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北师大版高中英语选修六第1讲Unit16 Stories词汇篇1教师版Word下载.docx

1、易混辨析:abandon强调“完全|,永远地遗弃”|,尤其是指遗弃以前感兴趣或负有责任的人或物|。desert强调“违背誓言|,命令|,责任|,义务等”|。give up放弃|,抛弃|,常用于口语中|。leave离开某地或留下某物|。4. come into view 进入视野|,出现(不用于被动语态)Soon a ship came into view. 不久|,一条船出现了|。As they drove on|, the hills came into view. 随着他们驱车前行|,山脉进入了视野|。与come into相关的短语:come into use开始使用come into p

2、ower/office开始执政come into effect生效come into being形成;产生其他有“出现”意义的词或短语:turn up出现|,露面show up出现appear出现5. knock sb. over撞倒/翻某人I saw him knocked over by a car. 我看到他被一辆小汽车撞倒了|。短语拓展:knock sth. down推倒/拆掉/拆毁建筑物knock into sb.撞在某人身上knock sb. flat把某人击倒在地knock sb. out (of sth.)把.淘汰出(比赛)knock at/on a door敲门knock a

3、bout接连打击|,冲击;漫游|,闲逛6. characterC(人的)个性|,品格|,性格The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs. Blairs character. 这本书对布莱尔夫人的性格作了生动的剖析|。C; U特色|,特征|,特点Each of his books has its own character. 他的每一本书都有其特点|。C(书籍|,戏剧|,电影中的)人物|,角色The films main character is played by George Clooney. 这部电影的主角是由乔治布鲁尼主演|。C文字|,字母

4、|,符号Chinese characters 汉字in/out of character符合/不符合某人的性格characterless adj. 无特征的;平凡的character actor性格演员characteristic adj. 典型的 n. 特征|,特点|,品质characterize是.的特征7. gather vi. & vt. 聚集We will gather at the school gate at 6 oclock in the morning. 我们将在早晨六点在校门口集合|。gather oneself振作起来He gathered himself and wal

5、ked on through the gate. 他打起精神|,一路向前走过那扇大门|。gather up聚拢|,集中She told the children to gather up their toys. 她叫孩子们把玩具收拢在一起|。8. sorrow n. C 常用复数 伤心事|,悲伤事|,不幸;U 悲痛|,悲伤|,悲哀;懊悔|,遗憾 vi. 感到悲伤The man had a look of sorrow in his eyes. 那人眼里流露出悲哀的神情|。the joys and sorrows of childhood 童年的欢乐与悲伤drown ones sorrows 借

6、酒消愁more in sorrow than in danger(对某事)悲哀多于愤怒9. sympathy n. U 同情心|,同情|,同感The story stirred her sympathy. 这个故事激起了她的同情心|。同义词:pity|, mercypity指对弱者|,不幸者所表示的怜惜之情|。mercy侧重指对应受到惩罚或地位卑下者的慈悲或怜悯|。sympathy普通用词|,含义广泛|。指兴趣|,看法上的一致|,也指感情相投|,带有深深的恻隐之心的亲切之情|。相关词组:have/feel sympathy for同情.play on ones sympathy利用某人的同情o

7、ut of sympathy with不赞同.词形变化:sympathize v. 同情sympathetic adj. 同情的10. burst v. (使)破裂|,(使)爆裂;冲|,闯She rushed downstairs and burst into the kitchen. 她冲下楼|,闯进了厨房|。Ive eaten too much. Im bursting at the seams. 我吃得太多了|,肚子都要撑破了|。burst out 突然说出;突然后接动名词|。例如:She burst out singing. 她突然唱了起来|。burst into 突然发作|,闯入后接

8、名词|。She burst into angry speech. 她突然愤怒地讲起来|。burst in 突然插嘴近义词辨析:burst指某物因内部或外部压力过大而出现严重破裂|,爆开或撑破|。break常用词|,含义广泛|,多指猛然用力将坚硬物体打破或损坏|。crush指用力把东西压破或使变形|。11. split v. 劈开;分摊;割破;分手|,离开; n. 裂缝|,裂口He split the coconut in half. 他把椰子劈成两半|。The explosion split our ears. 爆炸声使我们震耳欲聋|。split away/off脱落下来|,分裂出去split

