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1、同时也还有这样的可能,即写作灵感的突发,将导致研究方案的重大改进,从而最终提高研究成果的水平和价值。2.1 科研选题科研选题就是选择科研和论文的题目,是科研至关重要的第一步,不论一项科研项目总结出多少篇论文,其题目的内涵和外延都不会超出科研项目本身的范围。科研题目涉及研究的主要方向,是整个研究的中心思想,也是指导研究工作中各向安排的主线,在科研的成败上起着决定性的作用。科研选题必须具备一定的创新性,不仅要继承和发扬已有的科学成就,更重要的是应在继承运用的基础上有所发现、发明和创造。科研的创新性主要可以分为以下三个方面:(1)在原有理论和实践的发展基础上,把研究工作向前推进一步,(2)更新已有的

2、科学研究成就,或对现有科学学术观点进行争论或商榷,(3)填补某一科研领域的空白。科研选题应具有极强的专业性,科学研究是无穷无尽的,向科研的深度和广度进展是永无止境的。随着科学研究的不断深人,学科的分工会越来越细。一个人的精力是有限的,不可能同时在多学科、多领域创造佳绩。因此,连续深人地在某一专业领域进行科学研究,有利于逐步建立自己的特色专长,使自己成为某一领域或者某一学科的专家。2.2 资料收集2.2.1 科技文献的种类科技图书。科技图书大部分是对科研成果、生产技术知识和经验的总结和论述。由于作者对收集到的资料进行了选择、核对、鉴别和整理,因此他传播的知识比较成熟、全面和系统。但是图书的撰写和


4、生在考取硕士、博士等学位时提出的论文。虽然质量参差不齐,但是一般来说具有一定的独创性。它所探讨的问题专业,对问题阐述得较为系统和详细,对科学研究工作有一定的参考价值。2.2.2 科技文献的检索方法直接法。直接利用检索工具(系统)检索文献信息的方法,这是文献检索中最常用的一种方法。它又分为顺查法、倒查法和抽查法。(1)顺查法。按照时间的顺序,由远及近地利用检索系统进行文献信息检索的方法。这种方法能收集到某一课题的系统文献,它适用于较大课题的文献检索。例如,已知某课题的起始年代,现在需要了解其发展的全过程,就可以用顺查法从最初的年代开始,逐渐向近期查找。(2)倒查法。倒查法是由近及远,从新到旧,逆



7、多的文献检索系统和工具,例如Elsevier ScienceDirect,SpringerLink等,这里就不详细介绍了。2.3 研究试验研究试验是按照试验设计对所选题目进行实际操作的过程。一般要经过科研方案的设计、试验条件和设备的准备、试验研究、试验结果的整理分析等过程。这里重点介绍一下试验设计和试验结果处理。试验设计。试验方案的设计主要包括以下的内容:试验要达到什么目的?使用哪些检测指标?运用什么仪器设备?如何设置对照组?另外,必须注意试验的随机性、重复性因素,进行数理统计设计和正交试验设计等工作。需要注意的是,试验设计根据研究目标,同时提出几个达到目的的试验方案。当试验方案提出之后,研究

8、者通过对比分析,选取一个可行、可靠的方案进行试验。如果认为几种方案各有特点,也可以几种方案同时开展试验设计。试验结果处理。在科学研究中,必然会得到许多的试验资料和数据,它是一种原始资料。这些数据中不可避免地存在误差。因此,必须对原始的试验数据进行科学的处理,将误差、错误和非本质的资料消除。其中,为了消除和区别误差,研究者创立了误差理论,以得到最接近实际情况的数值。根据误差理论,将误差分为系统误差、过失误差和偶然误差三类,并采用不同的方法进行控制。2.3 论文撰写一般科技期刊论文的组成部分和排列次序为:题目、摘要、关键词、引言、正文、结论建议、致谢、参考文献、附录等内容。2.3.1 题目题目是科

9、技论文的总纲,论文的题名应达到以下几方面的要求。(1)准确具体,简短精炼.要准确地表达论文的中心内容,恰如其分地反映论文的研究范围和深度,文字要简炼,一般不应超过20字。(2)便于检索,容易认读。题名所用词语要有助于选定关键词和编制题录、索引等二次文献,要避免使用非公知、公用的缩略词、字符和代号等。2.3.2 摘要摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述。其作用有二:(1)让读者尽快了解论文的重要内容,以补充题名的不足;(2)为科技情报人员和计算机检索提供方便。文摘中应写的内容一般包括研究工作的目的、方法、结果和结论,而重点是结果和结论。2.3.3 引言引言的内容是简明介绍论文的背景,相关领

10、域的前人研究状况,作者的意图与分析的依据,包括追求的目标,研究范围和理论、技术方案的选取等。2.3.4 正文正文是科技论文的核心部分。论文的论点、论据和论证都在这里阐述,占据了论文的主要篇幅。由于论文作者的研究工作所涉及的研究对象、研究方法和研究结果表达方式的不同,所以正文中要写的内容不能作统一规定但总的思路和结构应符合“提出论点,通过论据(事实、数据)来对论点加以论证”这一共同的要求。要实事求是,客观真切,合乎逻辑,层次分明。2.3.5 结论结论是论文的最后总结,是在理论和实验分析的基础上经过严密的逻辑推理而得出的研究成果的描述,其内容要点和撰写要求是:(1)本研究结果说明了什么问题,得出了

