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1、绯栨灉搴梥weet shop 涓涓 妫掔硸a lollipop 浠栦細璇翠粈涔? what will he say? 娌叧绯籌t doesn鈥檛 matter. 浼婄储瀵撹Aesop鈥檚 Fables 涓鏈 腑鏂囨垚璇 功a Chinese idiom book 寮蹇冨湴鎵撲箳涔損lay table tennis happily 鎿呴暱be good at+鍚嶈瘝 / be good at +鍔瘝ing 澶鍦颁负浠栦滑娆懠 cheer for them loudly cheer for涓衡 鍛?鍑荤悆鐢姏hit the ball hard hit鎵?鍑?(杩囧幓寮? hit): 鏈鍚巉inal

2、ly 杩戞剰: at last 澶 繁too deep 鎴戝 涓嶅埌I can鈥檛 reach it reach鍒拌揪 reach my school 杩呴熷湴鎷夸竴浜涙按鏉 ring some water quickly 鎶婂畠鍊掕繘娲為噷pour it in the hole 骞插緱濂? Well done 鍥涖佸洓浼氬彞瀛?The mouce said quietly. 鑰侀紶灏忓鍦拌 銆?The lion laughed loudly.鐙 瓙澶鍦扮瑧銆?浜斻侀噸鐐瑰彞鍨嬶紝璇 硶鐐规嫧 1銆佽 娉?甯歌 鍓 瘝 well: study well瀛範濂?skate well婊戝啺濂?(娉

3、? well 鑻绀哄舰瀹硅瘝,鍒欐剰鎬濅负 韬 綋濂? fast: run fast 璺戝緱蹇?swim fast娓告吵蹇?loudly: laugh loudly 澶寰楃瑧 speak loudly 澶鍦拌 sadly: ask sadly 浼績鍦伴棶 cry loudly 浼績鍦板摥 happily: sing happily 寮蹇冨湴鍞?talk happily 寮蹇冪殑璋堣瘽 carefully: listen carefully 璁湡鍦板惉 walk carefully 灏忓績鍦拌蛋 angrily: ask angrily 鎰掑湴闂?quietly: do one鈥檚 homewo

4、rk carefully 瀹夐潤鍦板仛浣滀笟 Sleep quietly 瀹夐潤鍦扮潯 quickly: bring some water quickly 杩呴熷湴鎷夸簺姘存潵 beautifully: dance beautifully 鍞辨瓕鍞卞緱缇?鈽呯郴琛粨鏋? (娉剰涓嶇敤鍓 瘝)be, feel, look, sound, smell, become, keep + 褰 璇?鈽協ast ,hard ,high,early,late, 褰 鍜屽壇璇嶅悓褰?2銆佷竴鑸 繃鍘诲紡甯哥敤鐨勬椂闂村璇?ago / long long ago / yesterday / the day bef

5、ore yesterday in 2014 / just now(鍒氭墠) / at the age of 5(鍦簲宀佹椂) / once upon a time浠庡墠 / one day / last week, year, night, month from then on 3銆乻peak 锛宼alk锛宻ay锛宼ell鍖哄埆 Speak寮鸿皟鏂瑰紡 say寮鸿皟鍐呭 锛宼ell鍚庝竴瀹氳 鍔犱汉鎴栬 鐨勫唴瀹?talk寮鸿皟杩炵画璇?Unit2Good habits鐭瘑姹囨?1銆乭abit 涔犳儻 2銆乼idy骞插噣鐨勶紱鏁撮綈鐨?3銆乫ast 蹇 殑 4銆乶ever 浠庝笉 5銆乴ate

6、 杩熺殑 6銆乫inish瀹屾垚 浜屻佷笁浼氬崟璇?鎶娾斁寰椾簳浜曟湁鏉 ut鈥 n order 涓嶅鐨?鍧忕殑bad 鍥扮殑,鍥板殑sleepy 鏄 last night 璧拌繘锛岃蛋鍏 o into 鎱熷湴slowly 宸 湴锛屼笉濂絙adly 涓夈佺煭璇 绱 細 1銆乤 good boy 涓涓 鐢峰 2銆乭ave many good habits 鏈夎 澶氬涔犳儻 涓涓 潖涔犳儻 a bad habit 3銆乬et up early in the morning鍦棭鏅棭鏃緱璧峰簥 4銆乶ever go to bed late 浠庝笉鏅氱潯瑙?5銆乬o to bed early 鏃棭鐫 6

