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1、 FAX: +91-44-47108866A corporation duly registered and existing under the laws of India, hereinafter referred to as USER or BYD;一个注册于印度并受印度法律约束的公司,以下称之谓“使用方或比亚迪”And 和The Sellers: 卖方:The company in China中国某公司 FAX:A corporation duly registered and existing under the laws of China, hereinafter referred

2、 to as SUPPLIER.一个注册于中国_并受 中华人民共和国法律约束的公司,以下称之为“供货人”。Whereas “SUPPLIER” is unable to engage in the import & export business, and whereas USER accepts that SUPPLIER may consign HANG FUNG ELECTRIC MFG.LIMITED as an agent to conduct business with USER, and USER signed the CONTRACT (Contract No._) with

3、its agent dated on _. Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and mutual consultations, the parties hereto establish the terms and conditions hereinafter as a supplemental agreement, which is binding upon both parties, and it is as follows:鉴于供货人自身无法从事进出口业务,同时鉴于使用方同意供货人委托恒丰电业制造厂有限公司作为代理商与其进行关

4、于买卖该设备的交易,而使用方和代理商于_签订了合同(合同号为:_)。因此,考虑到以上情况并经相互协商,双方特约定以下条款及条件作为该合同的补充协议,协议双方均遵照该协议信守执行。Therefore, the parties agree with the terms and conditions as follows:因此,双方在如下条件上达成协议:ARTICLE 1 SUPPLIERS WARRANTY OVER ITS AGENT 供应方对其代理商的保证1.1 Agent carries out the overseas trade on behalf of Seller. Any and

5、all of Agents compensation and other expenses will be in conformity to the agreement between Agent and Seller. In no event shall Buyer be responsible for the compensation and other expenses of Agent to carry out this Contract.代理商是为了卖方的利益进行外贸代理的一方,代理商的一切佣金、其他花费遵从代理商与卖方的约定,不应由买方承担。1.2 Seller shall bea

6、r the joint liability for any and all obligations and responsibilities of Agent hereunder. If there is any breach of contract arising from Agent, Buyer shall be entitled to the option to cover the losses and damages from Seller directly.卖方应对代理商在此合同下的一切义务、责任承担连带责任。如代理商有违约行为,买方有权选择直接向卖方索赔。ARTICLE 2 SP

7、ECIFICATIONS OF EQUIPMENT 设备描述1. . The name of product: Automatic Ultrasonic washing machine设备名称:自动超声波清洗机2. Model No: 设备型号:AIX-C801083. Amount: 设备数量:1 Pack4. Trade Mark: 设备品牌:AIX5. Country: 设备产地:SHENZHEN CHINA 中国深圳ARTICLE 3 - INSPECTION AND CLAIM 检验与索赔3.1 Claim on Coming Inspection 货到检验时的索赔Within th

8、irty (30) days after arrival of the equipment at the port of destination, the USER has to report to the SUPPLIER, if damages of the goods are found, or the specifications and/or quantity are not in conformity with the stipulations of this CONTRACT due to the SUPPLIER responsibility, the SUPPLIER wil

9、l be liable for repairing the damaged equipment and/or replacing this equipment which cannot be repaired and/or supplying short-shipped items. The claim, except the claim of quality, discovered during this open case inspection must be made not later than thirty (30) days after the arrival of the equ

10、ipment concerned. 设备到达目的港30天内,如发现设备有任何损坏或由于供货人的责任导致的规格和数量不符合合同的规定,使用方应告知供货人,供货人应负责维修损坏的设备,和或更换不能维修的设备,和或提供短装的设备。除质量索赔以外,其他在开箱时发现的索赔事项,应在不迟于有关设备抵达后30天内提出。3.2 Claim during Warranty Period 保证期限内的索赔The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for the quality and the technical performance of the equipment supplied

11、within its guarantee period as mentioned in article 3. If the equipment supplied is found cannot reach its designated quality and technical specification, the SUPPLIER should take remedial action to correct such defects which might include the replacement of the defected parts within three (3) month

12、s after the Users written notice and shall bear all the expenses arising thereof. If the defects are not remedied within this specified period, the USER can request the SUPPLIER liquidated damages on the defected equipment.供货人保证其设备在第三条中提及的保证期内的技术性能。如发现提供的设备不能达到预定的质量和技术规格,供货人应采取补救措施以纠正这些问题。补救措施包括收到使用

13、方书面通知后的3个月内提供替换备件,并承担由此引起的所有费用。如在规定时间内不能解决,使用方可要求供货人对发生问题的设备进行赔偿。ARTICLE 4 - ERECTION SUPERVISION AND COMMISSIONING安装指导及调试The two parties agree to choose mode (A) to apply to this Agreement.双方同意本协议适用模式(A)4.1 Mode A模式A3.1.1 If installation is included in this purchase, the installation and commission

14、ing of the Equipment purchased under this Contract will be undertaken by the Seller pursuant to the terms in Appendix A hereto. In addition, prior to commencing any installation work at Buyers facility, Seller will obtain product liability insurance with the insurance value not less than the total p

15、rice of this Contract. The certificate of insurance shall list the insurance company, amount of coverage, policy numbers, and expiration date. Buyer shall be named as one of the beneficiaries under Sellers liability policies such that Buyer and Seller are both covered for any alleged negligence, and

16、 the Buyer shall be shown as one of the beneficiaries on the certificate of insurance. This Clause 7.1 does not affect Sellers indemnification or other liabilities hereunder.如本合同包括安装,卖方应承担设备的安装及调试工作,并遵守本合同附件A中的安装条款。另外,卖方在买方所在地开始安装调试前还应购买投保额不低于合同总价的设备安装险。保险凭证应列明保险公司名称、保险金额、保险单号码、到期日。在供方的责任保险单上买方应被列为受

