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1、7. Where was Ann last night?A. At home. B. At school. C. In the cinema.8. Whats the relationship (关系) between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Husband and wife.9. When did William begin to skate ?A. Four years ago. B. Five years ago. C. Six years ago.10. Why didnt

2、Cindy come to Lilys birthday party?A. Because she was ill. B. Because Lily didnt invite her. C. Because she forgot it.II听对话和短文回答问题。你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。11. Which trip does the woman think is tiring?A. The trip to Mount Tai. B. The trip to Hainan. C. The t

3、rip to Hong Kong. 12. What does the woman like to do best?A. Swimming. B. Shopping. C. Skating.听一篇短文,回答第1315题。Summer holiday in AmericaPlace: New YorkTime: From July 5th to 13 .He went there to learn English. He lived with an American family.The course (课程) includes: listening, speaking, reading and

4、 writing, mostly 14 .American classes are different from our class because the students are very 15 .13. A. 5th August B. 15th August C. 25th August 14. A. speaking B. writing C. listening15. A. few B. free C. fun听一篇短文,回答第1620题。16. What kind of passage is it?A. A story. B. An advertisement. C. A pla

5、y.17. What kind of people can become a member of that group?A. People from 12 to 18. B. All young people. C. People from 12 to 80.18. What can those people do?A. Help patients in hospitals. B. Help children in schools. C. Help people in many ways.19. Who does Susan look after?A. Children. B. Old peo

6、ple. C. Patients.20. What will you do if you want to join the group?A. Call them or visit them. B. Call them or visit their website. C. Visit their website or write to them.2、单项填空(本大题共15分,每小题1分)21. The man reached _a small village _ a cold morning. A. in; on B. 不填; in C. at; in D. 不填; on22. Are you

7、_ that you can fix the bike _? Sure, Im good at DIY. A. certain; yourselves B. certain; yourself C. sure; yourselves D. uncertain; yourself23. I think the film Lost in Thailand is more wonderful than Life of Pi. No, I think Life of Pi is _ Lost in Thailand. A. not so wonderful as B. less wonderful t

8、han C. as wonderful as D. the most wonderful of24. Hearing the bell , all the students stopped to_ their books , ready to go back home. A. put down B. put up C. put out D. put away25. _ time went by, Cindy and the other kids became good friends.A. When B. While C. With D. As 26. How many workers are

9、 there in your factory, Mr Brown?_ workers in our factory _2000. A. The number of; are B. The number of; is C. A number of; are D. A number of; is27. Are Grace and Joe coming to “Happy Camp” by plane? Im not sure. It is said that their father _ drive them here. A. must B. need C. may D. have to28. J

10、iangyin, our hometown, _ an area of 987 square kilometers. A. covers B. takes C. includes D. gets29. Which sentence structure is “S+V+P”?A. Farmers harvest crops. B. Autumn leaves turn brown. C. We have four seasons. D. We call the boy Tommy.30. It will be _ next week and there will also be a lot of

11、 _.A. windy; rain B. wind ; rainy C. windy ; rainy D. wind; rain31. I _ my mum cook dinner in the kitchen when the telephone _.A. helped; was ringing B. helped; rang C. was helping; rang D. was helping; was ringing32. The old man lived _ in a small house, but he didnt feel _.A. alone; lonely B. alon

12、e; alone C. lonely; lonely D. lonely; alone33. As we all know, great changes _ in China in the past thirty years. A. took place B. have taken place C. happened D. have happened34. We only live once, but if we live a wonderful life, once is enough. _ I agree.A. In some ways B. On the way C. In the wa

13、y D. In this way 35. Id like to take five days off, Mr. Smith._ . Dont you know were very busy these days?A. Never mind B. Its OK C. Dont worry D. Forget it三、完形填空(本大题共10分,每小题1分) In Shanghai, the Bund(外滩) is one of the most popular places of interest. With a light show set to begin at 36 around the B

14、und, a large crowd of people got together for an 37 New Years Eve. They became 38 . “We were just trying to 39 up the steps to see the light show, and then people at the top 40 pushing their way down,” said a young man 41 glasses. “Then I heard someone scream, and people began to cry in 42 .” The ma

