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1、3.(2018河南鹿邑月考)Dale, can you help me pour some waterthe cup?A.with C.into D.on4.(2018天津宁河区期中)What do you think of the new teachers class?I think its , but someone thinks its .A.enough interesting; boring B.interesting enough;boringC.interesting enough;bored D.enough interesting;bored5.I regrette

2、d with my parents. So I said sorry to them. They said that they wouldnt be angry with me because they loved me so much.A.argue B.arguing argue D.argued6.The well(井) was full water and he covered it the lid(盖子).A.with;for B.with;with C.of;with D.with;by7.She will make a banana milk shake. She ne

3、eds three bananas, a cup of milk and two .A.spoon of honey B.spoons of honeys C.spoons of honey D.spoon of honeys8.Do you like Jay Chou?Yes, I do. He is my favorite singer. I will him forever.A.afford C.allow D.warn9.Why not read the novel? I think it is worth read C.reads D.r

4、eading10.(原创)Look!This pair of shoes is very good.?A.Why not trying it on B.Why not try it on C.Why not try on it D.Why not trying on it11.We were in Qingdao last week andgreat fun there.A.will have B.have had C.had D.have12.(原创)All of the boyssoccer in the playground now.A.playing C.are play

5、ing D.plays13.(原创)Does your father enjoy soccer matches? B.watched watch D.watching14.Many fast-food restaurants paint their walls red, play loud music and have hard seatscustomers eat quickly and leave.A.make make C.made D.making15.Take care when you are drivingin a summer storm li

6、ke this.A.immediately B.especially C.probably D.recently二、完形填空(2018河南安阳一模)I do believe that families are not only blood relatives, but sometimes people who show up and love you when no one else will.In May 2008, I was living in a Howard Johnsons motel off of Interstate 10 in Houston. My dad and I 1

7、a room. It was really too small for a 15-year-old girl and her father. Dads second marriage was in 2 and my stepmother had kicked us both out of the house the week before. Dad had no idea of what to do with me. And thats 3 my another family showed up.Barbara and Roland Beach took me into their home

8、because their only daughter, Su, my best friend, asked them to. I lived with them for the next seven 4.Barbara and Roland looked after me very well. They not only helped with our homework but also 5 every football game where Su and I were being cheer leaders. As far as I could tell, for the Beaches

9、there was no 6 between Su and me, as if I was their daughter,too.The Beaches knew all about me when they took me in. When I was seven, my mother died and from then on my father depended on other people to raise his kids. Before I went to live with the Beaches, I had believed that life was completely

10、 7 and that love was shaky(不坚定的) and untrustworthy. I had believed that the only person who would take care of me was 8.Without the Beaches, I would have become a bitter, cynical (愤世嫉俗的) girl. They gave me a home that allowed me to grow 9 change. They gave me the confidence to open my heart.I believ

11、e in family. For me, it wasnt the family that was there on the day I was 10, but the one that was there for me when I was living with the Beaches.1.A.built B.shared C.sold D.bought2.A.trouble B.doubt C.deed D.shape3.A.who B.when C.where D.which4.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years5.A.played B.joined C.a

12、ttended D.designed6.A.choice B.change C.harm D.difference7.A.easy B.hopeful C.unfair C.him D.them9.A.or B.but C.unless D.and10.A.born B.raised C.accepted D.caught三、阅读理解A(2018河南焦作一模)Car ServicesBring your car into Car Services today! We will clean your car and repair your engi

13、ne at very reasonable prices. Drive your car into our workshop at Xinhua Road, or make an appointment. Tel:719-5638.Car Washing:¥10Engine Repairing:Only ¥180Tyre(轮胎) Servicing:¥15 for eachThe building saves people from bad weather. This building near the sea in New Orleans looks like something from

14、a sci-fi film(科幻电影). It is over 360 meters high, and is designed to house up to 40,000 people, named the Noah. This building is strong enough to avoid the damages of bad weather.Beach Clean-up DayWe need volunteers to clean the beach!Sunday, July 20Meet at 8:30 am at Coast Square.Start at 9:00 am an

