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1、 apparatus; aquifer; arid; breed; capacious; category; chronically; deity; delta; desalination; diminish; distribute; diversion; endangered; equilibrium; ethanol; evaporate; extinct; extract; famine; finite; flush; girder; glacierGrammar Focus: Learn to use how to denote implied condition. 七教学基本容和纲要

2、Part One Warm -up1.1Warm-up Questions1.What is the author trying to tell people in this essay? Is he addressing any particular target audience?2.How does the author explain the importance of water to human beings? Do you agree with the author that water is at least as important to us as oil?3.Do you

3、 agree that humanity is now facing a serious water crisis? Why does the author say “Everyone must use less water if famine, pestilence and mass migration are not to sweep the globe ”? How do those countries with abundant water resources affect global water shortage?4.Has the author said anything new

4、 to you in this essay? Are there any lines in this essay that you find particularly thought-provoking and feel particularly deserve our attention? Underline them and share with your classmates.5.Have you found anything important that the author has left untouched on this topic? How would you improve

5、 upon this essay if you are to write a similar piece?6.Do you find the essay hard to follow because it is technical and scientific? Are you bored with these endless discussions of environmental problems? Can you explain why you feel the way you do when you read this essay?Part Two Background Informa

6、tion2.1Author2.2Noah Port-au-Prince; the GangesPart Three Text Appreciation3.1Text Analysis3.1.1Theme of the text3.1.2Structure of the text3.2Writing Devices3.2.1The development of this essay by giving some figures3.3Sentence Paraphrase Part Four Language Study4.1Phrases and Expressions4.1.1Word lis

7、t:4.1.2Phrases and expressions list:4.1.3Word Building4.2Grammar4.2.1Object Part Five Extension5.1Group discussion5.2Debating八、教学方法和措施本单元将运用黑板、 粉笔、 多媒体网络辅助教学设备等教学手段, 主要采用以学生为主 体、教师为主导的任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论 等方法进行教学。九作业,讨论题,思考题完成课后练习; 多看英语报刊杂志及英语经典小说,扩大阅读量; 精听与泛听相结合,逐步提高自己的听力水平; 积极参加英语角等有助于

8、提高英语口语的活动; 坚持用英语写日记;做一些专四相关练习; 十参考资料:4)1) 立编, 现代大学英语精读2) 立编, 现代大学英语精读3) 观仪主编,新编英语教程第二版,学生用书。 :外语教学与研究 ,2012 。 4)第二版,教师用书。 第三、四册) 。: 外语教学研究出版 , 1999 。4) 黄源深,虞美等主编, 综合英语教程 ( 1-4 册)。:高等教育, 1998。5)高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 ,:外语教学研究, 2000。6)Judy Pearsall 主编,新牛津英语词典 。外语教育, 1998。7)丁往道、吴冰等编著, 英语写作手册 。外语教学与研究。8)道真,现代英语

9、用法词典 (重排本)。外语教学与研究, 1994。9)道真,温志达 , 英语语法大全上、下卷。外语教学与研究, 1998。课后小结Unit 5 For Want of a Drink1.Do you think water is important?Yes, water is the source of all life and we need it every day. No matter who we are, where we are, or what we do, we are dependent on water.2.What is the situation of water re

10、sources on the earth?70 percent of the earth is covered with water but 97.5% of our water resources are salty it s sea water. 90 percent of all fresh water is ice and snow, located in polar areas oron high mountains.3.Do we Chinese need to worry about water?Yes, because of huge population, China has

11、 less than a quarter of the world asverage per capita water capacity.4.What should we do to save water resources?1)d better use. When we wash hands and face we shouldn t leave the water running, we abasin. When we leave, we should turn off the taps.2). When we take a bath, don t have therwunanteinrg

12、 all the time.3). The water we used can be used to water the flowers or sweep the floor.2.1As is known to all, the yellow river is our mother river, without her, we can t live a hapyplife.But she has been polluted by us .when you look at this picture, what would you think of?Through history, water i

13、s in people s body and soul.When we get back to our history, there is a classic story about water conservancy that is Da Yu S Successful Regulating of Floodwaters.Yu the Great was the chieftain of the legendary Xiahou clan. He was originally called Yu orXiayu. According to legend, the Yellow River f

14、looded during the reign of Empe ror Yao, and thepeople were forced to abandon their villages, and go to live in trees or on mountaintops. The flood brought great misery to the people.Emperor Yao, the chieftain of the Yan-Huang tribal alliance, appointed Gun to harness the flood. Gun built dikes to k

