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1、Her study, which ranged over many languages and cultures, was full of challenge.8. 想到要远离父母独立生活,她深感不安。She felt dismayed at the thought of leaving away from her parents on her own.9. 对于她是否胜任这项工作我们不甚担心,我们所担忧的确实她的健康状况。We dont worry so much about her qualifications for the job but about her health.10. 想到

2、要作一次环球航海旅行,他为之激动不已。He was greatly excited at the thought of going on a voyage around the world.Unit211. 这位老人年轻时独居海外,有过许多不寻常的经历。This old man lived alone overseas when he was young and had many unusual experiences.12. 她是一位深受人们爱戴的教学经验丰富的物理老师。She was a deeply respected physics teacher with rich teaching

3、 experience.13. 我的鞋子是崭新的,我情愿等到天气放晴后再走。My shoes are brand-new and Id rather stay until it clear up.14. 要离开曾在孩提时代住过的小屋子,她环顾四周,向每件熟悉的物品一一告别。Upon leaving the small house where she lived in her childhood, she looked goodbye at every familiar object around.15. 他接到通知要他立即去西安,时间紧迫得连给他妻子打电话的时间都没有。He was asked

4、 to leave for Xian at such short notice that he didnt even have time to call his wife.16. 他们不情愿参与我们的演讲比赛,真令人扫兴。Their reluctance to join us in the speech contest really spoilt our fun.17. 请注意,每位学生都应该遵守课堂纪律,你也不例外。Please note that every student should keep classroom discipline, and you are no exception

5、.18. 我倒不在乎偶尔加班加点,我在乎的是你任意取消我的节假日。I dont care so much working overtime occasionally, but your calling off my holidays with no notice.19. 发言人清了清嗓子以唤起听众的注意。The speaker cleared his throat to claim the attention of the audience.20. 10他对喧嚣、忙碌的城市生活深感厌倦,希望迁居乡村,改变日前的生活方式。He was tired of the hustle and bustle

6、 of the urban life and hoped to move to the country, expecting a change in his current life style.Unit 321. 我还没讲完她便打断了我,道出了一番不得不说的话。She broke in with what she had to say before Id finish speaking.22. 我们之间对人生所持的不同看法丝毫没有影响我们的友谊。Our different views of life have never affected our friendship.23. 碰巧校长要他交

7、代数这门课,这可是一门他在读书时未及格的课程。It so happened that the headmaster asked him to teach algebra, the subject in which he had failed at school.24. 这孩子坐在汽车里一言不发,对他叔叔表现出不友好态度,似乎视其为敌人。The boy sat quiet in the car, showing unfriendliness to his uncle as if he were his enemy.25. 汤姆听到他必须去叔叔家度假时很失望,如同得知彼得因为麻疹不得不严格地卧床养

8、病时一样感到沮丧。Tom was as disappointed to know that he had to spend his summer holiday at his uncles as he was depressed to learn that Peter had to be kept strictly to his bed because of measles.26. 当他最宠爱的小儿子公然反抗他时,他气得脸色发青。When his youngest son, whom he loved most defied him, his face turned purple with a

9、nger.27. 待大家都陈述了自己的见解后,科长才开口说话。The head of the section found his voice after all the other members had stated their views.28. 他们要外出度假两周,所以将家里所有的宠物都留给邻居照料。As they were going out on holiday for two weeks, they left all their pets in the care of their neighbor.29. 想必你弄错了,期中考试的日期不是下周五,而是下周三。I reckon you

10、 are mistaken about the date of our mid-term exam, which is not next Friday but next Wednesday.30. 按新规定,一支足球队可以拥有24名球员,换言之,24名球员可以组成一支球足球队。 According to the new rule, a football team may consist of 24 players. In other words.24 football players may make up a football team. Unit 431. 凡是听到她不行的遭遇的人无不深表

11、同情。No one who has heard about her misfortune does not feel deep sympathy for her.32. 他提出这个问题是出于好奇心,而非出于求知欲 。He asked the question out of curiosity rather than out of his desire for knowledge.33. 这位年轻学者专心致志地开发新型的电脑翻译软件,他深信在不久的将来自己会成名。The young scholar devoted all his attention to the development of a

12、 new type of computer translation software in the full conviction that he would make a name for himself in the near future.34. 别把它当作一回事,我刚才所说的并非指你。Dont take it seriously. What Ive just said is not meant for you.35. 这扇门这么低,那个高个子进屋时无法挺直身子,只能低头猫腰进入。It was such a low doorway that the tall man had to ben

13、d his head rather than keep upright when entering the room.36. 我们的班长两个星期前突发高烧,此后一直卧床不起。Our monitor was suddenly ran a high fever two weeks ago and has been keeping to his bed ever since.37. 令人难以置信的是他在两年内竟然把这些普通的女孩子训练成了世界一流的长跑运动员。Whats incredible is that he actually turned these ordinary girls into l

14、ong distance runners within two years.38. 他们竭力说服她放弃诉讼,但都无济于事。They tried their best to talk her into giving up the lawsuit but in vain.39. 那些过着富裕生活的农民从未想过要迁居到大都市去生活。It never occurred to those comfortable off farmers that they would move to a metropolitan city.40. 他在餐厅享用美味的晚餐时,听到车子的警报声,猛然间他想起自己停在外面马路上

15、的车子未上锁。While enjoying his delicious dinner in a restaurant, he heard the car alarm and realized in a flash that he left his car outside in the street unlocked.Unit541. 老师显然下了很大功夫教学生如何做实验。It was clear that the teacher has taken great pains to show the students how to do the experiment.42. 我想校长对这位年轻的求

