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1、 你认为.如何? .如何? .好不好? (建议去做某事) How about + O ? What about + O ? What do you say to + O ? O 要用名词或Ving. What do you think of + O ? Lets + V , shall we? * 去散散步好不好? How about (taking) a walk? = What about (taking) a walk? = What do you say to (taking) a walk? = What do you think of (taking) a walk? = Lets

2、 take a walk , shall we?5. 一.就.;如果.就. 命令句 and S + V. = If S + V , S + V. * 一动你就没命。 Stir and you will be a dead man. = If you stir , you will be a dead man.6. .否则.;如果不.就. 命令句 or S + V. = If S . not + V , S + V. = Unless S + V , S + V. * 穿上外衣,否则你会着凉的。 Put on a coat, or youll take cold. = If you dont p

3、ut on a coat, youll catch cold. = Unless you put on a coat, youll get a cold.7. 多么.啊!(感叹句) How + 形 + ( a + n.) 副 ( S + V ). 感叹句不是问句 What + (a) + (形) + n. * 多么美的夜色啊! * 这些男孩好丑啊!How beautiful a night (it is)! How ugly the boys are!= What a beautiful night (this is)! = What ugly boys (they are)!8. 与现在事实

4、相反的假设 If S + were . , S + would, could + V 过去式V might, should * 要是我现在有翅膀,我要飞到美国。If I had wings, I would fly to you.9. 与过去事实相反的假设 If S + had + pp . , S + + have + pp. * 要是那时这鞋子我合穿的话,我就买了。If these shoes had fitted me, I would have bought them.10. 与未来事实相反的假设 If S + were to + V . , S + + V. * 即使明天太阳从西边升

5、上来,我也不会做这样的事。Even if the sun were to rise in the west tomorrow, I would not do such a thing.11. 未来表万一 If S + should + V . , S + would, should . will, shall . *万一这次失败了,我会再试一次。If I should fail this time, I will(would) try again.12. 不确定的未来 If S + V现在式 . , S + shall, will can , may *如果明天天气好,我们就去野餐。If it

6、 is fine tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.13. 不能实现的愿望 + S + 过去式V 现在不可能的希望 I wish + S + had + pp 过去已不可能的希望 Would that should If only + S + would + V 未来不可能的希望 could* 我要是一只鸟该多好。 I wish I were a bird. 我真希望你那时告诉我真相就好了。 If only you had told me the truth. 但愿明天我能跟你一起去就好了。 Would that I could go with you tomo

7、rrow.* I hope you can help me. 我希望你能帮我。 可能实现 I wish you could help me. 要是你能帮我就好了。 不可能实现14. 祝福.的用法 I wish + S + may + V May + S + V I wish + 人 + 事物 (I wish) + 事物 + to + 人 * 祝你成功。 I wish you may succeed. = May you succeed. = I wish you success. = (I wish) success to you. 15. 假设法if的省略 were Were If S +

8、had + . Had + S + . should Should * 我们不会失败的,要是失败,后果将如何呢? Were we to fail, what would happen? (= If we were to fail, .) 要不是我早知道她的名字,当时我就糗了。 Had I not known her name, I would have been embarrassed. (If I had not known .) 万一下雨,我们就不去了。 Should it rain, we would not go. (If it should rain, .)16. 要不是.,. Bu

9、t for + O Without + O , S + V假设法. If S + not + V假设法 * 要不是有太阳,我们根本就无法生存。 But for the sun, we couldnt live at all. = Without the sun, we couldnt live at all.= If it were not for the sun, we couldnt live at all.= Were it not for the sun, we couldnt live at all.17. 该是.的时候了。 It is(high) time + S +过去式V wa

10、sshould + V * 该是我们上床睡觉的时候了。 事实上还没睡 It is (high) time we went to bed. = It is time we should go to bed. = It is time for us to go to bed.18. .好像是.(其实不是) S + Vas ifS + V假设法as though * 你看起来好像死了。 You look as if you were dead.19. n.命令、建议、要求、坚持 的 adj. + that S + (should) + 原形V v. * 她父亲坚持她要跟那人结婚。 Her fathe

11、r insisted that she (should) marry that man. *此类V.如:suggest, order, demand, command, insist, propose, . *其实只要有命令、建议、要求、坚持意味的字,不论是名词、动词、形容词,其所接子句中的动词都该用原形、或 ”should + 原形V”。 It is necessary that he take the exam. 他必须参加考试不可。20. cannot . too 越越好;再也不为过 * 交友要越小心越好。 We cannot be too careful in choosing fri

12、ends.= You can never be over careful in choosing friends.= One can hardly be careful enough in choosing friends.21. all all both not = not both 不都(部分否定) every every * 人不都诚实。 比较:* 人都不诚实。 All men are not honest. No man is honest.= Not all men are honest. = All men are dishonest.22. that .not + V 否定字 +

