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1、有病的20.knee(n.)膝;膝盖21.ourselves(pron.)(we的反身代词)我们自己22.climber(n.)登山者;攀登者23.risk(n.& v.)危险;风险;冒险24.situation(n.)情况;状况25.rock(n.)岩石26.knife(n.)刀27.blood(n.)血28.mean(v.)意思是;打算;意欲29.importance(n.)重要性;重要30.decision(n.)决定;抉择31.control(n.& v.)限制;约束;管理32.spirit(n.)勇气;意志33.death(n.)死;死亡34.nurse(n.)护士35.cheer(



4、)聪明的;聪颖的66.understand(v.)理解;领会67.change(v.& n.)变化;改变68.interest(n.)兴趣;关注(v.)使感兴趣;使关注性转换1.stomachache(n.)胃痛;腹痛stomach(n.) 胃2.foot(n.)脚;足feet(复数)3.lie(v.)躺;平躺lying(现在分词)lay(过去式)lain(过去分词)4.hurt(v.)(使)疼痛;受伤hurt(过去式/过去分词)5.herself(pron.)她自己themselves她们自己6.hit(v.)击;打hitting(现在分词)hit(过去式/过去分词)7.knife(n.)刀

5、knives(复数 )8.important(adj.)重要的importance(n.)重要性;重要9.decision(n.)决定decide(v.)决定10.death(n.)死亡die(v.)死dead(adj.)死的;死亡的dying(adj.)要死的11.feeling(n.)感觉;感触feel(v.)感觉;感到felt(过去式/过去分词)12.satisfaction(n.)满足;满意satisfy(v.)满意satisfied(adj.)满意的13.broken(adj.)破损的;残缺的break(v.) 坏;打破broke(过去式)broken(过去分词)14.difficu

6、lty(n.)困难;难题difficult(adj.)困难的15.interest(v.& n.)使感兴趣;使关注interested(adj.)感兴趣的interesting(adj.)有趣的短语1.发烧/咳嗽/感冒/流鼻血have a fever/cough/cold/nosebleed2.患流感have the flu3.头痛/牙痛/胃疼have a headache/toothache/stomachache 4.冒险take risks/take a risk5.量体温take ones temperature 6.下车get off7.上车 get on8.使惊讶的是;出乎的意料t

7、o ones surprise 9.遇上麻烦;处于困境get into trouble 10.掌管;管理be in control of11.用尽;耗尽run out (of)12.及时in time 13.幸亏;由于thanks to14.作出决定(做某事)make a decision (to do sth.) decide (to do sth.)15.对做感兴趣be interested in doing sth.16.考虑做某事think about doing sth.17.放弃做某事give up doing sth.18.(使)变得更高兴;振奋起来cheer up19.分发;散

8、发give out20.想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等)come up with 21.推迟put off22.张贴;搭建;举起put up 23.分发hand out24.曾经;过去used to25.在岁的时候at the age of26.同时at the same time27.担忧;担心worry aboutbe worried about 28.(外貌或行为)像take after29.赠送;捐赠give away30.与相似be similar to31.建起;设立set up32.影响;有作用make a difference33.对感到兴奋be excited about s

9、th.34.立刻;马上at once35.没能力做某事be unable to do sth.续表句子1.Whats the matter?你怎么了?I have a _sore_back_.我背痛。2._Should_ I take my temperature?我该量体温吗?3.It doesnt _sound_like_ you have a fever.听起来你不像发烧。4.You need to take breaks _away_from_ the computer.你需要远离电脑休息。5.The bus driver,24yearold Wang Ping stopped the

10、 bus _without_thinking_twice_.24岁的公交车司机王平没有多考虑就把车停了下来。6._Thanks_to_ Mr.Wang and the passengers,the man was saved by the doctors_in_time_.多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生及时挽救了那位老人。7.Someone _got_hit_on_ the head.有人撞到头了。8.As a mountain climber,Aron _is_used_to_taking_ risks.作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯了冒险。9.Aron _tells_of_ the _importa

