaxed a. 放松的;轻松自在的,悠闲的【搭配】a relaxed atmosphere 无拘无束的气氛【引申】同根relaxation n. 松弛,缓和【听力例句】A pickpocket needs targets who are relaxed and off guard.扒手行窃的目标是那些放松的和没有警觉的人。04.1campaign* /km9peIn/ n. (政治或商业性)活动,运动;战役 vi. 参加(或发起)运动,参加竞选【词根】camp(营地) aign(=plain)平原在平原扎营准备开战战役【搭配】an advertising campaign 广告

11、宣传活动;campaign for better working conditions 为更好的工作条件而发起运动【引申】同义movement n. 运动【活用例句】The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.该党为即将来临的竞选活动已完全作好了准备。adventure* /5d9ventSF(r)/ n. 异乎寻常的经历,奇遇;冒险,冒险活动【词根】ad(表加强) venture(冒险)奇遇【活用例句】They set out on a daring space adventure. 他们着手进行一项大胆的

12、太空探险。adventurous /5d9ventSFr5s/ a. 有冒险精神的,大胆开拓的;新奇的【搭配】adventurous tourists 探险的旅游者;adventurous dishes 新奇的菜肴【活用例句】My husband loves adventurous life while I enjoy a more peaceful domestic life.我丈夫喜欢充满冒险的生活,而我则喜欢宁静的家居生活。scenery* /9si:n5rI/ n. 风景,景色;舞台布景【词根】来自 scene(风景;布景) ry(表总称)【引申】同义landscape n. 风景,景

13、色view n. 景色,风景scene n. 景色,景象【活用例句】The scenery was beautiful beyond description.那风景美丽得难以形容。romantic /r5(U)9mntIk/ a. 浪漫的,多情的;传奇性的;不切实际的,空想的【发音】该词是音译词“罗曼蒂克”浪漫的【搭配】a romantic view of life 对于生活不切实际的想法【活用例句】When I was young, I had romantic ideas of becoming a writer. 我年轻时曾幻想要成为一名作家。impressive* /Im9presIv

14、/ a. 给人印象深刻的;感人的【词根】来自 impress(使铭记) ive(的)【搭配】impressive results 令人印象深刻的结果;an impressive speech 感人的演说【听力例句】Your company has an impressive reputation and I always want to work for a smaller company.贵公司声誉很好,并且我一直希望为一家小一些的公司工作。 06.6同根impress /Im9pres/ vt. 给以深刻的印象,使铭记;印,压印【联想】在申请书上盖印(impress)就表示(express

15、)领导同意【搭配】impress sb with. 以 (因) 给某人留下印象;impress sth on sb使某人铭记某事物;impress. on /in sth把压印在某物上/压入某物【阅读例句】When advertisers create a brand, for example, they want to impress consumers with the brand and its image.举个例子,广告商创造了一个品牌,他们想让人们对这个品牌形象留下深刻的印象。08.6profit* /9pr(e7)fIt/ n. 利润,收益;益处 vi. 有益于,得益于【搭配】ma

16、ke a profit on. 在上受益;net / gross profit 纯(毛)利;profit by / from得益【引申】同义advantage n. 利益,好处benefit n. 益处,好处earnings / gain n. 收益,利润反义loss n. 损失【听力例句】As much of their business is seasonal, they do a good deal of the work themselves in order to make a profit.因为他们的很多生意是季节性的,所以为了盈利他们自己也要做大量的工作。03.9下面我们学习文中

17、标黑的常用词#09#09常用词汇method* /9meT5d/ n. 方法,办法;秩序,条理【搭配】a reliable method of data analysis 可靠的数据分析方法;an alternative method 交替法【引申】同义scheme n. 计划,方案;阴谋 v. 密谋【活用例句】She has a very scientific method of dealing with political problems.她处理政治问题的方法很科学。consumer /k5n9sju:m5(r)/ n. 消费者,用户,消耗者【搭配】a consumer society

18、消费社会;consumer demand 消费者的需求【活用例句】Tax cuts will boost consumer confidence after the recession. 减税将增强消费者在经济衰退后的信心。casual / 9kZjU5l/ a. 漠不关心的;随便的,偶然的;不定期的【联想】平常的(usual)时候可以穿非正式的(casual)服装【搭配】casual clothes 便服;worked as a casual laborer 当临时工【阅读例句】This casual use would probably cause little confusion if

19、people didnt attach too much importance to opinion. 如果人们不过分看重这个词,任意使用也不会造成什么混乱。outdoors* /8aUt9dO:z/ ad. 在户外,在野外 n. 户外,野外【活用例句】Children of all ages should be outdoors several hours a day.各个年龄段的孩子每天都应户外活动几个小时。wonderful /9w(f6)nd5f(U)l/ a. 令人惊奇的,极好的,奇妙的【活用例句】Wonderful dreams may come true or may vanis

20、h into thin air.美梦也许会成真,也许会成为泡影。fantastic /fn9tstIk/ a. 难以相信的;极好的;异想天开的;奇异的【词根】是fantasy的形容词形式【听力例句】Look! The view is fantastic, could you take a picture of me with the lake as a background?快看!景色太美了,你能给我拍一张以这个湖为背景的照片吗? 04.1route* /ru:t/ n. 路线,路程【联想】rout(外面的) er和e形路线是通往外面的【引申】同义course n. 路线,航线【阅读例句】If

21、 you know exactly what you want, the best route to a job is to get specialized training. 如果你明确你想干的工作,那么求职的最佳途径是接受那方面的专业训练。audience /9O:dj5ns,9O:dI5ns/ n. 听众,观众,读者【词根】audi(听) ence(的人)听的人听众【听力例句】Each speech is different because she tailors her remarks to each audience. 她做的每一次演讲都是不同的,因为观众不同,她的演讲也不同。08.

22、12Text 2 The Future Automated Highway System Some pessimistic experts feel that the automobile is bound to fall into disuse. They see a day in the not too distant future when all autos will be abandoned and allowed to rust. Other authorities, however, think the auto is here to stay. They hold that t

23、he car will remain a leading means of urban travel in the foreseeable future.The motorcar will undoubtedly change significantly over the next 30 years. It should become smaller, safer, and more economical, and should not be powered by the gasoline engine. The car of the future should be far more pollution free than present types.Regardless of its power source, the auto in the future will still be the main problem in urban traffic congestion (拥挤). One proposed solution to

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