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优质小学英语译林牛津版三年级下册Unit7 On the farm 脱口秀.docx

1、优质小学英语译林牛津版三年级下册Unit7 On the farm 脱口秀 Unit7 On the farm 脱口秀 A 同学们,快来读一读下面的儿歌吧!比一比,看看谁读的最好! 这些,这些,这些是什么? These ,these ,what are these?猪,猪,它们是猪。Pigs ,pigs ,theyre pigs.那些,那些,那些是什么?Those, those, what are those?牛,牛,它们是牛。Cows, cows , theyre cows.苹果,苹果,这些是苹果吗?Apples, apples, are these apples?是的,是的,它们是苹果。Y

2、es, yes ,they are apples.也,也,它们也是苹果吗?Too, too, are those apples too?不,不,它们是梨。No ,no,theyre pears. 棒,棒,你真棒!Great,great,youre great! B同学们,如果你到了一个Fruit Shop,你有些水果你叫不上名字,你(Helen)该怎么去询问Fruit Shop里的Shop assistant?请根据以上情景编对话。 Shop assistant:Good morning. Helen: Good morning. Whats this? Shop assistant:Its

3、an orange.Helen: Oh ,thank you. Whats that ?Shop assistant:Its an apple.Helen: How nice! Look, what are those?Shop assistant:Theyre pears.Helen: Oh , I see. Thank.看一看,猜一猜 同学们,你们能用英语说出下面都是些什么吗?你会用英语表达吗(注意复数哦)? 读一读,记一记 同学们,本单元的主要句子你是不是很熟悉呢?是不是已经能够熟练使用了呢?赶快来读一读,演一演吧!Liu Tao : Granda, this is Mike.Grand

4、a : Mike,nice to meet you. Mike, welcome to my farm.Mike: Nice to meet you.Mike: What are these?Liu Tao : Theyre pigs.Mike: What are those?Granda : Theyre cows.Liu Tao : Are these apples?Granda : Yes ,they are apples.Mike: Are those apples too?Liu Tao : No ,theyre pears. 读一读,练一练 A 读一读下面的对话,判断下面的句子是否

5、与短文内容相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。 Hello, Im a famer. I have a nice farm. Welcome to visit my farm. My farm isnt big, but its beautiful. These are pears trees and oranges trees. Look! Those are eleven cows sand seven pigs. Whats that under the pear tree? Let me see, I think its a lovely chicken. 练习小高手 ( )1.The

6、 farm is big and beautiful. ( )2. These are apples trees and oranges tree. ( )3. Those are eleven cows sand seven pigs. ( )4.The duck is under the pear tree. B 同学们,读一读下面的内容,你能根据短文内容选出问题的答案吗?Uncle Sam: Welcome to my farm Helen and Yang Ling: Nice to meet you, Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam: Nice to meet you, H

7、elen and Yang Ling. Helen: Whats that behind the orange tree?. Uncle Sam: Its a black and white cow. Yang Ling: Excuse me. What are those under the apple tree? Uncle Sam: They are chickens.Helen: Are those chickens too?Uncle Sam: No ,theyre ducks.Helen and Yang Ling: How lovely!练习小高手 ( )1. This is f

8、arm. A. Yang Lings B. Uncle Sams C. Helens ( )2. What colour is the cow? . A. black B. white C. black and white ( )3.Where are the chickens? . A. behind the tree B. under the tree C. in the tree ( )4. are lovely! A.cows B. ducks C.chickens ( )5.There is (有)a behind the orange tree. A. chicken B. dog

9、 C. cow C 同学们,你们喜欢猜谜语吗?读读下面的内容,动脑筋猜一猜,看看谁猜的对? Who am I? Hi! My name is Helen. I am an animal(动物) . I wear(穿着) black and white clothes(衣服). I live in the farm. I like eating grass(青草) very much. I can produce(生产) milk. So people(人们) all like me. Who am I?练习小高手 根据小短文,选择合适的选项。 ( )1. Helen is a . A. cow

10、 B. chicken C. duck ( )2. Helen is . A. black B. black and white C. white ( )3. Helen can (能) produce(生产) . A. juice(果汁) B. milk C. water ( )4. Helen likes eating . A. orange B. apple C. grass(青草)趣味阅读 同学们,喜欢英语小故事吗?借助图片,读懂下面的小故事吧! Cinderella This little girl is Cinderella. One day , her mother dies.

11、Her father marries again. Her two stepsisters very mean to her. One day, there is a party at the kings palace .Cinderella has no dress. A fairy comes to help her. The prince dances with Cinderella. The clock strikes and Cinderella runs out .But, she drops her glass shoes. The servant visits each hou

12、se . Cinderella try on the shoe and it fits. The prince marries Cinderella, and they live happy after that. 英语小知识 英国著名的度假农场: Nettlecombe Farm(怀特岛)Nettlecombe农场处在距离码头一个小时车程的乡野,从此驾车去海边也只需要10分钟。一百多年来,它一直属于莫里斯(Morris)家族。对于想要乘车、骑车或步行来探索这座岛屿,以及那些想要在农场寻求宁静的游客,Nettlecombe农场无疑是您的首选。住房是由挤奶室、马厩、其他农场建筑改建而成的9座漂亮

13、的乡间别墅,最多可容纳54人。许多家庭选择来这里,因为孩子在此游玩很安全,而且他们可以近距离接触平时从未见过的鸡、鹅、火鸡、猪、羊、兔、驯鹿、羊驼等动物。在春天的时候还可以给小羊羔喂食。农场里还有草上娱乐地、幼儿玩耍设备、巨大的温迪屋(儿童游乐室)、足球场地,每周还为大人、小孩开设瑜伽课。鱼塘里养着鲤鱼、斜齿鳊、丁鲷,游客可在此休闲垂钓。 日积月累 同学们,经过本单元关于farm的英语学习,经过我的努力学习, 我们会用英语说农场里的一些美味的水果和一些可爱的小动物。更重要的是我们会用Whats thisthat? What are thesethose?以及这些句子的答语,我们可以随意用英语询

14、问我们想知道的物体了。我们学习英语知识就像农民伯伯一样需要付出劳动才会有收获的,这就叫“No pains ,no gains.” 开怀一笑 同学们,学习英语是不是很有趣啊?学了这么长时间的英语,你们也累了吧?我们一起来看看下面的小笑话,轻松一下吧! A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday? I gave it to a poor old woman, he answered. Youre a good boy, said the mother proudly. Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman? She is the one who sells the candy. 好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。 “昨天给你的钱干什么了?” “我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?” “她是个卖糖果的。”

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