17、益人之一,即买方与卖方均能在有声称的过失时受到足够的保护,并且买方应当在保险凭证上被列为受益人之一。本条款并不影响供方在协议项下的赔偿及其他责任。4.1.2 Location of Installation: Limited安装位置:4.1.3 After installation of the Equipment, Buyer and Seller will jointly participate in acceptance testing. If the technical specifications listed in the Technical Agreement attached

18、hereto as Appendix B have been reached, the representatives of both parties shall sign an Acceptance Certificate in the form attached to the Technical Agreement, in duplicate, one for each party. Such signature shall constitute acceptance of the Equipment by the Buyer. The Acceptance Certificate wil

19、l not exempt the Seller from the obligation to perform warranty work, and the Seller will remain responsible under the warranty provisions listed in Article 5.在完成设备调试后,由买方和卖方共同组织验收。如果所有的设备都达到了本合同附件B技术协议中的约定,双方代表应签署二份“验收证书”,双方各执一份。这表明买方已接受设备。本条款下的验收合格并不免除卖方应对产品的质量承担的担保责任,卖方还应根据本合同第五条的保证条款对卖方负责。4.1.4

20、Seller will pay all expenses of installation of the Equipment, and will be responsible for any damage to the Equipment, Sellers facility, or Sellers employees during the course of installation. .The Seller will provide training for the Buyer until the Buyers personnel can operate the Equipment.卖方应支付

21、由安装调试引起的一切费用,并对安装期间设备、卖方的工具或者卖方雇员的一切损失负责。卖方应该为买方人员提供足够的指导及培训直到买方人员能操作使用设备。4.2 Mode B模式B4.2.1 Buyer shall take care of field installation and commissioning of the Equipment, and report to Seller on any problem or failure.买方负责现场安装调试,如有问题或故障须及时向卖方报告。4.2.2 Seller must guide for installation and commissi

22、oning, furnish the Buyer with instructions about installation and commissioning, and provide long-distance support via telephone, email and so on. If there is any question, seller technical staff should solve the problem within three working days and keep the equipment running in order. Otherwise, B

23、uyer is entitled to the option of asking Seller to settle the problem where it is installed at its own costs and expenses.卖方必须指导买方的安装调试工作,向买方提供安装、调试操作说明书,并通过电话、邮件等方式提供远程支持。如有任何问题,卖方技术人员,应在3个工作日内解决问题,保证设备的正常运行。否则,买方有权要求卖方来现场进行处理并自负费用。4.2.3 安装位置:4.2.4 After installation of the Equipment, if the techni

24、cal specifications listed in the Technical Agreement attached hereto as Appendix A have been reached, the seller shall sign an Acceptance Certificate in duplicate, one for each party. Such signature shall constitute acceptance of the Equipment by the Buyer. The Acceptance Certificate will not exempt

25、 the Seller from the obligation to perform warranty work, and the Seller will remain responsible under the warranty provisions listed in Article 5在完成设备调试后,如果所有的设备都达到了本合同附件A技术协议中的约定,由买方签发二份“验收证书”,双方各执一份。本条款下的验收合格并不免除卖方应对产品的质量承担的担保责任,卖方还应根据本合同第5条的保证条款对卖方负责。4.2.5 The Seller will provide training for th

26、e Buyer, the long-distance support via email, telephone and so on, until the Buyers personnel can operate the Equipment.卖方应该通过邮件、电话等远程支持,为买方人员提供足够的指导及培训直到买方人员能操作使用设备。ARTICLE 5 - WARRANTY 保证条款5.1 Quality质量方面5.1.1 The Seller warrants that the Equipment to be supplied under this Contract卖方对本合同下提供的设备做出如

27、下保证:1)Will be free from all defects in design, workmanship and materials and will be brand new.在设计,加工和材料方面没有任何缺陷,并且应该是全新的;2) Will be fit for normal usages of Equipment of this type, as well as for any specific purpose that Buyer has communicated to Seller that it intends to use the Equipment for;符合本

28、类设备的通用使用目的,同时符合买方在签订合同时明示或者暗示给卖方的任何特定使用目的。3)Will be of the same quality as any sample Equipment which the Seller has furnished to the Buyer as a model具有和卖方提供给买方的模型样品相同的质量。5.1.2 If the Equipment has any problems with the Equipment that require repair during the warranty period, the Buyer may request

29、warranty service by giving notice, including a description of the problem, the severity of the problem, and the efforts made already to address the problem. The Seller will respond to a maintenance request within24 hours after receiving it, initially by written response acknowledging receipt of Buye

30、rs request to be sent back to the Buyer immediately. The Seller will arrange for service personnel to address the quality problems within a reasonable time.The abovementioned warranty period shall be12months from the date of acceptance certificate.保证期内设备出现质量问题需要维修时,买方可拟写书面维修通知,内容包括对质量问题的描述,质量问题严重程度的

31、判定,维修时间要求等;维修通知应发送到卖方的质量保证团队在本合同或卖方网站中列出的地址。卖方应在收到买方书面维修通知后(24)小时内签字确认回传,并在合理期限内安排维修人员解决质量问题。以上所述的保证期为验收合格之日起12个月。5.1.3 If the Seller fails to solve the quality problems within a reasonable time, Buyer may, at its option,卖方未能在合理期限内解决质量问题的,买方有权自行选择(a) replace the damaged Equipment, 要求卖方退换质量有问题的设备(b) hire a third party to repair the Equipm

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