9、 hairs吹毛求疵|,为小事而争论split on sb. 告发某人split with与.分手split up分成(组);离婚;(使)解散|,决裂They split (up) the money between them. 他们把钱分了|。12. more thanLearning English is more than a newspaper.学英语不仅仅是一份报纸|。More than 500 people had to be helped to safety when the stadium collapsed. 体育馆倒塌时|,有500多人不得不被转移到安全地带|。“more

10、than+名词”意为“不只是|,不仅仅”|。“more than+数词”意为“多于|,超过”|,相当于over|。“more than+形容词”意为“很|,非常”|。more. than. 意为“比.要.|,与其说.倒不如说.”|。no more than意为“只是|,仅仅”|,带有感情色彩|,有嫌少之意|。not more than(=at most)意为“至多|,不超过”不带有感情色彩|,只是表现在数量上|。13. specific adj. 详细的|,明确的|,特定的He has a specific aim to go to a key university. 他有上重点大学的明确目标

11、|。Could you be a bit more specific when it comes to your further education? 说到你的进修|,你能更详细点吗?词汇拓展:specifically adv. 明确地;特定地specifics n. 细节|,详情specify vt. 具体说明;明确规定14. significance n. 重要性|,意义He began to realize the significance of the invention. 他开始意识到这项发明的重要性|。What you referred to at the meeting is o

12、f great significance to children. 你在会议上提到的对孩子们来说意义非凡|。significant adj. 有意义的;影响深远的;重大的signify v. 要紧;表示把significant末尾的t换成ce|,则形容词变为名词|。有类似情况的单词还有:important adj. 重要的-importance n. 重要性different adj. 不同的-difference n. 不同absent adj. 缺席的-absence n. 缺席patient adj. 耐心的-patience n. 耐心15. vivid adj. 清晰的|,生动的|,

13、逼真的;丰富的The characters in his novel take on vivid color. 他小说中的人物活灵活现|。He gave a vivid account of his journey through the valley. 他生动地描述了穿越峡谷的旅行|。a vivid memory清晰的记忆a vivid imagination丰富的想象力a vivid description 生动的描述16. suffering n.U疼痛;痛苦I hope this would end my suffering. 我希望这会结束我的痛苦|。He died without

14、much suffering. 他死的时候没有多少痛苦|。(常用复数)痛苦;苦恼He slept on firewood and straw to remind him of his sufferings. 他睡在柴草上|,提醒自己不要忘记所遭受的痛苦|。These include the sufferings of the poor|, and the corruption of the rich. 这些包括穷人的痛苦|,和富人的腐败|。suffer v. 遭受(痛苦|,不幸等)They suffered huge losses. 他们遭受了巨大损失|。 容忍He will not suff

15、er such insults. 他不会容忍这样的侮辱|。 suffer from受.苦;患.病;因.受损ve suffered from back pain for years. 我背疼好些年了|。You could suffer from bad health if you keep smoking. 如果你继续吸烟就会有损健康|。17. name. after 以.的名字给某人/某物命名The boy was named after his uncle. 这个男孩使以他叔叔的名字命名的|。Washington|, the capital of the United States|, wa

16、s named after George Washington. 美国首都华盛顿是以乔治华盛顿的名字命名的|。by name凭名字|,用.的名字by the name of名叫.的under the name (of.)用.的名字call sbs names辱骂某人in name only名义上in the name of代表.|,以.的名义make a name成名|, 出名to ones name属于某人所有name names供出|,说出(犯事者等)的文字namely adv. 即|,也就是18. in particular 特别|,尤其I noticed his eyes in par

17、ticular|, because they are very large. 我特别注意了他的眼睛|,因为他的眼睛很大|。It was an interesting novel-I enjoyed the sudden ending in particular. 这是一部有趣的小说-我尤其喜欢它出人意料的结局|。常用搭配:in particular (=particularly) 特别地It is particular that. 尤其.be particular about 对.挑剔19. Pliny described a cloud coming down the mountain|,