13、 but .+ V 没有不 without + O. * 没有人不爱自己的孩子。There is no one but loves his own child.= There is no one that does not love his own child.= There is no one without loving his own child. = Everyone loves his own child.23. to + V not + Ving 不 (不定词、分词、动名词的否定都是在前面加not) pp. * 他试着不再想她。 * 没办法帮他忙,我就离开了。 He tried n

14、ot to think of her. Not being able to help him, I just left. 24. No + n. 禁止;反对;不准Ving* 非公莫入。 *禁止停车。No admittance except on business.No parking.25. There is no + Ving 不可能;没有人能 = It is impossible to + V* 简直不知道会发生什么事。 There is no telling what may happen.= There is no way of telling what may happen.= It

15、 is impossible to tell what may happen. = No one can tell what may happen.26. not only A but (also) B 不但A而且B B才是重点,所以动词与B一致= B as well as A * 不但怪你,也怪你的朋友。 Not only you but also your friend is to blame.= Your friend as well as you is to blame. 27. not A but B 不是A而是B= B not A * 我感兴趣的不是化学,而是物理。 What I

16、am interested in is not chemistry, but physics.= What I am interested in is physics, not chemistry.28. 人 + be above +耻于;不屑 * 她不屑发问。 She is above asking questions.29. the last + n. 最不可能的;再怎么说也不会的 *他是最不可能出卖你的人。(他再怎么说也不会出卖你) He will be the last person to betray you.30. fail to + V 未能 never fail to + V

17、一定;务必= be unable to + V = V + without fail * 他未能实时到达。 *我一定会守信。 He failed to arrive in time. I never fail to keep my word. = He was unable to arrive in time. = I keep my word without fail.31. 一点也不;绝不 not at all = in no way = by no means = not in the least = far from = anything but * 那男孩一点也不用功。 The bo

18、y is not diligent at all. = The boy is far from diligent. 32.很多. Much + 不可数名词 many + 可数名词 not a little Not a few no little no few quite a little quite a few a great deal of a great number of * 他有很多钱,但我有很多书。 He has much money, but I have many books. = He has not a little money, but I have not a few b

19、ooks. = He has no little money, but I have no few books. = He has quite a little money, but I have quite a few books.= He has a great deal of money, but I have a great number of books. 33. It goes without saying that .不用说都知道. Needless to say, * 不用说都知道诚实是最上策。 It goes without saying that honesty is th

20、e best policy. = Needless to say, honesty is the best policy.34. 否定字词放句首的倒装句。应按问句形式,倒装助动词。 Never, No, Seldom, Little, Not, Nothing+助V + S + V .be + S . Hardly, Rarely, Scarcely, By no means, Under no circumstances, * 我将永远忘不了那一段美好的求学时代。 I shall never forget the beautiful school days.= Never shall I f

21、orget the beautiful school days. 他很少迟到。 我绝不会原谅他。 He is hardly late. I will forgive him by no means. = Hardly is he late. = By no means will I forgive him.35.Only词组放句首的倒装句 Only . + * 我们只有靠着努力工作才能成功。We can succeed only by working hard. = Only by working hard can we succeed.36.地方副词放句首的倒装句地方副词 + V + S(名

22、词) V需为不及物动词 S(代名词) + V * 乞丐在大门口等。 * 她坐在柜台后面。The beggar waited at the gate. She sat behind the counter. = At the gate waited the beggar. = Behind the counter she sat.主词补词放句首的倒装句 主词补词 + V + S V需为不及物动词(所以后面才有主词补语) * 我的生活很空虚。 My life is empty.= Empty is my life.37. So(也) 的倒装句 So + 助V+ S 也是。 So + S + 的确。

23、 Be= S +, too = Yes, S + * 你年轻,我也是。 *A:听说你做得很好。 B:的确是。You are young, and so am I. A: I hear you did a good job. B: So we did. = You are young, and I am, too. = A: Yes, we did. * 否定也不倒装要用neither。如:You are not young, and I am not, either = You are not young, and neither am I. 用neither后面不要再有not38. as(像

24、), than(比) 的倒装句 as + S than bebe= as + S = than + S * 他买的衣服和他太太的一样多。 He has bought as many clothes as has his wife. = He has bought as many clothes as his wife (has). 我们的教务主任比校长能干。 Our director of studies is more capable than is our principal. = Our director of studies is more capable than our princ

25、ipal is. = Our director of studies is more capable than our principal.39. such(如此的), so(如此地) 的倒装句 如此以致于 S is such +that子句 S is so adj. +as to V= Such is S += So adj. is S + * 我的英文进步很大所以父母很高兴。 My progress in English was such that it pleased my parents. = My progress in English was such as to please my parents. = Such was my progress in English that it pleased my parents. = Such was my progress in English as to please my parents. = My progress in English was so great that it pleased my parents. = My progress in English was so great as to

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