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1、”只有图B为6元钱,其他价格都低。第6题: I like the taste of the wine. 考点 细节题 原文是“我喜欢这种酒的口味。”只有图C是酒。第7题: Jane cleans the floor after she does the cooking. 考点 细节题 由“简做好饭后清洁地板。”可知图C有一位女士在打扫地板符合句意。第8题: The flight number of the plane leaving Shanghai is EA2068. 考点 细节题 由“离开上海的飞机的航班号是EA2068。”可知此题要求辨别英语字母读音与数字读音。第9题: Could I

2、 have some rice to eat please? Im so hungry. 考点 细节题 由“我能吃点儿米饭吗?我太饿了。”可知关键要辨别单词 rice 的读音,并正确理解句意。第10题: My father bought me a shirt on my birthday. 考点 细节题 由“我父亲在我生日那天给我买了件衬衣。”可知关键要辨别shirt,才能正确理解句意。听力理解 对话应答 请从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。第11题:What does the man mean?A.He doesnt like the film.B.He has nothing to

3、say about the film.C.He agrees with the woman. The film was very interesting. M: It was, wasnt it? 考点 细节题 由“电影非常有趣。”“是的,不是吗?”可知男士表示对女士观点的赞同。第12题:When did the woman go to the Summer Palace?A.She went there last spring.B.She went there last autumn.C.She went there last winter. Have you ever been to th

4、e Summer Palace? W: Yes, I went there last spring. 考点 细节题 由“你去过颐和园吗?”“去年春天我去过那里。”可知女士去年去过颐和园。第13题:What time is it?A.Its eight oclock.B.Its eight thirty.C.Its nine forty. The meeting starts at eight thirty. M: We still have thirty minutes. 考点 细节题 由“会议8点半开始,我们还有30分钟。”可知现在是8点钟。第14题:Where is the woman?A

5、.Shes in a shop.B.Shes in a restaurant.C.Shes in a library. Good morning. What can I do for you?d like to borrow some books on English literature. 考点 细节题 由“早上好,我能为你做些什么?”“我想借一些关于英国文学的书。”可知女士是在图书馆借书。第15题:What did the man want to do?A.He wanted to buy a car.B.He wanted to borrow a car.C.He wanted to s

6、ell a car. Excuse me, I didnt hear what you said. M: I asked if you could lend me your car. 考点 细节题 由“对不起,我没有听到你说的话。”“我问你是否能把你的车借给我。”可知男士想要借女士的车。第16题:What are they talking about?A.The lovely day.B.The heavy rain.C.The weather. Its cloudy today, isn Yes, it is. The radio says there will be a heavy rai

7、n today. 考点 细节题 由“今天多云,不是吗?”“是啊,广播说今天将会有场大雨。”可知他们在谈论天气。第17题:What does the man want to have?A.A story book.B.A piece of paper.C.An English book. Excuse me. May I have a piece of paper, please? Certainly, here you are. 考点 细节题 由“打扰了,可以给我一张纸吗?当然可以,给你。”可知。第18题:Which of the following is true?A.A policeman

8、 found the lost girl.B.The girl went home herself.C.The girl was found in a street. Have you found your youngest sister, Jane? M: Yes. She was picked up by a policeman. 考点 细节题 由“你找到你的小妹妹了吗,简?”“是的,她被警察找到了。第19题:What will the man want to drink?A.A cup of tea.B.A glass of coffee.C.Some orange. What woul

9、d you like, a cup of tea or a glass of coffee? Neither, thanks. A cup of orange will be fine. 考点 细节题 由“你想喝点什么,茶还是咖啡?”“都不是,谢谢。一杯橙汁即可。第20题:What does Kates father want to buy for her?A.A sweater.B.A skirt.C.A red bike. Kate, I want to buy you a shirt. Which one do you like? I like the red one, Dad. 考点

10、细节题 由“凯特,我想给你买条衬衣,你喜欢哪个?”“我喜欢红色的,爸爸。第21题:What is the party like?A.It was terrible.B.It was dull.C.It was successful. I dont think the party is very suc6essful. M: Neither do I. The food is too salty, the room is too cold and the music is loud enough to wake up the dead. 考点 细节题 由“我认为派对不成功。”“我也这样认为。食物

11、太咸了,房间太冷了,音乐大得能把死人吵醒。”可知这个派对很糟糕。第22题:What do the two speakers think about O Henrys and Jack Londons novels?A.O Henry novels are better than Jack Londons.B.Jack Londons novels are better than O HenryC.Novels of the two writers are both attractive. O Henrys novels are really attractive. M: So are Jack

12、 Londons. 考点 细节题 由“欧亨利的小说实在是吸引人。”“杰克伦敦的小说也是如此。”可知两个作家的小说都很好。第23题:Did the man enjoy the concert yesterday?A.Yes, he liked it very much.B.No, he was there only briefly.C.No, he didnt go there at all. Did you go to the concert yesterday? I had to do extra work in my office. 考点 细节题 由“昨晚你去出席音乐会了吗?”“我不得不在

13、办公室做额外的工作。”可知男士没有出席音乐会。第24题:What does the man say about group work in professor Johns class?A.He likes it.B.He doesnt like it.C.He likes doing it only occasionally. How do you like group work in Professor John Oh, we all enjoy it. You know, we learn from each other by doing things together. 考点 细节题 由

