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1、(D) Further106. Prior to any meetings with clients, thevice president - researches thecompetition to make sure his companyis offering the best on the market.(A) nearly(B) well(C) always(D) far107. Ms. Dorsey - finished her twentiethyear as the corporations executive financedirector.(A) success(B) su

2、ccessful(C) successfully(D) successes108. Those who work - 9 P.M. are givenadditional compensation for workinglate hours.(A) after(B) between(C) through(D) out109. Prime Real Estate, under the - ofMr. Matt, sold double the amount ofproperties as any other agency in the arealast year.(A) direct(B) di

3、rected(C) directly(D) direction110. The accountants who are unfamiliar with thenew program may - the workshop Fridayafternoon.(A) attendance(B) attend(C) were attending(D) attendee111. Copies of the painting may not be reproduced- the permission of the owner.(A) without(B) into(C) until(D) among112.

4、 Telemarketers should adhere to the companysstandard - when contacting potentialclients.(A) development(B) category(C) procedure(D) qualification113. The Conflict Management Instituteprepares its students to make -contributions to corporate society.(A) value(B) valuable(C) valuing(D) valuably114. Fu

5、rniture for the interior remodeling of theoffice will be - to the storage unit nearthe building.(A) delivered(B) produced(C) assembled(D) equipped115. The two household floor cleaners tested inthe study, PineSol and Freshness, are -competent in removing unwanted stains.(A) equal(B) equally(C) equali

6、ty(D) equaled116. The accounting manager - concernsthat his accountants were under too muchpressure to finish the report by thedeadline.(A) proposed(B) commented(C) regarded(D) expressed117. We at Deluxe Shipping guarantee that yourpackages will arrive on the - delivery date.(A) expect(B) expecting(

7、C) expected(D) expectation118. The citys main library regularly hosts a -of public events to encourage young people toread more.(A) present(B) scheme(C) series(D) progression119. The brochures released this year include the- travel packages and photos of therenovated resort.(A) update(B) updates(C)

8、updating(D) updated120. If you want to get a - on your purchase,you must present a copy of the original receiptalong with the product.(A) refund(B) registration(C) purchase(D) limit121. Last month the marketing team - a newstrategy that subsequently increased thecompanys revenue by thirty percent.(A

9、) implementation(B) implements(C) implementing(D) implemented122. As production coordinator, Elizabeth was- for the supervision of the final stagesof assembly and of overall product quality.(A) probable(B) responsible(C) trusting(D) powerful123. Glacier Inc. is anticipating that its new lineof climb

10、ing gear will improve its - in theoutdoor sports gear market.(A) competitor(B) competitive(C) competitiveness(D) competitively124. - the last speech of the day ends, set-upcrew are asked to remove all of the chairs inpreparation for the evening ballroom dance.(A) Who(B) When(C) Why(D) Which125. It w

11、ould be easier to work on this project as ateam if our manager permits - to do so.(A) we(B) our(C) ours(D) us126. The - investment should be small in orderto determine the funds stability.(A) initial(B) cancelled(C) productive(D) impartial127. Before making your online purchase, read thecustomer agr

12、eement - in order to clearlyunderstand our companys return policies.(A) careful(B) most careful(C) carefulness(D) carefully128. Once you arrive at the hotel, check-in and -a copy of the seminars agenda from thereception.(A) define(B) obtain(C) recall(D) inquire129. Interested customers can look at r

13、eviewsof - of our custom-made pianos on ourWeb page.(A) some(B) so(C) such(D) ones130. The CEO announced that he will - reacha decision about the potential merger bythe end of the week.(A) definitely(B) extremely(C) freely(D) usually131. The rise in sales this quarter indicates that- is increasing a

14、mongst middle-classconsumers.(A) spend(B) spenders(C) spent(D) spending132. - getting into the from the business trip,immediately proceed to the branch office fora briefing on the weeks itinerary.(A) After(B) Because(C) Now that(D) Even if133. Metropolitan Museum asks its patrons to -refrain from ma

