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1、t think I really know how to dance well the n. But later, whe n I was old eno ugh to go dancing with my frie nds, all those training items seemed to work well, you kno w, I could dance a moveme nt at only one sight of it, which is a missi on impossible to most amateur dan cers. This activity brought

2、 me a stro ng sense of achieveme nt.考生对话考官给你和另外一个考生一个话题,给你们一段准备的时间,然后让你们进行对话讨论。图片描绘,分析与讨论这种形式非常接近考研笔试写作的图片作文,只不过是以口语的形式考。每个学校会根据自己 的想法来指定考试的具体的形式,但一般都会包括以上的两到四个部分。专业备考:不必担心专业 词汇太少现在很多学校英语复试的形式更加灵活,比如不再采取单独的英语复试,而是把英语复试和专 业课复试融在一起进行,其具体形式大概可以分为两种:1.专业课老师与英语老师组成一个复试团队,复试过程中专业课老师用汉语提问专业问题,而 英语老师用英语提问一些

3、与考生考取专业相关的问题。例如,考取金融方向研究生的考生可能会遇 到如下问题:Could you explain the Chinese monetary policy in English?What do you think will be the impact of current global economic crisis on Chinese economy?2.由于现在高校老师的整体素质提高,复试中由专业老师直接用英语进行提问。虽然用英语对专业问题进行考查是研究生复试的一个新的趋势,但考生不必担心自己的专业词 汇太少或无法用英语表达自己的观点,因为即使用英文提问专业相关的问题,这部

4、分的目的仍旧是 考查考生的英语水平,问题一般比较浅显,不会涉及到大量专业词汇。除一般性备考外还要注意:关注与自己专业相关的热点问题,注意阅读报纸或杂志上相关的文章,适当积累一些专业词汇 ;如果学过英文原版教材,注意其中的专业词汇。其实并非所有专业的考生都会遇到英语复试中考查专业问题的情况。一般涉外专业或国际化较 强的专业如经济(如考取中央财经大学、对外经贸大学)、传媒、语言专业的考生要注意对专业问题 的准备总1罩评廿标淮I冈】HTSgmor、+31P*%语法和词汇不准确导致 交漬严逼受到限制* *发音慢丕烯逍1人艮对韵 律特征(:重音、语调 缺乏揑制结财方造臥、-在徐乏拱卞的情况下无 法维毎交

5、凌。ip-尽管存在明显的4琨 但语摆和词返基聿淮-1 确 4阿瞬连员进行交淺,并 能进一步展开讨it,总体上能酸理解 能在基本上没有提示的嵋况下维持立凑“”活跌有效地畫与交湊p * 谁礪使用语越和i耶C,并 能有枚展幵论述语言流畅&门连贯”易干理解。卍*无绩提示。a很歼的芫成規走任务*奇项评分标滾 * as lessor)-1IX23 一E5悟法与词汇斂用 緒运兀且 茎乏 大貧 迫汇-地运*.八的心 确词-#-2C咤准P % 多 大规恰 法岀用 语澤运F话语运珥颛的、:+ SB籾叱毗 幡瞅语贡 锁成话连 怖以产抉 9* W-d 语性 的贾 直连 丰乏 便有* J4律造 牺餌解 nH* 细L.J

6、hi匸 耳豹理S響 吧T特给 律来 测但JU 运音摊 当一51 替语何 环任 确有滅 W仍活 音。然流 发征虽交 互动交厮萤行涮助无 皆邃吉伯的帮联 亡怎语诃-K和当 7无审出极一*恃 做濮尉中人捉不 刊製话畫回 *.* V的感悬AS停弘 囱 0*|隹帀 斤 sffi桶 已前胃B-入鬥nr 吧际辭疋导拒牢r卜r_- 狡有tra 强有时亠疔香 尽持织地追提 出爭審Q旬藝 孤锹B献SJ需 耒K:语有援不 考研英语口语面试整理从现在起到复试之前应该保证每天至少 1个小时的听力训练,如果觉得做题做得枯燥了,可以适当听一下英语新闻,看看英文原版电影,通过这些练习来培养自己的英语语感,扩大词汇量、掌 握英

7、语的习惯表达方式,扩大知识面和训练英语逻辑思维能力, 也可以使我们熟练掌握常用的词组、短语等。只有熟练,会话才能流利,与人交流才能不假思索地脱口而出。千万不要只回答“YES或“NO,而要加上你的reason或者是example对于看图说话题,不要过分局限于图中的内容,应充分开阔思路,尤其注意在讲述完图中内容后做适当的评价,对图中的 事物或观点提出自己的看法或客观公正的评论。1.自我介绍(self-introduce)Good mornin g. I am glad to be here for this in terview. First let me in troduce myself. M

8、y n ame is *, 24.I come from * ,the capital of *Provinee. I graduated from the * department of *University in July,2001 .In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate exam in ati on while I have bee n teach ing *in NO.*middle School and I was a head-teacherof a class in junior gr