16、职者存有偏见。Im afraid the headmaster has some prejudice against the young applicant.43. 直到你告诉我后我才知道他所遭遇到的一切。I had heard nothing of what had happened to him until you told me.44. 这两位警察非常勇敢,他们做好了冒被走私者开枪射击的危险的准备。The two policemen were so brave that they were ready to run the risk of being shot at by the smu

17、gglers. 45. 对于一周内会有三个星期日的说法,我永远不会信服。I will never be convinced of the statement that three Sundays may occur in one week.46. 大多数与会代表坚决反对在市区兴建大型游乐场的计划。Most of the representatives at the meeting firmly opposed the plan of constructing an amusement park in the urban area of the city.47. 教授结束讲话时,大厅里突然间爆发

18、出一阵雷鸣般的掌声。Thunderous applause erupted and rocked the hall as the professor closed his speech.48. “我宁愿你独立工作,从失败中寻找新的方法,也不要你墨守成规,毫无建树,”导师对他说。”I would rather you work on your own to find a new solution from your failures than follow the convention without any new discovery , ” the supervisor said to hi

19、m.49. 我们宁为玉碎,也不为瓦全。We would rather die than live in disgrace.50. 这座城市为庆祝首座世界级大桥的落成举行了摩托车游行活动。The town inaugurated its first world-class bridge with a motorcycle parade. Unit 651. 你们无论做什么都不能阻止我对理想的追求。Nothing you do can hold me back from pursuing my ideal.52. 这个城市的人口由藏、汉两大名族构成。The population of this c

20、ity is made up of Tibetan and Han nationalities.53. 这些人不断向西行进,希望能找到肥沃的尚未被征服的处女地。These people kept heading west in the hope of finding fertile virgin land still to be explored.54. 要是建筑材料按时运到的话,工程现在早已全面展开了。Had the building materials been delivered to the construction site on time, the project would ha

21、ve been well on the way by now.55. 众所周知,长城是世界七大奇观之一,需要我们精心维护。As is known to all, the Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which deserves great care.56. 我们有时用塑料代替钢材,不仅是因为这样更经济,而且也可以解决生锈问题。We sometimes replace steel with plastics, not only because the latter is more economical, but als

22、o because it will solve the problem of rusting.57. 他们对这件事进行了一番认真的讨论之后,想出了一个万无一失的计划。After a serious discussion about the matter, they worked out a plan that would work in every circumstance.58. 10年前很少有人意识到我们已走向一个知识经济的时代,一个信息即成功的时代。A decade ago few of us were aware that we were well on the way to the

23、age of knowledge-based economy, an age where information means success.59. 请相信我的直觉,她完全适合这个岗位。Please trust my intuition. She is surely fit for the position.60. 他们这次极有可能会成功,因为他们做好了最充分的准备。Most likely they will succeed this time since they have made full preparation for it.Unit 761. 史密斯太太认为妇女理应下厨房做饭,因而从

24、不允许家里任何人来取而代之。Mrs. Smith took it for granted that women were supposed to do the cooking in the kitchen and would never allow anyone in the family to take her place.62. 他不受人们欢迎的主要原因是,他往往在别人最需要他助以一臂之力时逃之夭夭。The main reason for his unpopularity is that he tends to get away when he is most needed.63. 万一出

25、现紧急情况,将用直升飞机把抢救队送至事故现场。In case of emergency, the helicopters will be used to send the rescue team to the scene of accident. 64. 至于日趋严重的空气污染问题,我们必须清醒地认识到这是全人类共同面临的一种威胁。As for the deteriorating air pollution, we should have a clear understanding that it is a threat that faces all mankind.65. 这种地方杂志创刊不

26、到一年,其发行量已达到50万册之多。This local magazine which made its first appearance less than one year has already had a circulation of 500,000.66. 当她发现没人来车站接她时,感到一阵心寒。It chilled her when she saw nobody come to pick her up.67. 这些测试的结果表明,你很有音乐天赋。The results of these tests clearly show that you have an aptitude for

27、 music.68. 他们日以继夜地在实验室工作了整整一个月,不料却发现他们在做根本无法做成的事。They worked day and night in the lab for a whole month, only to find that they were trying the impossible.69. 一项重要实验做到一半时电话铃响了。他对持续不停的铃声置之不理,心想要是有重要的事他迟早总会知道的。The telephone rang in the middle of an important experiment. He ignored the persistent ringi

28、ng, thinking that if it was an important message it would reach him sooner or later.70. 要是你数学考试再次不及格,真是活该。这学期的数学课你缺课次数太多了。It serves you right if you fail in math again, you have cut too many math classes this semester.Unit 871. 看到敌机飞近,他们飞奔开去,寻找可以躲避炸弹的掩蔽处、Seeing the enemys planes approaching, they da

29、shed off to look for a shelter from the bombs.72. 我理解她为何日以继夜地努力工作:她极其渴望在这个领域里取得成功。I understand why she is working so hard day and night, for she has a great desire for success in this field.73. 吉姆埋头玩电脑游戏,一点都没有听到母亲的叫唤声。Jim was so engrossed in his computer games that he didnt hear his mother call him.74. 除夕夜,全镇的姑娘和小伙子都在尽情的唱歌跳舞。On New Years Eve, all the boys and girls of the town sang and danced to their hearts content.75. 那银行家死后,人们发现他竟是债务重重。The banker was found to have run up huge debts when he died.76. 听到只有自己一人考试不及格时,他灰心丧气极了。He was dismayed to h

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