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本文(吉林省白山市学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 扫描版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

吉林省白山市学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 扫描版含答案.docx

1、吉林省白山市学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 扫描版含答案高二英语参考答案听力:1-5 BACCA 6-10 AACAB 11-15 CCACB 16-20 AABCBText 1W: Ill call you tonight to discuss our homework. How about eight oclock?M: Could you make it a bit later? Well be having dinner at that time.Text 2W: Excuse me, can you tell me at which stop to get off for the N

2、ational Park?M: Sorry, were not going that far. You need to get on another bus.W: Oh, right. Which one do I need to change to?M: Number 19. Then you get off at Clerk Street. The park is there.Text3W: Is it okay if I pay for this book by visa? I havent got much cash on me.M: We cant really take cards

3、 for amounts under five pounds. Thats only 3.99 pounds, isnt it?Text 4W: Is it OK if I have the car tomorrow?M: Yeah, no problem. Matts giving me a lift to work this week, so I wont be using it.Text 5W: Ive just got to go out and buy some coffee.M: Dont bother. Ill get it. Ill be driving right past

4、the supermarket. What sort do you want?Text 6M: Can I help you?W: Yes, I bought this on sale here a couple of weeks ago. Ive only worn it a couple of times, but when I looked at it the other day I just thought, “No, I dont like it.”M: I can understand.W: Oh, good. I just want to say that I dont thin

5、k it suits me. The colors not really right for me. Do you know what I mean?M: Well um, have you got the receipt with you?W: No, I didnt keep the receipt. Sorry. Does that mean that I cant change it? Because Ive seen another one I likeM: Well, we dont normally exchange goods without a receipt, you se

6、e.W: Oh, no.M: I can speak to the manager if you like, and see what he says.W: Oh, thank you very much.Text 7M: You look upset. Whats wrong?W: Nothing. Um, its about Jim.M: Which Jim? Is it the boy who always comes home with you?W: Yeah. We often do homework in my room together.M: What happened? Hes

7、 your best friend, isnt he?W: Yes, he is, but he always asks me to help him with his homework.M: Well, be a good girl. Try to help him.W: Yes, I want to be a nice person, but I just dont always have time to help him. I have a lot of work of my own.M: Then tell him that. Its his work. Its not your re

8、sponsibility.W: Hes such a nice person, and I really enjoy working with him. I wish I knew what to do.M: Ive been telling you what to do. Just tell the guy youre not going to do his work for him anymore.W: Im not asking you what I should do. I just want you to understand my problem.M: If you dont wa

9、nt to solve the problem, why did you bring it up?Text 8M: Hi, Karen!W: Hi, Tony! Its nice to see you. How is everything going?M: Oh, fine. But Im just a little busy.W: How many courses are you taking?M: Im taking four courses, but Im also working in the morning.W: Thats great! Are you working here o

10、n campus?M: Yes, in the school supermarket. I work there from Monday to Friday starting at eight.W: You sound busy. Do you have time to get together and have coffee?M: Id love to. Whats your schedule?W: Im on campus on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. What time do you get off work?M: I finish work at

11、 noon, but then I have a class.W: Oh. What about Friday? I sometimes come to use the library. Do you have class in the afternoon on Friday?M: No, We can have a get-together then.W: Great. We can celebrate the end of the week!M: OK. So lets meet on Friday at noon in the school caf.W: See you there!Te

12、xt9W: Hello?M: Hi, Jane. This is Tom.W: How are things with you, Tom?M: Oh, fine. Listen, the reason I am calling is that Im going to take Sam, my nephew, to the basketball game on Saturday. Are you going?W: I want to. The only problem is that we are having lunch at my moms this Saturday.M: Come on.

13、 Its going to be one of the biggest games of the season.W: I know. Theyve already sold over 10000 tickets. When does it start then?M: It starts at five. Ive just phoned to check.W: OK. I think my mom wont mind if I leave a bit early.M: Great! Do you want me to pick you up? Ive decided to drive there

14、. Itll be easier with Sam.W: Yeah, that would be great if its no trouble.M: No, no problem. Let me think. What time do we need to be there?W: About 4:30. It takes time to find the seats.M: OK then, Ill collect you at four. Wed better leave plenty of time in case the traffics bad. Is that OK?W: Yeah,

15、 great. See you then.M: See you.Text 10I was born in Tarragona, a small town not far from Barcelona in 1977. I had a very happy childhood there with my parents and brother. Then, when I was about eleven years old my father got a new job and we moved to Barcelona, where Ive lived ever since. I went to secondary school and studied tourism for three years at university there. After that, I spent some time unemployed looking for a job and doing a few temporary jobs, and then I finally got a job in a travel agency, which is what Ive always wanted to do. I

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