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1、英美文学试题Exercises on British and America n LiteratureI. Fill in each blank with one masterpiece of the following writers:1.Geoffrey Chaucer 2.Jane Auste n 3.John Bunyan 4.Jon atha n Swift 5.Dan iel Defoe 6.Joh n Milt on 7.Henry Fieldi ng 8.Thomas More 9 Charlotte Bronte 10.Emily Bronte 11.William Gold

2、i ng _12.Dorris Lessi ng 13.Oliver Goldsmith 14.Philip Sidney s Criticism for Poetry 15.Ben Jonson 16.Robert Burns s famous farewell 17.Samuel Joh nson 18.James Joyce 19.D. H. Lawre nee 20.T. S. Eliot II.Choose one or more than one suitable answers to each stateme nt.1.Ren aissa nee Period was an ag

3、e of .a.prose and novel b. poetry and dramac. essays and journ als d. ballads and songs2. was the first to in troduce the sonnet into En glish literature.a.Thomas Wyatt b. William Shakespearec. Phillip Sidney d. Thomas Campi on3.The epoch of Renaissanee witnessed a particular development of English

4、Drama. It was who made bla nk verse the prin cipal vehicle of expressi on in drama.a.Christopher Marlowe b. Thomas Logec. Edm und Spen ser d. Thomas More4.At the beginning the 16 th century the outstanding humanist wrote his Utopia in whichhe gave a profound and truthful picture of the people s suff

5、ering and puoforward his idea future happy society.a.Christopher Marlowe b. Thomas Morec. Phillip Sid ney d. Edm und Spe ncer5.English absolute monarchy was once again adopted in the reign of after theQuee n Elizabeth.a. Edward VI b. James Ic. Charles IQueen AnnChoose the “ University Wits ” from th

6、e following writers.a. John Lyly b. Robert Greenec. Christopher Marlowe d. Shakespeare“ Shall I compare thee to a summer sday? ” This line is taken from one of Shakespeare s .a. Sonnet 18 b. the tragedy King Learc. a long poem Venus and Adonis d. the comedy As You Like ItFrom the following choose th

7、e one that is not by Francis Bacon.a. The Advancement of Learning b. The New Instrumentc. Of Studies d. The rape of the LockElizabethan poetry is remarkable. England then became “ anest of singing birds ”Th.e famous poet of that period was .a. Edmund Spenser b. Thomas Kydc. Earl of Surry d. Thomas M

8、oreWhich play is not a comedy?a. The Jew of Malta b. Every One in His Humorc. A Midsummer Night s Dream d. Much Ado about NothingThe Tragic Histor y of Doctor Faustus is one of s best plays.a. Shakespeare b. Thomas Kydc. Ben Jonson d. Christopher MarloweThe name “the father of English poetry ” was g

9、iven to the greatest poet born in Londonabout 1340 and the one who did much in making the dialect of London (Midland dialect the language of the court, the learned and the well-to do) the foundation for modern English language.a. Shakespeare b. Spenserc. Philip Sidney d. ChaucerThe basic note of Cha

10、ucer s style is .a. the fusion of humor and genial satire b. the fusion of irony with sarcasmc. the fusion of humor with epigrams d. the fusion of humor with irony was the first buried in the Poet s Corner of Westminster Abby.a. Southy b. Francis Baconc. Shakespeare d. ChaucerThe second period of Ch

11、aucer listerary career includes mainly the three longer poems written prior to The Canterbury Tales . Choose the one from the following.a. The legend of Good Woman b. The Book of the Duchesc. The Rape of Lucrece d. The Romaunt of the RoseThe prevailing form of Medieval English literature is the .a.

12、plays b. romancec. essays d. masquesThe Vicar of Wakefield is a .a. literary biography b. an essayc. realistic novel d. sentimental novel6. epic18. Songs of Innocence is a a. sequence of lyricsc. set of allegoriesd. set of ballads19.Macbeth by Shakespeare is a a. trage

13、dyb. comedyc. tragicomedyd. historical playRobinson Crusoe is a .a. Historical novel b. satirical novel c. realistic novel d. allegorical novelSir Gawain and the Green Knight is a .a. travel book b. romance in versec. romance in prose d. narrative poemBeowulf is the most important and the first epic

14、 in the Old English ever written. It was written in .a. sonnets c. alliterationParadise Lost is a (n) .a. lyrical poem c. epicPamela is a .a. historical novelb. novel of naturalism Gulliver s Travels is a .a. sentimental novelc. Gothic novel I Wandered lonely as a Cloud is aa. lyrical poem c. romanc

15、e in prose The School of Scandal is a a. tragedy c. novelThe Merry Wives of Windsor is aa. comedy c. historical play A Red, Red Rose is a .b. balladsd. heroic coupletb. hymnd. narrative poemb. romanced. novel of epistles and psychologyb. novel of satire and allegoryd. novel of stream of consciousnes

