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1、( )26.Whe n Tim why he was late for school, he just kept sil ent.A.was asked B. asked asked D.was ask ing( )27.- I can t help wondering he l ost the game.-He did that on purpose.A. If B. Why C. whe n D. that( )28-Has Jim fini shed his homework today?-1 don t know. He it this doing

2、B. Has done C.was doing D.will do( )29.-What s the matter with Tom? He has been absent for twodays.-Oh! He be ill.Lef s go and ask Ms Brown.A. can B. n eed C. may D. would( )30. -What the noise, Bill?Sorry, I broke my glass.A. is B. was C. Has been D. Will be( )31.-Does this bus go to the beach?-No.

3、 You the wrong way. You want the Number 11.A. go B. were going C. are going D.would go( )32.Computers and other mach ines have and to cha nge theway we liveA.continue B. continued C. Woul d continue D.will continue( )33.-_What are you going to d o during the summer vacation?_l am going to a new hobb

4、y like swimmi ng or dancing.A. take off B. take up C.take down D.take in( )34.A kind of shared bike is called Bluegogo is gett ing moreand more popular in Chen gdu.A. it B. who C. which D. what( )35._-_John,look at the man over there. Could you pl ease tell me ?He is a doctor. I know him well.A. who

5、 is the man B.who the man was C. What does the man doD.what the man does二、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以 填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Marcos was a hardworking farmer. Every day he asked his only son Paolo to _1_ him in2 about his onlythe fields, but Paolo seldom got out of bed before noon.

6、Marcos was very son.One evening Marcos old frieuigL 3 . “ Marcos, why aren t your fields ready forpla nting? ” Marcos expla ined that he was old and his 4 hurt. He said that Paolo was lazy anddid not help with the farming. “ Marcos, you rfeed your brain as much as your back. Ihave an idea for you. ”

7、 Luigi said.found your grandfather map!” Marcos cried. “Way find 6 he buried(埋)his gold coins! ” Paolo said, I ll start over here. ” When they went in for dinner that night, a very tirecPaolo said, I think Grandfather was old whemaee his map. I don t think I ll dig tomorrow. ”One day Marcos rushed i

8、nto Paolo s room and cried, “ Paolo! I found the treasure in thefields! Paolo 7 went out to look. He said, “ Therms 8 here but lines and lines ofvegetables. ”Marcos smiled. Paolo, it is all around you. You have eno ugh food to make it 9 theone day of hard work had provided him with real treasure. He

9、 lear ned an importa nt _1036. A. feedB. helpC. saveD. watch37. A. sadB.happyC. proudD. bored38. A. stood upB. moved inC. started outD. stopped by39. A. ha ndsB. feetC. backD. face40. A. i ntroduceB. shareC. useD. make41. A. howB. whereC. whe nD. why42. A. quietlyB. sudde nlyC. sleepilyD. easily43.

10、A. everythi ng B. someth ingC. anythingD. nothing44 A. throughB. withoutC. si neeD. before45. A. pla nB. meet ingC. less onD. opi nion三阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题A doctor en tered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery( 夕卜科手术).He found the boys father in

11、the hallwaiting worriedly.On seeing him, the father cried out, “Whydid you take all this time to come?Do nt you know that my son is in dan ger? Dont you have any sense Of duty ?”The doctor smiled and said, “ I am sorry. I was nt in the hospital and I came as fast as I could after recei ving the call

12、 and no w, I wish youd calm dow n so that I can do my work. ”“ Calm dow n?! What if your son was in this room right now? Would you calm down? If your own son dies while waiting for a doctor, then what will you do ?” said the father angrily. The doctor smiled again and replied, “ We will do our best

13、and you should also pray( 祈祷)for yourSon s healthy life. ”The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happily ,“ Thank goodness! Your son is saved!” And without waiting for the fathers reply he carried on his way running by saying, “ If you haveAny questi ons, ask the nu rse. ”“ Coul

14、d nt he wait somem inu tes so that I can ask about my sons state ?” shouted the father .The nurse answered, tears coming down her face. “ His son diedyesterday in a road accide nt. He was at the burial( 葬礼)whe n we calledhim for your sons surgery. And now that he saved your sons life, he left runnin

15、g to finish his sons burial.46. What did the doctor do after he received teh call for the surgery? A:He asked ano ther doctor to do his duty.B:He went to the hospital as soon as possibleC:He discussed the boy s state with the father.D:He waited until his son s burial was finished.47. The father shou

16、ted at the doctor because he thought .A:he had waited too longno one cared for his sonthe doctor was cold to himthe surgery took a long time48. Who told the truth to the father in the end?The doctor B:The nurse C:His son D:A patie nt49. How might the father feel after he knew the truth?A. Angry. B.

