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1、19.在某种程度上_ 20.就寝时间_三、用所给词的正确形式填空1He usually _(watch)the early morning news on TV.2Do you want _(know)about my afternoon?3This is a boy, and _(he)name is Steven.4Can you help children with _(swim)?5The _(three)month of the year is March.6Jim comes from _(English).7The machine is _(break).8How many _(

2、friendly) do you have?9His father is a _(teach).10My watch is out of work. What about _(you)?11.School _(开始)at 8:00.12.My family _(有时)go to the movies.13.I dont like this one,please show me _(另一个).14.Terry _(学习)very well.He is a good boy.15.They are from America.They are _(美国人).16.Be quiet!Its too _

3、(噪音)here.17.Lucy is a tall,_(美丽的)girl from London.18.Thank you for your letters and _(照片).四、动词填空1.What is he doing?He _(take)part in the chess club.2.What are you doing?I _(do)my homework.3.Whats your father doing?He _(read)a book.4.My sister _(put)on her coat now.5.Its 8:00 in the evening.My grandp

4、arents _(watch)TV.6.Look!Tom _(not read).He _(play)with his dog.7.Where _ she _(work)?She _(work)in a school.Unit 2 Its raining._ _月_日1.下雨2. 有雨的;多雨的3. 有风的;多风的4. 多云的;阴天的5. 太阳光充沛的6. 雪v.下雪7. 天气8. 莫斯科9. 波士顿10. 烹饪;煮11. 学习;研究12. 坏的;13. 很糟的;极坏的 14. 相当, 颇;15. 十分,相当16. 热的17. 寒冷的18. 凉爽的;酷的19.温暖的;暖和的20.潮湿的;湿润的

5、21. 假期;休假22.(lie的现在分词)躺 23. 海滩24. 集体;组25. 沙滩排球26.使惊奇;n.惊奇27. 感到惊奇的28. 令人惊讶的29. n.热;热度30 放松的31.冬季32. 围巾33. 每个人34.男人;人;人类二、词汇。A)根据句意填写单词,已提供第一个字母,每空一词。1.I cant stand (忍受)the t_ weather. 2.Its r_ outside.Take an umbrella with you. 3.In winter,people often wear s_. 4.The park is very beautiful.We can ta

6、ke some p_. 5.I went to Cairo during Summer V_. B)单词的适当形式填空。The children _ (have)a good time in the park. 7.What an _ (interest)story! 8.What a strong w_ (wind)!9.The weather is _ (sun)and humid. 10.Thank you for _ (join)our club.11_ your sister _(like)cold weather?12Jim can _ in the river. He often

7、 _. He likes _ a lot.(swim)13Maria _(not do)housework last Sunday.14Its a beautiful _(sun)day. Lets _(go)to the park.15My uncle _ many things. He likes _ things. Now, he _ a new machine.(make)16John wants _(ride)the machine like a bike.17Thank you very much for _(teach)us so well.18Mr. and Mrs. Brow

8、n have two _(child).19How many _(play)are there on the playground.20Mr. Wu often goes _(fish)at East Lake.三、根据所给汉语句子,完成下列英语句子1. 张明现在有一支新钢笔。Zhang Ming _ _ new pen now.2. 我想要成为一名教师。I _ _ _ a teacher.3. 这些男孩都喜欢踢足球。These boys all _ _ _ football.4. 我现在在黑龙江。I _ _ Heilongjiang now.5. 这个故事听起来很滑稽。The story _

9、 _.6. 上海的天气怎么样?_ the _ _ Shanghai?7. 最近怎么样?相当不错! _ it _? _ good!8、一些人在拍照,另一些人在沙滩上躺着。_9、我很惊讶他们能在这么热的天气玩耍。Unit 3 What does he look like?1. 像;如同; 喜欢2. 头发;毛发3.卷曲的;卷毛的4. 直的;笔直的5. 高的6. 中等的7. 高度8. 瘦的9. 重的10. 体格;体形;11.总是;始终12. 队长;首领;13. 队;14 受欢迎的15. 金黄色的16. 好看的,漂亮的17. 一点儿;少许18. 一点儿;19. 笑话;玩笑20. 决不;从不21.棕色的;

10、褐色的22. 胡须23. 眼镜24.外表;外貌 牢记;记住26.没有人;每人27.歌唱家;歌手28. 流行歌手29. 此刻;此时30.说;讲31. (口)极小的32. 巨大的;庞大的33. 空想家;梦想家34. 有智慧的;聪明的二、1.看起来像 2.六班 3.不要讲话 4讲笑话 5.卷曲的棕色头发 6.下国际象棋 7.买东西 8.摇滚歌手 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Betty _(like)to sing and dance.2Where _(be)the jazz music?3She is _(happy)because her son died in a car accident

11、last year.4This morning he _(get)up early.5One of the _(sing)left the band last month.6Bridge Street is a good place _(have)fun.7I like the book because its _(help)to me.8A friend of _(I)is a good singer.9Let me _(tell)you how to get to Peoples Hotel.10Look! The boys _(play)games over there.四、完成句子1.

