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2、able(比较级)_(最高级)_(反义词)_8act(女演员)_(男演员)_(积极的)_9main(副词)_10describe(名词)_11begin(开始;起初)_12.twenty(十二)_(序数词)_13write(作家)_14tradition(传统的)_15thin(比较级)_(最高级)_(反义词)_16danger(形容词)_17interest(有趣的)_(感兴趣的)_18grow(过去式)_19dirty(比较级)_(最高级)_(反义词)_20peace(和平的;安宁的)_21science(科学家)_22feed(过去式/过去分词)_重点句型1._ _ Tony go to

3、 school? 托尼怎么去上学?He lives the _ _ school,so he takes the underground.他住的离学校最远,所以他搭乘地铁。2Her home is _ _ _ school,so she walks.她家离学校最近,所以她步行。3Its the _ _ way,but its also the _ _.它是最舒适的方式,但也是最贵的。4I wanted _ _ the Beijing opera,so Lingling _ _ take me there.我想观看京剧,所以玲玲主动提出带我去。5Hes _ _ _ his play Teahou

4、se.他尤其因他的戏剧茶馆而出名。6.Teahouse is _ _ Lao Shes most famous _.茶馆是老舍最著名的戏剧之一。7Lao She Teahouse _ _ _ _ to everyone from all over the world.老舍茶馆给了来自全世界的每个人以热烈的欢迎。8But I am _ _ _ see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve,because it allows people _ _ closer to them.但是我对观看卧龙大熊猫保护区的大熊猫更感兴趣,因为它允许人们更接近大熊猫。9Oft

5、en,there _ _ clean water.经常没有足够干净的水。10So the panda is _ _ _ all animals in danger everywhere.因此熊猫已经成为各地濒危动物的象征。核心语法1.形容词和副词的最高级2动词不定式的用法3.双宾语.听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。()1.A.He takes a bus.BHe rides a bike.CHe walks to school.()2.A.450 kilos. B505 kilos. C550 kilos.()3.A.Zoos. BChildren. CStudents.()4.A.By pla

6、ne. BBy ship. CBy bus.()5.A.Somewhere exciting.BSomewhere warm.CSomewhere educational.听短文,选择正确的答案。()6.Where is Singapore?AIn the northwest of China.BTo the southeast of China.CTo the southwest of China.()7.What can you see in Singapore?ABeaches. BMountains. CMuseums.()8.What do you have to take when

7、 you visit Singapore?AMoney. BWarm clothes. CCar license.()9.Whats the weather like in Singapore all the year round?AWarm. BCool. CHot.()10.How is the living in Singapore?ACheap. BExpensive. CThrilling.Teahouse is one_of Lao Shes most famous plays.茶馆是老舍最著名的戏剧之一。.单项选择。()1.(2018崇左)Kunming is famous _

8、its beautiful scenery(风景)Afor Bof Cas Dto()2.(2018钦州)Ms Li teaches us English well.She is one of _ teachers in our school.Apopular Bmore popularCmost popular Dthe most popular()3.(2018河池模拟)Ma Yun is a famous man in China now.Ahealthy BwellknownCbusy Ddifficult()4.(2018贵港模拟)What do you think of A Bit

9、e of China on CCTV?Its one of _ best programs that Ive ever seen.Aa Bthe Can D/.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。5每个中国人都熟知彭丽媛是一个漂亮又受欢迎的歌唱家。Peng Liyuan is _ _ every Chinese people as a beautiful and popular singer.6狼图腾是2018年最受欢迎的电影之一。Wolf Totem is _ _ the most popular _ in 2018.(1)“主语beone of the形容词最高级复数名词in/of短语”表

10、示“是中最之一”。该短语为单数含义,作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。如:One of the best ways to learn English is to listen to the radio.学英语的最好方法之一是听收音机。(2)famous为形容词,意为“有名的;出名的”,近义词为wellknown。常用词组有:be famous/wellknown for 因而出名be famous/wellknown as 作为而出名be famous/wellknown to 对来说很出名Lu Xun is famous to almost every Chinese as a great w

11、riter.鲁迅作为一个伟大的作家几乎为每个中国人所熟知。But I am more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve,because it allows people to get closer to them.但是我对观看卧龙大熊猫保护区的大熊猫更感兴趣,因为它允许人们更接近大熊猫。广元)Whats wrong with you?My parents dont allow me _ with my friends at night. Ago outBgoing outCto go out百色)What does

12、 the sign on the right tell us?Oh.It tells us that we _ to stop our cars here.Adont allow Barent allowedCdidnt allow Dwerent allowed河池)People under age 18 should not be allowed_.Adrives BdrivingCdrove Dto drive白银)Some of the tired students keep their eyes _ in breaks.Aopened Bclose Cclosed Dopen.根据句

13、意及所给提示填写单词。5(2018钦州)The Wolong Panda Reserve _(允许)people to get closer to pandas.6Its too cold today.Would you mind keeping the window _ (close)?(1)allow v允许;准许。常用结构为:allow doing sth.允许做某事allow do sth.允许某人做某事be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事We dont allow eating in the classrooms.我们不允许在教室吃饭。My parent