17、Excited. C. Sorry. D. Doubtful.50. What is the best title for the text?A. Seeing is believ ingB. Time waits for no manC. Practice makes perfectD. Think before you decide根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。BA new study from the Us found that smiling was not just a goodWay of com muni cati ng with others. It co

18、uld also which country you were from.The study found that people from the coun tries like Can ada, theUS and Australia were the best at showing their feelings. Theyespecially smile more tha n people in other coun tries.This is because of their immigrati on culture. These coun tiesAre home to people

19、from many other places, so they have differe nces in cultures or Ian guages. The differe nces sometimes may result in some misun dersta ndings with others. But a smile shows some one is happy and frien dly. It is helpful to good com muni cati on.The study also found that Japa nese people regarded sm

20、ili ng as away of show ing respect to others. Or they smiled to hide their un happy feeli ngs from others.It is true because the Japanese pay much attention to being polite.Smiling is an important part of their politeness culture. If you travelto Japan, taxi drivers and shop workers always show you

21、a friendlysmile .If someth ing un expected happe ns to Japa nese, they may also smile. It helps them keep calm.Where do people smile least? The answer is HongKong, China, followed by Indon esia, Russia and Switzerla nd.51. The new study from the US found smile could show .why you smiled B:what la ng

22、uage you spokewhere you were from D:which country you liked52. The underline word “ immigration ” probably means in Chines饮食B: 移民C:语言D:民俗53. When something unexpected happens , the Japanese smile to .keep clam B: hide their surprisestay healthy D:show respect54. From the study , we know people in sm

23、ile least.Ca nada B:the US C:Australia D:Ho ng Kong55. Which part of a n ewspaper in this passage probably from?Sports B:Medici ne C:Culture D:HistoryCWhat the best way to overlook a beautiful city? Here are some of the top Ferriswheels(摩天轮)around the world. Which one excites you most?Big O, Japa nT

24、he Big O stands in Tokyo. At 60 meters tall it is quite small. And it takes people only 15 minu tes to complete a ride. But the amazing part of it is the Tokyo largest roller coaster, Thun der Dolph in, passes through the cen ter of the Ferris wheel and can reach speeds of around 130 kilometers per

25、hour. It be funny to take a look at screaming faces while enjoying your relaxing Ferris wheel time!Tianjin Eye, Chi naTianjin Eye is a 120 - meter- tall Ferris wheel built on a bridge that crosses the Haihe Riverin Tianjin, China. Built in 2007, the Tianjin Eye is known for its upside down Y - shape

26、 structure supporting it on both sides. It is the only Ferris wheel in the world to stand on a bridge. Riders can get amaz ing views of the city and the cars on the highway below them during the 30 minute rotation(旋转).High Roller, USA lot goes through your mind when you re 168 meters up in the air.

27、It must make it very exciting if the city down below is Las Vegas, which has great ni ght views. Welcome to the world tallest Ferris wheel, the High Roller. It first opened on March 31, 2014. A ride lasts for 30 minutes. You can also enjoy videos and music during the ride.Pacific Wheel, US130 feet (

28、about 40m) above the Pacific Ocean, this wheel is a Iandmark on the Southern California coast. It is the first solar- powered Ferris wheel in the world. It uses solar panels( 太 阳能板)and has 160,000 energy efficient lights. On cloudy days, the wheel is powered from other types of en ergy, such as n at

29、ural gas or oil.56. Which of the following is the lowest Ferris wheel?B. A. Big O.Tianjin Eye.C. High Roller. D. Pacific Wheel.57. Which group of the Ferris wheels has the same time to complete a ride?A. Big O and Tianjin Eye.B. Tianjin Eye and High Roller.C. Big O and High Roller.D. High Roller and Pacific Wheel.58What can we see on the tallest wheel of the four?A. Scream ing f

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