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1、34 as normal正常,常态35 as well同样地,也36 as a result结果 37 as individuals个人38 advise sb to do sth建议39 a coil of wire一个金属线圈40 apologize to sb for sth为.向某人道歉41 ask for要求42 agree with sb/ones idea同意、,赞成、43 agree to(plan/proposal) 同意、,赞成、44 attempt to do sth 企图/试图做某事45 agree on对、取得一致意见46 admire sb of sth钦佩某人的某

2、个方面47 at the sight of一看见48 a large quantity of大量的,许多的49 be engaged in参加,从事于50 be/feel sick (of sth)对-感到讨厌51 by rail用铁路52 be high/low in sth在方面丰富,含量高/低53 be connected with与、有联系54 be covered with被、覆盖55 be remembered as 作为-被人们记住56 be associated with与、有关57 be ashamed of为、感到惭愧,不好意思58 be based on 依据59 be

3、capable of 有-能力/本领60 be yellowed from 由于。而变黄61 be forced to do sth被迫做某事62 be busy doing/with sth忙于做某事63 be surrounded with被、包围,环绕64 blue-chip蓝筹股,值钱而热门的股票65 black and blue 青一块,紫一块66 be full of充满、67 be on the rise 上升68 be rich in富有,富含69 be about to do将要做某事,正要做某事70 ba regarded as被认为是71 become(be)known

4、as作为、而出名72 be used for sth/doing sth被用来做某事73 be recognized as 被看作是74 be ready to do sth准备好做某事75 be aware of意识到76 by means of用、办法,借助、手段77 be related to与、有关78 be connected with与、相连79 be situated on/in/at位于,坐落于、80 be in a bad(good)mood情绪不好(好)81 be in the mood for doing sth / to do sth有做某事的兴致82 be out o

5、f money用完钱83 blind and deaf people盲聋人84 break down出了故障,坏掉了85 be set aside as作为、被保留下来86 be proud of为、而自豪87 be tolerant of/towards对、宽容,宽宏大量88 be lack of缺少、缺乏、89 be known as作为、而出名 ,被认为是、90 be known for由于、而著名91 be held off被拖延92 be eager to do sth渴望做某事93 bring about使发生导致be 94 be filled with装满,充满95 be wid

6、ely used被广泛使用96 bottom line决定性因素,基本论点97 be involved in参与某种活动,陷于某种情况98 be qualified for sth/to do sth有资格胜任(工作,岗位)99 break out突然发生,大爆发100 be against反对101 be attracted by被、吸引102 be puzzled by由、感到困惑,被、困惑103 believe it or not 不管你信不信104 be able to能,会105 be made of 由.制成106 boat-loads of一船船的107 be willing t

7、o do sth愿意做某事108 be hard to do sth 难于干某事109 be thought to be被认为是、120 be ahead for之前,提前,事先121 be described as被描绘为、122 be active in在、方面积极123 bring about使发生导致124 bringinto把、带到、里125 be worried about担心、 worry about为、而发愁126 be active in doing sth积极地做某事127 be worth doing值得做某事128 be true of sb/sth对某人/某事是符合的

8、,适用的129 by hand以手工,用手130 become crazy about变的热衷于,狂热,着了迷131 brave it out直面人生132 combinewith把、与、结合起来133 current event时事134 check in检查,核对,办理住店/登机手续135 concentrate on sth专心做某事136 cigarette ends烟蒂137 come to oneself苏醒过来,恢复常态138 climb up爬上139 come across(偶然)遇见,发现140 consider sb/sth to be认为某人/某事是、141 come

9、along走过来142 clean up清扫,收拾整理143 contribute to归公于,贡献 144 credit cards信用卡145 call on sb 拜访某人146 carry out开展,执行实现147call at some place拜访某地148 catering industry饮食业149 cling to附着于、,贴着150 compare-with 把-与-相比较151 communicate with sb与某人交流152 catch up on用额外时间做事,补上153 compare-to把-比作154 Chemical additives化学添加剂

10、155 compete with /against与-竞争156 Color Association 颜色的联想157 do up系,扣,收拾,整理158 drop in顺便走访,偶然遇见159 die of因、而死,死于160 death toll死亡总人数161 describe sb/ sth as把某人/谋事描写成162 dream of /about梦想,梦 163 daily life日常生活164 developed country发达国家 165 developing country发展中国家166 department store百货商场167 depend on依赖,依靠,

11、相信 depend too much on过分的依赖168 different kinds of 不同种类的169 educate sb to do sth教育某人做某事170 electronic messages 电子信息 171 encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事172 even if / even though即使,尽管173 each time每次174 escape from逃离躲避175 earn money挣钱176 earn ones living / make a living谋生,维持生活177 eitheror二者之一,或者、或者 neither

12、.nor二者不、,既不、也不)178 electric current电流179 electric battery 电池180 explain sth to sb向某人解释某事181 expect sb to do sth期盼某人做某事182 exclusive of sth不包括183 fillwith用、把、装满184 French fries炸薯条185 fight against和、斗争,为反对、而战186 fast-food restaurant快餐店187 feel blue感到伤心188 fear for为-而担心189 for instance 例如,比如190 for exa

13、mple例如191 frankly speaking ,exactly speaking坦率地说,确切地说192 foreign language外语193 from that day forward从那天以后194 fall to the ground掉到地上,摔到地上195 for three days running连续三天196 fly up with the wind随风飞起,飘起197 first day at school 上学的第一天198 furthermore此外,再者,而且199 frompoint of view从、的观点看200 food for thought 有益