7、銆乥efore bedtime 鐫墠 7銆乬o to bed late last night 鏄櫄寰堟櫄鐫 8銆乫inish his homework瀹屾垚瀹跺涵浣滀笟 10銆乥efore dinner鍦櫄楗 墠 11銆乤fter lunch鍗堥鍚?12銆乻houldn鈥檛 go home late 涓嶅簲璇櫄鍥炲 13銆乨o well at home鍦 鍋氬緱濂?14銆乲eep his room clean and tidy 淇濇寔鎴块棿骞插噣骞舵暣娲?15銆乤lso help his parents do housework 涔熷府鍔粬鐨勭埗姣嶄翰鍋氬 鍔?16銆乨o his homewo

8、rk late at night 鍦櫄涓婂 搴 綔涓氬仛寰楁櫄 17銆乥rush his teeth鍒蜂粬鐨勭墮榻?18銆乫eel sleepy鎰熻 鍥板緱 19銆乲now her well 闈炲父浜嗚濂?20銆乤lways put things in order 鎬绘槸鎶婁笢瑗挎憜寰椾簳浜曟湁鏉?21銆亀alk fast/slowly璧板緱蹇?鎱?22銆乺un very fast 璺戝緱闈炲父蹇?23銆乴isten to his teacher at school 鍦 鏍惉鑰佸笀璁?24銆乭ave breakfast on time 鍑嗘椂鍚冩棭楗?27銆亀ash your face at

9、seven o鈥檆lock 鍦竷鐐规礂浣犵殑鑴?28銆乧ome to see her 鏉湅濂?29銆乻how you around the house 甯綘鍙傝 鎴垮瓙 30銆乬o into the living room 杩涘叆璧峰眳瀹?31銆乥ig and clean 鍙堝鍙堝共鍑 32銆乻mall and nice 灏忚屽共鍑 33銆乤 lot of books and toys 璁稿 涔拰鐜叿 34銆乷n the floor 鍦湴涓?35銆乽nder the bed 鍦簥涓?36銆乸ut your books and toys in order鎶婁綘鐨?38銆乻ing badly 鍞卞

10、緱涓嶅 39銆乨o badly 鍋氬緱涓嶅 40銆乻wim well娓稿緱濂?42銆乸ick one 鎸戜竴涓?43銆乸ick up 鎹捣鏉?Pick it up/pick them up 43銆乸ick apples 鎽樿嫻鏋?45銆乮n the street鍦 涓?涓夈侀噸鐐瑰彞鍨?1.He gets up early in the morning and never goes to bed late.浠栨棭涓婅捣搴婃棭锛屼粠鏉笉鏅氱潯銆?2.My sister brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. 鎴戝 濡瑰湪鏃笂鍜岀潯

11、瑙夊墠鍒风墮銆?3.I always put my things in order. 鎴戞绘槸鎶婃垜鐨勪笢瑗挎暣鐞嗗緱浜曚簳鏈夋潯銆?4.We usually finish our homework before dinner. 鎴戜滑閫氬父鍦櫄楗 箣鍓嶅畬鎴愬 搴 綔涓氥?5. They listen to their teachers at school. 浠栦滑鍦 鏍惉鑰佸笀鐨勮瘽銆?6.He also does well at home. 浠栧湪瀹朵篃琛幇寰楀銆?7.He keeps his room clean and tidy. 浠栦繚鎸佷粬鐨勬埧闂存棦骞插噣鍙堟暣榻愩?8.He

12、often does his homework late at night and does not go to bed early. 浠栫粡甯稿仛浣滀笟鍋氬埌娣卞 骞朵笖涓嶆棭鐫?9.He sometimes feels sleepy in the morning. 浠栨湁鏃跺湪鏃笂鎰熻 鍥般?10.Wang Bing knows Liu Tao well. 鐜嬪叺寰堜簡瑙垬娑涖?11.Did you go to bed late last night? Yes, I did./ No, I didn鈥檛. 浣犳槰鏅氱潯寰楁櫄鍚楋紵鏄 殑锛屾垜鏄 ?涓嶏紝鎴戜笉鏄 ?12.Let me sh

