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牛津苏教四下《Unit 1 A new student》word教案8篇Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、 2 、T: How are you ? S2: Fine, thank you. And you? Im fine, too. Welcome back to school. 3 、T: Good morning. Are you happy today?S3: Yes, I am.4、T:S4: Im happy, too.5. T: Welcome back to school. ( 面向大家 )Step 3 Presentation 1. T: My dear friends, Im so happy to meet you all. But where are our old fri

2、ends David, Yang Ling, Miss Li and Mr Green? Lets go and meet them. (出示人物图片,遮住一部分询问学生,以此复习单词 boy , girl,man, woman)T:Whos he?S: Hes David. Yes, hes David. A boy or a girl? A boy. Yes, a boy. Lets read and spell. Boy, b-o-y, boy. (Show the card of Yang Ling, Miss Li, Mr Green, 复习 girl, man and woman.

3、)2. 学习新单词 student, teacher, doctor and nurse.1). 课件出示改装过的,戴着眼镜穿着医生服饰的Mr Brown的图。Do you know that man? Whos that man?S1:Mr Green? No, he isnt. (课件出示未经过改装的Mr Brown 的图) Hes Mr Brown. Hes a doctor.(学习并朗读d-o-c-t-o-r, doctor)2)课件出示老师和她的朋友的合照。Do you know that woman? Whos that woman?S2:Your sister? No, she

4、isnt. (课件出示老师朋友的职业照片) Shes my friend, Ji Lin. Shes a nurse.(学习并朗读n-u-r-s-e, nurse.)3) 课件出示一位学生的照片: Whos this girl? Shes Deng Yaocao (补充说明) Yes, and shes a student.(学习朗读新单词student s-t-u-d-e-n-t, student) (指认同一张照片上的其他人物) Whos that boy? Hes Sun Zhujia. (补充说明) Yes, and hes a student, too. 4)出示学生熟悉的一位老师的

5、照片: Hes Mr Ding. (补充说明) And hes a teacher. (学习朗读新单词:teacher, t-e-a-c-h-e-r, teacherStep 4. Practice1. Show the new words in Part B, let students read after the tape.(请按屏幕小喇叭)2. T: Now, lets look at the screen and say the words. (Teacher points the words, students respond quickly one by one. 屏幕上出现8个单

6、词的书写)3.Magic eyes. (魔力眼,图片在屏幕上快速闪现) Now, Lets look and guess: boy, girl, man, woman, teacher, student, doctor, nurse4. 通过游戏复习单词,并学会使用句型 Boys and girls, lets play a game, ok? Listen and act, listen and guess.(老师对一学生耳语,让其扮演某一职业并让其发问,其余学生猜)(1) T: student(耳语) (做动作)Whos this girl? Shes a student. Youre r

7、ight. (2) T: nurse (耳语) Shes a nurse. (3) T: (做动作)Whos this man? Hes a doctor. (4) T: teacher(耳语) Hes a teacher. 3. 屏幕出示白求恩、樱桃小丸子、赵薇等人物的图片,再出现老师、同学们自己的照片,并故意遮去一部分,让学生猜。Look, whos that man / woman / boy / girl?B:Hes / Shes 4. 同桌问答Look at the screen, let the students do ask and answer. Whos that boy /

8、 girl/ man/ woman? Hes / Shes Step 5 ConsolidationA rhyme: Who/ is/that boy? Hes a/ student. Who/ is/that man? Hes a/ doctor.Whos/this/ woman? Shes a/ doctor.Whos/that /woman? Shes a/ nurse. 小组问答 Group 1 and 2 ask, group 3 and 4 answer.Step 6.Homework1、Read and copy the new words.2、Ask students to t

9、alk about the photos of your family members and take them to the next class.(第二课时)牛津小学英语4B第一单元C部分和D 部分. 1. 能正确的书写单词 boy, girl, man, woman, teacher, student, doctor, nurse.3能正确运用句型 Are you a? Yes, I am. No, Im not.能正确运用句型 Whos that?能正确运用句型 Are you a?能流利地运用句型能正确运用句型 Are you a?1、单词卡片 boy, girl, man, wo

10、man, teacher, student, doctor, nurse.2、人物职业卡片Step 1 Warm up.Review the rhyme:Step2 Review :1. Play a game (巩固所学单词) 游戏1:Whats missing?学生静听老师说出其中七个单词,然后老师问: 学生立即说出没报的单词。同样的方法复习每个单词。游戏2:全班分两大组,复习单词的拼写。( 屏幕出现图片)Group 1 and 2:Group 3 and 4: Shes a nurse. N-u-r-s-e, nurse. Shes a teacher. T-e-a-c-h-e-r, t

11、eacher. Now exchange. Whos that girl? Shes a student. S-t-u-d-e-n-t, student. Hes a doctor. D-o-c-t-o-r, doctor.2. 同桌相互谈论自己亲人的照片。1. T: Today youve brought some photos here. Now please take out you photos and talk about your photos with your desk mates.2. T Check some pairs.-Whos that woman?-Shes my

12、aunt. Shes a nurse. Step3 Presentation and practice.1. Show the pictures of Part C, do ask and answer.1)A: Whos that?B: Hes / Shes Hes / Shes a(指导学生把关键词如:Mr Brown, doctor等写在图画旁边)2) 练习C部分对话,并请同桌到讲台前表演准备好的对话. 同桌看图Ask and answer: Whos that _? Hes/Shes_?2. 学习句型Are you a? Yes, I am./ No, Im not. 1) T: Im

13、 a girl. Are you a girl? No, Im not. Are you a boy?2) T: Im a teacher. Are you a teacher? Are you a student? ( 呈现句型Are you a? Yes, I am./ No, Im not. )3. 操练句型: Are you a? Look, whos that man? (手中拿Mr Brown.卡片) Hes Mr Brown. Hes a doctor. Yes, hes a doctor. Are you a doctor? No, Im not. Im a student.

