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成才之路高中英语外研版必修3同步练习Module 3 第3课时Cultural CornerWord文件下载.docx

1、3这棵古树占地面积约为100平方米。(cover an area of)4火山爆发使许多人丧失了生命。(lose ones life)5虽然这个城镇几次遭到暴风雨的袭击,但几乎没有造成损失。(damage)1There are twenty teachers in all in this school,including me.2The cost of their food reached a total of 1,000 pounds.3The ancient tree covers an area of about 100 square metres.4The volcanic erupt

2、ion made many people lose their lives.5Although the town had been struck/hit by the storm several times,little damage was done.语法填空1His_(terrify)voice shows that hes greatly_(terrify)terrified;terrified句意:他害怕的声音表明了他被吓坏了。terrified表示人内心的害怕,可修饰look/expression/voice。2_is no possibility_I can be admitted

3、 to Beijing University.There;that句意:我不可能被北京大学录取。考查句型There is no possibility that.没有可能。此句型相当于It is not possible that.3In order to continue to learn by ourselves after leaving school,we must_all learn how to study in the school now.above句意:为了毕业后继续自学,我们现在在学校里最重要的是必须学会如何学习。above all最重要的是,符合句意。4On our tr

4、ip to Beijing,we had a blowout but_(fortunate)we had a spare in the truck.fortunately句意:在去北京时,我们的车爆胎了,但幸运的是,我们的卡车上有备用轮胎。fortunately幸运地。5It rained heavily in the south,_(cause)serious flooding several provinces.causing考查现在分词作结果状语的用法。句意:南方下了大雨,导致好几个省份发了洪水。不定式常表示预料之外的结果,而动词ing形式常表示预料之中的结果。6They have re

5、paired and painted again the building_in the earthquake.damaged句意:他们修理好并重新粉刷了地震中受损的大楼。damage不完全损坏,还可以修复使用。根据句意,要用damaged,在此处作后置定语。7The policeman warned the driver never_(drive)so drive句意:警察警告司机不要漫不经心地开车。warn sb.(not)to do sth.警告(提醒)某人(不)做某事。8After the earthquake we could see the_(ruin)

6、of the village.ruins句意:地震后,我们看到那个村子成为了废墟。9All the preparation work_(complete),so we started to put away everything.had been completed句意:所有的准备工作都已经完成,我们开始把一切整理好。根据后面的谓语动词started可知此处句子表示的是过去的事情,主语all the preparation work与complete之间是被动关系,且此动作发生在started之前,故用过去完成时的被动语态。10Shanghai,_(situate)in the east of

7、 China,faces to the East China Sea.situated句意:上海位于中国东部面朝中国东海。分析语法结构可知空格处作后置定语,谓语动词是faces。根据短语搭配be situated(位于),符合题意。.完形填空I was a late arrival to university.I didnt enroll(入学)until my 74th year,and wasnt to_1_until last week.At 78,_2_a BA(文学士)in history at Birkbeck University of London(伦敦大学伯贝克学院)I gr

8、ew up in wartime Britain and my_3_was completely destroyed by the war.By the time I left_4_,aged 15,I had been to 11 different schools._5_the war,I worked as a black cab driver for 42 years,but always_6_that I hadnt received an education.So I enrolled at Birkbeck,which is best at evening_7_.I soon r

9、ealized that_8_the education I had missed as a child wouldnt be_9_.I didnt understand a word of my first_10_.With the support of my teachers,I began my study.When I had_11_three weeks into the course,my teacher_12_told me,“You will get this BA,no matter what.Any problems,you come and see me.”The oth

10、er students also helped to_13_me through.It hasnt been an easy journey,but I feel_14_to have experienced student life.The day when I found out Id_15_my degree was full of joy.You can_16_be sure that youre going to make it until youve_17_it through the last exam.The graduation ceremony last week was

11、one of the_18_moments of my life.My wife,my two sons,my classmates and my teachers were all there to_19_the moment with me.When I heard my name read out and_20_the stage I was able to say that I truly had realized a lifetime aim.【语篇解读】“我”74岁才上大学,上周刚毕业。78岁的“我”取得了伦敦大学的历史学学士学位,“我”这一生终于如愿以偿了。 Bdr

12、iveCgraduate DstudyC背景常识题。根据下文内容可知,这里的意思是“我是上周刚毕业的”。2A.started BfinishedCtaught DdevotedB词语辨析题。74岁时入学,78岁“完成”了伦敦大学的历史学学士学位的学习。finish表示“完成”。 BhobbyChealth DjobA背景常识题。本句是第二段的主题句,根据后面的描述可知,“我”在英国的战乱时期成长,战争完全毁了“我”的“学业”。4A.home BwarCcollege DschoolD词语辨析题。根据后半句I had been to 11 different school

13、s.可知,这里的意思是“15岁离开学校时,我上过11所不同的学校”。5A.After BBeforeCDuring DUntilA习语搭配题。根据后面的I worked as a black cab driver for 42 years可知,应该是战争结束“后”。6A.imagined BfeltCfound Dunderstood根据上文可知,“我”接受过教育,但“我”总“觉得”自己没接受过教育。7A.dresses BpapersCactivities DclassesD背景常识题。根据第一段可知Birkbeck为伦敦大学的一个学院,“我”在Birkbeck上夜大。所以只有D项符合语境。