13、ow you around our house. 璁垜甯綘鍙傝 鎴戜滑鐨勬埧瀛愩?13.I always have my lunch on time. 鎴戞绘槸鍑嗘椂鍚冨崍楗 ?14. You should put your books and toys in order. 浣犲簲璇妸浣犵殑涔拰鐜叿鏀惧緱浜曚簳鏈夋潯銆?15. The man is singing badly. 鐢峰姝敱姝屽敱寰楃碂绯曘?16.The boy is doing well at school. 鐢峰 鍦 鏍鐜板緱寰堝銆?Unit 3 A healthy diet鐭瘑姹囨?1.healthy鍋悍鐨?3.a litt

14、le涓鐐? 楗 4.need 闇瑕?5 a few 鍑犱釜 浜屻佷笁浼氬崟璇?at a time 涓娆?cola 鍙 箰 涓夈佺煭璇 绱?1.a little water 涓鐐规按2. a few eggs 鍑犱釜楦泲 a time 涓娆?4.too much 澶 5.a healthy diet 涓涓 仴搴风殑楗 6.every day 姣忓 7.every week 姣忓懆 8. a lot of rice 寰堝 绫抽 the fridge 鍦啺绠遍噷 10.go home 鍥炲 11.have a rest 浼戞伅涓涓?12. take a small b

15、ottle 鎷夸簡涓灏忕摱 13. too much cola 澶 鍙 箰 14. too heavy 澶 噸浜?15. go to the supermarket 鍘昏秴甯?16. There鈥檚 not too much food鈥笉澶氱殑椋熺墿鈥?7. some drinks 涓浜涢鏂?18. this big fish 杩欐潯澶奔 19. take the big bag 鎷胯繖澶 瀛?20. sweet food 鐢滈 鍥涖侀噸鐐瑰彞鍨?1锛嶪 eat a lot of noodles. 鎴戝悆寰堝 闈潯銆?2锛嶹e eat a lot of meat. 鎴戜滑鍚冨緢澶氳倝銆?3锛嶵

16、hey have some vegetables. 浠栦滑鍚冧竴浜涜敩鑿溿?4锛嶻ou have some bread. 浣犱滑鍚冧竴浜涢潰鍖呫?5锛嶩e eats a few eggs. 浠栧悆鍑犱釜楦泲銆?6锛嶴he drinks a little water. 濂瑰枬涓鐐规按銆?7锛嶻ou shouldn鈥檛 drink too much cola. 浣犱笉搴旇 鍠濆澶氱殑鍙 箰銆?8锛?Can we have a rest? 鎴戜滑鑳戒紤鎭 竴涓嬪悧锛?9. She eats a little rice. 濂瑰悆浜嗕竴浜涚背楗 ?浜斻佽 娉曡鏋?鈶燼 lot of 銆乴ots of琛鈥

17、滆 澶氣? +鍙 暟鍚嶈瘝/涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶃?Many/much 涔熻绀衡滆 澶氣?Many+鍙 暟鍚嶈瘝 Much+涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇?some琛鈥滀竴浜涒濓紝 +鍙 暟鍚嶈瘝/涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶃傜敤浜庤偗瀹氬彞 any琛鈥滀竴浜涒濓紝 +鍙 暟鍚嶈瘝/涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶃傜敤浜庡惁瀹氬畾鍙?a few涓?a little閮借绀烘暟閲忚櫧灏戜絾姣曠珶杩樻湁锛屽己璋冣滄湁鈥濄?a few+鍙 暟鍚嶈瘝锛?a little+涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶃?No 琛娌湁+鍙 暟/涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇?鈶悕璇嶅彉澶嶆暟褰紡锛屾湁寰堝 绉嶆儏鍐?鐩存帴鍔爏 浠 ,x,sh,ch缁撳熬鍔爀s 浠緟闊冲瓧姣嶅姞y缁撳熬鍘粂涓篿es f

