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1、2、一个圆锥体积是156立方厘米,比等底等高的圆柱体积少( )立方厘米。28 156 212 3683、(1)做一节圆柱形通风管要用多少铁皮,是求通风管的( )。 (2)做一只圆柱形的柴油桶,至少用多少铁皮,是求油桶的( )。 (3)一只圆柱形水桶能装多少升水,是求水桶的( )。 (4)一段圆柱形铁条有多少立方分米,是求这段铁条的( )。 表面积 侧面积 体积 容积4、用一个高36厘米的圆锥形容器盛满水,倒入和它等底等高的圆柱形容器中,水的高度是( )厘米。 36 18 16 12四、计算用简便方法计算(9分) (1) 320.251.25 (2) 83 (3) 82、脱式计算(12分)(1)

2、(1) 2)14 (3)554)(30.1)(1)五、求体积(单位:分米)六、应用题1、 挖一个圆柱形蓄水池,底面半径是5米,深是4米,这个蓄水池可蓄水多少立方米?2、 一个无盖的圆柱形铁皮桶,高是30厘米,底面半径是10厘米,做这个水桶至少要用铁皮多少平方分米?(用进一法,得数保留一位小数)3、压路机的滚筒是一个圆柱形,它的横截面周长是14米,长是5米,每滚一周能压多大的路面?如果转100周,压过的路面有多大?4、一个圆锥形麦堆,底面半径是3米,高是5米,每立方米小麦约重700千克,这堆小麦大约有多少千克?5、把一个高是50厘米的圆柱形木料,沿底直径把它切成两个相等的半圆柱,每个切面的面积是

3、200平方厘米,那么原来圆柱体的侧面积是多少平方厘米?6、一个从里面量长5分米,宽4分米的长方体容器中,装了深10厘米的水,现在里面放入一个圆柱体的铁块,铁块完全浸入水中,水面上升了2厘米,那么这个圆柱形铁块的体积是多少立方分米?7、 一个圆锥形的稻谷堆, 底周长12.56米, 高1.5米, 把这堆稻谷装进一个圆柱形粮仓, 正好装满这个粮仓里面的底直径为2米, 高是多少米?8. 一根2米长的圆柱形木料, 横截面的半径是10厘米, 沿横截面的直径垂直锯开, 分成相等的两块, 每块的体积和表面积各是多少?附送:2019年新人教版小学六年级英语下册期末检测试题一. 判断下列单词发音是(T)否(F)相

4、同。10%( ) 1 A short B draw C sore( ) 2 A use B cup C bus( ) 3 A drive B right C fly ( ) 4 A tired B excited C bored( ) 5 A danced B climbed C studied( ) 6 A face B apple C lake ( ) 7 A tree B train C twelve ( ) 8 A head B egg C he ( ) 9 A boat B box C goat( ) 10 A sister B doctor C driver二. 找出不同类的词。(

5、 ) 1. A. older B. younger C. taller D. other( ) 2. A. pany B. shelf C. factory D. shop( ) 3. A. rain B. wind C. kite D. cloud( ) 4. A. books B. reads C. teaches D. watches( ) 5. A. bookstore B. post card C. cinema D.park( ) 6. A. month B. week C. day D. tail( ) 7. A. tomorrow B. magazineC. dictionar

6、y D. newspaper( ) 8. A. subway B. bus C. vapour D. train( ) 9. A. visit B. sun C. read D. buy( ) 10. A. lamb B. tiger C. lion D. plant三根据要求写单词。1. isnt (完全形式)_ 2. let us (缩写形式) _3. by (同音词)_ 4. heavy (比较级) _5. swim (现在分词)_ 6. big (比较级) _7. new (反义词) _ 8.writing (动词原形) _9. eat (过去式) _ (第三人称单数

7、) _四用下列所给单词的序号填空。10A. When B. Where C. What D. Why E. How1. _ can I get to the zoo? You can go by bus.2. _ do you go to school on foot? Because my home is near.3._ are you going tomorrow?I am going to the bookstore.4. _ are you going? I am going at 4 oclock.5. _ is your hobby? I like collecting stam