11、nce_of_ making good decisions,and of _being_in_control_of_ ones life.阿伦讲述了作出正确决定和掌管个人生命的重要性。10.They _told_ me stories _about_ the past and how things _used_to_be_.他们给我讲过去的生活经历,讲过去是什么样子的。11.I get _such_a_strong_feeling_of_satisfaction_ when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their _o

12、wners_ faces.当我看到动物们病情渐好,看到它们主人脸上的喜悦表情时,我获得了一种极强的满足感。12.She could read by herself _at_the_age_of_ four.她在四岁时就能够独自看书了。13._Volunteering_ here _is_ a dream _come_true_ for me.在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。14.You helped to _make_it_possible_for_ me _to_ have Lucky.你的帮助使得我有可能拥有“幸运儿”(狗名)。法1.情态动词should,shouldnt与could(详

13、见第二编P140P141)2.反身代词(详见第二编P124)3.不定式作宾语、状语和宾语补足语(详见第二编P139)4.情态动词could用于礼貌请求与允许(详见第二编P140)话题Unit 1 Health and first aid(健康与急救)Unit 2 Volunteering and charity(志愿服务与慈善)单元重难点突破expect (八下Unit 1 P3)【举例透析】He expected to hear from Mary.他期待收到玛丽的来信。(expect作动词,意为“预料;期待”。短语:期待做某事expect to_do sth. look forward t

14、o doing sth.)I expect my sister to come back early so that we can go to Jolins concert together.我期待我的姐姐早点回来以便我们能一起去听蔡依林的音乐会。(短语:期待某人做某事 expect sb.to_do sth.)They are in trouble,but I expect that they can deal with it themselves.他们正处于困境中,但是我期望他们能自己处理。(用法:expect that从句 期待) (D)1.Does he expect _ his dr

15、eam this time?Yes,he looks forward to _ his dream come true.A.achieving;make B.achieving;to achieve;to make achieve;making2.(原创题)我不期望他会来我的生日聚会。I dont _expect_ that he will come to my birthday party.辨析thanks to与thanks for (八下Unit 1 P3)Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengers,the doctors sav

16、ed the man in time.多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生及时赶到救了那个男人。(thanks to 意为“多亏;由于;因为”, to 是介词名词)Thanks for helping me! 谢谢你帮助了我!Thanks for your help! 谢谢你的帮助!(thanks for意为“因而感谢”;for是介词名词/动词的ing形式)1.多亏了老师们的帮助,我在英语方面取得了很大的进步。_Thanks_to_the teachers help,I have made great progress in English.2.谢谢你邀请我。_Thanks_for_ _inviting

17、_ me.辨析be used to doing,be used to do与used to (八下Unit 1 P10)【举例透析】Most students are used to getting up early on weekdays.多数学生周一到周五习惯早起。be (get/become) used to doing sth.习惯于做)His knife was used to cut off his right arm. He used his knife to cut off his right arm.他用刀切断了右臂。useto do sth.使用做某事; 其被动结构为:be

18、 used to_do sth.被用来做某事)Lisa used to play computer games for a long time.莉萨过去常常会打很久的电脑游戏。 used to do sth.过去常常做某事)(C)1.This kind of machine is used to _ bees from the cages.And the bees are now used to _ in the;live B.freeing;;living D.freeing;live(D)2.He used _ to work on fo

19、ot,but now he is used to _ his car.A.going;driving B.going;to drive go;drive go;driving(B)3.(2018武威中考)Our city is cleaner than it _ used to B.used toC.uses to usedrun out (of) (八下Unit 1 P6)The petrol is running out.汽油快用完了。(run out 为不及物短语,主语为物,表示某物被用完了)We ran out of the petrol.

