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1、上海市徐汇区九年级英语学习能力诊断二模试题2015-2016学年第二学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷九年级英语 试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟)I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture.(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)7. A) Two. B) Three. C)

2、Five. D) Seven.8. A) In Hong Kong. B) In Tokyo. C) In Beijing. D) In London.9. A) At 8:30. B) At 9:00. C) At 9:30. D) At 10:00.10. A) Wife and husband. B) Teacher and student. C) Boss and secretary. D) Air hostess(空姐)and passenger.11A) In the kitchen. B) In the bedroomC) In the living room. D) In th

3、e garden.12. A) Look for dinosaurs. B) Go to the library. C) Search for information online. D) Borrow some books from the lady.13A) Happy. B) Tired. C) Bored. D) Excited.14A) The woman used to travel a lot. B) The womans sister likes to collect postcards. C) Their suitcases may be full of gifts.D) T

4、he man wants a bigger suitcase.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示)15The mother took her son to a concert to praise him for his progress.16Their seats were close to the entrance of the concert hall.17The boy secretl

5、y went up onto the stage and started to play.18The pianist was surprised to find how wonderfully the boy played the piano.19. The pianist and the boy played together and their music attracted the crowd.20. It tells us a helping hand makes a difference and people are supposed to help each other.D. Li

6、sten to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填 一词):(共10分)21 When I was 22 years old, I weighed 220 pounds and wore a22My doctor told me that if I didnt I would face an early death.231 started walking in the biggest park nearby and began to eat less.24. In 2006,1 decided to

7、 use an online diet diary to record my daily and exercise.25In five months, I lost 30 pounds and I was,and healthier than Id ever been. (第二部分 语音、词汇和语法). Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)共20分.26.Its not right to judge a book by its cover. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?A. du

8、: d B. ju: d C. dd D. dg27.Which of the following is right? A. How hard Tom works! B.I dont know his name. C.Is this your ruler? D. Where is Toms desk?28.My parents were watching _TV when I got home last night. A. a C. the D. 29.The twin sisters look alike. Its not easy to tell the difference _

9、Jessie and Millie. A. from B. about C. between D. With30._amazing invention attracted all the people at the meeting. A. They B. Their C. Them D. Theirs31.Some people go to coffee shops to meet friends, _may just want to have a cup of nice coffee. A. another B. the other C. others D. the others32.Sin

10、ce there was only one position available, Mr.Peterson had to choose either Jack _Tom to be a manager. A. and B. so C. or D. but33.My aunt is a little nervous about her first to Canada. She has_ been abroad before. A. never B. sometimes C. often D. always34.Hans is the second _boy in his class. A. ta

11、ll B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest35.A:_I wear a tie to Janets birthday party? B:No,you neednt. But do remember to bring her a present. A. Must B. Should C. Need D. Can36.As a local journalist, Hans _big events of the city every day. A. will report B. reports C. is reporting D. reported37.All th

12、e judges liked the seven-year-old girls singing. Her voice sounds_A. friendly B. clearly C. lovely D. rarely38.After AlphaGo defeated human Go champion, we started to worry about whether AI(人工智能)_the place of human some day in the future.A. took B. has taken C. is taking D. would take39._unforgettab

13、le moment it was to the fans of Leonardo DiCaprio around the world!A. What B. How C. What a D. What an40.The heavy rain made the headmaster_ the school sports meeting.A. to cancel B. cancel C. canceling D. canceled41.The new App allows us to use voice to create notes instead of_ all the words.A. to

14、type B. type C. typing D. typed42.Susan_while the rest of the family were talking happily in the car.A. drove B. was driving C. has driven D. drives43.Miss Brown would like to know_.A. when will she get a new computer from her fatherB. when she would get a new computer from her fatherC. when would s

15、he get a new computer from her fatherD. when she will get a new computer from her father44.A:Take a seat and make yourself at home here in our apartmentA.The same to you. B. You are welcome.C. Thank you D. Id love to45.A:I am afraid Tim is not going to join you this time. B:_ A. What a pity! B. Its