14、的教诲201 force sb to do sth迫使某人做某事 202 fight with与、打架203 face-saving保全面子204 grown-up成年人205 give up放弃206 give a speech做演讲207 get on (well) with sb与某人关系良好208 get sbs attention 引起某人的注意209 get ready for the next day 为第二 天工作准备210 get to (arrive in/at, reach)到达211 go down下沉212 grow up长大213 get on board搭乘(船,

15、飞机、)214 go swimming去游泳 (go shopping, go fishing go hiking) (购物,钓鱼,远足)215 go straight to径直走到216 graduate from毕业于、217 ginger ale姜味饮料218 get sb to do sth使某人做某事219 generally speaking 总的来说220 high in fat高脂肪221 have the power to do sth有权利做某事222 horse-drawn wagons马拉货车223 have (no) trouble / difficulty (in)

16、 doing sth在、方面(没) 有麻烦 / 困难224 have been trying to一直试图做、 hold off挡住,拖延225 have effect on、对、产生影响226 here and there各处,处处227 in fact事实上 实际上228introduce oneself 自我介绍229 in ones opinion以某人之见230 in the years that followed在以后的很多年中231 in the past在过去232 insist on doing sth坚持做某事,坚决要求233 It is/was not until 直到、

17、时,才、234 international exchanges国际交流 235 in order to以便、为了、236Introduceinto. 把、引进237 in anger生气238 in the following days在后来的几天里239 in the modern world在现代世界240 It is said that据说、241 it is agreed that人们一致认为、242 It is easier not to start smoking than It is to stop it一开始就不吸烟比戒烟更容易243 in turn轮流,依次244 in co

18、mmon共同的 245 intend to想要,打算246 in need of 需要247 in doubt不肯定,不确定248 in a bad mood心情不好 in a good mood 心情很好249 in addition另外,除此之外250 in a low/ high sprits情绪低落/高涨251 in other words 换句话说, 也就是说252 jump the red light闯红灯253 keep silent保持安静254 keep on doing不停的做某事255 keep the shape保持体形256 keep ones temper忍住脾气,

19、不发脾气257 keep down控制,压缩258 linkwith把、和,连起来259 lose face丢脸,受屈辱260 lead to 导致261 learning through playing 玩耍中学习262 lose weight减肥263low taste格调低,低级趣味264 live a happy life过着幸福的生活265 late into the night深夜266 lose ones temper发脾气267 limited resource有限的资源268 link up连起来269 living standard生活水平270 look around环顾

20、四周271 lie down躺下272 leavefor离开、到、273 leave out sth / sb不理会,忽视274 look up向上看,查字典275 lose ones sight失明276 light up(指某人的脸)容光焕发,点亮277 mention (sth) to sb向某人提起某事278 make ones way努力前进279 moter-sled机动雪橇280 main peak主峰281 make some money挣钱282 make a choice做出选择283 make a word list做一个词汇表284 make sentences wit

21、h用、造句285 make a decision做出决定286 make a promise承诺 make a guess 猜想287 mother language母语288 Merry Christmas圣诞节快乐289 most of all 最。290 more or less或多或少291 make use of 利用.使用292 make sb happy使某人高兴293 make friends交朋友294 Microsoft Corporation美国微软公司295 missing one letter漏掉一个字母296 move out搬出297 make an apolog

22、y道歉298 magnetic field磁场299 make diagrams做图表300 mix-with把-和-混合起来301 make A into B将A制成B302 make A out of B用B制成Amakeout of用-制成303 make mistakes犯错误304 nod ones head点头305 never mind没关系306not -until直到-才307 now that既然、308notany more不再,再也不309 no matter where不管在那里310 native speaker 非本国人311 native language母语3

23、12 nameas把、定为、313 native language本族语314 no pain ,no gain不劳无获315 notat all一点也不316 not onlybut also不但、而且、317 no matter how/who无论怎样/谁、318 Nonverbal Communication 非语言的交际body language身势语319 on one s own独自地,单独地320 optimistic attitude乐观的态度321 on Christmas Eve在圣诞节前夕322 on ones/the way to在去往、的途中或路上323 origin

24、ate in起源于、324 on earth在世上,究竟325 on the whole总的来说326 on the contrary与此相反,正相反327 on that principle根据那一原理 328 prefer B喜欢A而不喜欢B329 put on穿上,挂上330 pick up顺便去买,顺路接,摘331 poultry farms家禽养殖业332 pay attention to注意333 protectfrom/against保护、是不受,保护某物/人免于334 participate in参加335 pressing for sth急于、336 pass th

25、rough通过337 part of speech词类338 pretend to do sth假装做某事339 pay off带来好结果,成功340 pay for付钱341 pilewith用、堆满、342 paper checks纸制支票343 pocket - planner 电子记事本 344 pardon sth宽恕某事 pardon sb for sth 就某事原谅 或宽恕某人345 pick up捡起,拾起346 plastic cards塑料信用卡347 programming language程序语言348 play a role in扮演、角色349 prevent sb

26、 from doing sth阻止某人做某事350 plan to do sth计划做某事351 place of interest名胜352 pass away去世353 pop star歌星,流行歌手354person-to-person communiction人与人的交流355 passive smokers被动吸烟者356 prove to be证明是、证实是、357 remote control遥控器358 remember sb/sth as把、作为、来铭记359 refer to所指的是-参阅、,提到,涉及到360 remind sb of sth使某人想起某事物361 rely on依赖,指望362 reply to sb回复某人363 rather than而不是、364 response to答复、

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