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1、the mother takes it as praise.A.why B. howC. where D. if7.For most people, common cold is a mild illness they will quickly recover.B.A. over thatover whichC.from that D. from which8.We definit ely are not the perfect couple, we don t pretend to be so.A.and B. orC.for D. because9.Could you please tel

2、l mewhere find Professor Smith? His wife has just calledhis office.A.I can B. can I10.Everything very different if your father were alive.A. is B. will beC.was D. would be11. would be wonderful to be able to meet the famous movie star in person.A. It B. ThatC. There D. This12.When I entered the room

3、, I saw him in a front seat staring at a picturein a strange way.A. to sit B. is sittingC. sat D. sitting13.Not only about the food, but he also refused to pay for it.A. he complained B. did he complainC. he had complained D. he did complain14.I am not very good maths. Would you please work out the

4、total cost of ourtrip?A. in B. forC. on D. at15.A. put offC. put out16.Things will settle down as time goA. insteadC. though17.I B.take offD.take outes by. They ll never be the same, B.yetD.tooher my bicycle last month, but she has not returned it yet.B. sentD. lentB. doneIt took them a long time to

5、 the fire because of the strong wind.A. borrowedC. gave18. I swam a kilometer today. Well ! You must be very fit.A. madeC.worked D. kept19.Clearly it is with great that he admitted his mistakes in public.A. reward B. responseC.request D. reluctance20.The man laughing at the idea of an invasion bring

6、ing about democracy.A. burst out B. burst into个最佳答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。 (本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Passage 1Shortly after the war, my brother and I were invited to spend a few days with an uncle who had just returned from abroad. He had rented a cottage in the country, although he rarely spe nt much time there.

7、 We un derstood the reas on for this after our arrival: the cottage had no comfortable furniture in it, many of the windows were broke n and the roof leaked, making the whole house damp.Onour first evening, we sat around the fire after supper listening to the storieswhich our un cle had to tell of h

8、is many adve ntures in dista nt coun tries. I was so tired after the long train journey that I would have preferred to go to bed; but I could not bear to miss any of my uncle s exciting tales.He was just in the middle of describing a rather terrifying experience he had once had when there was a loud

9、 crash from the bedroom above, the one where my brother and I were going to sleep.“It sounds as if the roof has fallen in! ” exclaimed myuncle, with a loud laugh.When we got to the top of the stairs and ope ned the bedroom door, we could see nothing at first because of the thick clouds of dust which

10、 filled the room. When the dust began to clear, a strange sight met our eyes. A large part of the ceiling had collapsed, falling right on to the pillow of my bed. I was glad that I had stayed up late to listen to my uncle s stories, otherwise I should certainly have beenseriously injured, perhaps ki

11、lled.That night we all slept on the floor to the sitting room downstairs, not wishingto risk our lives by sleep ing un der a roof which might at any mome nt collapse on our heads. We left for London the very next morning and my uncle gave up his cottage in the coun try. This was not the kind of adve

12、 nture he cared for either!21.The uncle seldom spe nt much time in the country cottage because .A. the roof of the cottage was falli ng B. the cottage was in a bad con diti onC. he was used to liv ing abroad D. there was no furn iture in it22.The word “crash ” (Line 2, Paragraph 3) most probably ref

13、ers to .A. a cry of terror B. a sudde n ringC. a sound of storm D. a sudde n n oise23.When they ope ned the bedroom door, they could see no thi ng at first because .A. it was completely dark in side B. dust was blow n into their eyesC. someth ing stra nge bli nded them D. there was too much dust i n

14、 the air24.The n arrator felt glad that he had stayed up late because .A. he did not miss the excit ing stories B. he spe nt more time with his uncleC. he had a lucky escape D. he saw a stra nge sight25.Which of the following can best describe the narrator s uncle?A. Adve nturous and good at storyte

15、lli ng. B. Humorous and good at making jokes.C. Good-tempered and sen sible. D. Hospitable and wealthy.Passage 2You might ask, what is Chin glish, any way? It depe nds on whom you ask. Chin ese parents raising their children in English-speaking countries will probably answer:Chinglish is a useful mi

16、x of standard Chinese or Cantonese terms with day-to-day En glish. It is in deed convenient to shorte n a sentence such as “ I don t want togo now because it is too hot and it will be hard to find a parking lot anyway” into “ Don t go la, hot la, tai mafan la. ” For the Chinese high-school teacher,C

