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1、 Students. T: Ss :Stand up, one, two.2.Learn to say and act: Sit down, please. 1.I want to sit down.Teacher do the action and say. 2.Try to say. 3.Practice between the girls and the boys. 3. Say and act: Open your book.1.Show a book. Look at the book. Its Toms. Tom, I Can open your book. Say slowly:

2、2.Learn,then work in pairs. s1:Open,open,open your book. S2:Open, open, open my book.4.Say:close your book. The same with 3.5.Play the cassette, follow and repeat.6.Practise,one give the command, the others do the action.启发谈话,引入新知。让学生说说,动动,运用多种器官学习知。学生学了这句命令后,让他们作出反应,训练了听说能力。ConsolidationPlay a game

3、.All the boys are in one team, all the girls are in another team. Give commands andPlay the game.游戏中,学生真正尝到了寓教于乐的滋味。课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period Two lets talk ( page 3 )4. 知识目标:学会问候语How are you?及回答Fine, thank you.学会Good morning.问候早上好。5. 能力目标:熟练运用句子交流。6. 情感目标:教育学生做到礼貌待人。 How are you? Good morning.的问候语。 C

4、assette, a puppet.1. Sing a song2. Make quick response.Stand up, please. Sit down, please.Open your book. Close your book.听命令,作反应。既训练听力,也培养学生的说话能力。1.Learn to say: Good morning. 1.Take out a puppet, then say:“Goodmorning.” “Good morning”.(教师边说边作挥挥手的动作)。 2Practice greeting-Good morning.(1) Practice be

5、tween T and Ss.(2) Work in pairs.(3) With your good friend.2.Learn :Good afternoon.及回答。(the same:step1,2)3.Learn :How are you? Fine, thank you.1.Take out the puppets. Elicit: pairs.(3) Chain drill around the class.S1:S2: Fine, thank you. How are you?S3:(to s4) 5. Play the cassette. The students foll

6、ow And repeat.Prepare the dialogue in groups of four.教学中,充分运用肢体语言,帮助学生理解内容。一定的输入帮助更好的输出。培养学生的交际能力,利用多种形式操练,培养学生学习的兴趣。1.Get the students to act out the dialogue in page 3.2.Get the students to go around the classroom and greeting their friends .创设情景,在表演中培养学生 实际运用语言的能力。Period Three lets learn ( page 4

7、 )7. 知识目标:学会pencil, pen, ruler, rubber, bag等学习用品。8. 能力目标:运用各种方法简单描述物品。9. 情感目标:教育学生热爱学习。单词的发音和识记。Cassette1A, picture cards and word cards.1.Listen and act and say. Stand up, please. Open the book, and So on.2.Greet individuals “Good morning, Good afternoon, How are you?”The students to give response.

8、培养学生的听力和语言能力,刺激他们先前所学知识。 bag. (1).Show the object, ask: What is it, children? (2).Teacher say bag slowly, students follow. (3).Point to the word card ,say it one by one. (4).Try to say sth. about the bag. e. g. This is a bag, Its red.2.Learn to say: rubber.(1)Guessing game, Whats in the bag? Oh, loo

9、k, Its a rubber, a big rubber. (2).Learn to say the word. (3).Look at the picture card and word card, read. (4).say phrases: a big rubber, a white rubber.3. learn to say: ruler.4. (1)Come to say: pencil and penUsing the objects to elicit the words.Learn to say.Short dialogue. 5. Practice,(1).Repeat

10、or clap.(2).What is missing.(3).Scatter the picture and the word card on the blackboard. Ask students to come up and make matching pairs.Get the class to revise together. Game: which group wins. Say the phrases.Period Four lets play( page 5 )10. 知识目标:学会说说这首儿歌。11. 能力目标:正确模仿语音语调说说儿歌。12. 情感目标:懂得与同学友好相处

11、。说儿歌的完整性。 Cassette 1A. Samples of cards.2. Listen and act and say3. Greet: Good morning. How are you?1. The first verse (1).Learn :paper Show a pencil and paper, say: Look, I can draw a dog on the paper. Show And say slowly, paper. The students Follow . Point to the word card .say it . Say some phra

12、ses: a paper bag A paper plane - (2).Learn to say: I can see. (教师运用肢体语言教学): Student try to say (3).learn to say : for you and me Guess: whats in my Tell me? Oh, yes, theyre two rubbers. This isFor you, and this is for me. you canAlso say : for you and me.Follow the teacher.Say and act (4).Read the r

