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1、 D. dont need take a passport答案B . neednt中的need为情态动词,后面必须加动词的原形,不能直接加名词,dont need中的need为实义动词,后面必须加to do或者doing(用主动表示被动)10. The radio doesnt work well; it needs_.A. fixing B. being fixed C. to fix D. fixed11. I was trying to repair that stupid machine, but I failed.- Well, you_. A. neednt do that B.

2、neednt have done C. neednt have D. neednt14. He has done a job which is _as the one I have done.A. as well B. as good C. as better D. so best I was trying to repair that stupid machine, but I failed. Well, you_.AD都用于现在时 用于回答现在需不需要做某事.B应该改为neednt have done it这题的回答应该是说,你本该不需要做,言下之意是已经做了,所以加用完成时.而 done

3、 it 可以省略 所以c对12. The children had _basketball.A. a great fun playing B. great fun playingC. great fun to play D. a great funny playing13. _it is to jump into the water in hot summer!A. What fun B. How funny C. What a fun D. How fun一、用作名词:fun 不可数1. 玩笑, 嬉戏; 娱乐, 乐趣 He is fond of fun 他爱闹着玩 2. 有趣的人事物 Her

4、 baby is great fun. 她的婴儿很好玩(的人)。 There will be full of fun 将会有极有趣的事。3. 具有兴趣的或紧张的场面 I dont see the fun of doing that. 我并不觉得那样做有甚么有趣的场面。二、形容词:好玩的、逗乐的、嬉闹的 Youre a real fun guy. 你真是个有趣的人。How fun it is. 注意此义与funny的区别,后者意思是:好笑的; 滑稽的; 不严肃的; 爱开玩笑的 三、感叹句中的fun 1. what 后的fun会有两种情况:a)fun本身是名词,如:What fun (there

5、is)! 多么热闹的场面啊!(在there be 句型中作主语) b)虽然是形容词,但却修饰了一个名词,用作定语,成为这个名词的组成部分,如:What a fun boy (he is)! 多么有趣的孩子呀!(主语是he,a fun boy是表语)!2. how 后的 fun 是用作表语的形容词 How fun the boy is. 那男孩多么逗人啊!(主语是the boy,fun 是表语) 四、How a fun .不符合语法,不存在,但是可以说 “how + 形容词 + a fun”意思是“多么.一件有趣事(或场面)”,如:How attracting a fun it is!它是多么引

6、人入胜的一件趣事哪!。18. The Whites are leading a very happy life; the farm is big enough for them to _.A. live on B. live C. live in D. live withon the farm 在农场里”介词用on或者at,不用in,如,live on a small farm住在一个小农场里 在大多数的时候,farm前通常用on,偶尔用in,有时候也用at,如They work happily on a farm, in the farm 如果一定要解释可根据字面意思解释为在农场上或者是在田

7、里,着重指工作的场所 其次从位置上两者主要区别是所指的位置不同,前者指得是在平面上的农场,视觉应该是由远及近,后者指的是在有明确坐标地点的农场中(从地图中点击的感觉,视觉可以是从上往下), 一般来说,on着重指空间平面上的接触,in着重指活动的场所,广大的空间,at指空间上的某一点,把这一地点看成几何图形上的一点19. He took a second driving test and finally _.A. succeeded in passing it B. succeeded in itC. succeeded to through D. succeeded to pass

8、cceed in + doing sth = 成功做成某事 succeed to .: 继承(王位等) succeed sb: 继承 succeed with sth:在某方面获得成功 succeed,success,successful的区别和用法一、succeed的用法他的计划成功了。误:His plan was succeeded.正:His plan succeeded.析:succeed 表示“成功”,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。他终于把那个问题解决了。At last he succeeded to solve the problem.At last he succeeded

9、 in solving the problem.表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常不接不定式,而接 indoing sth。又如:He succeeded in getting the job.(他谋到了那份工作),She succeeded in (passing) the exam.(她考试及格了)。注:有时此结构可用作反语,如:I tried toclean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.(我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了)。继邱吉尔出任首相的是谁?Who succeeded after Churchill as Prime

10、 Minister?Who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister?succeed 表示“接替(某人)”,是及物动词,其后无需用介词 after。但它若表示“继承(职位、头衔、财产等)”,则是不及物的,后跟宾语时带介词 to(此时也不用 after),如:She succeeded to the mayoralty.(她继任市长职位),比较:She succeeded him to the mayoralty.(她接替他担任市长)。二、success的用法失败是成功之母。Failure is the mother of successes.Failure i

11、s the mother of success.success 表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数的;表示具体意 义的“成功的人或事”, 则是可数的。比较:Gig sucess does not usually occur early.(大器晚成),His new book was a great success.(他新出版的书获得了巨大成功)。再比较:He has had great success in business.(他事业上很成功),He was a great success in business.(他事业上很成功)。你说服她改变主意了吗?Did you have any suc

12、cess to persuade her to change her mind?Did you have any success in persuading her to change her mind?have success in doing sth做某事有结果或效果。What success did you have in finding a new job?(你想找份新工作结果如何?) 三、successful的用法演出很成功。The performance was successive.The performance was successful.successful成功的;succ

13、essive连续的,接连的,一连串的。如:We have won five successive games. (我们已连胜五场比赛)。你想找所新房子你找到了吗?Were you successful to find a new house?Were you successful in finding a new house?表示成功地做某事,be successful 后不能接不定式,而是接 in doing sth,又如:They were successful in launching a communication satellite. (他们成功地发射了一颗通讯卫星)。20. The