15、n, who spoke 43 waiting a friend at Shanghai No. 1 Peoples Hospital, said, “Some of us fell over.” By Thursday afternoon, at 44 thirty-six people had died in the accident and forty-seven were hurt. It was one of the most terrible public accidents. Its a pity that people didnt know how to 45 themselv

16、es. Remember the easiest but best way to shout “go back” together with people around.36. A. morning B. noon C. afternoon D. midnight 37. A. indoor B. outdoor C. inside D. outside38. A. bored B. boring C. excited D. exciting 39. A. walk B. jump C. run D. ride40. A. rememberedB. forgot C. began D. sto

17、pped41. A. wears B. wearing C. wear D. wore42. A. surprise B. hurry C. fear D. danger43. A. after B. before C. if D. while44. A. last B. first C. least D. most45. A. protect B. improve C. teach D. understand四、阅读理解(本大题共20分,每小题2分)AHeres the weather report for some main cities from four continents(大洲).

18、CityWeatherBeijing2935cloudyParis1529windyLondon1327foggySingapore2530 showerMoscow1122Sydney712sunnyNew York2226Tokyo2327rainy46. Which city was the hottest on that day?A. Beijing. B. London. C. Paris. D. Singapore.47. How many kinds of weather were shown?A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.48. It i

19、s winter in _.A. Sydney B. Paris C. London D. TokyoBIf there is an “Olympics for Eating”, the days from Halloween in October to Super Bowl Sunday in January are it. Kids always get at least 7 pounds heavier over these holidays.Well, what do we have in the “Olympic for eating”? The first activity is

20、the Halloween Candy. You can try any way to collect candies.Next is the Thanksgiving food. You have dinner around a turkey with family and friends on Thanksgiving Day. Eat the delicious food as much as you can. About one month later there is Christmas and then the New Years celebration. Go on eating

21、 delicious porridge(粥) and peas. You are so lucky to have so many holidays and get so close to each other. At last, the game ends with Super Bowl Sunday. On this day, you dont have dinner. You have mountains of snacks!Who wins the game? Those who dont get heavier! Start practising now! You must be m

22、ore careful about what you can eat!49. “Olympics for Eating” is _.A. a festival B. not the real Olympic GamesC. from Thanksgiving to Super Bowl Sunday D. a game for kids exercising 50. Whats the special food for Thanksgiving Day? A. Candies. B. Snacks. C. Turkeys. D. Porridge.51. Which of the follow

23、ing is TRUE?A. If the kid eats the most food, he wins the game.B. If the kid gets the heaviest, he wins the game.C. If the kid is heavier after the eating game, he cant win.D. If the kid doesnt eat the food during the game, he wins.CVery few people enjoy exams. I dont, either. And although I tell my

24、self not to worry about them, I always do! So I am not surprised that my students worry about them, too, even though they usually dont need to. Because they are afraid of failing. However, since it is hard not to worry at all, we all must try not to worry too much. Why? Because worrying makes exams

25、worse! How to do this?Ask the teacher about how to revise and about exam skills- how to work when you are in the exam.Good students dont wait until the week before an exam. They study all through the year. It is not possible to learn everything at the last minute. So dont leave it till then!If you s

26、tart planning and working for each exam early and you make sure that you understand what you are studying , then, when it is over, youll be able to say, “What a good exam that was!”Take a short rest during your time of work and revision(复习). If your mind is tired, it will not remember well. Work at

27、the time when you know you will work at your best.If you are studying in the evening, dont go straight to bed afterwards. Your mind will still be “going round and round”-thinking that will relax you, and make you think of other things.If you feel bad, talk to someone about your worries. But dont be

28、too relaxed! Some stress over exams makes you work hard for them.52. Why are the students afraid of exams according to the passage? A. Because they are afraid of failing.B. Because they want to get full marks.C. Because exams are usually hard.D. Because their teachers will be angry if they fail exam

29、s.53. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Good students dont wait until the week before an exam.B. Start planning and working for each exam earlyC. If you dont know how to work for an exam, ask the teacher about it.D. You shouldnt sleep well before the exam.54. According to the passage, if you feel bad, youd better _.A. take a short rest B. tell some

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