12、李明喜欢看书和玩电脑游戏。Li Ming likes and computer games.2.王琳是我们的排球队队长。她个子很高。Wang Lin is the of the volleyball .Shes .3.南茜总喜欢穿红色的连衣裙,带一副太阳镜。Nancy always a red and a pair of .4.老亨利长什么样?What Old Henny ?5.他矮个子有一点胖,他喜欢讲笑话。Hes and a little bit .He loves .6.She w_ in a hospital.She is a doctor. 7.My brother isnt tal

13、l or short.He is m _ height. 8.The Chinese boy has short,s_ hair. 9.Do you know the woman w_ long,blond,curly hair?10.What does Merry l_ like?She is short and a little bit heavy. 11.My little brother loves telling jokes and she never stops t_. 12.Her father is really tall and h_ and her uncle is sho

14、rt and thin. 13.The rock singer has a new i_.He wears glasses and he has long hair now. 14.Brown is a member of our basketball team.He is also the c_ of our basketball team.Unit 4 How often do you exercise?1多久一次2. 锻炼;运动3. 踏滑板4. 几乎不;几乎没有5. 曾;曾经 商店,店铺v.购物7. 一次8. 两次;两倍 次;次数;10. 冲浪11. 互联网12. 节目13. 中学14.

15、 大多数的15. 没有的;全无的 结果;成果17. 对于;关于;为了 至于;有关19. 烧毁的旧物,破烂物20 垃圾食物 咖啡22. 薄片,碎片23. 可乐 巧克力 喝;饮26. 健康;健康状况27. 多少28. 采访者29. 习惯;习性30. 试图;设法31. 当然;自然32. 照看,照顾33. 生活方式34. 分数;成绩;年级35. 更好的36. 同样的;相同的37.像(一样);作为_38. 不同的,差异的;_39. 不同;差异;区分40. 不健康的;不益于健康的41. 或许;大概42.虽然;即使;纵然二、翻译成英语。1. 杰克(Jack)多久打一次篮球?_ 他通常在周六打球。-_ 2.

16、王先生多久喝一次咖啡(coffee)?他从不喝咖啡。3. 你多久看一次电视?每周两次。4、吃得太多有害健康。(be bad for .)_ 5. 我将尽力把这份工作干好。(try to do sth.)_ 6. 他也许是一位老师。(maybe) _ 7. 我有许多作业要做。(a lot of / lots of)_ 8. 虽然他已80岁了,但他还非常健康。(although / though)_ 9、我父亲通常步行去上班,但有时乘公共汽车去My father _ walks to work, but _ by bus.1. I can take Li Ming there when he _

17、(come) to visit. 2. _ your sister _ (know) English?4. The pot_ (not look) like yours very much. 5. Where _ you _ (have) lunch every day?6. Who_ (想要) to go swimming? 7. _ she _ (do) the housework every day?8. Jenny and Danny usually_ (play) games in the afternoon. Unit 5 Whats the matter?1.要紧事;问题;差错

18、2.得(病),患(病) 3.伤风;感冒 4. 患感冒 5.胃痛;腹肚子痛 6.疼痛的 7. 得分 8. 后背;背脊 9.臂;胳膊 10. 耳朵 11.眼睛 12.脚;足 13. 手 14. 头;头部 15.腿;腿部 16. 嘴;口;口腔 17. 头颈;颈部 18. 鼻子 19. 胃;胃部 20. 牙齿 21. 喉头;喉咙;喉咙 22. 牙痛 23. 发烧;发烧 24. 休息 25. 蜂蜜 26. 牙医 27. 应该 28. 头疼 29.(距)以前 30. 如此;这样 31. 疾病;生病 32. 奉劝;忠告;提议 33. 渴的;口渴的 34. 加压力于;使紧张 35. 紧张的;有压力的 36.

19、脆的;易碎的 37. 谷类植物的 38. 曲奇饼 39.早;提早 40. 问题 41.方法;手段;方式;样式 42. 传统的 43. 认为 44. 相信;以为 45. 假定,猜想,认为 46. 平衡 47. 均衡的;协调的 48. (身体)虚弱的 49.草本植物;药草;香草醛 50. 愤怒的;生气的 51.豆腐 52. 药;药物;药剂 53. 西方的;来自西方的 54. 每人;人人;各人 55.变得;到达 56.很少的;几乎没有的 57.(表示肯定)有些;几个 58.保持;停留 59. 重要的;重大的 60. 饮食;节食 61. 瞬间;半晌 62. 此时;此刻 63. 晚 64.直至之时;65

20、.哎呀;adj.亲爱的 66. 寄宿家庭 67. 昨天;昨日 68. 听见;听说 二、根据句意及首字母,补全单词1Mrs. Brown didnt feel well, so she went to see a d_2She often feels t_. She has to sit down and rest every five minutes.3Im afraid you have a p_: you go to bed too late.4I dont want to play football. Lets go to play basketball i_?5. Jack got up e_. He wanted to catch the first bus.三、写出下列句子的同义句,每空

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