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1、 an impossible dream 一个不可能实现的梦想 go/work like a dream 性能极佳;十分有效 in your dreams 你妄想;你做梦 like a bad dream 像噩梦一样 enquire/inquire into the opinions 调查意见enquire after you 问候你 an enquiring look 探寻的神色 a murder enquiry 谋杀案调查 help police with their inquires 协助警方调查 a committee of enquiry 调查委员会 owe his success

2、to learning how to debate 把他的成功归功于学习如何去辩论 have difficulty in remembering 记忆力有困难 take advantage of a promotion 充分利用晋升 be less likely to smoke 不太可能吸烟【英语知识运用】Exercise for Vocabulary ()一、语块互译1.距太阳的平均距离 _ 2.梦想着星际旅行 _3.(彻底)改变火星 _4.和地球非常相似 _5.进入环绕火星的轨道 _6.保留更多太阳的热量 _7.从地球上引进 _8.像地球上一样暖和 _9.太空行走 _10.安全返回地球

3、_11.make these dreams come true _12.become more like Earth _13.construct underground buildings _14.conduct experiments _15.look for good sites for future landings 16.move around easily _17.heat the polar ice caps sprayed black _19.release water vapour _20.survive on Mars _二、填入适当单词,首字母已给出1.The

4、 door and the windows were all closed and there was no s_ of forced entry.2.The plan i_ changing Mars so that it becomes more like Earth.3.In many ways, Mars is the planet which is most s_ to Earth.4.Our actions r_ our thoughts.5.The businessman hired an agent to c_ his affairs.6.Under the pressure

5、from society, the terrorists r_ the hostages at last.7.Water can t_ a desert into a garden.8.Many species of butterflies s_ the winter by hibernating in a sheltered place.9.We are going to c_ our heating system to electricity.10.The r_ question for him is to find whether bees could tell each other t

6、he exact position of a feeding place.三、选择正确的词或词组替换划线部分A.transform B.dreams of C.concerned D.conducted E.disembark F.heliacal G.splashed H.keeps I.changed J.move ( )1.It was an event that would changemy life.( )2.The second accidentinvolvedtwo cars and a lorry.( )3.He thinks about building the most b

7、eautiful house in the world.( )4.The students organized a survey on free-time activities.( )5.We are very glad to hear of the safe landing of your spacecraft.( )6.We use solar energy to get heat and generate electricity.( )7.The farmers sprayed the fruit trees with insecticide.( )8.Despite losing hi

8、s job he retains his pension.( )9.They converted it from a bedroom to an office.( )10.Nowadays many people migrate from their hometown to the city.四、翻译句子1.中国举办奥运会的梦想终于实现了。(come true) _2.那座楼房被改成学校了。(convert)_3.许多报纸都反映了普通人的看法。(reflect)4.自从实验室建成后,他们已经进行了一系列的实验。(conduct)5.如果过多的二氧化碳被释放到空气中,地球的气温将升高。(rele

9、ase)6.由于那天的气温高达42摄氏度,所有的工人被要求呆在家中。(go up to)7.化工厂出事后,楼里的空气不能呼吸,因此救护人员只好带上口罩。(breathable)8.那个岛上的居民非常友善。(inhabitant)9.该国的经济体制经历了一次重大的变革。(transformation)10.在很多方面,火星是一颗与地球非常相似的火星。(be similar to) _Exercise for Vocabulary()一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.With the entire nation watching, Chinas first _ (man) space flight,

10、 Shenzhou 5, blasted into space.2.Please dont _ (tie) the bandage too tight.3.The rocket was _ (launch) in May, 2001.4.The house was _ (consume) in a fire.5.The construction workers used an _ (explosive) to tear down the old building.6.The son was _ (name after) his grandfather.7.Many people are int