18、blocking out the sun and burying everything in its path|, including whole villages and towns. 普利尼描述道|,一团云自山巅而降|,遮天蔽日|,将所经之处的一切|,包括一座座村庄和城镇统统吞没|。句型讲解:本句为简单句|,宾语cloud后有三个v.-ing短语作定语|,including为介词|。短语讲解:block out意为“挡住|,忘掉”|。a heavy curtain blocking out the light挡光的厚窗帘She tried to block out the terrible

19、 memory. 她尽力去忘掉那可怕的回忆|。block ones way 挡住某人的路block up 阻塞;垫高block in 画略图|,打草稿block off封锁a traffic block/jam交通堵塞Ignore everything that doesnt block your way. 别去在意并不阻挡你道路的任何事物|。If you block off the taxi or keep it locked with keys|, they cannot get out of there. 如果你把出路给堵掉或者锁住|,他们不能从那里出来|。20. In a way|,

20、Pompeii is like a time capsule preserving a frozen moment in history. 从某种程度上来说|,庞贝古城如同一粒时间胶囊|,保存了历史上一段被封存了的瞬间|。preserving.为动名词短语作定语|,修饰“time capsule”|,frozen为过去分词作定语|,修饰moment|。in a way从某种程度上来说|,从某种意义上来说In a way|, it was one of our biggest mistakes. 从某种意义上来说|,它是我们所犯的最大的错误之一|。In a way|, its kind of n

21、ice to be working alone. 从某种意义上来说|,一个人干活相当不错|。in the way挡道|,妨碍all the way一路上|,从头到尾make ones way前进|,行走by the way顺便说by way of经过in no way决不|,一点也不no way(俚语)没门儿on ones/the way to.在去.的路上21. However|, much more than buildings and objects|, it is the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster that

22、have made the city a monument to human history. 但是|,与城里的建筑和物品相比|,那些在那场灾难中遇难者的轮廓则更使这个城市成为人类历史上的一座纪念碑|。此句为复合句|,其中people后who were caught in the disaster为定语从句; it is 与后面的that构成强调句结构|,强调主语|。强调句是一个非常重要的句型|,在实际应用中我们可以通过该句型对句子的主语(含主语从句)|,宾语(含宾语从句)和状语(含状语从句)进行强调从而提高语言的表现力|。强调句型主要有三种形式:陈述句:It is/was +被强调部分+ t

23、hat/who +句子其他成分|。一般疑问句:Is/was + it +被强调部分+that/who+句子其他成分?特殊疑问句:疑问词+is/was + it + that +陈述语序?It was how the young man had learned 6 foreign languages that attracted the employers interest.Was it Sally that phoned just now?Where was it that the old couple told us their love story?22. This student has

24、 parents who wanted their daughter to be as strong as any boy. 这个学生的父母希望他们的女儿和任何男孩一样强壮|。本句为一个复合句|,who引导了定语从句|,修饰parents;其中as.as意为“和.一样”|。as.as的用法as + adj. + as.= the same + n. +as.(和.一样.)(表肯定)He is as old as I. = He is the same age as I. 他和我一样大|。not as/so + adj. + as = less + adj. + than(不如)(表否定)Wea

25、lth is not so important as health. = Wealth is less important than health. 财富不如健康重要|。as + adj. +n.(不可数名词或可数名词复数)+ as 或as +adj. + a/as + n.(可数名词单数)+asYou are as good a student as she. 她跟你一样是好学生|。as + adj. /adv. + as + one can/possible(尽可能)He went there as early as possible. 他尽可能早地去了那里|。倍数+ as +adj. +

26、 as.(.的几倍)The house is 3 times as big as ours. 这座房子是我们房子的3倍大|。例1. Some of the old about the space age are coming true.A. fantasiesB. biographiesC. nightmaresD. impressions解析:句意:一些有关太空的古老幻想正在变成现实|。考查名词辨析|。fantasy幻想|,尤其指脱离现实的空想|,符合句意|。biography传记;nightmare噩梦;impression印象|。答案:A|。例 2. The girl was in such

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