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1、 00 in the evening?A. Does his homework. B. Watches TV. C. Does some housework.14. Which woman is Toms aunt?A. The one in red. B. The one in purple C. The one in brown.15. Where probably is the man?A. In a bookstore. B. In a restaurant. C. In a clothes store.B.听第一段长对话,根据对话内容回答第16-17小题。对话读两遍。16. What

2、 does the man want to drink?A. Milk. B. Tea. C. Juice.17. How much does the man pay?A. 8 yuan. B. 10 yuan. C. 18 yuan.C.听第二段长对话,根据对话内容回答第18-20小题。18. Where does the woman want to go?A. The hospital. B. The library. C. Jianshe Road.19. How will the woman get there?A. Take a bus. B. By bike. C. On foot

3、.20. How long will it take the woman to go there?A. About 10 minutes. B. About 7 minutes. C. About 8 minutes.(2019广西贺州)(四)短文理解。听一篇短文,根据短文内容,回答第21-25小题。短文读两遍。21. What was the date yesterday?A. June7,2019. B.July7,2018. C. June 6. 2019.22. How many dragon boats were there in the river?A.5. B.15. C.50.

4、23. Which team won the race at last?A. Courage Team. B. Tiger Team. C. Hope Team.24. What did they go to learn to do?A. Draw a picture. B. Make Zongzi. C. Go boating.25. How did they feel at the end of the day?A. Sad B. Amazed. C. Tired but excited.(2019广西贺州)(五)听短文,填信息。听一篇短文,根据短文内容补全以下信息,每空填一词,将单词写在

5、答题卡上。My hometownMy hometown is HezhouLocationIt 26 in the east of Guangxi.TravelThere are so many well-known places of 27 such as GupoMountain, Huangyao Ancient Town and so on.Climate(气候)It is 28 in summer and cold in winterTransportationTourists trip is pleasant and convenient because of several hi

6、gh-speed 29 .Tourists will 30 themselves in Hezhou.【答案】1-5 CBDEA 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 CAABC 16-20 ACBCC 21-25 ABABC 26. lies 27.interest 29. trains 30. enjoy 二、单项选择(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号在答题卡上涂黑。(2019广西贺州)31. Lets play _ basketball after school.A. a B. an C. the

7、 D. /31. D 考查冠词辨析。句意:让我们放学后打篮球吧。play与球类名词搭配时,球类前不加冠词。故选D。(2019广西贺州)32. Doing eye exercises is good_our eyes. A. at B to C. for D. with32. C 考查介词辨析。做眼保健操对我们的眼睛有益处。be good for对有益。故选C。(2019广西贺州)33. The Hongkong- Zhuhai- Macao Bridge(港珠澳大桥), _sea-crossing bridge in the world was opened on October 24, 20

8、18.A. Long B. the longest C. longer D. longest33. B 考查形容词比较等级。港珠澳大桥,这座世界上最长的跨海大桥在2018年10月24日开通。根据范围限定词in the world可知用形容词最高级,前面加the。故选B。(2019广西贺州)34. Do you like rock music or country music? _. I like Beijing Opera. A. Either B. None C. Both D. Neither34. D 考查不定代词辨析。 你喜欢摇滚乐还是乡村音乐? 两者都不喜欢。我喜欢京剧。either

9、或者;none三者都不;both 两者都;neither两者都不。京剧选项是对前两者的否定,用neither。(2019广西贺州)35. What a new look our city has!Yes. Great changes_since 2008. A. take place B. took place C. have taken place D. are taking place35. C 考查动词时态辨析。我们的城市有着多么新的面貌呀!。是的。自从2008年以来,巨大的变化就已经发生了。根据时间介词since可知用现在完成时。(2019广西贺州)36. The fruit sala

10、d_delicious, Id like to have more.A. tastes B. touches C. sounds D. feels36. A 考查连系动词辨析。水果沙拉尝起来很美味,我想再来一些。taste尝起来;touchc触摸;sound听起来;feel感觉。根据语境可知选A。(2019广西贺州)37. Dont forget to_the lights when you leave the classroom.A. tum on B. turn off C. turn down D. tum up37. B 考查动词短语辨析。当你离开教室时不要忘记关灯。turn on 打

11、开;turn off关掉;turn down 调小(音量);turn up调大(音量)。离开教室当然要“关”灯。(2019广西贺州)38. The woman wearing a pair of glasses is_.A. Lily and Lucys mother B. Lilys and Lucys motherC. Lilys and Lucys mothers D. Lily and Lucy s mothers38. A 考查名词所有格。戴眼镜的那个妇女是莉莉和露西的妈妈。根据主语woman可知表示一个人,即公用A and Bs。故选A。(2019广西贺州)39. _she is

12、3 years old, _ she can dress herself.A. Though; but B. Because; so C. Though; / D. Because; /39. C 考查连词。尽管她三岁,但是她可以自己穿衣服。这是一个让步状语从句,though不能和but同时连用。(2019广西贺州)40. What did Mary say to you just now, Alan? She asked _.A. if I could go to the museum with her tomorrowB. why I am so sad todayC. who did I

13、 play volleyball with after schoolD. what will I do on the weekend40. A 考查宾语从句。 艾伦,刚刚玛丽对你说什么了? 她问我是否明天可以陪她去博物馆。宾语从句用陈述语序,且主句用过去时,从句用相应的过去时态。(2019广西贺州)三、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号在答题卡上涂黑。Jim and Jack passed by a small house on their way home late at night. T

14、hey saw thick smoke 41 out of its windows. “Its on fire!” said Jim. “ We 42 help.”The two brothers ran along the road shouting, “Fire! Fire!” They knocked at the 43 of the next house. They asked the neighbors 44 the police and the firemen. Then they ran back to the house and saw 45 the window an old

15、 lady sitting in an armchair. It was 46 that she could not move. Jim and Jack tried 47 best to carry her out of the house. Some 48 came and helped to take some things out.In no time the firemen as well as the policemen arrived. The fire 49 out. The old lady wasnt hurt 50 she cried. She thanked Jim,

16、Jack and her neighbors again and again.41.A. come B. came C. coming D. must42. A. may B. could C. might D. must43.A. desk B. chair C. door D. window44.A. to tell B. to call C. to find D. to report45. B. across C. under D. through46. A. clear B. clean C. easy D. difficult47. A. them B. their C.