8、ps.五情景问答。5%( ) 1 A: _? B: He likes working with numbers. A. What is he doing? B. What does he like? C. Whats he like?( ) 2 A: What is John going to do? _. A. Hes going with his Chinese teacher. B. He is leaning Chinese. C. Hes going to learn Chinese.( ) 3. A: Where do Lily and Lucy work? _. A. She w

9、orks in a pany. B. They work in a pany. C. They are working in a pany. ( ) 4 A: Whats the matter? _. A. My nose hurts. B. I feel happy. C. Im feeling better.( ) 5 A: I failed the math test. B: _. A. Thats OK. B. Youre wele. C. Im sorry to hear that. 六 Read and choose. 单项选择。20%( ) 1 We like _ music.

10、A listen to B listening to C listening ( ) 2 He likes _, because he can swim. A spring B summer C winter ( ) 3 Who has _ umbrella? A an B a C one ( ) 4 Last weekend we _. A read a book B sing C climb the mountain ( ) 5 Its 11:30. Its time _ have lunch. A / B for C to ( ) 6 The vapour es from the _.

11、A clouds B rain C water ( ) 7 If the traffic light is yellow, you should _. A stop B wait C go ( ) 8 Im 41 kg, he is 43 kg, so hes _ than me. A taller B heavy C heavier ( ) 9 There _ a kitchen and two bathrooms in the flat. A is B are C has ( ) 10 A: Did your brother go fishing yesterday? _. A Yes,

12、she did. B No, he doesnt. C Yes, he did.七用单词的适当形式填空(5%)(1) Im (go) _ to the bookstore tomorrow. (2) I want (buy) _ some vegetables.(3) Amy (sing) _ and danced with her friends.(4) Chen Jie (go) _ to a park with her mother last weekend.(5) A: What did she do last weekend?B: She (visit) _ her grandpar

13、ents.八找出下列各句中的一处错误并改正。1. What do you do yesterday? ( )_A B C 2. Did you cleaned the room last Monday? A B C ( )_ 3. How did Amy feel? She is tired. A B C( )_4. The rain e from the clouds. A B C ( )_5. What does your mother do? He is a teacher.九阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。10% AToday is May 1st .We are in a natur

14、e park. Chen Jie is catching butterflies, Zhang Peng is flying a kite, Wu Yifan is collecting leaves, I am watching insects. What are the other boys doing? They are playing balls. What about the other girls? Oh, theyre having a picnic. Look, who is taking pictures for us? Miss White, our art teacher

15、. How happy we are!( ) 1 On May the first, we are in a nature park.( ) 2 Chen Jie is having a picnic.( ) 3 Some of the boys are playing balls. ( ) 4 Miss White, our English teacher, is taking pictures for us.( ) 5 We are very happy!BA: Hello! This is Tina. Can I speak to Alice, please? Hello, Tina.

16、This is Alice. What are you doing now? Im drawing pictures. Today is Thursday, we have an art class on Thursdays. Then how many art classes do you have every week? Two, on Mondays and Thursdays. What did you do last night? Did you play puter games? No, I didnt. I wrote an e-mail. Are you going to th

17、e Zhongshan Park this weekend? No, Im not. I have to do my homework. What a pity! Then Ill go there with Linda .Goodbye! OK. See you!( ) 1 Tina is drawing pictures now.( ) 2 Alice has two art classes every week.( ) 3 Alice played puter games last night.( ) 4 Tina has to do her homework.( )5Alice is

18、going to the Zhongshan Park with Linda this weekend.十. 作文。 同学们,暑假马上就要到了,在这个暑假里,你打算做些什么事情呢?把你将要做的事情用英语写下来吧! (至少写5句话) _六年级英语模拟试题答案TFTFF FFFFTDBCAB DACBD1. is not 2. lets 3. buy 4. heavier 5. swimming6. bigger 7. old 8.write 9. ate 10.watchesEDBACBCBACBBAAC CBCAC1. going 2. to buy 3. sang 4. went 5.visited1. ( B )_did_ 2. ( B )_clean_ 3. ( A )_does_ 4. ( B )_es_ 5. ( C )_She_ A TFTFTB TFFTT至少写5句话。

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