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1、sweater毛线衣,卫生衫jacket夹克clothes衣服,衣物assistant助理,助手shop assistant售货员,店员二、短语双基1.a pair of shoes.一双鞋。2. a pair of trousers一条裤子3. a pair of jeans一条牛仔裤4. a pair of shorts一条短裤5.a shirt一件衬衫 shirts七件衬衫7.a blouse一件女衬衫8.twelve blouse十二女衬衫9.Ill take it.我买了。10.sports shoes三、句型双基1.How much is the skirt?这条裙子

2、多少钱?Its 125 yuan.它值125元。125 yuan.125元。2.How much is it?它值多少钱?Its 25 dollars.它值25美元。25 dollars.25美元。3.Can I help you?要我帮忙吗?Yes, please. Id like to buy a pair of jeans.是的。我想买一条牛仔裤。4.Whats 20 and 40?20加40等于多少?Its 60.等于60。Unit 2 Shirts,Dresses and Trousers二、单词双基(四会4个,三会3个)afternoon下午for为,为了pound英镑whose谁

3、的sir先生bye再见madam夫人,女士1. a mans blue shirt.一件男式的蓝衬衫。2. a womans yellow skirt.一条女式的黄裙子。3.a pair of mens white jeans.一条男式的白牛仔裤。4.a pair of girlss long white socks.一双女式长白袜子。5.Ill take it,6.sports shoes.运动鞋。What can I do for you? =Can I help you?需要我帮你做点什么?(需要买点什么?)Id like to buy a coat.我想买一件大衣。Here you a

4、re.给你。Thank you.。How much are the sweaters?这些毛衣多少钱一件?Theyre 326 yuan.它们值326元。326 yuan.326元。How much are they?它们值多少钱?Theyre 96 dollars.它们值96美元。96 dollars.96美元。5.我要买一条牛仔裤。6.Whose is the shirt?这件衬衫是谁的?Its my fathers.它是我爸爸的。7.Whose shoes are there?这些鞋是谁的?They are Bens and Janets.它们是Ben和Janet的。8.Whose ro

5、om is it?这是谁的房间?Its Sally and Joans.它是Sally和Joan的。 MODULE 2 PEOPLE UNIT4 Friends一、单词双基(四会9个,三会1个)wear 穿,戴be (is/are) wearing正穿(戴)着cap有舌的帽子hat有檐的帽子blonde金色头发的thin瘦的,薄的heavy重的young年轻的friend朋友mean意思是1.with a black cap 2. a brown hat一顶棕色帽子3. an American boy一个美国男孩4. in a red coat穿着红色的大衣5. wearing a yello

6、w T-shirt穿着一件黄色的T恤6. a pair of black and white shoes一双黑白相间的鞋子7. with long blonde hair留着金色长头发8. an Australian girl一个澳大利亚女孩9.short white hair又短又白的头发Whos that boy?那个男孩是谁?Hes Ben,my good friend.他是我的好朋友Ben。Whos that girl?那个女孩是谁?Shes Janet,my cousin.她是我的表妹Janet。Which one?哪一个?The one in a red trousers.那个穿着

7、红裤子的。Hes a wearing a yellow T-shirt and a brown hat.他正戴着棕色的帽子,穿着黄色的T恤。Hes wearing a pair of black and white sport shoes.他戴着一副黑色和白色运动鞋。Shes not wearing a red coat.她没穿红色外套。Shes wearing a green dress and a pair of brown shoes.她穿着一条绿色的连衣裙一双棕色的鞋子UNIT 5 Our Heroes And Heroines一、单词双基(四会12个,三会13个)talk谈话talk

8、 about谈及kind友善的,和蔼的great伟大的,太好了funny有趣的friendly友好的true真实的today今天about 关于both两者都well好cook厨师烹调hard working努力工作的patient耐心的handsome英俊的honest诚实的ugly丑陋的weak瘦弱的hero男英雄heroine女英雄parent父母feed喂养movie电影star 星星,明星movie star电影明星1. heroes and heroines.男英雄们和女英雄们2. talk about谈论3. kind and hardworking和蔼又努力工作4. tall

9、and handsome高大又英俊5. a movie star一个影星6. honest and funny诚实又有趣7. both great cooks都是大厨师8. feed me well把我喂养得好好的9. short white hairLets talk about heroes.我们一起讨论我们的偶像吧。OK./ All right./ Sure.好吧。Who is your hero?你的男英雄是谁?My hero is my father.我的男英雄是我爸爸。Hes my father.他是我爸爸。Who is your heroine?你的女英雄是谁?My heroin

10、e is my mother.我的女英雄是我妈妈。Shes my mother.她是我妈妈。 Module 3 Occupations Unit7 Our Future Jobs二、单词双基(四会15个,三会8个)job职业,工作nurse护士,保育员doctor医生teacher老师driver司机,驾驶员worker工人soldier士兵farmer农民want想,要be是when当,什么时候up向上factory工厂policeman警察policemen警察(复数)postman邮递员firemen消防队员(复数)fireman消防队员postmen邮递员(复数)manager经理gr