15、king loud conversation in theexhibition rooms not to disturb other visitors.(A) kind(B) kindly(C) kindlier(D) kinder134. Tom Evans has been promoted to seniorsupervisor for his - sales record over thepast two years.(A) unfolded(B) reversing(C) inscribed(D) outstanding135. The remodeling project is -

16、 amazing whenyou realize that it took only a week to becompleted.(A) too much(B) all the more(C) most of(D) many more136. The due date for the application to the WallStreet Finance Center internship is -approaching.(A) rapidly(B) securely(C) carefully(D) anxiously137. Customer complaints about late

17、shipmentsand damaged packages are becoming more-.(A) frequent(B) frequented(C) frequently(D) frequency138. If you use the online banking system, thebank credits the - to your account after10 A.M. on the next business day.(A) deposit(B) economy(C) finance(D) placement139. Dr. Sanders and Dr. Jacobs t

18、urned in theirresignations to the general hospital and willopen a private practice of -.(A) them(B) theirs(C) themselves(D) their own140. FTP Services is relocating its head officesand will be - its customer service hotlineuntil further notice.(A) unfolding(B) estimating(C) discontinuing(D) solvingQ

19、uestions 141-143 refer to the following e-mail.From: Brad TaylorTo: Arlene PetronosSubject: Book reviewsDate: Thurs, Nov 22 2007Dear Ms. Petronos,Allow me to congratulate you again on becoming part of our online magazine writing team. As youlearned in an earlier communication, you will be writing re

20、views of recently published non-fictionbooks.By Monday next week, you will receive your - assignment parcel, which will contain copies of the141. (A) almost(B) late(C) first(D) lastpublications on your assignment list. Instructions for submitting the first draft of each review, inaddition to informa

21、tion on the formation of a peer critique group for your work, - on our Web site.142. (A) is locating(B) locate(C) located(D) are locatedEssentially, you will be posting your work on our non-fiction book review board, which you can accessonly with an administration-approved user name and password. Si

22、nce you need a password to log in,your - password is: crimson. You can change this password for your convenience after you have143. (A) temporary(B) approximate(C) previous(D) permanentlogged on to the site.Welcome again, and we look forward to working with you!Questions 144-146 refer to the followi

23、ng letter.August 21, 2007LON CHANEY11509 Westmont StreetWest Los Angeles, CA90025, USADear Mr. Chaney,I would like to thank you for meeting with me last Monday. I certainly - the chance to talk about144. (A) appreciating(B) appreciated(C) was appreciated(D) will appreciatecareer possibilities with s

24、omeone who has been in the medical technology industry for so many years.I am particularly grateful that you have offered to give me your insights on tie-ups betweenmanufacturers and medical institutions. As you are aware, I am most interested in enhancing myresearch skills for a well-established, -

25、 manufacturer that produces equipment for hospitals and145. (A) reputably(B) reputable(C) repute(D) reputationinstitutions that specialize in cardio-pulmonary health care.In the long-term, I would like to establish a system that would provide the latest technology as well asthe new information that

26、assists doctors in improving the quality of life of their patients. This is thereason I would like to work for companies that value -.146. (A) association(B) commerce(C) routine(D) innovationThank you once again for your offer of assistance, and I do look forward to our future discussions.Questions

27、147-149 refer to the following letter.July 22, 2008WESLEY MOORECustomer Service DepartmentAmericana AirlinesDear Mr. Moore,On July 15, I - AMA flight #701 from San Francisco to Los Angeles. I have no complaint about the147. (A) take(B) will take(C) have taken(D) tooktrip itself; it was very comfortable. However, I was very - when I arrived at the airport and148. (A) prepared(B) disappointed(C) informed(D) confirmeddiscovered that my baggage had been lost. I didnt have any

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