18、鎴杅e缁撳熬鍙榝鎴杅e涓簐es 鏈変簺浠緟闊冲瓧姣嶅姞o缁撳熬鐨勫姞es,濡?mango鈥曗?mangoes potato鈥昿otatoes tomato鈥曗晅omatoes 鍚嶈瘝鐨勪笉瑙勫垯鍙樺寲Mouse-mice child-children tooth-teethUnit4 Road safety閲嶇偣鐭瘑褰掔撼 涓銆佸洓浼氬崟璇?road椹 矾锛屽叕璺?must蹇呴 safe瀹夊叏鐨?follow閬靛畧 light鐏?浜屻佷笁浼氬崟璇?safety瀹夊叏 cross绌胯繃锛岀琛?safely瀹夊叏鍦?zebracossing鏂戦绾縫avement浜鸿 閬搇ookoutof褰撳績锛屾

19、彁闃?easily瀹规槗鍦?rule瑙勫垯 stay淇濇寔 涓夈佺煭璇 绱 細 1. road safety 閬撹矾瀹夊叏 2. many busy roads 璁稿 绻佸繖鐨勯亾璺? the city鍦煄甯傞噷 4. cross the road safely 瀹夊叏鍦拌繃椹 矾 5. cross a busy road safely瀹夊叏鍦伴氳繃涓鏉箒蹇欑殑椹 矾 6. look at the traffic lights 鐪嬩氦閫氱伅7. wait for the green man 绛夊緟缁跨伅 8. see the red man 鐪嬬孩鐏?9. keep safe 淇濇寔瀹

20、夊叏 10. wait on the pavement 鍦汉琛岄亾涓婄瓑寰?11. look out for cars and bikes 灏忓績灏忔苯杞拰鑷 杞?12. look left鐪嬪乏杈?13. look right 鐪嬪彸杈?14. also cross the road with other people 涔熷彲浠拰鍏朵粬浜轰竴璧疯繃椹 矾 15. see you easily寰堝 鏄撶湅瑙佷綘 16.some children 涓浜涘 瀛愪滑 17. a child 涓涓 瀛?18. play on the road 鍦矾涓婄帺 19. many cars and bikes

21、 璁稿 灏忔苯杞拰鑷 杞?20. follow the rules 閬靛畧瑙勫垯 21. stay safe on the road 鍦矾涓婁繚鎸佸畨鍏?22. must look for a zebra crossing 蹇呴瀵绘壘涓鏉枒椹 嚎 23. wait for the bus 绛夊緟鍏 氦杞?24. wait for me 绛夋垜 25. the other people 鍏朵粬浜?26. must look for a zebra crossing蹇呴瀵绘壘涓鏉枒椹 嚎 27. find a zebra crossing鎵惧埌涓鏉枒椹 嚎 28. mustn鈥檛 run quic

22、kly 缁濅笉鑳藉揩閫熷湴璺戞 29. mustn鈥檛 walk 缁濅笉鑳借 璧?30. the left side of the road 椹 矾鐨勫乏杈?31. drive on the right side of the road 椹 矾鐨勫彸杈归椹?32. except me 闄簡鎴?33. except Macau闄簡婢抽棬 34. go to see their aunt鍘荤湅浠栦滑鐨勯樋濮?35. take the bus 涔樿溅 36. get on the bus 涓婅溅 37. get off the bus 涓嬭溅 38. so many cars 濡傛 澶氱殑杞?39.

23、 so much water 濡傛 澶氱殑姘?40. go fast 蹇 偣鍘?41. a red light 涓涓 孩鐏?42. look at the green light 鐪嬬豢鐏?43. at the bus stop鍦叕浜溅绔?44. must stop 蹇呴鍋滀笅鏉?45. go on 缁画锛岀户缁 墠杩?46. run fast 璺戝緱蹇?47. go to see the doctor 鍘荤湅鍖荤敓 48. you鈥檙e sick 浣犵敓鐥呬簡 49. classroom rules 鐝 骇瑙勫垯 50. play ball games 鐜悆绫绘父鎴?51. talk lou