11、ow生长,成长grow up长大bank银行want to be想成为a bus driver一个公共汽车司机a factory worker一个工人a bank manager一个银行经理What about you?你呢?a good job一个好工作What do you want to be when you grow up?你长大后想做什么?I want to be a manager.我想成为一个经理。Whats the mans job?这个男人的工作是什么?Hes a driver.他是一名司机。Whats the ladys job?这个女人做什么工作?Shes an Eng

12、lish teacher.她是一个英语老师。Unit 8 My Parents job一、单词双基(三会7个)cleaner清洁员athlete运动员waiter服务员waitress 女服务员lawyer律师clerk职员bank clerk银行职员fathers job爸爸的工作mothers job妈妈的工作an athlete一个运动员a tall athlete一个高大的运动员What do you do? = Whats your job?你的工作是什么?Im a doctor.我是一个医生。What does he do? = Whats his job?他的工作是什么?Hes

13、a fireman.他是一名消防员。What does she do? = Whats her job?她的工作是什么?Shes a waitress.她是一名服务员。 Module 4 People Who Help Us Unit 10 My New Neighbour一、单词双基(四会16个,三会12个)see看见,明白drive驾驶,开(车)learn学习child孩子the only child独生子女sick people病人apartment公寓has (have) got有why为什么after之后after school放学后See you.or或,或者only唯一的,仅仅,

14、I see.我明白了。sick生病的check检查catch抓住put out消灭,扑灭ambulance救护车ambulance man救护车驾驶员dentist牙医neighbour邻居criminal罪犯,犯人fire火because因为move迁移,移动moving in正迁进a new job一个新工作an ambulance man一个救护车驾驶员the only childin my ramily在我家里I see.after schoolsick peoplehave no brothers or sisters没有兄弟姐妹9.check your teeth检查牙齿

15、tch the criminals抓罪犯 an ambulance驾驶救护车 us to learn帮助我们学习13.put out fires灭火 the sick people帮助病人See you!再见。Are you a dentist?你是一个牙医吗?Yes,I am.是的,我是。Are you the only child?你是一个独生子女吗?No,Im not.不,我不是。What does your father do?你爸爸是干什么的?What does the man do?那个人是干什么的?Hes an athlete.他是一个

16、运动员。What does your mother do?你妈妈是干什么的?Shes a postman.她是一个邮递员。what does the woman do?这个妇女是干什么的?Shes an American teacher.她是一个美国教师。Do you have any pets?你有一些宠物吗?Yes,I do.是的,有。Do you learn French?你学法语吗?No,I dont.不,我不学。Unit 11 The Fireman Can Help一、单词双基(四会15个,三会6个)get获得get down下来think想ask问clean up打扫,扫除hom

17、e家at home在家cant不能,不会down向下could能him他(宾格)everything每一件东西letter信,字母food食物drinks饮料deliver递送serve服务,提供hey嘿,喂top顶部at the top of在的顶部dangerous危险的at the top of在顶端get downat homeclean up打扫go and ask him去问他of course当然clean up everything扫干净一切东西deliver the letters处理信件serve us food and drinks为我们提供食物和饮料10help in

18、a shop在商店里帮忙Can you catch the mouse?你能抓住那只老鼠吗?Yes,I can.是的,我能。Can you catch a criminal?你能抓住一个罪犯吗?No,I cant.不,我不能Where is the cat?那猫在哪里?Its on the house.它在房子的上面。Could he help?他能帮忙吗?Of course.当然可以。 Module 5 Time Unit 13 Time to eat一、单词双基(四会14个,三会1个)music音乐maths数学P.E.体育art美术,艺术breakfast早餐lunch午餐dinner晚

19、餐time 时间about大约usually通常地,时常地Me too.我也是。什么时候have吃,上(课)clock钟break中间休息的时间seven oclock七点钟six o five六点零五分eight fifteen八点十五分nine forty-five九点四十五分have breakfast吃早饭have lunch吃午饭have dinner吃晚饭What time do you have breakfast?你什么时候吃早餐?At 7:00 in the morning.早上7点钟。When do you have lunch?你什么时候吃午餐?At 12:00.12点钟

20、。When do you have dinner?你什么时候吃晚餐?At 6:30 in the evening.晚上6点半。Lets have dinner.我们去吃晚饭吧。OK./ All right.好的。Unit 14 Time for Schoolget up起床go 去go to school上学go back回来go to bed去睡觉bread面包milk牛奶egg鸡蛋Its time to是的时候了too太late迟must必须back返回goodbyeget uplook at看go to school去上学come to school来学校go back home去回家go to bed上床睡觉Me too!Its time to该的时间What time do you usually get up?你通常什么时间起床?I usually get up at 6:我通常6点钟起床。6点钟。What time is it now?现在几点钟?Its 11:11点钟 。I have no time for breakfast.我没时间吃早餐。I must go to school now.我现在必须上学去。 Module 6 Da

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