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1、Special Address by Chinese Premier Li KeqiangAt the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2015Davos, 21 January 2015尊敬的施瓦布主席,尊敬的索马鲁加主席,尊敬的各位贵宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们:Professor Klaus Schwab,President Simonetta Sommaruga,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,很高兴时隔5年再次来到达沃斯,出席世界经济论坛2015年年会。达沃斯小镇十分宁

2、静祥和,但我们所处的世界却并不平静,国际社会需要应对新局势。我还听说,达沃斯曾经是治疗肺病的疗养地,因为盘尼西林的发明而转型。时至今日,达沃斯已经成为“头脑风暴”的智力中心,世界也需要新的“盘尼西林”来应对新挑战。It gives me great pleasure to come to Davos again after five years to attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2015. Davos is a town of peace and serenity, yet the world outside is not tr

3、anquil. We need to work together to shape the world in a new global context. I was told that Davos used to be a resort for recuperation from lung diseases, and the later discovery of Penicillin changed that. Now it is a place for people to gather and pool their wisdom for brain-storm. Personally, I

4、find this more than relevant, because our world also needs new forms of Penicillin to tackle new challenges that have emerged.毋庸讳言,当今世界远非太平,地区热点、局部冲突以及恐怖袭击等此起彼伏,对人类社会构成现实威胁;全球经济又复苏乏力,主要经济体走势分化,大宗商品价格反复波动,通货紧缩迹象更雪上加霜。不少人对世界前景抱有悲观情绪,认为不仅和平与安宁出了问题,发展也难见曙光。Admittedly, the world today is by no means trou

5、ble-free. Regional hotspots, local conflicts and terrorist attacks continue to flare up, posing immediate threats to humanity. Global economic recovery lacks speed and momentum. Major economies are performing unevenly. Commodity prices are going through frequent fluctuations. And signs of deflation

6、have made the situation even worse. In fact, many people are quite pessimistic about the future of the world. They believe that the guarantee of peace is weak, and the prospect of development is elusive.有哲人说过,当问题出现的时候,不能用曾经制造问题的办法去解决它。老问题的解决,不能再从对抗、仇恨、封闭中谋答案;新问题的应对,更要在对话、协商、合作中找出路。我们要吸取历史经验,运用时代智慧,寻

7、求各方利益的最大公约数。人类在艰难时刻,总是能激起突破困境的勇气,迸发出变革创新的力量。A philosopher once observed that we cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Indeed, old problems can no longer be solved by clinging to the outdated mindset of confrontation, hatred and isolation. Dialogue, co

8、nsultation and cooperation must be explored to find solutions to new problems. It is important that we draw lessons from history, and pool our collective wisdom to maximize the convergence of interests among countries. Fortunately, in time of hardship and trial, mankind have always been able to find

9、 the courage to get out of the predicament and move ahead through change and innovation.面对复杂的国际局势,我们主张要坚定维护和平稳定。今年是世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年。保持世界和平稳定,符合各国人民共同利益。二战后形成的国际秩序和普遍公认的国际关系准则,必须维护而不能打破,否则繁荣和发展也就无从谈起。国家间应摈弃冷战思维与零和游戏,“赢者通吃”是行不通的。任何地区热点和地缘冲突,都应坚持通过政治手段、以和平方式寻求解决。我们反对一切形式的恐怖主义。中国将继续走和平发展道路,维护地区稳定,无意与任何国家一

10、争高下。世界各国都要像爱护自己的眼睛一样爱护和平,让文明理性正义之花开遍世界。In a world facing complex international situation, we should all work together to uphold peace and stability. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the worlds anti-Fascist war. To uphold peace and stability serves the interests of all people in

11、 the world. The world order established after World War II as well as generally recognized norms governing international relations must be maintained, not overturned. Otherwise, prosperity and development could be jeopardized. The Cold War and zero-sum mentalities must be abandoned. The winner takes

12、 all approach will not work. Regional hotspots and geopolitical conflicts must be resolved peacefully through political means. Terrorism, in all its manifestations, must be opposed. China remains committed to peaceful development and regional stability. And China has no intention to compete with oth

13、er countries for supremacy. Peace in the world must be cherished the same as we cherish our eyes, so that the achievements and benefits of civilization, including reason and justice, will prevail.面对多元的世界文明,我们主张要共同促进和谐相处。文化多样性与生物多样性一样,是我们这个星球最值得珍视的天然宝藏。人类社会是各种文明都能盛开的百花园,不同文化之间、不同宗教之间,都应相互尊重、和睦共处。同可相亲

14、,异宜相敬。国际社会应以海纳百川的胸怀,求同存异、包容互鉴、合作共赢。In a world of diverse civilizations, we should all seek to live in harmony. Cultural diversity, like biodiversity, is a most precious treasure endowed to us on this planet. And human society is like a garden where all human civilizations blossom. Different cultures

15、 and religions need to respect and live in harmony with each other. While maintaining the natural close ties among those with whom we see eye to eye, we also need to respect those with whom we disagree. Like the vast ocean admitting all rivers that run into it, members of the international community

16、 need to work together to expand common ground while accepting differences, and seek win-win progress through inclusive cooperation and mutual learning.面对多变的经济形势,我们主张要大力推动开放创新。国际金融危机爆发7年来的实践证明,唯有同舟共济,才能渡过难关。在相互依存的世界里,各国有权根据自己的国情制定经济政策,但是也应加强同其他国家的宏观政策协调,扩大利益汇合点,实现共同发展。欧洲有谚语讲:“面对变革之风,有人砌围墙,有人转风车。”我们倡

