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1、新概念英语第一册130课试题与答案I.辨音:将下列每组单词中划线部分不合群的单词挑出来。(1x10)1.A. whose B. brother C. son D. colour _2.A. perhaps B. catch _ C. same D. black _3.A. office B. white C. his D. tourist4.A. green B. girl _C. dog D. orange5.A. customs _B. sister _ C. case D. passport6.A .mother B father _C there DJhin7. A. read_B.

2、heavy _C. cream D. eJean8. A. villageB. sit C. swim D. climb9.A.weJI B.Swedish C. dressD._pe n13.Paul is here. That is coat .A. he B. him C. she D. his14.She is a teacher. n ame is Kate.A. She B. Her C. she D. Hers15.This is Hele n . This is dog.A. Hele n B. Hele n c. Hele ns D. Hele n s16. is the s

3、ky? - It s blue.A. What colour B. What C. Which D. How17.This is .A. book B. a book C. books D. a books18.- What colour are your dresses?10. A.goodB. too C. schoolD. _spoonII.单项选择:选出最佳选项(1x30)11.shirt is that ?A. What B. Whose C. WhichD. When12.-Is this your dress? -No, this is dress.A. Mary s B. Ma

4、rys C. Mary D. MarysA. My dress is yellow B. My dresses is yellowC. My dresses are yellow D. My dress are yellow19. These are .A. blue pen B. blue pensC. red pen D. a red pen20. does Hele n come from? She comes from Can ada.A. Which B. Why C. Where D. How21. - What nationality are you?A China B. Chi

5、n ese C. very busy D. all right22. -Whose is this car? - It sA. my brother B. my brothersC. my brother s D. mybrothers s23. -Where Lily from? -En gla nd.A is B do C does D. /24.-.Tha nk you very much. .A. No thank you B. don t thank meC. You are welcome D. You needn t say so.25.-How is Jim today? -

6、.A. He is very tall B. Very well C. Good idea D.That s good26.- Whaf the matter with the children?lovely27. 、There on the wall .They are very beautiful.A. are photoes B. are photosC. is a photo D. is photos28.This kind of car made in Sha nghai.A. is B .are C .were D .has29.There are four and two in

7、the group.A. Japa nese, Germe n B Japa neses, Germe nC. Japa nese, Germa n D.Japa nese, Germa ns30. That s ok.A. an B. a C. the D are31.The boys have got already.A. two bread B. two breadsC. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread32.The old man wants . A. They are light B. He s light C. They re ti

8、red D.A. six boxes of apples B. six boxes of appleC. six box of applesD. six boxs of apples33. Theresomein the river.A. is,fishB. are, fishs C. is,fishs D.are ,fish34. Theretwo inthe box.A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch watches35.We should clean twice a day.A .our tooth B. our tooths C.t

9、eeth D.our teeth36.The meet ing room is n ear the read ing room.A.teacher B.teacher s C.teachers D.teachers37.In Brita in are all pain ted red.A.letter boxes B.letters boxes C.letter boxD.letters box38t s autumn, are falling( 降落)downfrom trees.A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves D. leafes39.There are five un

10、der the tree.A. sheep B. sheepes C. ships D. sheeps40.- What are these in English? - arestamps.A. TheyB. ItC. Those D.TheirIII.完形填空(1x10)This is a picture of Mr. Greens family. 41 the picture we can see Mr. gree n, Mrs. Gree n, their son Jim 42 their daughter Susan. Mr. Green is 43 on a chair. He is

11、 44 a newspaper. Mrs. Green 45 some housework. Jim is a Middle School stude nt. He is readi ng a book n ear the win dow.Look at 46 . She is playing with her toys 47 the floor.She is Mr. Gree n and Mrs. Gree ns daughter, Susa n . 48 that behind Susan? Its a 49 . Whats the cat doing? Its41 A OnB In C

12、AtD About42 A andB or C withD but43 A sitB sits C sitti ngD to sit44 A tak ingB look ing C see ing D readi ng45A is doingB doing C doD is do46 A. the boy B. the littlegirl C. the stude nt ing 50 a ball.the cat47 A inB onC atD of68 A WhatB Whatre C Whats D Which on49 A boyB girlC catD son50 A

13、withB andC ofD atIV.补全对话 (请选出正确的选项,补全对话)(2.5x8=20分)(A)Louise: 51 ?Anna: Its gree n.Anna: 52 .Louise: Thank you.Anna: Look! Here it is!Louise: Thats a nice dress. Its very smart.Anna: 53 , too.Louise: What colour is it?Anna: Its the same colour. Its green, too.Louise: 54 !A.Come upstairs and see itB.

14、What colours your new dressC.That s a lovely hatD.My hat s new(B)ROBERT: I am a new stude nt. My n ames Robert.SOPHIE: 55 . My n ames Sophie.ROBERT: 56 ?SOPHIE: Y es, I am.SOPHIE: Are you Fre nch too?ROBERT: No, I am not.SOPHIE: 57 ?ROBERT: rm Italian.ROBERT: Are you a teacher?SOPHIE: No, rm not.ROBERT: 58 ?SOPHIE: rm a keyboard operator.SOPHIE: Whats your job?ROBERT: rm an engineer.A.What nationality are youB.Whats your jobC.Nice to meet youD.Are you FrenchV.阅读理解(每小题2分,包括附加题共40分)A.根据短文容,判断下列句子正确(选A)还是错误(选B)危险).HesThere are four people in my family. My father is apolice officer. His work

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