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1、a. qualify b. practice c. complete d. pass8.I dont really know how to _ the problem.a. set in b. tackle c. cope d. draw9.He said he couldnt _ to retire from work and live only on his pension.a. risk b. afford c. accept d. depend10.It is _ of you to turn down the TV while your sister is still ill in

2、bed.a. concerned b. careful c. considerate d. considerable11.It is important that you _ to the dean before leaving for your vacation.a. speak b. spoke c. have spoken d. are speaking12.Its about time people _ notice of what women did during the war.a. took b. take c. have taken d. will take13.Id have

3、 come with you _ I am so busy.a. except for b. provided that c. but that d. so long as14.I wish you _ me yesterday.a. tell b. could tell c. would tell d. had told15.I failed in my new job. If only I _ my parents.a. listened to b. had listened to c. have listened to d. would listen to16.Id rather you

4、 _ those important documents with you.a. not take b. dont take c. wont take d. didnt take17.But for your help we _ late.a. would be b. would have been c. had been d. were18.I left as though we _ each other for years.a. have known b. knew c. had known d. would have known19.Id rather you _ me a new on

5、e instead of having it repaired as you did.a. had given b. have given c. gave d. giving20.It is time the kids _.a. go to bad b. went to bed c. have gone to bed d. had gone to bed1.Although trees and land have been _, the animals are disappearing.a. insured b. ensured c. secured d. assured2.Hunting i

6、s thought to be _ for the extinction of some wildlife.a. responsible b. blamed c. charged d. denounced3.It so _ that two men were caught in the act of hunting wildlife in Daxinganling.a. occurred b. happened c. took place d. arose4.People have done a lot in stopping the loss of wildlife habitat, whi

7、ch is expected to _ the slaughter.a. end b. finish c. complete d. achieve5.The problems such as deforestation and population explosion were _ at an earlier time than animal hunting.a. forecast b. foreseen c. estimated d. expected6.The rising slaughter _ a formidable challenge for the next century.a.

8、 sums b. amounts c. adds d. increases7.The _ cause of the rapid growth of population is attributed to the uncontrolled birthrate.a. underlying b. essential c. elemental d. basic8._ logging roads is thought to be helpful for protecting wildlife.a. Clearing b. Closing c. Closing off d. Clearing up9.Se

9、eds are _ in the forest to grow into trees.a. sprayed b. spread c. spilled d. splashed10.Tigers are suffering from lack of _, which are being killed by humans.a. insects b. pests c. preys d. beasts11.Selling furs of wildlife can _ a lot of money.a. bring in b. bring out c. bring about d. bring up12.

10、By 2020, the silent dawn _ in those forests, where animals are largely gone.a. is occurring b. occurs c. occurred d. could be occurring13.By hunting, we are losing the animals that make the forests _.a. function b. functioning c. functioned d. have functioned14.Conservationists are struggling to pro

11、tect a natural world reeling from _ threats as population growth, deforestation and pollution.a. so b. such c. those d. these15._ to the recent research, some cigarette smokers are becoming health-conscious.a. Respond b. Respondedc. Responding d. Having been responded16.People sell the hunted wildli

12、fe _ food or medicine.a. for b. to c. at d. with17.Daylight _ the small village.a. breaks out b. breaks into c. breaks on d. breaks down18.I dont know why he complains about his low salary all the time. He doesnt earn as _ as I do.a. less b. few c. little d. more19.It was in 1985 _ a hole in the ozo

13、ne layer over the Antarctic was noticed.a. which b. where c. when d. that20.Every week, a staggering 10 000 square kilometers of tropical rainforest are _.a. cut off b. cut up c. cut out d. cut down1.Peter was _ diligent than Jack because both of them failed the final examination.a. no less b. not m

14、uch c. no more d. not more2.Only when you have obtained sufficient data _ come to a sound conclusion.a. can you b. would you c. you would d. you can3.“Hurry up, or the tickets _ out by the time we get there.”a. will have been sold b. will sellc. have sold d. have been sold4.Human beings are superior

15、 to animals _ they can use language to communicate.a. for that b. with which c. in that d. to which5.The atmosphere of the earth is _ the moon.a. much denser than b. much denser than that ofc. more dense than d. more dense than those of6.The children went there to watch the iron tower _.a. erect b.

16、erecting c. erected d. being erected7.Bats begin their flight as soon as the sun begins to sink _ the horizon.a. beyond b. beneath c. below d. down8._ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountain gives him a sense of peace.a. When one is walking b. If walkingc. Walking d. While walking9.He

17、 _ to the movies, had he known that Jane would be free.a. would go b. had gonec. will have gone d. would have gone10._, she couldnt work out the problem at that moment.a. Clever although she was b. As she was cleverc. She was clever, though d. Clever as she was11.The government is trying to do somet

18、hing to _ better understanding between the two countries.a. raise b. promote c. heighten d. increase12.There is not the _ doubt about what he said.a. smallest b. slightest c. weakest d. thinnest13.At the sight of the bear, the _ girl burst into tears.a. frighten b. frightened c. frightful d. frighte

19、ning14.The whole village _ to welcome the foreign visitors.a. turned out b. turned up c. turned over d. turned off15.They suspected that the secret had been _ by one of their friends.a. given off b. given away c. given up d. given out16.American women had been _ the right to vote until 1920 after ma

20、ny years of hard struggle.a. ignored b. denied c. neglected d. refused17.He stopped the car to _ a young girl who was hitch-hiking across Europe.a. take in b. get on c. put down d. pick up18.Though the job was hard and new to them, they _ accomplish it in two weeks.a. managed to b. went to c. came t

21、o d. succeeded to19.She felt _ when she saw that her children were safe from the NATOs bombing.a. assured b. relieved c. relaxed d. comforted20.We are advised that the equipment will be shipped here on due time with its _ manual.a. direction b. directive c. instructive d. instructionReading comprehe

22、nsion1.Everywhere weve traveled weve been asked, . complex and valuable mixture of individual national traditions, fashions, and beliefs.1. Whats the main idea of this passage? a. Information technologies bring us into a “global village”. b. People from different cultures can share many things on th

23、e Internet. c. In spite of information technologies, different cultures remain different. d. People enjoy watching foreign shows and eating foreign foods.2. What can be inferred from the passage? a. The world is going to be a “global village” which all people will enjoy. b. The assembly line is one

24、feature of low-tech mass production society. c. People would like to share the same culture all over the world. d. Web-televiewers will enable us to set up a “global village”.3. The passage implies that _. a. technological and social change always brings about change in culture. b. culture always br

25、ing about technological and social change c. technological and social change never brings about change in culture d. culture never bring about technological and social change4. The passage suggests that high-tech developments bring about _. a. more influence on culture in a developed society than in

26、 a developing one b. less influence on culture in a developed society than in a developing one c. as great an influence on culture in a developed society as in a developing one d. no influence on culture at all in either a developed or a developing society5. Which of the following statements is not

27、true according to the passage? a. IT enables people to get easy access to foreign cultures. b. People in different cultures have different ideas of accepting different cultures. c. Disney is an example of a combination of different cultures. d. There wont be a “global village”.2.In some place cars are forbidden in city centers altogether. how often they have driven into the city center.1. Where do people have to share a car if they want to go to the city center? a. In Hong Kong

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