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1、患难见真情 A friend in need is a friend indeed行动胜过语言 Actions speak louder than words蜡烛两头烧,过度劳累 Burn the candle at both ends人人皆有得意时 every dog has its day祸不单行 It never rains but it pours人多活轻 Many hands make light work熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect孤注一掷 pull all your eggs in one basket12. a miss is as good as a

2、 mile 失之毫厘,缪以千里 as good as 和一样as well as 和,与(连接主语,谓语就远原则);和一样好13. pay attention to doing sth 注意/关注做某事 被动: Attention be paid to doing sth 注意:what do you pay attention to to keep healthy? Pay no attention to 不要理会14. work to high standards 工作高标准15. cant be too careful 再仔细也不为过扩充:A boy cant have too many

3、 toys. You cant praise the film too time/oneself/ones life to doing sth 奉献时间/一生做某事18. be suitable for being an artist 动词不要漏19. thats not the case 事实并非如此20. be afraid of making a speech be afraid o

4、f doing sth近义词:frightened 21. be absent from school 缺课22. recommend sb as/to be 推荐某人做 常考方向:辨析 Remind, repair, require, relax23. general manager 总经理 In general 大体上24. connect to/with 和相连接A railway connecting A to B(定语,主动ing)25. think twice about (doing)sth 三思而后行 the dishes 洗碗27. appear(v.) in a

5、fixed order 以固定的顺序出现 Appearance(n.)28. divide into-be divided into 划分 (近义词)separate29. agree(v.) with sb 同意某人的观点/看法 Be in agreement(n.) that+从句 同意。9AU21. sth look good on sb- sb look good in sth2. influence(v.) our moods 影响我们的心情 have a great influence(n.) on sth 对。有影响3.sleep(v./n.)sleepy(adj.)-aslee

6、p(adj.) 区分用法和意思 Sleep for one hour Feel sleepy (反义词)awake stay/keep awake Fall asleep(延续性动词)be asleep4. sad(adj.)sadly(adv.)sadness(n.)反义词:happy-happily-happiness5. prefer doing sth to doing sth =would rather do sth than do sth 不加名词 prefer sth to sth 可以加名词 prefer to do sthprefer to do sth to do sth

7、(过去式)preferred e.g He preferred to exercise more to keep healthy.6. cheer you up 使你振作开心7. remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事8. strong(adj.)-strength(n.)9. have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing sth 注意点:The teacher wondered what difficulty we had (in) learning English well.10. d

8、ecide(v.)-decision(n.) make a decision to do sth decide to do sth11. 宾语从句连接词:肯动动词后(know, think, believe, be sure等)用连接词that在疑问代词后(wonder, doubt, can you tell me?, be not sure, not know)后面用if,Whether或者特殊疑问词语序:在宾语从句中用陈述句语序 疑问词+主语+动词I wonder where he is from/what he likesWhats wrong/the matter? 本身就是陈述句语

9、序,不需要再改语序时态:主句是一般现在时,从句可以用任何时态,但不能用过去完成时和过去将来时e.g I know Jim watched TV last night主句是过去时,从句必须用过去的相应时态e.g Tom told me Lucy was swimming then.Tom told me if he had time, he would go there但注意分析主句时态:I have been told thatHe is often told.It is said that. 看准关键词注意:考察宾语从句时,有时还考察一些其他知识点,例如延续性动词,词组搭配等12. prom

10、ise sb (not) to do sth 答应做某事13.stress(n.)stressed(adj.)feel a little/a bit/a little bit stressed14. advice(n.)advise(v.), suggest(v.)suggestion(s)(n.) advise sb to do sth suggest doing sth-suggest sth to sbUnit31. stomach(n.) -stomachs2. be on开着(状态) turn on打开3. of ones age 和某人一样大,同龄的 4. manage your

11、time better 更好的管理时间5. how to deal with = what to do with.6. have no choice but to do sth Choose(v.)-choice(可数n.)7. stay up late熬夜 stay out late呆在外面很晚8. be (well) worth doing sth 没有被动语态 Be worth sth.e.g my advice is worth taking 我的建议值得采纳9. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事10. be strict with sb in sth 对某人某方面

12、严格11. achieve a balance betweenand 取得。和。的平衡 12. value(n.)-valuable(adj.) be of great value=be very valuable be of some help=be very helpful13. make a list of 列一个清单14.silent(adj.)-silence(n.) keep silent-break the silence 打破沉默15. 提建议句型:why not/why dont you do sth? How/what about doing sth? Would you

13、like to do sth? Shall we do sth? had better so/not do sth.17. be proud(adj.) of 以为骄傲 be proud to do sth (n.) pride18. go over 复习 turn over 反过来 19. asas possible=as as sb can I will get up as early as possible. =I will get up as early as I can20. pronounce(v.)-pronunciation(n.) Pronounce the word cor

14、rectly21. keep worries/secrets to oneself 把担忧/秘密放在某人心里 Share worries/secrets with sb 和某人分享担忧/秘密22. work out 算出,解出 turn out 结果是,证明是 run out 用完 Hand out 分发 break out 爆发 come out 出版,出来 Look out 当心 put out 扑灭 23. Dont mention it. 不客气24. make (little/great/no/some) progress in 在某方面取得进步25.reply(v./n.) to