14、y have got _ so far.A. as many equipment as we do B. as much equipment as we areC. as many equipments as we have D. as much equipment as we haveequipment不可数名词21. After graduation in 1997, he took _degree in Florida .A. another B. the pother C. other D. others22. There we found one lion lying near th

15、e river, and _under a tree.A. one B. the one C. the other D. another tiger指特定的两个人或物中的“一个.另一个时”,只能用one.the other,故此为具体范围内;指不确定范围中的人或物中的“一个.另一个时”,用one. another,在大范围下1. I have two brothers. One is a lawyer and the other is amanager.(两兄弟中的一个.另一个)2. Ive got two tickets. One is for you and the other is fo

16、rmyself.3. He finished one cup of tea and then asked for another cup.4. Since you dont like this one, Ill show you another.此题泛指,所以选A23.I know nothing about him except that he works in _company.A. certain B. some C. one D. an前面那句话说了,一无所知,所以连公司也不知道,只能用某家来表示了。certain前要加a,some的意思是某,前面不加a.1、 Jack? _A_.A.

17、 Present, Sir. B. I am, Sir C. Here, Sir D. Yes, Sir. 这是英文的的点名的回答,present相当于 “到”25、He picked up an envelope _A_50 dollars in it.A. containing B. contained C. which contains D. which was contained考查现在分词做定语,envelope和contain是主动关系,句意是:他捡起一个里面有50美元的信封。C项应该是过去时,选A。Tom received an invitation from Carrol bu

18、t he _.A. refused to go to the party B. refused herC. refused her to the party D. refusing to goA注意,Carrol 拒绝的是Tom发出的邀请,而不是拒绝他这个人,如果选B,那翻译过来就是Carrol拒绝Tom这个人了,明显意思不对,也不符合礼貌(英语很讲究礼貌的)27. They treated her very well _one of the family members.A. like B. as C. as if D. seems treat .as 把当作28. After he won

19、 all the money they treated him _a king. D. seemed treatlike 像一样对待31. The key you have just got _ the front door.A. is used to opening B. is used to be openedC. is used to being opened D. is used to openbe used to do表示“被用来做某事”。Wood is often used to make desks and chairs. 木头常常被用来制作桌椅。 be used to doin

20、g表示“习惯于”某一客观事实或状态,不强调动作,to是介词。She is not used to eating Chinese food. 她不习惯吃中餐。32. There is a saying which _like this: “ Still waters run _.”A. goes; deeply B. comes; deep C. goes; D.comes; deeplya saying goes“谚语说”。deep 表示具体的深度。deeply表示抽象的意义,意为“深深地”,所以答案C。Driving the halfway I _ my car was out of gas

21、.A. noticed B. find C. found out D. attention to指注意,强调动作notice是 注意到,强调 已经有所发现 这一点。find是找到,一般针对实际的物体, find out发现,常用于指事情或者思想这一类抽象概念。35. The policemen are searching for the _car on the highway.A. damaging B. damaged C. destroying D. destroy1.damage 损害,伤害。 可以指对人或物的损害,如 Ive damaged a toy. 也可指对人名

22、誉等抽象事物的伤害。 Her reputation had been damaged by the article. 2. destroy完全毁坏,摧毁,多指无法复原的 The school was completely destroyed by fire.38. Have they found out the _ of the fire?Yes. It was a cigarette end that _ the fire.A. cause; started B. reason; causedC. causing;D. reason; causeA 区别:cause&reason cause

23、 着重指导致某种行为,产生某种结果的人或事物,多指自然原因,常与of连用 reason 着重指产生某情况,发生某件事情的缘由或借口,多指逻辑上的理由,常与for搭配 What was the cause of the fire? 那场火灾的原因为何? Give your reason for changing the plan. 把你改变计划的理由讲一下。39.Do you know _?Someone wants to find his dog back.AA. what the notice says B. what the notice writesC. what is the noti

24、ce written D. what does the notice say后面可以填宾语,动名词,名词,从句等等,此处接的是宾语从句You seem to have made another decision.You are right. I am considering _. California , you know, is my first choice. A. to move out B. getting out of here C. to move my house D. moving family考查词组:consider doing考虑做什么,在BD之间选择,D项是汉语表达,句

25、意:你好像又做了个决定。-是的,我在考虑离开这个地方,你知道,家里福利亚是我的首选。选B。She wont come over for a visit unless_.A. being invited B. invited C. inviting D. was invited考查省略句,英语中主从句的主语一致时,可以省略从句的主语和be动词,unless invited=unless she is invited,句意:除非她被邀请,否则她是不会来拜访的。 _the house was started before she went to Africa and now it is still

26、under construction.A. Working B. Working at C. Working on D. Work onwork这里用作名词,on表示“在某个方面”。workonthehouse建房工作。on可以表示某物平面直接接触地放在另一物的上面,是较具体直接的“面接触”,而at常表示某人停留在某个笼统的地点范围里,是较概括抽象的大概位置的“点存在”,没有具体直接的接触。从这个基础出发,work on sth.就有“直接平面接触”地作用于宾语,具体地改变宾语的状态的意思;而work at sth.就没有那么具体直接,它只表示“点存在”,如在某个地方工作或在某个领域从事研究,没有直接具体地对宾语起作用,起影响的意思。在表示具体的体力活动时,work on sth.可以表示制造,修理某物,例如:1.The little child was working on a branch with a knife to make a gun.此句的work on 便是“削树枝来制造玩具手枪”2.Im tired to death, Ive been working on the wall the whole morning.此处的work on便是“粉刷墙壁”。而work at the table/desk则表示在桌子旁工作,学习。表

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