13、hyme slowly line by line (5).The students try to say2.The second verse the same to step 13.Play the cassette for the rhyme, student follow and read the rhyme4. practice the rhymeInvite pairs of students to act out the Rhyme to the classSay the rhyme again with group 1,2 saying one verse and group 3,

14、4 the next.Period Five lets enjoy ( page 6 )5. 知识目标:歌曲中的问候及物体的描述。6. 能力目标:能学会表演唱歌。7. 情感目标:礼貌待人,热爱学习。歌曲中句子与动作的协调配合。 Cassette 1A, picture , object: book bag and so on.1. Listen and act and say2. Read the picture cards in this unit3. Match the picture cards and the word cards1. Greet the students “Good

15、morning” “Good afternoon”and the response “Good morning”,“Good afternoon”.2. Learn to say: teacherPoint to the teacher and say: Im aTeacher, say slowly .Students point to the teacher ,say it.Rhyme: teacher , teacher , good Morning, teacher.3. To learn: school(show a picture)Look, children, this is o

16、ur school.Its very beautiful. We go to schoolEvery day. We love our school.Say:Follow and repeat4. To learn: I take my bag and book to school.Ask: Whats this? Yes, this is a bagAnd this is a book.You take a bag and a book to schoolEvery day.Say slowly: I take my bag and bookTo school. (动作和学习用品协调配合)F

17、ollow the teacherSay and act. (Hold up the bag and Book) the cassetteStudents listen and followBoys sing and girls act, then change.6. play the cassette againSing with them for a few minutes.Encourage them to sing along with The cassette.Sing: Good morning (用其它学习用品代替bag, book.) Act out the son

18、g.Unit 2 Numbers Lets act ( Page 7 )知识目标:4. Learn to say the sentence: Give me , please.5. Learn to use the sentence to ask for something in the classroom.能力目标:1. Using imperatives to give simple instructionse.g. Give me, please.2. Using nouns to identify classroom objectse.g. rubber情感目标:同学之间要互相帮助,互

19、借学习用品。 注意please的读音及用法。 common classroom objects ,e.g. book. rubber 7. Sing a song8. Daily talk歌声能活跃气氛,营造英语氛围。Revision1. Revise the classroom objects vocabulary.(1) T: What do you your bag? S: book pen pencil ruler rubber bag (2) Let them put their personal items on the desks. (3) Say the rhyme: Pape

20、r, a pencil For you and me!通过师生问答既复习了所学学习用品为新课做下铺垫,又培养学生用英语交流的能力。儿歌能加深记忆,活跃气氛。a) Learn to say: Give me a rubber. (1) Say a story like this: Were drawing.But I t a rubber. So I say to a pupil: Give me a rubber, please. Then let the pupil give me a rubber.(2) Turn to other pupils and say: “Give me a r

21、ubber,(ruler, pen, pencil, book, bag) please.”(3) Listen and say after the tape.通过真实场景更能让学生融入其中,掌握更牢固。听录音能帮助学生正音。1.Game:T: Children, Im ),please.(S-T)(3) (S-S) Ask and answer.通过游戏巩固句型的掌握程度,同时培养学生之间互相帮助的习惯。一些图片,可以随时取下、贴上。Unit 2 Nubbers Lets talk. ( page 8 )Using formulaic expressions to greet people,

22、 introduce oneself and your friends. 能正确介绍自己和别人: eg: Im This is 同学之间要团结、有礼貌。区别Im与 This is的用法。Wallchart 1A.1. Sing a song .2. Daily talk歌曲能使学生集中注意力,同时也能活跃课堂气氛,为新课做准备。一. Learn to say: Hi, May. Hello, May.1. Greeting:( T-S ) Hello.S: Hello, Miss Zhang. 2. (S-S) Hello, May. Hello, Tim.(可以采用开火车,同桌之间,好朋友之

23、间互相问好。3Learn to say: Hi, May.二. Introducing yourself.1. Hold up a muppet. Say Hello, Im Then point to yourself and say Hello, Im Miss Zhang. 2.(T-S) T: Hello, Im Miss Zhang.(Repeat) Hello, Im (students name) 3.(S-S) Encourage the students to greet each other and introduce themselves to each other.三. Introducing your friends.1. Ask one student to come to the front. Point he(she) and say: This is (students name). Point other student: This is 2. Ask Whos your friend?Let the students in

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