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1、 食物cafeteria ,kfitiri 自助餐厅 tray trei 盘子goody gdi: 美味的甜食 puddle pdl 水坑ketchup ketp 番茄酱 flail flel 四肢拼命乱动maneuver mnu:v 动机,策略 soaked skt 被浸透的sandal sndl 凉鞋 topple tpl 倾倒brigade brieid 旅 sneak sni: 潜行humiliation hju:, mli:en 羞辱 junk food dk fu:d 垃圾食品strategically strti:kl 策略地 crunchy krnti 发嘎吱声的chewy t

2、u:i 食物耐嚼的 collapse klps 倒塌vaguely vegl 含糊茫然地 spaghetti speti 意大利面条go out to sb 给予某人同情 victory viktri 胜利clasp kl:sp 拥抱,握紧 slink slk 偷偷溜走malicious mls 恶意的 embarrass imbrs 使窘迫popularity ,ppjlrti: 名气 shackles klz 束缚consciousness knsns 意识 barefoot beft 赤脚的composed kmpzd 沉着的课文:Who cared whether I dropped

3、a tray, where I sat in class, or even whether I showed up in the wrong lecture? Nobody. This wasnt like high school. Popularity was not so important; running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival. In college, it didnt matter. This was my big chance to do my own thing, be my own woman if I c

4、ould get past my preoccupation with doing everything perfectly.Unit two: The company manprecisely prsasli: 严谨地 obituary btu: ,eri: 讣告coronary thrombosis kr,neri rmbusis 冠状动脉血栓形成acquaintance kweintns 熟人 instantly nstntli: 立即workaholic ,w:kh:lk 工作狂 classic klsik 优秀的典范vice-president vaisprezidnt 副总裁con

5、ceivably knsivbli 可以想象的executive izekjutiv 总经理 extracurricular ekstrkrikjul 课外的,课程以外的survivor svaiv 幸存者 survive svaiv 比活得长accurately kjurtl 准确地 funeral fju:nrl 葬礼odd d 零散的,古怪的 grab rb 抓住,夺取board b: 寄宿 widow widu 寡妇,遗孀deceased dsi:st 死者 straighten out stretn aut 结清option pn 选择 lineup lan,p 行列The youn

6、gest is twenty, a boy, a high-school graduate who has spent the last couple of years, like a lot of his friends, doing enough odd jobs to stay in grass and food. He was the one who tried to grab at his father, and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home. He was his fathers favorite. Over

7、 the last two years, Phil stayed up nights worrying about the boy.Unit three: Out of stepsedate sdet 安静的 venerable venrbl 庄严的residential ,rezidenl 住宅的 virtually v:tuli 实际上debonair ,debne 愉快而自信 cappuccino kputi:nu 卡布奇诺occasionally ke()nli 偶尔 stroll strul 闲逛,散步eccentric iksentrik 古怪的 reluctantly rlktn

8、tl 不情愿地habituate hbtu:,et 使习惯于 unfurl nf:l 展开limb lim 肢 contortion knt:n 扭曲,弄歪ludicrous lu:dkrs 可笑的 extravagant ikstrvint 过度的squash skw (软式)墙网球 treadmill tred,ml 跑步机tragically trdkl 悲剧地 calorie klri 卡路里deficient dfnt 不足的 faintly fentl 微弱地,虚弱地editorial ,edit:ril 社论(美) pedestrian pidestrin 步行者motel mu

9、tel 汽车旅馆 dodge dd 闪躲,回避swiftly swftl 迅速地,敏捷地 exasperate gzsp,ret 使恼怒negotiate niuieit 谈判 decorative dekrtv 装饰的intersection intsekn 横断 woe w 悲哀,苦恼comprehensive ,kmprihensiv 广泛的renewal rnu:l 重建 esthetically 美学上地triumph traimf 胜利 coo ku: 温柔亲切地说commercially km:l 商业上 garage r: 车库suburban sb:bn 城郊的 gerani

10、um direinjm 天竺葵anew nu: 再,重新 pull up pul p 使停下unban 准许 curb k: 限制gymnasium dimneizim 健身房 suburb sb: 郊区notion nun 概念In the United States we have become so habituated to using the car for everything that it doesnt occur to us to unfurl our legs and see what those lower limbs can do. We have reached an

11、 age where college students expect to drive between classes, where parents will drive three blocks to pick up their children from a friends house, where the letter carrier takes his van up and down every driveway on a street.Unit four: Fun, oh boy. Fun. You could die from itjewel du: 宝石 puritan pjrt

12、n 清教徒overshadow ,vd 使失色 fetish fet 崇拜物flunk flk 使不及格 bumper bmp 保险杠sticky stiki 粘的,不动的 refrigerator rifridreit 冰箱traipse treips 漫步,闲逛 thrilling rl 令人兴奋的licentiousness laisensns 放肆 alcohol lk,hl 酒精consumption knsmpn 消费 snapshot snp,t (快照)照片swill swl 猛喝 pouring p:ri 倾,倒,涌出champagne mpein 香槟 occasion k