14、“我们喜欢课上的小组活动,大家可以相互学习。”可知男士愿意上约翰教授的课。第25题:What day of the week is it today?s Tuesday.s Thursday.s Friday.s July 12th. Is it Tuesday? No. Its Friday 考点 细节题 由“今天是7月12号。今天是星期二吗?不是。今天是星期五。”可知正确答案为C。英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。第26题:_ you drew!A.How beautifulB.What beautifullyC.H

15、ow beautifully考点 感叹句 这是一个感叹句,表示画得漂亮(draw beautifully),要修饰动词drew 只能用副词 beautifully;感叹词只能用how,如用what,则需在what 后面加上名词,变为 What a beautiful picture you drew!因此选C。第27题:Please do not make a _ any more. I cant fall asleep!A.soundB.noiseC.voice考点 名词辨义 voice 专指人发出的声音即“嗓音,说话声”;sound 可指物体发出的声音及人发出的除去说话、唱歌等的声音;no

16、ise 则专指“噪音”。它们的含义不同,所以使用的场合也就不同。根据语境可知,影响入睡的声音肯定是“噪音”。第28题:_ had asked him to bring some apples when he came, _ he forget it at all.A.Though; butB.Though; /C.Till;考点 连词用法 汉语中我们说“因为”或“虽然”等时,后面一般要出现与之对应的连词,如“所以”或“但是”等。但英语中这种连词一般都只能出现一个,二者只能选其一。所以本句中,如果用了though,就不能再用but,用了but,就不能再用 though。第29题:Youd bet

17、ter_ on work time, or the boss may be angry with you.A.not playB.not to not play考点 不带to 的动词不定式 首先,考生应当知道d better 是had better 的缩写形式,它指“最好”;其次,应当知道 had better 后直接跟动词原形即不带to 的动词不定式,其否定形式为had better not do。第30题:Please remember to close all the windows _ you leave.A.whileB.becauseC.before考点 状语从句

18、的引导词 从主句和从句的逻辑关系分析,从句应为时间状语从句。because 引导原因状语从句,肯定不合适;while 和before 都可引导时间状语从句,但while 指“当时”,强调主句动作与从句动作的同时性,而before 指“在之前”,强调主句动作在从句动作之前。其实从句意和选项的词义就可断定答案应该是 before。第31题:How soon will you be able to finish your homework? _A.After two hoursB.In two hoursC.Two hours later考点 介词用法 三个选项都可指“两个小时后”,但用法不同。“介

19、词in+时间段”,一般用于将来时态,符合句意。“介词after+时间段”和“时间段+副词later”两者都用于过去时态,用在本题肯定不对。第32题:Tony was _ honest boy. He found a wallet at _ school gate and gave it to its owner.A.fain;;;/考点 冠词用法 honest 的第一个音是元音(),所以它前面的冠词要用an,不能用a;“在学校门口”是特指说话双方都知道的地方,所以用定冠词the。第33题:The policeman told the boys _ in the stre

20、 not playC.not playing考点 动词不定式的否定形式 tell 后跟复合宾语时,其中动词必须用不定式作宾语补足语。而动词不定式变为否定形式时,否定词not 须置于动词不定式符号to 之前。第34题:Jim, together with his parents, _going to visit us this weekend.A.isB.areC.will be考点 主谓一致 together with 连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词的人称和数与其前面的名词一致,故本题中谓语要用第三人称单数形式。第35题:Chinese is quite_ from Englis

21、h.A.similarB.difficultC.different考点 形容词辨义和固定搭配 similar 指“相似的,类似的”,其后应跟介词 to;difficult 指“困难的”,其后跟不定式 to do sth或不定式复合结构 for sb to do sth;different 指“不同的”,其后用from。第36题:Excuse me._?Could you tell me how to get to the zoo?A.PardonB.YesC.Please考点 交际运用 yes 此时相当于汉语中的“什么(事)”。其余两项都没有这种用法。第37题:We _ you a pleas

22、ant trip to Beijing.A.hopeB.wishC.want考点 动词用法辨异 此处为“wish sb+adj./n”表祝愿的结构。hope 后不直接跟名词而应用hope to do或hope for 结构;want 表示“想要”。第38题:Excuse me , is this Xiao Lis office?Im sorry, but he_ works more考点 固定搭配 由于空格后用的是一般现在时第三人称单数形式,所以A在语法上不对。no lon ger和no mole 都可指“不再”,但no longer

23、主要强调时间上的不再延长,多修饰延续性动词,no more 则强调动作或状态的终止,多修饰终止性动词,用于将来时或过去时,且它更常用于强调数量或程度。这里指时间,且work 为延续性动词,所以要用no longer。第39题:Excuse me for calling you so _ in the evening.A.lateB.laterC.lately考点 近义词辨析 so 是副词,修饰形容词,所以本题要用late。而later 是late 的比较级形式,但题中并没有比较意义;lately 指“近来,最近”,它是副词。第40题:Thanks for the lovely party an

24、d the delicious food. _A.No thanksB.Never mindC.My pleasure考点 交际运用 my pleasure 是its my Pleasure 的省略,一般用于回答别人的感谢,符合题意。never mind一般用于回答别人的道歉或用于安慰别人。至于A,完全是“中式英语”,不符合英语习惯。英语知识运用 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Lucy got up early last Saturday morning. She wanted_41_with some of her friends

25、in Green Park. She was very happy about it._42_she was ready, she got on her hike and left for the parkit was on the other side of the town. Suddenly, as she was riding fast, she_43_sirens (警笛). The sound of the sirens was getting_44_, so Lucy looked_45_her to see what was happening. As a result, she fell off her bike and lay in the middle of the road. Luckily, she wasnt hurt, _46_a ear hit her bike. Af

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