24、dly 澶鍦拌皥璁?2. keep your desk clean 淇濇寔妗屽瓙骞插噣 53. listen to your teachers in class 鍦 鍫備笂鍚 佸笀 鍥涖侀噸鐐瑰彞鍨嬶細 1.浣犲 浣曞畨鍏湴杩囬璺 紵鎴戝繀椤诲 鎵句竴鏉枒椹 嚎銆?A: How can you cross the road safely? B: I must look for a zebra crossing. 2.涓轰簡瀹夊叏鍦拌繃椹 矾浣犲繀椤诲仛浠涔堬紵 鎴戝繀椤荤湅浜氱伅銆? What must you do to cross the road safely? I must look

25、at the traffic lights. 3. 涓洪璺 笂浣犱滑缁濅笉鑳藉仛浠涔堬紵鎴戜滑缁濅笉鑳藉湪璺 笂鐜?A; What must you not do on the road ? We mustn鈥檛 play on the road. 4.浣犱笉鑳藉湪杩欒繃椹 矾銆?You can鈥檛 cross the road here. 5. 鎴戣兘鐪嬬數瑙嗗悧锛熶笉锛屼綘涓嶈兘銆傜幇鍦櫄浜嗐備綘蹇呴鍘荤潯瑙夈? Can I watch TV? No, you can鈥檛. It鈥檚 late. You must go to bed. 6. 鎴戝繀椤诲幓鐪嬪尰鐢熷悧锛?鏄 殑锛屼綘涓瀹氳

26、鍘汇備綘涓嶈兘鍘诲 鐢熷洜涓轰綘鐢熺梾浜嗐? Must I go to see the doctor? Yes, you must. You can鈥檛 go to school because you are sick. 浜斻佽 娉曠煡璇嗚鏋?1涓変釜鍚 湁look鐨勭煭璇 剰鎬濆悇涓嶇浉鍚? look for瀵绘壘 look at 鐪?look out for褰撳績锛岀暀绁?2鍖哄垎safe锛宻afety锛宻afely锛?safe鏄 舰瀹硅瘝锛岃瘧涓衡滃畨鍏殑鈥?I am safe now. 鐜板湪鎴戝畨鍏簡銆?safety鏄 悕璇嶏紝璇戜负鈥滃畨鍏?road safety閬撹矾瀹夊叏銆?

27、safely鏄 壇璇嶏紝鐢簬淇 鍔瘝鎴栧舰瀹硅瘝锛岃瘧涓衡滃畨鍏湴鈥?We walk to school safely. 鎴戜滑瀹夊叏鍦拌蛋鍒板 鏍3 must 鍜宑an鐢硶 1锛塵ust鍜宑an閮芥槸鎯呮佸姩璇嶏紝鍚庨潰璺熷姩璇嶅師褰 傚父鐢殑鎯呮佸姩璇嶈繕鏈夛細should銆?may 绛夈?2锛塩an鐨勫熀鏈 敤娉曪細鈶犺绀鸿兘鍔涖侶e can sing. 鈶绀鸿 鍙 侰an I go now? 鈶绀鸿 姹傘侰an I have some paper? 3) must鐨勫熀鏈 敤娉曪細鈶犺绀哄繀椤荤殑鎰忔濄俌ou must do your homework now. 鈶绀哄繀鐒剁殑缁撴灉銆

28、俆he sun must rises from the east.澶 槼蹇呭畾浠庝笢鏂瑰崌璧枫?mustnt鍗磋绀?涓嶈 銆佷笉鑳姐佺 姝?鐨勬剰鎬?璇 皵杈冨己. We mustn鈥檛 play on the road6B Unit5 鍗曞厓鐭瘑姹囨?Children鈥檚 Day鍎跨 鑺?begin寮濮?end缁撴潫 浜屻佷笁浼氬崟璇?Clown灏忎笐 appear鍑虹幇 balloon姘旂悆 put on涓婃紨锛岃婕?涓夈佺煭璇 绱?1銆丆hildren鈥檚 Day 鍎跨 鑺?2銆乷n Children鈥檚 Day 鍦効绔妭 3銆乼his Sunday 杩欏懆鏃?4.have a party 涓惧姙鑱氫細 5銆乤t the pa

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