13、ein 机会,时机obviously bvsl 明显地 epitome ptmi: 典型的人或事capacity kpsiti 才能 damper dmp 使扫兴的人或事reverently revrntl 恭敬地 mirth m: 欢乐blaspheme blsfi: 亵渎 malted m:ltd 被制成麦芽的chunky tki: 矮胖粗短的 weary wiri 疲倦的scan skn 细看,细查 horizon hrazn 范围,界限oughta :t 应当,你知道 nightfall naitf: 黄昏flick flik 轻弹,轻击 I dont mean to put a da

14、mper on things. I just mean we ought to treat fun reverently. It is a mystery. It cannot be caught like a virus. It cannot be trapped like an animal. The god of mirth is paying us back for all those years of thinking fun was everywhere by refusing to come to our party. I dont want to blaspheme fun a

15、nymore. When fun comes in on little dancing feet, you probably wont be expecting it. In fact, I bet it comes when youre doing your duty, your job, or your work. It may even come on a Tuesday.Unit five: The real truth about liespsychology saikldi 心理学 volunteer ,vlnti 志愿resident rezidnt 居民 profess prf

16、es 声称falsehood f:ls,hd 谎言 participant p:tisipnt 参加者earth-shattering 惊天动地的 feign fen 假装strikingly strakli 醒目地 deception dsepn 瞒骗,欺诈preoccupation pri:,kjpen 全神贯注evidence evidns 证据 prevarication pr,vrken 搪塞institute institju:t 建立,制定 nonprofit nnprft 非营利的previous pri:vis 先前的 serial siril 连续的respondent r

17、spndnt 回答者 pundit pndt 有学问的人consultant knsltnt 顾问 specialize spelaiz 专门从事spinning spn 杜撰 client klaint 顾客,当事人ubiquitous ju:bkwts 无所不在 fib fb 小谎corporate k:prit 公司的 pumpkin pmpkin 南瓜invariably nveribli 总是 blurt out bl:t aut 直言为讳,脱口而出deceit disi: 欺骗 compliment kmplimnt 称赞appreciation ,pri:i: 欣赏 lubric

18、ant lu:brknt 润滑剂tangle tl 纠缠 weave wi: 编,织deceive disi: 欺诈 proliferation pr,lfren 增殖slippery slipri 狡猾的 slope slup 斜坡wear down w daun 磨损 distinction distikn 区别coarsen k:sn 使变粗糙 perception psepn 知觉warp w:p 弯曲 initial inil 最初的cynicism sn,szm 讥笑 falter f:lt (噪音)颤抖collapse kl 倒塌,崩溃 ethicist eisist 伦理学家p

19、rinciple prinspl 原则 associate suieit 联系,联合undermine ,ndmain 破坏,削弱 confound knfand 使混淆astound stand 使震惊The lies were most often not what most of us would call earth-shattering. Someone would pretend to be more positive or supportive of a spouse or friend than he or she really was, or feign agreement

20、with a relatives opinion. According to DePaulo, women in their interactions with other women lied mostly to spare the others feelings. Men lied to other men generally for self-promoting reasons.Unit six: How to write a rotten poem with almost no effortrotten rtn 极坏的 squalid skwld 肮脏污秽的vein vein 静脉 v

21、ia vai 经过poetry puitri 诗,诗歌 verse v: 诗bard b: 诗人 imponderable mpndrbl 无 法估量的comradeship kmredp 友谊 ideally adi:li: 理想的evolve Ivlv 使发展,使进化 veritable vertbl 名副其实的elevate eliveit 提高,提升 brilliant briljnt 才华横溢的mediocre ,mi:di:k 平庸的 lyric lirik 歌词instruct instrkt 指示 structure strkt 结构epic epik 史诗般的 optiona

22、l pnl 随意的windmill wnd,ml 风车 thumb m 拇指filing cabinet faili kbinit 档案厨柜radiator redi:,et 散热器 profound prfaund 意义深远的conflicting knflkt 相矛盾的 conjure up knd p 凭幻想做出complexity kmpleksti: 复杂性 cuddle kdl 拥抱,依偎着睡aroma rm 芳香 rhyming raim 押韵prosaic przek 散文的 toast tust 烤面包thrust 推力 oriented :rientid 导向的aura :r 气氛,氛围 grossly grsl 非常,十足optimistic ,ptmstk 乐观的 incidentally ,nsidentli 偶然地starve st: 挨饿So you want to write a poem. Youve had a rotten day or an astounding thought or a car accident or a squalid love affair and you want to record it for all tim

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