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1、A. chance B. accident C. secret D. action33.The performer because there was too much noise coining from the crowd.A. continued B. relaxed C. stopped D. won34.1dont know the words to a lot of songs, but I do know some folk songs that my grandma me at an early age.A. teaches B. tauglit C. will teach D

2、. has taught35.Ybu lunch at school. So you dont have to brmg your own food.A. give B. will give C. are grven D. have given二、完形填空(25分)A)请先阅读下而短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白 处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Cowboys have liued and worked in the west and south-west of the United States for over tliree centu

3、ries and tliey are a famous symbol of the USA. When you watch those old Hollywood cowboy films from the fifties and sixties, you see a job. You see a 36 of freedom and adventure (冒险).However, the real job of an Axnericancowboy has always been 37 and sometimes dangerous. It is physical with long hour

4、s and low pay.Life hasnt 38 much for cowboys since the early days. Cows walk across huge plains (草原)to 39 the grass and the cowboy rides on his horse to brmg 40 home. Like die cowboys of the past, a 21st century cowboy 41 gets up early on freezing cold mommgs and makes breakfast over a fire.So why d

5、oes a man-because it is usually a man-become a cowboy? Forsome, it isnt a 42 , because they are bom into the life. They have worked witli 43 since they were children. Tliey 44 the traditional cowboy culture: Its a real life about you, your horse and the openSome people choose die job 46 ill life. Pa

6、t had an office job with die US government with lugli pay, 47 he didnt like city life and spending all day inside. So one day, he 48 liis job and moved to a ranch (牧场)in Texas, making much less money 49 a cowboy. He wanted job satisfaction. And for a cowboy, job satisfaction doesnt come from die mon

7、ey or a comfortable office. It comes from bemg 50 to wake up under die sky and being your own boss.36. A. lifeB. placeC. wayD. day37. A. mterestiiigB. bormgC. hardD. easy38. A. gotB. paidC. doneD. changed39. A. catchB. eatC. touchD. take40. A. itB. hunC. herD. tliein41. A. justB. stillC. evenD. neve

8、r42. A. problemB. choiceC. planD. dream43. A. parentsB. brotliersC. cowsD. sheep44. A. createB. niissC. loveD. refuse45. A. countryB. cultureC. niiiidD. cowboy46. A. laterB. earlyC. quicklyD. suddenly47. A. soB. andC. sinceD. but48. A. looked forB. took upC. gave upD. cared about49. A. forB. asC. wi

9、thD. like50. A. relaxedB. slowC. lateD. freeB)请先阅读下而短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写到答题卡的相应位置口 一空一词,每个词限用一次。because bring city easy even goal important make repeat theyChile (智不I1) is a long and beautifiil country with ocean to die west and mountains to die east. Some of the tillages are a very lon

10、g way from 51 and some of the schools are very small.It is difficult for small schools to teach science 52 tliey dont have enough teachers or equipment (设 备).This is where the Science Bus Project can help. The bus 53 special science teachers, new ideas and equipment to schools ill difiereiit parts o

11、f the country. Sometimes the children go inside the bus for 54 science lessons or clubs. Sometimes die teachers 55 bruig die equipment inside the classroom. The children do experiments (实验).The materials used in the experiments are 56 to find, for example recycled plastic bottles, so that the class

12、teacher can 57 the experiments with die class when die bus has gone.The 58 of the Science Bus Project is to bring science to children all over Chile. Since 2012, the bus has visited lots of schools m Chile, and hiuidreds of teachers have learned how 59 tlieir science classes fiui and exciting.Scienc

13、e is 60 for all of us, as it helps us understand our world and we can learn about it inside or outside of die classroom.四、阅读理解(40分)A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。(每小题2分)AWould you like to get fit and make new friends?Join our running groups for beginners and for more experien

14、ced ninners. Its Rin and there are no competitions. It costs 3 to be a member.7 p.m. every Wednesday.Call Mike for details (细节)at 077- 658945.Join us and WIN a new camera!The Barton Photography (摄影)Club welcomes new members. Ne are a busy club with famous teachers. Join before 1st March and enter ou

15、r summer photography competition. First prize is a new XPSu camera! You need to pay 15 to join the club.Visit to join.Theatre GroupHave fun with a local theatre group. We are looking for actors to be in a musical comedy this summer You must be available twice a week starting 2nd April. Passion (热情)i