16、very kind of you! C. Thats right! D. That sounds great!III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次)。(共8分) The elephant was lying heavily on its side, fast asleep. A few dogs started barking at it. The elephan

17、t woke up in a terrible anger and all the dogs ran back to the village for 46 . That didnt stop the elephant. It destroyed a few houses and hurt several people. The villages were frightened and angry. Then someone suggested 47 Parbati for help, the elephant princess(公主). Parbati Baruas father was a

18、hunter of tigers and an elephant tamer(驯象师). He taught Parbati to ride an elephant before she could even 48 .He also taught her the dangerouss art of the elephant round-up-how to catch wild elephants.Parbati hasnt 49 lived in the forest. After a happy childhood hunting with her father, she was sent

19、to boarding school in the city. But Parbati never got used to being there and many years later she went back to her old life. “Life in the city is too dull. Catching elephants is an adventure and excitement lasts for days after the chase,” she says.But Parbati doesnt catch elephant just for fun . “M

20、y 50 ,” she says, “is to protect man from the elephants, and to keep the elephant safe from man.” And this is exactly what Parbati has been dong for many years. 51 ,the Indian elephant is angry for many years, hunters have attacked it and its home in the forest has been reduced to small pieces of la

21、nd. It is now fighting back. Whenever wild elephants enter a tea garden or a village, Parbati is called to 52 the animals back to the jungle before they can kill.Being an elephant tamer also needs love. A good elephant tamer will spend hours a day singing love songs to a baby elephant. “Finally they

22、 grow to love their tamers and never forget them. They are also more 53 than humans,” she said, as she climbed up one of her elephants and sat on the huge, happy animal. An elephant princess indeed!IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共

23、8分)54. If Hilary wins the presidential election(总统大选),she will be the _ woman president of the USA.(one)55. Eves dog has a strong habit. It likes to hide toys in _ dog house.(it)56. So far I havent received the _ to the conference from the organizer.(invite)57. The recipe says “Peel the apple first

24、and then cut it into two _” (half)58. That poor little girl looks so _. Wed better give her a hand.(help)59. Every Sunday people see Tom sit _ and watch his grandpa fishing.(quiet)60. With more than 80 hotels to _ from, I am sure you will find a suitable one.(choice)61. The more cars people buy, the

25、 _ traffic in the city is becoming.(bad)V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子,62-67题,每空限填一词,68题注意大小写):(共14分)62. Every morning Sarah has an egg and a piece of bread as her breakfast.(改为一般疑问句)_Sarah _an egg and a piece of bread as her breakfast every morning ?63. Tom repaired m

26、y broken windows last week.(改为被动语态)My broken windows_ _ by Tom last week.64. There will be a lot of changes taking place in my hometown.(改为反义疑问句)There will be a lot of changes taking place in my hometown, _ _?65. People all think the cartoon Zootopia is interesting and wonderful.(对划线部分提问)_ do people

27、 _ the cartoon Zootopia?66. Nowadays, many people continue their studies after they begin to work.(保持句意不变)Nowadays, many people _ _with their studies after they begin to work.67. Shall we call the police or not? He asked me.(合并两句为一句)He asked me _ _ call the police or not.68. Successfully, ten years

28、ago, three books, since, has written, she.(连词成句)_Part 3 Reading and WritingVI Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分)A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分) (A) While good grades and test are the basic requirements for getting into college, after-school activities are becoming more important in t

29、he colledge selection process in the US. As entrance into college has become more difficult, colleges have looked more at what skills you have. Taking part in after-school activities is a great way to succeed in school.High School Clubs Most high schools offer a lot of clubs and activities, so it is

30、 easy to find something that you are interested in. Colleges look for students who will also be active other than test scores.There are many clubs in school, such as the drama club and a book club. You may even be able to find a club related to a future job, such as Future Teachers of America.High School Sports If you want to go to college and want to take part in sports at a college level, then this fact just might give you a chance. It is generally a good idea to focus on one single sport. If you plan on sports openi

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