17、hinglish is the students unsuccessful attempts to understand English in a Chineseway, resulting in sentences such as “ Please hurry to walk or we ll be late ” or“She is very miserable and her heart broke. ” However, the English-speaking traveler more frequently comes across Chinglish in the form of

18、public sig ns. No matter how one looks at the phe nomenon, one thing is clear: Chin glish is not a Ian guage.Chin glish might be found, accord ing to some scholars, in Chin ese Pidg in ( 混杂语)English, which came to life in the eighteenth century when the British set up their first trad ing posts in G

19、uan gzhou. The term came from the word “ bus in ess ” and served, accord ing to the great Yale China scholar Jon atha n Spencer, “ to keepthe differing communities in touch, by mixing words from Portuguese, Indian, English,and various Chinese dialects, and spelling them according to Chinese grammar.

20、” Some believe that expressions like Long time no see” or “No can do” appeared during that time. Others refer to the late Qi ng-D yn asty Empress Dowager Cixi, who forcedChinese villagers to live and work in the West in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Another possibility is the so-called

21、 Yangjingbang , a mix of English andChinese in the time of L u Xun, China s greatest twentieth-century writer. Very in flue ntial, too, are the large nu mbers of people from China to the Un ited States,who came from the Gold Rush time to the last twenty-five years since the beginning of China s poli

22、cy of Reform and Ope ning.No matter which theory one prefers, two things are certa in: first, Chi nglish exists because people move, and second, as a Ianguage phenomenon (现象),it is almost new. Although most Chinglish expressions are widely regarded as mistakes,occasi on ally someare found enjoyable.

23、 Such errors will not die, as they keep comingall the more in our time, largely tha nks to the In ternet.26.Accord ing to the passage, Chin glish is regarded as useful by .A.some western scholarsB.En glish-speak ing travelersC.Chin ese high-school teachersD.Chin ese pare nts in En glish-speak ing co

24、un tries27.The sec ond paragraph mainly discusses .A.why Chin glish became Chin glish came into beingC.who inven ted the term “ Chin glish ”D.where Chin glish was most popular28.Accord ing to Jon atha n Spen cer, Pidgi n En glish serves to .A.force Chinese villagers to learn EnglishB.ov

25、ercome Ian guage difficulties in bus in peoples com muni cate with each otherD.en large the vocabulary of the Chin ese Ian guage29.Accord ing to the passage, Yan gji ngba ng (Line 11, Paragraph 2) is .A. a kind of Chin glish B. an in flue ntial la nguageC. a mix of any two Ianguages D. a I

26、anguage in Lu Xun s time30.The author s attitude towards Chinglish can be describe d as .A. critical B. objectiveC. emotio nal D. supportiveIII .用国际音标标出下列单词中戈U线字母或字母组合的读音,写在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)(注意:使用新式或老式音标均可 )31.32. fastencough33. Jewish35. mea ns34. favourite36.butcher37.38.hungersmoo

27、thly39. flour47. store40. disease 42. luxury 44. amaze 46. bla nk48.grades49.orangeIV 完形填空。请将你的答案写在答题纸上的相应位置。分,共10分)A.从下列单词中选择恰当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。developsamelasttoifonsensereadmadeuni esslikelytellFrie nds play a very importa nt part in every one s life. Frie ndship begi ns to51 early in childhood. As y

28、ou progress through school, new friends are 52 . Those friends you make whe n you are a stude nt usually 53 a long time. Frie ndsin flue nee your developme nt, your maturity and your 54 of resp on sibility. Afamiliar expressi on is “ You can 55 a lot about a pers on by knowing who hisfriends are. ”

29、Friendship is often based 56 common interests. If you like sports,most of your friends are 57 to be sporty. If you enjoy readi ng and shopp ing,most of your friends like to do the 58 . True friends are those you can talk 59 about any subject or problem. Theyare most valuable, but difficult to find.

30、You can consider yourself very lucky 60_ you have one true friend. This friend is ready to help you whenever necessary, knowing that you would do the same for him or her.B.根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。For many, the ultimate deposit to the Emotional Bank Account comes in forgiving.When you forgive, you ope n the cha nn els 61 . trust and uncon diti o

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