15、sb 回复某人26.the cause of 。的原因 The reason forUnit41. on ones mind 在某人的心上2. courage(n.)-encourage(v.) encourage sb to do sth3. try out for 参与的选拔4. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事Force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事5. lose heart 失去信心6. get sb to do sth 使某人做某事 Make/let/have sb do sth7. succeed(v.) in doing sth =do sth succe

16、ssfully(adv) 注意过去时拼写succeeded 注意词性转换 be a big success(n.)=be very successful(adj.)8. take notice of sb 注意到某人9. when to do sth 什么时候做某事 When/while doing sth 当做某事的时候 前后都是进行时,用while10. since 既然,由于 wherever无论哪里 whenever无论何时 whoever无论谁as soon as 一就(主将从现,主过从过)11. go into hiding 躲藏12. die(v.) of 死于内因 die fr

17、om死于外因 Dead(adj.) find sb dead dying(adj.) a dying man Death(n.) the death of13. have sb do sth 让某人做某事 have sth done 请某人做某事 Have sth to do 有某事要做 fear of ones life 担心某人的生命 ones fifties/forties/nineties 在某人五十几、四十几岁16. to sbs surprise/sadness/joy 令某人惊讶/伤心/快乐的是17.usual(adj.) unusual(反义词) an un

18、usual report18.a sense of achievement/humour/direction 成就感/幽默感/方向感19.remain +adj. 保持。 Remain calm/silent20.matter 要紧,有重大关系 e.g What matters most is not the result, but the progress.21.against 对抗;违反 against the law/wall22. Germans (n.)德国人 Germany(n.) 德国9AU51. something pleasant I am pleased with this

19、 trip. This trip is pleasant/unpleasant2. music(n.)musical(n./adj.)musician(n.) musical talent -musical instruments one of the greatest musicians. 最伟大的音乐家之一3. present sb with sth-present sth to sb 授予某人某物,给某人颁发某物 provide sb with sth-provide sth for sb 给某人提供某物4. winwinner(s)wonwon 5. show an interest

20、in=be interested in. 对。感兴趣6. the sounds of rushing water and blowing wind 7. make music with common objects 用普通的东西制作音乐8. go on to do sth 继续做不同的事情 go on doing sth 继续做同一件事情9. get to know great musicians 开始认识 get sb to do sth 使某人做某事10. be known/famous for 因而出名 be known/famous as 作为而出名 11. win an Oscar

21、for best actress for her role 赢得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖 controlling the speed of water flow 通过控制水流声 by doing sth 通过做某事 through the internet通过网络 a bridge between the East and the West 在东西方建一座桥梁14.bring Chinese and Western music together 把中西方音乐结合在一起15. tradition(n.)-traditional(adj.) traditional Chines

22、e music 传统中国音乐16. in a western style 用西方的风格17. dream without boundaries 梦想无边18. dividedividing -dividing line 划分线19. because与so,though与but不同时使用 20.think/speak highly of 高度评价 High(adj./adv.)-highly(adv.)height(n.)21. be open to 对开放22. in twenty minutes-in+段时间 用将来时23. run towards sb 朝某人跑去24. breath(n.

23、)-breathe(v.)-breathe heavily out of breath, take a deep breath25. hurry into 匆忙进入 hurry to do sth=be in a hurry to do sth26. last for 持续(延续性动词) One and a half hours=one hour and a half last-lasting-have a lasting value27.make up music while playing 创作28. has strong local color 有强烈的地方特色29. praise sb

24、 for sth 因为某事表扬某人30.have a (real) gift for 有的天赋31. drop-dropping-dropped blow-blew-blown32. run in all directions 向四面八方跑33. encourage sb (not) to do sth 鼓励某人做某事34. enjoy oneself in the world of 沉醉于的世界里35. instrument (n.)乐器 introduction(n.) 介绍 instruction(n.) 说明36. centre (n.) 中心 central(adj.) 中心的9AU

25、61. get bored with doing sth 厌烦做某事2. a dogs work is never done 一只狗的工作永远做不完3. types of TV programmes 电视节目的类型 4. real-life events 真实生活的事件5. there is sb doing sth 有某人在做某事6. a weekly round-up 每周的新闻摘要7. a lastest magazine 注意冠词和拼写 an up-to-date magazine8. cover different sports 报道 Cover 报道、覆盖 、封面 Be cover

26、ed live 电视直播 分辨:live, alive, lively, living e.g My grandfather is still alive活着的 lively(活泼的)-lovely(可爱的)9. the number ofis a number of+可数名词are a great deal of+不可数名词is10. interview sb (动词) 采访某人 have an interview(n.) with sb there are a number of interviews with sbe-coming, include-including (逗号隔开) 13

27、. AsiaAsian(亚洲的)-Asian(s)亚洲人 Africa-African Russia-Russian Europe-European China-Chinese online for 在网上为投票 Vote against 投票反对。15.send text messages to 发送短信息到 two free concert tickets单复数17. a horror film directed by定语(被动) a boy playing football定语(主动)18. direct(v.)director(s)(n.)20.until直到,not until 直到才(区分句意)21. scarescared, get scared easily22. take a close look at 近距离的观察23. see scenes from India风景(一般用复数)24. win an award for its amazing photography 因为惊人的摄影技术而赢得奖项25. if如果(主将从现)分

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