16、s more miportant tliaii talent! Join us for free.Write to Mandy Giles on maiidy76.61.What can we do for more information about die running groups?A. Visit Mike. B. Give Mike a call.C. Write to Mike. D. Send Mike an email.62.How much does it cost to jom the photography club?A. 15. B. 8. C. 3. D. Free

17、.63.Which of the following is tnie according to die ads above?A.You are sure to get a camera to join the photography club.B.Talent is the most imponant for actors in the theatre group.C.The mmiing groups have nuinmg competitions every Wednesday.D.Actors must take part in the theatre groups activitie

18、s twice a week.BIn 2007, Barrington Irving became the youngest person to fly alone around the world. He was jiist 23 years oldand he built the plane liiinself. How did he achieve tliis?Irvings mterest in flying started when he was 15. He was working in his parents5 bookstore in Miami. Florida. One o

19、f the customers was a pilot, Gary Robinson. Chie day, Robinson asked Irving if he was interested in flying. Irving didnt think he was smart enough. But the next day, Robinson took Irving to an airport. He showed Irving inside the cockpit (驾驶舱)of a Boemg 777. That experience changed Irvings life.In i

20、ng really wanted to fly, but fliglit school was expensive. To achieve his dream, he worked different jobs. He washed airplanes and cleaned swimming pools. At home, he practiced flying on a Tide。game. In the end、he got enough money for flight school.At flight school, In ing achieved his dream of lear

21、ning how to fly. But he wasnt finished. Next, he planned to build his own plane and fly alone around the world.Buildmg the plane was difficult. Irving asked more than 50 compaiiies for airplane parts. Most said no. but he persisted (顽强地坚持)in askuig. Three years later, he had parts wortli $300.000. C

22、olumbia, an airplane company, agreed to build a plane using the parts. Soon, liis airplane was ready to fly.On March 23, 2007, In ing began his round-the-world trip. After 97 dayswitli 145 hours in the air-he landed back in Miami. A cheering crowd of people was there to welcome him.In ing saw many y

23、oung people in the crowd, and this had a powerfill efiect (影 可向)on luin. He wanted to use hisexperience to help other young people achieve tlieir own dreams.Everyone told me what I couldnt dosays Irving. fcHiey said I was too young, that I didnt have enougli money. But even if no one believes in you

24、r dream/ he says, fcfcyou have to pursue (追求)it.”64.Why was Gary Robmson unportant in Irvings life?A. He got Irving mterested in flymg. B. He sent Irving to a flight school.C. He helped Irving build a plane. D. He taught Irving how to fly.65.Put the events about Irving in the correct order.a. Irving

25、 got the parts for his plane. b. Irving flew around the world,c. Irving met Gary Robinson. d. Irving learned to fly.A. c-d-a-b B. c-a-d-b C. b-c-a-d D. b-c-d-a66.What can we know about Irving personality according to the passage?A. Clever and honest. B. Humorous and responsible.C. Polite and powerfi

26、ll. D. Hard-working and persistent.67.What would be the best title for the passage?A. Becoming a Pilot. B. Life in Flight School.C. Achieving a Dream. D. Building Your Own Plane.Some people ski (滑雪)down mountains. Others climb huge rocks or photograph dangerous animals. Why do people enjoy risky act

27、ivities like these?Some people take risks simply because it makes them feel good. Psychologist (心 理学家)Man in says that this kind of explorers (探险者)are always lookuig for change and excitement. When people do sometliing new or risky, a chemical (化学物 质)in the brain creates a pleasant feeling. They lov

28、e this feeling and want to experience it as often as possible.Other people don*t take risks for the feeluig of excitement but to achieve a goal. For example, Mike Fay went on a dangerous 2,000-niile special journey in central Africa. He worked to help save the wildlife there. Fays expeditions helped

29、 create 13 national parks.For other people, such as extreme athletes (极限运动员),taking risks is part of tlieir job. Sports psychologistShane says extreme athletes see the world differently. In a dangerous activity, most people probably do not feel in control. Extreme athletes are different: tliey feel

30、m control in dangerous situations. Tlie danger can even help them. For example, skier Daron Rahlves says that being afraid makes him try harder to succeed.Most of us are not extreme athletes or explorers. However、we still take risks in our lives. Some of us take social risks, such as speaking in front of

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