16、sb. lyrical prosed. sonnetb. comedy of mannersd. romanceb. tragedyd. morality playa. lyric b. satirical poemc. epic d odeThe title of “ Poet s ponetto ”theiswgriitveer of the following work _ _a. Death Be Not Proud b. Venus and Adonisc. Romeo and Juliet d. The Faerie QueenThe Merchant of Venice belo

17、ngs to Shakespearian plays of .a. comedy b. sequence of sonnetsc. tragedy d. historical playChaucer was the first important poet of a royal court to write in_ conquest.a. French b. Latinc. English d. Celt“ He was not of an age, but for all the time ” . “ He” here refers toafter the Normana. Shakespe

18、are b. Chaucerc. John Milton d. Ben JonsonThe father of the school of Metaphysical poets is a. Thomas More b. Spenserc. John Donne d. WyattThe most important prose writer of Elizabethan Age was of the English materialistic philosophy.a.c., who was also the founderThomas MoreJohn Donneb. Spenserd. Fr

19、ancis Bacon20. culmination of all Renaissance translation is .a. King James Bible b. New Instrumentc. Of Study d. The Reason of Church GovernmentDonne spoetry is full of metaphors, original images, wit and , except ingenuity,dexterous us

20、e of colloquial speech, considerable flexibility of rhythm and meter, complex themes and caustic humor.a. conceits b. Petrarchen imagesc. rhetorics d. brevityThe Cavaliers mostly dealt in short songs on the flitting joys of the day, but underneath their light-heartedness lies some foreboding of to e

21、njoy the present day. This is typical ofpessimism and cynicism.a. philosophical thought b. impending doomc. intellectual idea d. expecting happiness.Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes were the poems written by .a. Milton b. William Shakespearec. Ben Jonson d. MarloweIn Paradise Lost the author e

22、ulogizes the spirit of that is though lost, but the cannot be conquered, and the pursuit of revenge, immortal hate towards god will never be overcome.a. pessimism, knowledgec. rebellion, willb. optimism, ideald. cynicism, conceptBlank verse was first used by as the principle instrument of English dr

23、ama.a. the Earl of Surry b. Christopher Marlowec. Samuel Johnson d. ShakespeareThe Medieval Drama includes all the following except .a. miracle plays b. morality playsc. tragedies d. interludes43.The theme of the sonnet Death Be Not Proud is that .41.42.a. death is predestinedb. death is the most dr

24、eadful thingc. death you are nothing to be feared d. death is gentle towards me44. Sir Gawain and the Green Night is usually considered the summit in romance.a. Matters of Britain b. Matters of Francec. Matters of Italy d. Matters of Greece45. “ To be, or not to be: that is the question:inWhether ti

25、s nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortuneOr to take arms against a sea of trouble,And by opposing end them.” are the famousHlainmelseitnwhich expresses theHamlet scharacter.a. essaysc. novels47. In the poem,a. escapeb.a. resoluteresolute and hesitantc.stubbon d. indec

26、isive and hesitant46. In the 17 th century, especially during the period of military dictatorship there appeared some changes in literature. Some new genres replaced the old ones. Among the old ones, was (were) the most prominent one.b.sonnetsd.dramaBeowulf ” “ repairs in haste ” meansec.go d. stay4

27、8.Protestants refers to all the religious sects except .a.Church of England b. Puritanismc.Calvinism d. Catholicism49.Though Beowulf was introduced by Angles, the events and are Scandinavian.a.belief b. characters c. idea d. God50.In 1066, _ led the Norman army to invade and defeat England.a.William

28、 the conqueror b. Julius Caesarc. Alfred the Great d. Claudius51.In the 14th century, the most important writer is .a.Langland b.Wyclifc. Gower d. Chaucer52.The prevailing form of Medieval English literature is the .a.epic b. mystery playc. romance d. sonnet53.The story of “ ” is written in the culm

29、ination of the Arthurian romances.a. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight b. Beowulfc. Piers the Plowman d. The Canterbury Tales54.In 1649, was beheaded. English became a commonwealth.a. James I b. James IIc. Charles I d. Charles II55.The Revolution of 1688 meant three of the following things: , , .a. th

30、e supremacy of Parliament b. the beginning of modern Englandc. the triumph of the principle of political liberty d. the Restoration of monarchy56.Who of the following were the important metaphysical poets?a. John Donne b. George Herbertc. John Milton d. Richard Lovelace57.Milton wrote a number of pa

31、mphlets defending the English People. Choose them from the following.b.Second Defense of the English Peopled. II Penserosoa. John Dryden b. Samuel Johnsonc.Ben Jonson d. Robert Southy62.John Milton was .a. blind in his later life b. a Cavalier poetc. the author of Samson Agoniestes d. a metaphysical poet63.Which were not written by John Milton ?a. Song to Celia b. II Pe

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