14、Are you a doctor?2) 创设情境 (医院、学校) a. 教师示范Now look, Im in the hospital. (课件上出现老师照片) Who can ask me? Yes, I am. Im a doctor. (课件上出现改装后老师的照片) b. 同桌对话T: Now, make this dialogue with your desk mates.(1)T: Look, we are at school now. (课件上出现学校图片) A: Are you a teacher? B: Now we are in the hospital. (课件上出现医院

15、图片) C: D:4) Play a game 把人物职业图分给一同学(不让其他学生看见,把图藏在身后),代替图的人物。 老师可先示范) Excuse me, are you a teacher? No, Im not. Are you a nurse? Yes, I am. ( Yes, youre right. Im a nurse.) 4. 看D图对话,让学生先同桌准备,然后同桌看图对话。1). A:2) A: Excuse me, are you a student?3) A: Excuse me, are you a doctor?4) A: Excuse me, are you a

16、 nurse?Step4 Consolidation.1. Fill in the blanks.2. Listen and choose.Step5 Homework1.熟练掌握并默写句型:Whos that?Are you a?2. 预习Part A 课文.(第三课时)牛津小学英语4B第一单元A部分课文. 1、理解,掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。2、 正确运用日常交际用语Welcome to our school. Whos that boy? Im new here.3、 能正确运用句型 Whos that? Hes Shes Are you a?能正确理解对话内

17、容,朗读对话,初步表演对话四、 教学难点 流畅地朗读对话,并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话五、 课前准备:人物图片 Mike, Miss Li, Miss King, Gao Shan,人物头饰 Ben 单词卡片 student, teacher, woman, teacher , boy Step 1 Warm up:Watch a little video:(请将鼠标靠至字幕处,出现小手时点击,再确定,即可看见flash。)Step 2 Free talk 1 (1)T: Whos that man in the video? Ss: Hes Mr Brown. T: Hes a doc

18、tor. Are you a doctor? S1:Now its your turn. You ask and I answer 教师手持人物职业卡片,不让学生看见1). S1: No, Im not. Im a doctor.2)S2: Excuse me, are you a student ? No, Im not. Im a teacher.2. 引导学生(用两句话来)介绍自己 和 他人。1)T: Im a teacher, yes or no? Yes Im a girl, yes or no? Yes, Im a teacher, Im a girl. Can you intro

19、duce yourself like this? Im a student, Im a girl. Im a student, Im a boy. 2)a. Teacher points at a girl or a boy. Hes _ . Hes a _ Shes_ . Shes a _b. Now, Group 1 and 2 ask, Group3and4 answer.12: 34: Hes . Hes a student. Now, exchange 34:Whos that girl?12: Shes Shes a student.Step 3 Presentation.1 T:

20、 Look, whos that boy? (老师手拿Ben 的头饰) Hes Mike. No, youre wrong. Now, Im this boy. You ask me, ok? (老师戴上Ben 的头饰让学生猜) Are you Gao Shan? Are you Liu Tao? No, Im not. Im Ben. Look! Hes Ben. Hes a student. Hes a new student. Today well learn a new lesson: A New Student. (Ss read the title after Teacher.)2

21、. pre-reading 1) Ben与学生对话 T:Now, who wants to welcome Ben? Hello, Ben. Welcome to our school. 老师饰演Ben: Hello, Im new here. Nice to meet you!(通过与几个学生的对话,让学生熟悉句型 Im new here. / Welcome to our school. 2) 课件出示Mike和Miss Li的图片:Ben: (Point to the picture of Mike) Whos that boy? Hes Mike. Hes a student. (Po

22、int to the picture of Miss Li) Whos that woman? Shes Miss Li. Shes a teacher.3) 课件出示Mrs Brown的图片: (Point to the picture of Mrs Brown) Whos that woman? Shes Mrs Brown. Yes, shes Davids mother, but whats her job? A doctor? A teacher? Lets ask her together:Mrs Brown: No, Im not. Im a nurse.(教师请于学生问后,点击右下角小喇叭)4)配音a. 请三位同学对照图片,对课文内容进行配音。(课文中的字体已被删除)b. 请三位同学对照flash,对课文内容进行配音。播放时请将小喇叭静音)3朗读与表演课文 1)、 听录音(点击右下角小喇叭),回答问题:Who is the new student?2)、看flash,跟读。 (请将鼠标靠至字幕处,出现小手时点击,再确定,即可看见flash。3)、学生分角色、小组朗读Gao

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