9、ade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a cha nee to be in terview by you . I am ope n-min ded,quick in thought and very fond of history .In my spare time I have broad in terests like many other youn gers .I like read ing books, especially those about *.Freque ntly I excha ngewith

10、 other people by making comments in the forum on line.ln addition, during my college years, I was once a Net-bar tech ni cia n.So I have a comparative good comma nd of n etwork applicati on.l am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football

11、fan for years .I talia n team is my favorite.A nyway,I feel great pity for our coun try,s team. I always believe that one will easily lag behi nd uni ess he keeps on lear ning .Of course if I am give n a cha nee to study * in this famous Un iversity,I will stare no effort to master a good comma nd o

12、f adva nee *.2.考研原因 (reas ons for my choiceThere are several reas on s. I have bee n deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere whe n I came here last summer. I n my opinion, as one of the most famous *i n our country, it provide people with eno ugh room to get further enrichment. This is the first

13、 reason. The second one is I am long for doing research in *throughout my life. Its a pleasure to be with my favorite *for lifetime. I suppose this is themost importa nt factor in my decisi on. Thirdly, I lear nt a lot from my *job duri ng the past two years.However, I thi nk further study is still

14、urge nt for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is n ecessary to seize any chanee for self-developmen, especially in this competitive modern world. In a word , I am look ing forward to maki ng a solid foun dati on for future professi on after two years study here.3.研究生期间你的计划 (pla ns in th

15、e postgraduate stud)First, I hope I can form systematic view of *. As for * , my express wish is to get a completecomprehe nsion of the formatio n and developme nt as well as *. f possible , I will go on with my study for doctorate degree. In a word , I am looking forward to making a solid foundatio

16、n for future professi on after two years study here.4 .介绍你的家乡(about hometown)I come from Guangzhou, an international metropolis with a long history over 2000 years. It is also called “lower city ” a nd “ram city ”. Since the ancient times, Guan gzhou have become the cen ter of bus in ess and trade d

17、ue to its adva ntageous geographic positi on of lying in costal area of souther n China and it plays an important role in promoting economic development in our country. Because of its long history and commercial atmosphere, Guan gzhou became a multicultural city that many people from other provinces

18、 or from foreign countries settled down in Guangzhou. And people here are enthusiastic and ope nmin ded.Of course, you may have heard a saying that eating in Guangzhou”.I think Guangzhou really deserves it. Its no deny that the food in Guan gzhou earn good frame over our country eve n the world. The

19、re are variety of food in Guangzhou and the ways of cooking are so creative. Well, i ?m so proud of being a Guangzhou people and all of you are welcomed to visit Guan gzhou.5.你的家庭(about family)There are 2 members in my family my pare nts and me. My father is a ban ker in CCB. He works hard and is a

20、compete nt staff. . And my mother teachesCh in ese in a primary school. Un der the in flue nee of my parents, I form a habit of working hard and being modest and that?; why I can insist on preparing for postgraduate exam in ati on. Thanks to my pare nts,love and support, I became con fide nt and pow

21、erful. I hope in future I wil be able to repay them.6.你的大学(about university)South Chi na Agricultural Un iversity is the oldest one in the provin ce. It was foun ded in *a nd covers an area of over* mu. The building area is *square meters. It develops into a comprehe nsive uni versity with efforts o

22、f gen erati ons especially after the reform and ope ning up. It takes the lead among the * un iversities with n ice teachi ng and scie ntific research ability. The library has a storage of *books. . various research in stitutes are set up in cludi ng 52 research cen ters. There are teachi ng researc

23、h experime ntal bases. For examplethe computer cen ter an alyz in g-test cen te, moder n educati on tech ni cal cen ter and so on.7对英语态度I like En glish very much, I am fond of watch ing En glish films and read ing En glish no vel, I passed College English Test Band six in December, 2003, I do believ

24、e there is still a long way for me to learn English well eno ugh, I will not shri nk back, Because I realize that En glish is a bridge conn ected our country with the outside world. Lear ning En glish is the most direct and available method for in tercourse among coun tries and also useful for us to

25、 get adva need kno wledge, tech no logy and culture from other n ati ons.考研英语复试之英语自我介绍pes onel stateme nt(i ntroducti on)Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your name is song yonghao,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicen

26、t undergratuade period will be accomplished in changan university in july ,2004;and now,i am trying my best for obta ining a key to tongji uni versity.Gen erally speak ing ,i am a hard worki ng stude nt especially do the thi ng i am in terested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter h

27、ow difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard . to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,i am a person with great perservere nee

28、. duri ng the days prepari ng for the first exam in ati on,i in sist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.a nd just owning to this,i could concen trate on my study and succeeded in the end.Well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chin ese chess. also en glish is my favorate.i ofte n go to english corner to practise my oral english on every thursday,and write compositions t

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