17、theirs D. they48.A. firemen B. policemen C. neighbors D. brothers49. A. is putting B. was put C. was putting D. was putted50. A. but B. and C. or D. until题材记叙文话题48意外词数150【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,讲的吉姆和杰克两兄弟在回家的路上看见一个老房子着火,快速的通知邻居并报警,老人得救了,对两兄弟和周围的邻居表示感谢的故事。【答案】 41-45.CDCBD 46-50. ABCBA 【解析】41. C 考查非谓语动词。他们看见浓烟

18、正从窗花上出来。see sb./sth. doing看见某人或某物正在做某事。42. D 考查情态动词辨析。结合语境可知“我们必须帮助”。43.C 考查名词词义辨析。根据谓语knock “敲”并结合语境可知与其搭配的名词是“敲门”,knock at the door. 故选C。44. B 考查动词不定式。根据句式:ask sb. to do sth.可知着火了,当然要给警察和消防员“打电话”。tell 告诉;call打电话;find找到;report报道。45. D 考查介词词义辨析。语境是“透过窗户看见老人正坐在椅子上”。in在里面;across横穿;under在下面;through透过空间

19、。根据宾语window可知与其搭配的是through。46. A 考查形容词词义辨析。很明显她不能移动了。句式its clear that.意为:显而易见。47. B 考查代词辨析。try ones best尽力去做。主语是两兄弟,ones用their代替。 48. C 考查名词词义辨析。根据下文In no time the firemen as well as the policemen arrived. 消防员和警察到来,可知此处并非“消防员和警察”,应该是“邻居们”来了。49. B 考查被动语态。火被扑灭了。此处是一般过去时的被动语态。50. A 考查连词辨析。上文“老年人没有受伤”和下

20、文“她哭了”构成转折关系,用but。and“和”,表示顺承关系;or“或者”,表示选择关系;until “直到”。四、阅读理解(15小题,每小题2分,共30分)(2019广西贺州)AInvited By CathyPlease join us for a movie in honor of Cathy s 8th birthday.Showtime: February 8th at 6 :00pmAddress: 32 Renmin RoadTel:555-3452 Invited By BettyYou are invited to Bettys 10th birthday! We will

21、 have a movie party! February 18th, 4:00pm.-8: 32 Zhongshan Road555-3442 Invited By TracyCome and join Tracys 11th birthday party! Lets see a movie.February 28th at7:00pm. 32 Gongnong Road555-3542跟据表格内容,选择最佳选项,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。51. Cathy will celebrate her birthday on_.A. February 10th B. February 18th C.

22、 February 8th D. February 28th52. Betty will invite others to celebrate her_birthday.A. seventh B. eighth C. ninth D. tenth53. You can call Tracy at_.A.555-3542 B.555-3442 C.555-3452 D.555-3552题材:应用文话题:31庆祝活动词数:78【主旨大意】本文是一篇应用文。描述了Cathy、Betty、Tracy三位小朋友的生日邀请函。邀请函中交代了活动、时间、地址和电话等信息。【答案】51-53 CDA51. C

23、 细节理解题。根据关键词Cathy可以锁定表格一,再根据题干的日期可知是2月8日。52. D 细节理解题。根据关键词Betty可以锁定表格二,再根据You are invited to Bettys 10th 可知是10岁生日。53. A 细节理解题。根据关键词Tracy可以锁定表格三,再根据题干信息电话可知选A。(2019广西贺州)BAn 11-year-old boy Frank loved to read ghost stories. Every time he paid a visit to the library and got back a horror story. And he

24、 liked playing scary tricks on his friends.One day. Franks friend Pavan asked him to come over to his house after school. Frank played there until very late. He walked along the road in the quiet wood. How dark it was!Then he heard a noise that came from behind. “Guess what I can do with my long bon

25、y fingers and my long sharp teeth? ” It was a human voice.Hearing the terrible voice, Frank started to run, but the terrible voice still went after him.Out of breath, he stopped, nervous. In a trembling(发抖的)voice, he asked, “ Whos there?”But all he heard was the voice saying: “ Guess what I can do w

26、ith my long bony fingers and my long sharp teeth? ”Frank started running again. When Frank arrived home, he gathered his last bit of courage and turned to ask, “ Who are you and what can you do with your long bony fingers and your long sharp teeth?“ Aha! Frank! Didnt you find that I was running afte

27、r you all the time? ” said his dad.“ Daddy? Its you? You mean the voice came from you? But why?” asked Frank.“ Well, I thought I would give you a scare for a change, just like you do to others after reading one of your stories!” said Franks dadFrank looked at his father for a long time. And then they went inside the house together. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。54. What did Frank like to read?A. Poems. B. Ghost stories. C. Funny stories. D. Science fictions.55. How did Frank feel

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