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1、4. Man and hurricanes make up the conflict.5. The writer builds up and sustains the suspense in the story by describing in detail and vividly the incidents showing how the Koshaks and their friends struggled against each onslaught of the hurricane.6. The writer gives order and logical movement to th

2、e sequence of happenings by describing a series of actions in the order of their occurrence.7. The story reaches its climax in paragraph 27.8. I would have ended the story at the end of Paragraph 27,because the hurricane passed, the main characters survived, and the story could come to a natural end

3、.9. Yes, it is. Because the writer states his theme or the purpose behind his story in the reflection of Grandmother Koshak: We lost practically all our possessions, but the family came through it. When I think of that, I realize we lost nothing important. .1. We re 23 feet above sea level.2. The ho

4、use has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3. We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4. Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out.5. Everybody go out th

5、rough the back door and run to the cars.6. The electrical systems in the car had been put out by water.7. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8. ()h God, please

6、help us to get through this storm safely.9. Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped.10. Janis displayed rather late the exhaustion brought about by the nervous tension caused by the hurricane.See the translation of the text.1. main: a principal

7、pipe or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc.2.sit out: stay until the end ofe by;(American English) pay a visit 4.blow in:burst open by the storm.5.douse:put out(a light,fire,generator。etc。)quickly by pouring water over it6.kill:(American English)to cause(an engine-etc)to

8、stop 7swath:the space covered with one cut of a scythe;a long strip 0r track 0f any kind 8bar:a measure in music;the notes between two vertical lines 0n a music sheet91eanto:a shed or other small outbuilding with a sloping roofthe upper end of which rests against the wall of another building 1 0Seab

9、ee:a member of the construction battalions of the Civil Engineer Corps of the USNavy,that build harbor facilities,airfields,etcSeabee stands for CB, short for Construction Battalion1destroy一词最为常见,主要强调破坏的力度之大和彻底,一般不带感情或修辞色彩。 demolish和raze通常用于巨大物体,如大型建筑物等。demolish常用引申义,指任何复合体的被毁,如demolish a theory wit

10、h a few incisive comments。意即“用几句锋利的评语推翻某种理论”。而raze几乎无一例外地用于指建 筑物的被毁。annihilate在这些词中所表示的损坏程度最为强烈,字面 意思是“化为乌有”,但实际上往往用于指对人或物的严重 损伤。如说annihilate an enemy force,是指使敌军遭到重创,不仅没有还手之力。而且没有招架之功。如说annihilate ones opponent in a debate,是指彻底驳倒对手。2。decay常指某物自然而然地逐渐衰败腐化。如:His teeth have begun to decay(他的牙齿开始老化变坏。)

11、 rot指有机物质,如蔬菜等因菌毒感染而腐败变质,如:rotting apples(烂了的苹果)。spoil用于非正式文体,常指食物变质。Fish spoils quickly in summer。(鱼在夏天极易变质。)molder用于指物体缓慢、逐步地腐朽。Old buildings molder away(老房子渐渐腐烂了。)disintegrate意指把某物从整体变为碎片或一个个部分。rocks disintegrated by frost and rain(被霜和雨蚀裂成碎块的岩石)。decompose指将物质分解为其构成成分。Water call be decompose(be de

12、composed)into hydrogen and oxygen(水可分解成氧和氧。)该词还可用来替代rot,使语气略显委婉。 .1. television = tele + vision, a combining form tele- plus a noun vision. Further examples, telegram, telephone, telescope, telegraph, telecommunication, telecast, etc. 2. northwestward = north + west + ward or northwest + ward. -ward

13、 is a suffix meaning “in a (specific) direction or course. Further examples :eastward. westward. backward, upward, inward, outward, seaward, home-ward. etc. 3. motel = motorist + hotel, a blend word formed by combining parts of other words. Further examples: smog = smoke + fog. smaze = smoke + haze,

14、 brunch = breakfast + lunch, moped = motor + pedal, galumph = gallop = triumph, etc. 4. bathtub=bath + tub, a compound word formed by combining two nouns. Further examples: bathrobe, bathroom. bedroom, roommate, butterfly, dragonfly, foot ball. housekeeper, etc. 5. returnees=return + ees, a verb plu

15、s a noun forming suffix -ee designating a person in specified condition. Further examples: employee, refugee, retiree, examinee, escapee, nominee, interviewee, divorcee. IX. 1. lash as in Camille lashed northwestward across tile gulf of Mexico. A vivid way to say strike with great force.2. pummelIt

16、was certain to pummel Gulfport.Because the word is originally applied to human beings, meaning beat repeatedly with the fists3. whipWind and rain now whipped the house. Because it is more vivid than fall heavily on4. killthe electrical systems had been killed by water. Because it leaves a deeper imp

17、ression on the readers than stop does.5. inch one s wayWater inched its way up the steps ” It makes the readers also see clearly that water was rising little by little.6. botherno hurricane has ever bothered it. It virtually means do damage to here.7. lapJohn watched the water lap at the steps, mean

18、ing extend beyond some limit or, in fact, rise slowly8. skimthe hurricane . lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air, which gives the readers a deep impression of how strong the wind was.9. seizeIt seized a 600,000-gallon Gulfport oil tank 1and dumped it 3ymiles aw

19、ay. It seemed as if the hurricane had a very strong and large hand.10. crack and snapTelephone poles and 20-inch thick pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped them, providing the readers with a vivid picture of winds blowing violently.X. Simile:1. The children went from adult to adult like buck

20、ets in a fire brigade. (comparing the passing of children to the passing of buckets of water in a fire brigade when fighting a fire) 2. The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. (comparing the sound of the wind to the roar of a passing train) Metaphor :1. We can batten down

21、 and ride it out. (comparing the house in a hurricane to a ship fighting a storm at sea) 2. Wind and rain now whipped the house. (Strong wind and rain was lashing the house as if with a whip.) Personification :1. A moment later, the hurricane, in one mighty swipe, lifted the entire roof off the hous

22、e and skimmed it 40 feet through the air. (The hurricane acted as a very strong person lifting something heavy and throwing it through the air.) 2. It seized a 600, 000-gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped it 3 1/2miles away. (The hurricane acted as a very strong man lifting something very heavy and

23、dumping it 3 1/2 miles away.). .Elliptical and short simple sentences generally increase the tempo and speed of the actions being described. Hence in a dramatic narration they serve to heighten tension and help create a sense of danger and urgency. For examples see the text, paragraphs 10-18 and 21-26.

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