11、什么规律性的东西,解决了什么理论和实际问题。(2)研究中有无发现例外或本论文尚难以解释和解决的问题。(3)与前人已发表过的研究结果有哪些不一致,作者作了哪些修正、补充、发展或否定。(4)对进一步深入研究本课题的建议。2.4 论文投稿在科技论文撰写完毕后,研究者希望尽快发表自己的成果。因此,我们必须了解论文的发表形式和发表程序,以便进一步提高论文的校对质量,避免差错。2.4.1 弄清刊物性质科技期刊的性质不同,种类不同,刊登的内容也不相同。科技论文应该投向学术类刊物或者技术类刊物,但是需要了解刊物报道的重点和侧重。一般来说,最好翻阅几期已出版的刊物,从刊登内容和征稿简则中判断稿件是否能投向该期刊

12、。2.4.2 弄清发表周期有的期刊虽然非常适合自己投稿,但是如果其稿源丰富,标准太高,那么出版周期必然很长。如果对自己的论文有信心,时间不紧迫,就可以向该期刊投稿。但是如果论文的时间要求很高,必须尽快发表的话,则不应该选择这一类型的期刊。2.4.3 弄清编辑要求不同期刊对于投稿都有明确具体的要求,比如征稿启示、投稿须知等。这些文件一般公布在刊物上,内容包括办刊宗旨、刊物性质和报道内容,以及对投稿的要求等。投稿前应该仔细阅读,尽量让稿件符合期刊的要求,以减少修改时间。1 Why do scientific writing1.1 Promoting the academic exchangesTh

13、e writing and publishing a scientific paper is a permanent record of scientific researchers ideas and mind, as well as a record of science history. It records the process of exploring the truth and various observation results. Science and technology researching has a close link between the continuit

14、y work. The end of a study may be the beginning of another. Therefore, scientific researchers exchange academic ideas by paper writing and publishing, which can promote the study and its application.1.2 Conducive to accumulation of scienceScientific papers are written information storage activities.

15、 By writing and publishing papers, information delivery will transcend time and space limitations. The research results save as a document to become an important part of the treasure of science and technology. To provide scientific and technical knowledge generation and posterity is shared by the en

16、tire human race. Human history of science and technology as a whole is this one of a wave pool.1.3 An important way to find talentsThe publication of a scientific paper may have made a previously unknown technology worker known and reused in the history of science and technology. The number and qual

17、ity of published papers is an important indicator to measure the level of knowledge and business performance of a scientific and technical worker. But also an important basis for assessing their ability to promote academic degree and technical positions.The best method to write a scientific paper is

18、 to start at the beginning of a research, rather than when the project finished. Thinking is a complex issue, with the aid of in writing the effect will be better. Writing is the letter symbols to be used in the process of thinking, one in the record, let them on the paper-based visual, easy to repe

19、ated pondering and scrutiny, to floating, abstract, confusion of thought clear, specific and orderly, thinking more careful.If the writing throughout the entire research process, research, writing, timely find out the lack of research work, supplement and correction of ongoing research, the research

20、 results more perfect; but also possible. The writing inspiration burst will lead to major improvements in the research project research, and ultimately improve level and value of research results.2.1 Research subjectResearch subject is to select a topic of scientific research and thesis, which is t

21、he first step of the research. Whether a research program summed up from how many papers, the connotation and extension of the subject will not exceed the scope of the research project itself. Research topics related to the main direction of research, is the central idea of the whole study, but also

22、 to guide research work in the main line of the main line, in scientific research plays a decisive role in the success or failure.Research subject must have a certain innovation, not only to inherit and carry forward the scientific achievements. The most important is to be found on the basis of the

23、use of inheritance, invention and creation. Innovative research can be mainly divided into the following three aspects: (1) Put the research work a step forward from the original theory and practice basis. (2) Update existing achievements in scientific research, or to the existing scientific and aca

24、demic point of view debate or discussion. (3) Fill the blank of a direction of research field.Research subject should have a strong professional idea. The scientific research inexhaustible, and the depth and breadth of research progress is endless. With the deepening of scientific research, the divi

25、sion of the subject will become more and more thin. A persons energy is limited, one cannot create success in many disciplines and fields. Therefore, the continuous deep in a professional field of scientific research, is conducive to gradually establish their own unique expertise. The better way is

26、to become an expert in a field or a subject.2.2 Information collection2.2.1 Types of scientific literaturesScientific books. Most of scientific books are the summary and discussion of scientific researches, production technology knowledge and experiences. Because the author has chosen, checked, iden

27、tified and sorted out the collected information, scientific books are more mature, comprehensive and systematic. However, the books are written and published for a long time. The contents of a scientific book may be a little old, not new. Moreover, the faster the development of the subject, the fast

28、er the aging of books in this area.Scientific reports. A scientific report is a subject of scientific or technical research results of the official report. Content in detail, specific professional subject, reasoning and experimental data is complete, reflecting on a team or a professional scientific

29、 research. Some of the worlds leading countries have published their own science and technology reports. For example, a large number of science and technology reports are published by the government of the United States.Conference papers. A paper of the conference is to refer to the paper and writte

30、n report that read out in the academic conference. The vast majority of design is the new achievement of a subject and the field at present, new topic. Important discoveries and major advances in many disciplines, mostly in the academic conferences for the first time. Therefore, the conference papers reflect the level and trend of the development of domestic surgery techn

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