20、我们用完了汽油。(run out of为及物短语,主语为人,表示某人用完了某物.)(B)1.Hey,whats wrong with your new car?_.A.It runs out oilB.It has run out of oilC.The oil has run out ofD.It ran out oil2.没有工作,他的钱很快用完了。His money_ran_ _out_ soon without a job.辨析lonely与alone (八下Unit 2 P12)A lot of old people are lonely.很多老人很孤独。(lonely作形容词,意为

21、“孤独的”,既可以作表语,也可以作定语,如:a lonely man)I want to travel alone.我想独自旅游。(alone 作形容词或副词,只能作表语或状语,不能作定语。be alone be all by oneself)选用lonely,alone填空。1.I live _alone_ but I dont feel _lonely_.2.Jack has few friends.He is a _lonely_ child.make it adj.for do sth. (八下Unit 2 P14)You helped to make it possibl

22、e for me to have Lucky.你的帮助使得我有可能拥有“幸运儿”(狗名)。I sometimes find it difficult to communicate with him.我有时候发现跟他沟通很困难。 (句型:make/find it adj. to do sth.“使得/发现做怎么样”。在句型中, it 作形式宾语, 后面的形容词作宾语补足语, 不定式作真正的宾语。)(A)His strong will(意志) _ for him to get through the hard times in the end.A.made it possible B.made n

23、o differenceC.made it difficult D.made it easydifficulty (八下Unit 2 P14)He has difficulty studying Chinese.他学汉语有困难。If you have any difficulties,give me a call.如果你有任何困难,给我打电话。(difficulty既可作可数名词“各种困难、难题、难事”,又可作不可数名词“艰辛;费劲”;have difficulty doing sth.做某事有困难)Everyone may have difficulty _answering_(answer

24、) such difficult questions.高频话题写作指导志愿者活动话题解读志愿者活动现在已经成为全社会体现爱心和正能量的热门活动。志愿者活动使需要帮助的人们得到帮助,而志愿者们也能从中得到锻炼和价值的体现。分析全国近几年的中考写作题目,我们可以发现这也是一个很热门的写作方向。一般来说,志愿者活动这一话题主要从三个方面来命题:1.写志愿者活动安排(2018年黑龙江绥化);2.志愿者招聘(2017年黑龙江齐齐哈尔);3.志愿者的自荐信(2017年湖北荆州)。此类写作可以培养学生们热心公益事业和乐于助人的高尚品质,同时也对自己的实践能力是一个很好的锻炼。写作素材包常用作文开头语:1.I

25、 had a very unforgettable experience in volunteer last week.(have an experience有的经历)【试一试】迈克度过了一段非常愉快的经历。_Mike_had_a_very_pleasant_experience._2.More and more people are willing to work as a volunteer.(work as作为而工作)【试一试】去年我在动物园里当了一段时间的动物饲养员。_Last_year_I_worked_as_an_animal_keeper_for_some_time_in_the

26、_zoo._3.We want some volunteers to help clean the city parks this Saturday.(want do sth.想让某人做某事)【试一试】你想让我们来当志愿者去帮助那些生病的孩子们吗?_Do_you_want_us_to_be_volunteers_to_help_the_sick_kids?_常用作文中间语:1.I think its very meaningful for me to be a volunteer.(It beadj.for do sth.对某人来说做某事如何)【试一试】对我们学生来说,

27、帮助他人是非常有必要的。_Its_very_necessary_for_us_students_to_help_others._2.He has lots of experience taking care of the animals.(have experience doing sth.做某事很有经验)【试一试】我对打扫房间卫生很有经验。_I_have_experience_cleaning_the_room._3.We cleaned the old peoples rooms and helped them wash their clothes.4.In the afternoon,w

28、e sang and danced for the old people and they were very happy to see that.(be happy to do sth.做某事很高兴)【试一试】我们很高兴去帮助那位老人。_We_are_very_happy_to_help_the_old_man._5.We were very tired but at the same time,we were also very happy to cheer them up.(cheer sb.up使某人感到振奋)【试一试】我明天将会去医院鼓励那些生病的孩子们。_I_will_go_to_the_hospital_to_cheer_up_the_sick_children_tomorrow._6.I learned a lot by communicating with the old people.(learnby doing sth.通过做某事学习)【试一试】我通过经常给那位老人写信来保

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