17、导顺势而为,坚定不移推进自由贸易,旗帜鲜明反对保护主义,积极扩大区域经济合作,打造全球价值链,迎接新科技革命的到来。宏观政策固然重要,但结构性改革势在必行,这是国际社会的共识。尽管难度很大,但也应该坚持去做,这样才能形成全球创新合力,增强世界发展的新动能。In a world facing volatile economic situation, we should all work to promote opening-up and innovation. What has happened since the outbreak of the international financial

18、crisis seven years ago proves that to work in unity is the surest way for countries to get over the difficulties. We are all interdependent in this world. While we each have the right to adopt economic policies in line with national conditions, we need to strengthen macro-policy coordination to expa

19、nd the convergence of interests and achieve common development. An European proverb says, when the wind of change blows, some build walls, while others build windmills. We need to act along the trend of our time, firmly advance free trade, resolutely reject protectionism, and actively expand regiona

20、l economic cooperation. We need to build global value chains, and seize the opportunity of a new technological revolution. While the international community agree on the importance of macro-policies to the economy, they also recognize the urgency to go ahead with structural reform. Structural reform

21、 must be carried through no matter how difficult it is, as it is an effective way to foster conditions conducive to global innovation and bring about new momentum for global development.女士们,先生们!我知道,与会者对中国经济前景很关注,或许有人担忧受到中国经济速度放缓的拖累,还有人担忧受到中国经济转型的冲击。因此,我想多介绍中国的情况。I know you are all interested in the

22、outlook of the Chinese economy. Some of you may even worry about the possible potential impact of Chinas economic slowdown and transition. To ease your concerns, let me spend more time today on what is really happening in China.当前,中国经济发展进入新常态,经济由高速增长转为中高速增长,发展必须由中低端水平迈向中高端水平,为此要坚定不移推动结构性改革。The Chine

23、se economy has entered a state of new normal. The gear of growth is shifting from high speed to medium-to-high speed, and development needs to move from low-to-medium level to medium-to-high level. This has made it all the more necessary for us to press ahead with structural reform.应当看到,中国经济增速有所放缓,既

24、有世界经济深度调整的大背景,也是内在的经济规律。现在,中国经济规模已居世界第二,基数增大,即使是7%的增长,年度现价增量也达到8000多亿美元,比5年前增长10%的数量还要大。经济运行处在合理区间,不一味追求速度了,紧绷的供求关系变得舒缓,重荷的资源环境得以减负,可以腾出手来推进结构性改革,向形态更高级、分工更复杂、结构更合理的发展阶段演进。这样,中国经济的“列车”不仅不会掉挡失速,反而会跑得更稳健有力,带来新机遇,形成新动能。It must be noted that the moderation of growth speed in China reflects both profound

25、 adjustments in the world economy as well as the law of economics. The Chinese economy is now the second largest in the world. With a larger base figure, a growth even at 7% will produce an annual increase of more than 800 billion US dollars at current price, larger than a 10% growth five years ago.

26、 With the economy performing within the reasonable range and the speed of growth no longer taken as the sole yardstick, the strained supply-demand relationship will be eased, the pressure on resources and the environment will be lowered, and more time and energy will be devoted to push forward struc

27、tural reform. That means, the economy will enter a more advanced stage of development, with more sophisticated division of labor and a more optimized structure. If I could compare the Chinese economy to a running train. What I want you to know is that this train will not lose speed or momentum. It w

28、ill only be powered by stronger dynamo and run with greater steadiness, bringing along new opportunities and new momentum of growth.刚刚过去的2014年,我们就是按照这个思路做的。面对下行压力,我们没有采取强刺激,而是强力推进改革,尤其是政府带头改革,大力简政放权,激发市场和企业的活力。全年GDP增长7.4%,在世界主要经济体中是最高的;城镇新增就业1300多万人,在经济放缓情况下不减反增,登记失业率、调查失业率都是下降的;CPI上涨2%,低于年初预期目标。事实说

29、明,我们出台的一系列宏观调控政策是正确的、有效的。更重要的是结构性改革迈出新步伐。In 2014, we followed exactly the afore-mentioned approach. In the face of downward pressure, we did not resort to strong stimulus; instead, we vigorously pursued reforms, and the government in fact led these reforms by streamlining administration and delegati

30、ng power. This has motivated both the market and the business sector. GDP grew by 7.4% for the whole year, the best among major economies in the world. Over 13 million new jobs were created in cities, with both registered and surveyed unemployment rates lower than the previous year. That is, we achi

31、eved growth in employment despite the economic slowdown. CPI was kept at 2%, lower than the target set at the beginning of the year. These outcomes prove that the host of macro-regulation measures China adopted have been right and effective. More importantly, new progress has been made in advancing structural reform.不可否认,2015年,中国经济仍面临较大下行压力。在这种情况下如何选择?是追求短期更高增长,还是着眼长期中高速增长,提升发展质量?答案是后者。我们将继续保持战略定力,实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,不会搞“大水漫灌”,而是更加注重预调微调,更好实行定向调控,确保经济运行在合理区间,同时着力提升经济发展的质量和效益。Needless to say, the Chinese economy will continue to face substantial downward pressure

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