14、8A.looking up Bmaking upCputting up Dsetting upB短语辨析题。根据后面的the education I had missed as a child可知,这里说的是“弥补那些孩提时错过的课”。make up在这里表示“弥补”;look up抬头看,查找;put up举起,建立,张贴;set up建立,创立,安排。9A.easy BhardCcomfortable DunhappyA词语辨析题。根据下文的描述可知,这句话的意思应该是“很快我就意识到,要弥补那些孩提时错过的课并不是一件容易的事”。10A.homework BexamClesson Dex

15、perimentC词语辨析题。上第一节“课”“我”一点都不懂。11A.doubts BquarrelsCsuccess Dexperience根据后面的老师鼓励的话语可知,这里表示“当我有疑惑时”。12A.seldom BagainCalmost Dalways根据后面的内容可知,导师总是告诉“我”,“不管怎样,你都会得到这个文学学士学位的。有什么问题,随时来问我。”13A.put BseeCcarry DreadC习语搭配题。其他学生也在帮助“我”“渡过难关”。carry sb.through帮助某人渡过难关,符合语境;put sb.through接通某人的电话;see sb.through

16、看穿某人。14A.happy BsadCalone Dterriblehappy高兴与but转折的意思照应也和下文的full of joy一致。这是一个艰难的学习之旅,但我“有幸”感受到学生时代的生活。15A.acted BansweredCbegan Dpassed“我”发现“我”已“通过”学位考试的那一天“我”满心欢喜。16A.just BoftenCnever Deven根据上下文语境可知,直到通过了最后一门考试,你才能确认你真的成功了,做到了。17A.done BmadeCbrought DtakenB习语搭配题。根据上面的make it可得出答案。固定表达make it表示“成功,办

17、成,做到”。18A.kindest BlongestClowest Dproudest上周的毕业典礼是“我”一生中“最自豪”的时刻之一。19A.manage BmarkCshare Dnotice“我”的妻子,还有两个儿子,同学和导师们和“我”一起“分享”这一时刻。20A.crossed BliftedCplaced Dprotected此处意为:当我听到读我的名字时,走过舞台的那一刻,我要说这一生的愿望终于实现了。.阅读理解AHaiti can expect more aftershocks in the coming weeks,and while the usual pattern su

18、ggests they will become weaker and less frequent,another one as strong as Wednesdays jolt(猛击)is certainly possible,scientists say.The battered(打垮了的)nation has felt more than 45 significant aftershocks since the Jan.12 quake.Wednesdays event,originally estimated at magnitude 6.1 but later weakened to

19、 5.9,tied an earlier aftershock as the strongest so far. “These events are a sign that the land is adjusting to the new reality of the rock layers,” said Bruce Pressgrave,a geophysicist with the US Geological Survey.Eric Calais of Purdue University,who has studied earthquake potential in the region,

20、said aftershocks could continue for several weeks and that another jolt as strong as Wednesdays would not be surprising. “They will be less and less frequent,but large ones can still strike,”he said.So buildings are still at risk,especially those already weakened,he said.Julie Dutton,a USGS geophysi

21、cist,agreed that more aftershocks are probable and that another event like Wednesdays was certainly possible.“More likely we see that the earthquakes decrease in size,but you definitely have the potential that you can have a larger earthquake,”she said.Paul Mann of the University of Texas said its h

22、ard to predict whether another sizable(相当大的)quake is in the future,since“we are dealing with a natural system that is very complex.” Calais also said the fault(断层)zone responsible for last weeks quake extends into the neighboring nation,the Dominican Republic.Its“somewhat of a concern to us”that the

23、 Haiti quake may have raised the chances for a quake there.The two countries share the island of Hispaniola.“But scientists dont know enough to make any forecasts,”he said.“There is so much uncertainty,”Calais said.“At this point were working really hard to understand last weeks earthquake,and from

24、there we can perhaps understand what might happen next.”【语篇解读】本文报道了海地地震的情况并对余震以及对周边邻国的影响作了介绍和预测。1The earthquake originally estimated at magnitude 6.1 happened on_.AJan.12,Wednesday BJan.12,Thursday CFeb.12,Wednesday DFeb.12,ThursdayA细节理解题。根据第二段的表述可知,海地地震发生在一月十二号,星期三。2According to Calais words in Par

25、agraph 4,we can infer that_.Aaftershocks could continue for several weeksBa big earthquake would possibly happenCthere would be no big earthquake any moreDit would be surprising that another big earthquake was to happenB推理判断题。根据“.aftershocks could continue for several weeks and that another jolt as

26、strong as Wednesdays would not be surprising.”可知,另一个大的地震有可能发生。3The passage tells us that_.Ain the coming weeks,aftershocks will happenBit is certain that there will not be a big earthquake in the future in HaitiCthe aftershocks in this area will become more and more frequentDthough another big earthquake will possibly hit this area,nothing will happen to the buildings根据文中第一段可知,在未来几周内余震还会发生。故A项正确。4The following statements are right EXCEPT_.Aa big earthquake happened on Wednesday in HaitiBHa

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