15、eep back the water, but failed. shun, who succeeded Yao, killed Gun,and appointed Guns son Yu to continue with the flood-harnessing work. Yu adopted the dredging method to lead the flood waters to flow along river courses into the sea. Yu worked very hard. It was said that during the 13 years he spe

16、nt taming the floods, he passed his home three times, but did not enter until his task was completed.As a result of his successful efforts, the pe ople bestowed on him the title u the Gr“eaYt an”dShun chose Yu as his successor, with the approval of the tribal chieftains.2.2the Jordan River and the G

17、angesChristians, Jews, and Muslims all considered consider the Jordan River holy.Every year many people from all over the world go to the Jordan River for receiving baptism.2.3The Earthquake in Port-au-PrincePort-au-Prince is the capital and largest city of the caribbean country of Haiti, and is one

18、 of the nations largest centers of economy and finance. It was catastrophically affected by an earthquake on january 12,2010,with large numbers of structures damaged or destroyed. Haitis government has estimated the death toll at 230,000 and says more bodies remain uncounted. Aid has been delivered

19、to Port-au-Prince by numerous nations and voluntary groups as part of a global relief effort.1)In this article, the author introduces a warning about the water crisis and then gives a causalanalysis of water shortage: population explosion since the second half of the last century, soaring agricultur

20、al dema nds for better tast ing food and grow ing in dustrial and domestic dema nds for water.Part 1. Introduction: A warning about a water crisis (paras. 1-2)Part 2. Causal an alysis of water shortage (paras. 3-5)Para. 3: Populati on explosi on since the sec ond half of the last cen turyPara. 4: So

21、ari ng agricultural dema nds for better tast ing foodPara. 5: Grow ing in dustrial and domestic dema nds consuming 30% of the withdrawalPart 3. Difficulty in satisfy ing these dema nds (paras. 6-8)Para. 6: The supply of water being fin itePara. 7: 97% of the world s water being saltyPara. 8: Fresh w

22、ater available for living things being scarcePart 4. Characteristics of water as natural resource (paras. 9-15)Paras. 9-10: Water being not eve nly distributedParas. 11-12: Water being local and heavy to moveParas. 13-15: Underground water being almost used as a free resourcePart 5. Reiteration of t

23、he value of water (Paras. 16-17)Part 6. Con clusi on: Difficulty in using the resource sen sibly (paras. 18-19)Para. 18: The belief that water is a free resourcePara. 19: The holy quality water is in vested withReleva nt questi ons:Q1: Do we have a water problem or not?Q2: How serious is the problem

24、?Q3: Where does our country stand in the world in terms of its share of water resources?Q4: What are the main causes of our water problem?Q5: What do you think we can do to solve this problem?3.2Writi ng Devices3.2.1Comparison3.3Sentence Paraphrase1.When the word water appears in print nowadays, cri

25、sis is rarely far beh ind. (para. 1)Today, whenever people mention the word “ water ” in books or newspapers, you knowhey are going to talk about water crisis.The opening paragraph summarizes what books and newspaper articles say about the present water problem.1in print: printed in a book, newspape

26、r, etc.2rarely far beh ind: very n ear2.Water, it is said, is the new oil: a resource long squa ndered, now grow ing expe nsive andsoon to be overwhelmed by in satiable dema nd. (par1)Like oil, water, a natural resource, which has for a long time been stupidly wasted, is becoming an expe nsive commo

27、dity, and will soon be exhausted by the excessive con sumpti on of huma nity.Here the writer is reminding people of the Mideast Oil Crisis in the 1970 s. In October 1973, Arabpetroleum export ing coun tries cut off exports of petroleum to many Western n ati ons, in cludi ng the Un ited States, in re

28、sp onse to their in volveme nt in the Arab-Israeli con flicts. The embargo 禁运, 贸易禁令 led to rising oil prices in the early 1970 s,bringing widespread panic to Westerncountries. Many people believe that high oil consumption in these countries was the root cause of the oil crisis. The Mideast Oil Crisi

29、s enhanced public environmental awareness and heightened public concern over n atural resource scarcity.3.Aquifers 地下蓄水层 are falling, glaciers vanishing, reservoirs drying up and rivers noIon ger flow ing to the sea. (para. 1)This sentence explains why the author believes that water is “ soon to be

30、exhausted ” by describing what is happening to major water-holding parts of Earth including aquifers, glaciers, rivers (all naturally formed), and man-made reservoirs. The author uses accurate and specific verbs to show they are disappeari ng from our pla net:(aquifers) falli ng: beco ming lower2(glaciers) vanishing: melting3(reservoirs) drying up: bec

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