15、d end at noon.Bring bags and gloves.For more information, call Zhang Lin at 564-0657.Apartment to Rent(出租)A new apartment to be rented in the city center. One bedroom and one kitchen. Near the bus station at No.22 Changjiang Road. Buses pass the front gate.If you are interested, please have a look a

16、t the apartment or you can call Ms Yu at 274-7130.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。1.Mr. Smith needs to pay for his car washing and engine repairing.A.¥25 B.¥190 C.¥195 D.¥2052.The Noah is built for .A.making sci-fi films B.holding a concertC.doing exercises D.saving people from bad weather3.Volunteers are supposed to

17、bring on Beach Clean-up Day.A.bags and gloves B.books C.swimming suits D.violins4.The new apartment to be rented is .A.on Xinhua Road B.near the police Coast Square No.22 Changjiang Road5.Which of the following is not right according to the information above?A.Its not convenient to

18、take a bus near the apartment.B.The Noah is designed to house up to 40,000 people.C.The volunteers start cleaning up the beach at 9:00 am.D.If you want to repair your car, you can call 719-5638.B(2018河南实验中学一模)A friend of mine opened his wifes underwear drawer and picked up a silk paper wrapped packa

19、ge. “This,” he said, “isnt any ordinary package.” He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box. “She got this the first time we went to New York, 8 or 9 years ago. She has never put it on. She was saving it for a special occasion.”He got near the bed and placed the gift box nex

20、t to the other clothing he was taking to the funeral house. His wife had just died. He turned to me and said,“Never save something for a special occasion. Every day in your life is a special occasion.”I still think those words changed my life. Now I read more and clean less. I sit on the porch witho

21、ut worrying about anything. I spend more time with my family, and less at work. I understood that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to, not survived through. I no longer keep anything. I use crystal glasses every day. Ill wear new clothes to go to the supermarket, if I feel like i

22、t. I dont save my special perfume for special occasions, I use it whenever I want to. The words “Someday.” and “One Day.”are fading away from my dictionary. If its worth seeing, listening to or doing, I want to see, listen to or do it now.I dont know what my friends wife would have done if she knew

23、she wouldnt be there the next morning. I think she might call her relatives and closest friends. She might call old friends to make peace over past quarrels. Id like to think she would go out for Chinese, her favourite food. Its these small things that I would regret not doing, if I knew my time had

24、 come. I would regret and feel sad, because I didnt say to my brothers and sons, not times enough at least, how much I love them.Now, I try not to delay, postpone or keep anything that could bring laughter and joy into our lives. And, on each morning, I say to myself that this could be a special day

25、. Each day, each hour, each minute, is special.1.What was in the box?A.A wonderful ring. B.A golden watch. C.A piece of clothing. D.A pair of shoes.2.The writer seems to tell us to try to.A.take hold of every moment more favorite foodC.wear new clothes every day D.spend less time on work3.From

26、 this passage we know .A.the writers wife was dying B.the writers friends often called on himC.the writers way of life has changed D.the writers health has improved4.The underlined part probably means .A.if I knew I was busy B.if I knew I was dyingC.if I knew I was sad D.if I knew I was ill5.Which c

27、ould be the best title for the passage?A.Each Day Is Special B.A Special Present C.My Friends Wife D.A Special DayC(2018河南开封一模)Here are this months best magazines for you! Ready for you, now!ParentsThe most popular magazine for those who want to raise smart and loving children. It has a complete chi

28、ld development plan and the advice on your childs health and safety, and the best way to encourage your childs learning. Its cover price is $26.00. Our price is $12.00.Fashion GuideThe shopping magazine with the best buys, and the fashion advice. Youll need them before you go to the stores. What mak

29、es it really special is that it gives you the information you need before anyone else has it. Its cover price is $18.50. Our price is $15.50.Best Weekend ProjectsThe projects are chosen from 80 special ideas to create an unusual living space. They will change your home and yard and can be made on we

30、ekends. And the most important of all, they are easy to follow. Its cover price is $17.95. Our price is $13.90.Off the Beaten Cart PathThe best-selling travel book which includes over 200 new places of interest, over 200 new full-color photos, and all-new, up-to-date maps. It includes over 1,000 of the United States most must-see destinations (目的地). Its cover price is $30.00. Our price is $19.80.1.Which of

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