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高考英语复习七选五阅读 专项练习题10篇含答案.docx

1、高考英语复习七选五阅读 专项练习题10篇含答案2020年高考英语复习:七选五阅读 专项练习题10篇AIn the middle of the Pacific Ocean lies the tiny island nation of Tuvalu,the fourth smallest country in the world. This group of four islands and five atolls (islands made from coral) is famous for its sandy beaches and turquoise (蓝绿色的) waters and ha

2、s long been a popular tourist destination for nearby New Zealanders. However, the nation of Tuvalu is at risk of soon no longer existing; not because of war or political change, but because it will be covered by the rising ocean.Tuvalu is experiencing the harmful effects of global warming. As global

3、 temperatures rise, so does the ocean temperature. Due to the scientific law of “thermal expansion,” when water heats it get bigger. 1 Most experts claim that the effects of climate change will make Tuvalu uninhabitable within the next 50 years. Problems are already emerging. As sea levels rise, oce

4、an water containing high levels of salt is travelling further and further inland destroying the little amount of soil Tuvaluans have to grow crops.Even before Tuvaluans began to suffer from the effects of climate change, lift on Tuvalu was tough. 2 Most of the land on an atoll is rock-hard arid any

5、soil that exists on it is usually thin and poor for growing crops. The nation has always had to import food apart from fish.More serious than Tuvalus lack of home-grown food has been its lack of drinking water.3 Therefore, Tuvaluans depend almost entirely on rainwater for their water needs. Unfortun

6、ately, due to a geographical phenomenon known as La Nina, Tuvalu often suffers from long periods of drought. In autumn 2010, after seven months of no rain, the Prime Minister had to declare a state of emergency riot only because of a lack of drinking water, but also because the water left was pollut

7、ed with cholera (霍乱) 4_ Tuvalus problems have led some of its 11, 000 inhabitants to consider migrating to Australia or New Zealand.5 They know theyll have to someday, but for as long as possible, they want to remain and make the world aware of what is happening to their homeland due to chimate chan

8、ge.AIt was a desperate situation and, but for emergency shipments from New Zealand and Australia, many Tuvaluans would have died.BThis is largely due to the geological makeup of atolls.CUnlike normal islands, atolls have no rivers or streams, which means that most of Tuvalu has no groundwater to use

9、 for drinking.DTuvalus representatives demanded that nations should take a more responsible rote in reducing gas emissions.E. Therefore, sea levels are rising and for low-lying Tuvalu, this spells disaster.F. However, they ate not willing to abandon the land of their forefathers so easily.G.And as a

10、 member of the United Nations, they are doing just that.BNewtons law of motion, where every action has a reaction, is appropriate not just to physics. 6 from the value of products and prices of produces to customer choices, advertising affects society and plays an important role in increasing busine

11、ss sales.7 When companies use advertising, sales increase, according to Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet, founder of a French advertising company. The increase in business sales also promotes the quality of life for consumers. Basically, advertising causes a chain reaction that increases the economy of the

12、 area where the product or service ad is.8 In the minds of consumers, advertising can add value to a product. The image or brand that advertising helps to create becomes a part of the product, which is what makes one product brand more valuable than the competitors. This is why a consumer may be wil

13、ling to pay a higher price for a name brand product rather than buy a brand they are not familiar with at a lower cost.Pricing. 9 It spurs (促进)a sense of competition. When one company advertises a product for its price, its competitors want to stay competitive. Then they may lower their prices to me

14、et the competition.Consumer choice. Advertising also has an influence on businesses because it leads to the creation of new products and improvement of existing products to meet consumers needs. 10However, when advertising introduces a new product that is better than the existing one. market share c

15、an quickly shift to the company offering the newly-advertised product.AProduct value.BProduct quantity.CEconomic influence.DAdvertising can be a form of price control.E. An increase in competition has effects on the market.F. One company may possess a larger share of the market for a time.G. It is a

16、lso true that advertising causes reactions that occur in society and business.CPut on new set of gasses for a new viewToday I visited San Franciscos modern-art museum. I was there to see a new exhibit about spaceflight.11 I like to “visit” this particular painting every time I go to the museum not only because it evokes(唤起)strong feelings, but because I always find something new.Theres r

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