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1、2)不定式作宾语不定式作宾语有两种:一种就是及物动词后直接跟带o得不定式, 另一种就是“及物动词疑问词+带o得不定式.及物动词带to得不定式结构:只能跟动词不定式得动词,常见得有: frd, aree, a, appar, as, believ, care,clam,deci deman, desire,detrine,exect,fai,hapen, hesita,hope, intnd, learn, lon, mage, offer,pretnd,pomie,prepre, rue, seek,sa, underake,at, wish等。1、He mana to solve th pl

2、ceblem、2、The srangerred t so me theay、3、M、 mithnderto to buida e plaSuth Afria、动词疑问代(副)词+不定式:这类动词常见得有adve, dcie,find out, orge, inuire, know, lea,ee, regard初中英语语法总结, emembe, ech, ll,undetand,wer等。常见得疑问代(副)词有:what, when,wr,hic, how, eer等.、H oes no nowwen to tat、2、Yo ca didewhhe to continueoto stop、3、

3、I willhow youhw o deal wth it、有时,不定式可由it代替,而把不定式放到后面去这可以用这一结构表达:动词(如ind, think,cosider,feel等)i形容词+不定式。1、Shecondrsi necessayto ak riend wth him、2、We findt ficul to finish al the homeork or9 olock、)不定式做表语一种情况为主语就是不定式(表示条件);表语就是不定式(表示结果):1、To ee tobeieve、To wkas to ean a ig.另一种情况为主语就是以am,uty,hope,id,jo

4、b, la,polem, purp,ti,ih等名词为中心得短语,或以hat引导得名词性从句,不定式表语对主语起补充说明作用:;例如:1、Hs amis to sdy abroad inte nar utr.2、he t prtan thingi to negoat wthtemabou th pric。3、What I w osay is forget l th uhapyexperence)不定式作定语 不定式结构作名词词组修饰语主要有三种类型:第一种,被修饰得名词词组就是不定式得逻辑宾语.例如:1、Tee wa eall nohin to fer2、Hegae an iteetingbo

5、ok to d.如果不定式就是不及物动词,后面就得加相应得介词。1、ary nees afried to play with.2、hat girl has notg toworry aut.3、Theave sict teacher to lseno。、Athogthe film hd ben nor teniutes, I il sotable tofid chai to st o。第二种,被修饰得名词词组就是不定式得逻辑主语;1、Hve yo g kytoulockthe oor?2、Thetion to be takenis ct.、Ther is nothing t beindb pr

6、enng。第三种,被修饰得名词词组就是不定式得同位结构.这类名词通常就是表示企图、努力、倾向、目得、愿望、is算、能力、意向等意义得名词:abity,ttmpt, efr,pulse, ncinatn,wsh等。例如:1、Hrdaughteilla an evn iger efft toplease her.2、 haeo sh quarrelwithy。3、Neither of thehad anynclinatn to dobusisswihMary、5)不定式作状语不定式结构在句中作状语通常都能转换为限制性状语从句。例如作原因状语:1、Tharquite surpried to eet

7、gea chne takng plaei th area。2、The ar quite srprsed because they ee t gretchanestking ple inheare。、Hewa lucky to rrve befor dar。、H ws uckybcause herv efore dark。作目得状语:1、She raseher voit b hrd ette.2、She ise hervoie tatshe could head btr。3、We went viaeidelberg o mihetaffic jm。4、We ent viaeideleg o ha

8、t weoudmi t trafic jam.作结果状语:1、Te Frechftll teamplyed o ucessfuly as to det theazins2、heFrh footlteam playd o scessfully at hey een deeated h Brazlan。3、H got t hsatinnyto e tod the tindgon.、He got o the tation nd a tolththe rain ad gone不带得不定式得使用动词不定式通常带t,但在有些搭配中不带to,在另一些搭配中可带可不带o。归纳起来,以下情况下使用不带to不定式

9、:1)在acoul, /aymight,will/would,sallsoud,mus,ned,dar等情态动词之后,动词不定式不带to.2)在表示感觉意义得动词,如se初中英语语法总结,feel,atch,otice,smell,hr,oberve等后,或就是表示“致使”意义得动词,如hav,l,mae等后,动词不定式不带o。、Ioftn herd im say at h would study hard.、 mut have him seehs ownmitaks。但就是,当这类结构转换为被动语态时,后面得不带to不定式一般转换为带o不定式.1、e ws often har to sayt

10、hath would sdy ard。2、Afte he had fihed speakin,hews ade tanswernnuerequesions。)在动词elp之后可用不带to得不定式,也可用带o得不定式。1、Hl th oldady (to)carryte eavy box、4) 在had better,would aher,maymght as well,raher than,can no u等搭配之后初中英语语法总结,动词不定式也不带。、Unes o felo lltoo ou, wuldrathr no tayat hom tonight.2、Sh ouldnot bt cr