14、s dont allow me to go out at night.我父母不允许我晚上外出。Passengers are not allowed to smoke on the bus.乘客不准在车上吸烟。(2)close的用法作动词,意为“关;关闭”。作形容词,意为“近的;亲近的”。常用作be/get close to,意为“离很近”。【拓展】closed adj.关闭的;关的 raise/rise莱芜)If you need to go to the restroom in class,please _ your hand.Araise BriseCshake Dwash贵港模拟)The

15、 students in Class 3 planned to sell old books to _ money to help the new student.Araise BriseCmake Dsave阜康、米泉)As the curtain _,the famous singer came out.The fans _ and screamed with excitement.Awas raised;roseBhad been raised;were raisedCrose;were raisedDhad risen;raised.用rise或raise的适当形式填空。4The pr

16、ice of the building _ quickly last year.5How many cows has his uncle _?要点速记考点过去式、过去分词常用结构词义备注riserose,risen主语rise(事物/热情)上升(价钱/工资)上涨不及物动词,不能用于被动语态raiseraised,raised主语raise宾语升起;抬起;饲养;抚养;筹集;提高及物动词,可以用于被动语态 We need to protect them better.我们需要更好地保护它们。梧州二模)Must I clean the room now?No,you _.You can do it

17、tomorrow.Amustnt Bmay notCneednt Dwouldnt宁波)Mum,I want to buy an iPhone 5s for a change.Well,I think there is no _.Its almost the same as an iPhone 4s.Areason BneedCanswer Dway3你的花需要浇水了。Your flowers_ _.4你已经工作了三个小时了。你需要休息一下。You have worked for three hours.You_ _ _ a rest. need意为“需要”,可作实义动词和情态动词。(1)作实

18、义动词时有人称、数和时态的变化(在变为否定句和疑问句时需借助于助动词)。当主语是人时,后可接名词和动词不定式,即:need sth./ need to do sth.。He needs some help.他需要帮助。You dont need to do it at once.你不必马上做那件事情。当主语为物时,后接名词或,后接v.ing时表被动,即need doingneed to be done。The flowers need watering.这些花需要浇水。(2)作情态动词时不能独立作谓语,必须和动词原形一起构成谓语,即后面必须接动词原形(无人称、数和时态的变化,常用于否

19、定句和疑问句中)。You neednt go this week.这周你不必去。(3)由need引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答一般用must,否定回答一般用neednt。Need I come?我需要来吗?Yes,you must./ No,you neednt.是的,你必须来。/不,你没必要来。注:由must引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答一般用must,否定回答一般用neednt或 dont have to。Must I go now?我现在必须去吗?Yes,you must./No,you neednt/dont have to.是的,你必须去。/不,你不一定要现在去。(4)作名词,意为“需要”,

20、常用结构为:in(great)need(急)需要There is no need to do没有必要做except/besides/but/except for黔西南)All of you went to the zoo _Wang Hai.He had to look after his grandma.Abesides BwithCexcept Dbeside()2._ Wang Yaping,Nie Haisheng and Zhang Xiaoguang had a chance to travel into space again.ABut BExceptCAnd DBesides(

21、)3.Nobody _ him could think of this idea.Abut BexceptCbesides Dwithout()4.The movie was good _ the ending.Aexcept for BbesidesCbut Dbeside.用besides或except填空。宁波)The restaurant is open every day _ Monday.6He had three other children to teach _ Zhang Hua.用法except作介词,意为“除之外(不再有)”。指从整体中排除except所带的人或物,前面常

22、有all,every,any,no及其他限定词。besides作介词,意为“除之外(还有)”。相当于as well as。指在原来的基础上加上besides后接的宾语(人或物)。but作介词,意为“除之外”。其常与否定意义的词连用;当but前有实义动词do或其相关形式时,but后接不带to的不定式。except for意为“除了”。它后面接的词同句子的整体词(主语)不同类,指从整体中除去一个细节或方面。agree with/agree to/agree on/agree to do sth.重庆)They all _ Laura about building a museum here.Awa

23、ited for Bhanded inCagreed with Dknocked at沈阳)I think we should ask people to use public transport more often._.ANever mind BNot at allCSorry DI agree.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。3(2018白银)We all agree that we should make a better plan.(改为简单句)We all _ _ make a better plan.4(2018重庆)我认为这主意不错,但她不同意。(汉译英)I thought it

24、 was a good idea,but she didnt_ _ me.agree with后面接表示人的名词或代词,表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等。agree to主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作。agree on主要指双方就某事通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议。agree to do sth.指同意做某事。旅游与交通一、话题分析以“旅行、交通”为主题的书面表达主要涉及节日习俗、节假日活动、旅游景点、旅游线路以及交通方式等。此类题目通常采用要点提示的方式来考查。二、话题常用表达1I got there by plane/ took a plane there.2Its a good idea to go travelling during the summer vacation.3I think the best place to vi

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