11、erested in the _ (lunar) landscape.8.The explosion was _ (hear) a mile away.9.Many strange customs have s_ from earlier times.10.Having been chained up for hours, the dog was r_.二、选择正确的词或词组填空A.manned B.consumed D.named after E.named F.might have thought G.beating H.the first one I.conducting J.retai

12、ns C.tied1.China is known to have successfully completed its second _ space mission.2.The girl _ the ends of the thread and try to make a new design.3.The fire quickly _ the little woods. 4.She was _ her grandmother.5.A man _ Wan Hu made the first attempt at space flight.6.The people watching _ that

13、 he was successful.7.I have a special love for the sea and I like to hear the waves _ on the shore.8.She is always _ to come and the last to leave.9.We are _ a new experiment here.10.The old man _ a deep impression of that air crash.三、完成句子1.Im going to _. (看看有没有可能找个兼职工作)2.Her parents _. (按她祖母的名字给她起名

14、索亚)3.This is a story about _. (第一个在月球上漫步的人的故事)4.The fire soon _. (烧毁了这一带的旧木头房子)5.The climbers will _ to reach the summit today. (再尝试一次)6.He lives in _ on his own. (一个人烟稀少的地方)7._not necessarily a sensible way. (把森林变成耕地)8._you are sure to succeed. (只要你努力工作)9.Over a year passed before _. (作了首次尝试)10.Sci

15、entists are now_ so that it will become possible for humans to live andworkthere. (正在制定计划来改造火星)Exercise for Grammar一、单项填空()1.I always take something to read when I go to the doctors _ I have to wait. case that order if()2.Id like to arrive 20 minutes early _ I can have time for a

16、 cup of tea. soon as a result case that()3.It is almost five years _ we saw each other last time. A.before B.since C.after D.when()4.Simon thought his computer was broken _ his little brother pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on. A.until B.unless C.after D.because()5.H

17、e transplanted the little tree to the garden _ it was the best time for it. A.where B.when C.that D.until()6.The Civil War lasted four years _ the North won in the end. A.after B.before C.when D.then()7.The old tower must be saved, _ the cost. A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.wherever()8.It is kno

18、wn to all that _ you exercise regularly, you wont keep good health. A.unless Bwhenever Calthough Dif()9.He tried his best to solve the problem,_ difficult it was. A.however matter C.whatever D.although()10.There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely, _ she was an only child.A.ever since B.

19、now that C.even though D.even as二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.If I _ (copy) your homework, I will cheat myself.2.As long as you _ (work) hard, you will succeed.3.If you _ (get) up early tomorrow morning, you _ (catch) the early bus.4.If your mother _ (buy) the book for you, it will be good for your study.5.Peter _

20、 (major) in English if he _ (pass) the exams in Peking University.6.You may borrow the book as long as you _ (keep) it clean.7._ (leave) it for me if Mary _ (not want) to do it.8.If your brother _ (break) the window, he will feel sorry for that.9.You can go swimming if you _ (not go) too far away fr

21、om the river bank.10.If he _ (be) free this weekend, he _ (visit) his grandparents.三、填入适当的引导词A.since B.unless C.than D.before that F.after G.where if I.As J.Hardly, when1.I havent heard from him _ he went to America.2.We found the key _ she had left it.3.We found the books two days _ he ha

22、d gone away.4.We had no sooner got to the station _ the train left.5.He speaks English _ he were an Englishman.6.He is explaining clearly _ they could understand.7.Do not leave the room _ you have finished the test.8._ the day went on, the weather got worse.9.You will be late _ you leave immediately.10._ had I entered the room _ the phone rang.1.愿你在新的一年里心想事成。 _2.她满面笑容显示出她乐观、冷静和谦和的性格。3.油价已经上涨了近30年的最高位。4.由于买不起新的,她把一个旧沙发改成了儿子睡觉的床。5.他被委派主持一次以色列和中东国家间的和平会谈来推动中东的和平进程。6.作为一名普通的学生,我几乎没有时间玩耍,因为学习花费了我大部分的时间和精力。 (consume) _

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