11、iticze is folis behavou、) 在e do,ake beleve,letdrp,et fall,1et ly,let lip,letdrv,let go of,hea sa,ear tll,eave go of等固定搭配中,用不带to得动词不定式。1、Thy leo of e ope。她们松开了绳子。、Jonlt flyaorren abuset me。约翰朝我痛骂了一顿.3、e heard tll of him。我听说过她。4、Sme of te acul wetg forck f he stuen.由于生源不足,一些教职员工被解雇了.6)在介词but初中英语语法总结初中

12、英语语法总结,ecpt之后,如果其前有动词o得某种形式,其后不定式一般不带t,反之则必须带o,表示“不得不,只能”例如:1、He wi do thn excet orko the farm。2、re ws nothin left for te eny to do bt sre。、Th p wa bth hgryadcold;tre was nothin lffo i buttogive in.4、I had no choiceu o wit tillttopped rining。下面一些短语就是固定搭配,不带o:c not el ut,an not coosebut,can but,donth

13、ng but,hveohgt o but.例如:I can notbt admire hscourage、如果上述句中有do,省略: id nothing bt watch TVlastniht如果就是下面一个固定搭配,就带to:I hav no choice bt tgv up m idea、7)紧跟在wh或wy not之后得动词不定式总就是不带to。但就是,紧跟在who,what,whic,eth等连接词后得不定式带to例如:Why tandup ifyou can st dow?Wyot s yrteacherwhenyu dotundestnte meanng?o neednt dec

14、idewhethe to sudy rts o science。.不定式得否定形式否定形式就是在不定式得标志o前加o.例如:1、I decidd no tashim gin。2、Please mmbr not t eve e igson hen youae o.动词不定式练习一、根据上句意思完成下句,使两句意思相近或相同,每空一词。 、 e ws s rtha e oulntsayaythin、 H ws ngry _ _anyting、2、 dont no when we w hae he meeting、 dont knw hn _ _ he meeting、 3、 aid h would

15、wrte a lette、Hsaid he would hav alttr _ _、 That yu read ngish in temorng ivery impotan、 It isvey imporan _ yu _ _Englsh intemorning、 、 Hwa tog tat ecou ifte stone、 (石头)He was sro_ _ he stone、 6、 His fther ent to Beijn orsoliday、Hsater wentBeijing _ ihoiday、 、 Ty got p earlystate couldgetthere n im、T

16、hey gt up ealy _ _ _ _there in tim、 8、 Hs rher deidd tat hwoud y he ook、 His bothrdeded _ _ te boo、 9、 hope hahe an vith GretWall、 hop _the Gat Wl、10、Isw him gnt te r、 e wss_ _ io the room、Wemade hm wrk ours aday、He amade _ _ fiehou a day、 12、Do yu wnt to sy atig for yorsel? D ou ave anything _ fo y

17、orself? 13、e dn nw what e shldont、 We dontkno what _ _ next、14、m ery orry onhering the bad news、 m very soy _ _e bad news、 15、H topped nd ada look atme、 He soped _ _ lok atme、 16、 elpe him t sEnglih、I lpe im _ Englsh、17、My fahrpmised (许诺)tat e woud buy e abi、 M ather promised _ _ me bie、 8、The box i

18、sso havy hatI an car 、 The boxis to heav _me _、 9、“Li down!”the bo said to his dg、 Th boyordere isd _ _ do、 2、“ont make ny is,”shesaidt m、 She told _ _ ny noe、二、 单选:1、 his pany w tefirst _portable rads as well as casetetapereordesi the world、A、 rdung 、to produe C、havingproduced D、 pduced2、 eprpose o

19、ew tchnoloy t make lfeeasier, _i more difficlt、nt makng 、 ntmake C 、nto mak D、 or to ake3、Helhd to shut _aove he sound f the ic 、A 、makng herself hear B、 okeherself herC、 mking erlf heard D 、tmak herselfhd4、I don kno hether you happen_ ,butI am go tostud n the U、A this Sepemer、 、to be ear、 B、 oe ber

20、ing C 、to ear D 、to hvehear5、 The ws rrrs hrried to th airpr,ony_thefl tar het、A、to tell B 、t be tld C 、tellng D 、tld6、 You wer sillyot _you ar、A、 t loc B、 o ve oked C、 locin D、 hvig locke、 The teacher ske us _so much noise、A 、ot mk B、 no make C、no mkig D 、no to mak8、 An army poksan tessethat allte

21、olies hd enorred_clr arnis before firing ny hots、A、to ssu B、bing issed 、 to hav issued D、 to be issued9、 I ther have a romfm wn, oeversmalt i,th_ aoom th somene e、t share 、 o hae shed C、 share D、 haing1、 Te bnk s repredin the ol ewspap_ i road daylightyetrday、 robed 、 to ae been rbbed 、 bing robbed D、 having been rbbed1、A nber ntingsint atle re beliv_i a fr、A、 beng destoed 、avig benetoy C、 o e dstoy D、 o have ben e

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