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3、应的降低成本。部分手动夹紧产品已拥有标准的型号和数量,需要时可以到市场购买即可。对于某些装置,规定采用气动夹紧,但如果直接使用气动夹紧,可能损坏的工件,所以,可以由人工先按地方,来提供一种气动夹紧力夹紧工件,这是手动-气动。该夹具夹紧系统是安装在一个大平台,所有固定在此保证焊接位置的焊接条件应符合设计尺寸的工件坐标系定位夹具,这牵涉到的基准。3.装配和焊接夹具的基准和他们所选择的支撑面3.1设计基准的确定每个夹具必须具有固定坐标系统,在这个坐标系统, 它的支撑基础坐标尺寸应该支持工件以及坐标对应于同样的大小。所以在整个的焊装夹具系统中,为了确保自动焊件系统的三维空间坐标一致, 所有的焊装夹具在


5、基准形成的一个协调的方向。3.1.2v型检测法这种方法是在这一过程中安装平台分为每两个90度范围的,这两条轴线的线组成一平面垂直安装的平台,这样平面垂直于平台,这两个轴线沟槽的表面形式XY平面坐标系统。3.1.3参考试块法参考使用侧块垂直于三维XYZ坐标系统,通常是一个检具的底座与3到4块可直接安装在平台上,也可以添加一个轴承固定夹具平台,但需要参考块的最后一个平面来控制高度,必须保证方向一致。制造时,调整块在前面的两种方法是较为困难的,但这种测量极为方便,尤其是使用CMM测量。该方法要求用的基准块平面加工安装平台相对较低,所以大一点的尺寸的安装平台应该使用这种方法。3.2轴承表面的选择 轴承




9、问题,虽然我们已在这方面积累了一定经验,但在该领域还有大量的知识有待去进一步地学习和研究,以便为焊装夹具设计领域的不断发展创新,提供新的理论支持。随着中国汽车工业的发展,需要越来越多的焊接夹具。夹具虽然原理很简单,但是真正的设计和制造出高质量焊接夹具系统是一项极其复杂的工程。The Design of the Welding Junetion Clamp of MotorcarAbstractThe text introduces the design method and construction of the welding junction clamp of motorcar. KeyW

10、ords: Weldingassembly Base Clamp Loeation 1. Introduction Assembly and welding fixture in the automotive body assembly and welding production line of critical process equipment related to manufacturing quality of the car. In welding production. Assembly and welding fixtures in addition to the comple

11、tion of this process the parts assembly, positioning, the also served as a test and calibration procedures on the Road, welding parts welding quality of the task, so its design and manufacture of the welding process affects the level of automobile production capacity and product quality.Automotive s

12、tyle vary, welding fixture shape and thus vary widely, but in the design, manufacture, adjustments have in common, you can learn from each other. 2. the structural design of welding fixture Fixture structural design, to ensure that the folder has a good convenience of operation, clamping positioning

13、 reliability. Fixture manufacturers also adjusted to ensure easy integration of various parts of the structure surface should allow sufficient room for adjustment to ensure the three-dimensional adjustable. Ensuring the accuracy of the welding quality and welding under the premise of the structure o

14、f fixture should be as simple as possible. Fixture design is usually the general use of welded structures, the basic component is divided into three parts, namely base, support the positioning part, clamping parts, for each specific fixture positioning support base and some of the general use of 10

15、to 20 mm thick steel plate welded structure A3.Clamping part of the normal 10 mm with a thickness of about 45 combination of welded steel plate. Pneumatic and manual clamping part of the two, according to the size of car production clamping method to determine the general high-volume pneumatic clamp

16、ing, then manually clamping can be used as auxiliary clamping; small quantities in order to reduce the cost of manually clamp mode. Manual clamping is usually manually fast clip, manual quick clip of their products has become the standard, type and quantity needed can be purchased in the market. For

17、 some fixtures require apneumatic clamping, but direct use of pneumatic clamping. May damage the workpiece, then, can be manually pressed first place, to give a pneumatic clamping force to clamp the workpiece, which is manual - Pneumatic J the fixture clamping system is installed on a large platform

18、, all guaranteed fixture in the welding position of welding conditions should be consistent with the design of the workpiece coordinate dimensions, which involves the positioning fixture benchmarks. 3 assembly and welding fixtures benchmarks and their choice of support surface 3.1 t flip-chip benchm

19、ark test fixture Each fixture must be a fixture coordinate system, in this coordinate system, the coordinates of its base of support size should be supporting the workpiece and the coordinates corresponding to the same size. Fixture coordinate system is established based on fixture side of the child

20、 base. Because the whole fixture system to guarantee a space auto welding pieces of three-dimensional coordinate system, so this system in all of the fixture must have a common benchmark, this benchmark is the fixture to install platform that is the X, Y Zuo Biao, each specific fixture in platform l

21、ocation, the corresponding height shall coordinate Z, so that three-dimensional XYZcoordinate system is established. In order to facilitate the installation and measurement fixture, install the platform must have the coordinates of reference, there are generally three types of structure below: 3.1.1

22、 The quasi-hole method Tomb Installation of platform design is the four reference holes, each hole in the center of the two connection lines form a coordinate direction, the four holes constitute the coordinates of two perpendicular lines. This, XY plane coordinate system on the set. The establishme

23、nt of this benchmark is relatively simple, easy to process, but the measurements used in conjunction with the base block. Base block is a rectangular block size of the amount of accurate measurement, the platform is installed into the base hole in the base marketing, reference block off a side close

24、 to the two benchmarks to form a coordinate direction. 3.1.2 V-type to be law This approach is in the process to install the platform into each of two 90-degree V-groove, which V-groove of a plane surface perpendicular to the installation of platform, such plane perpendicular to the platform, the tw

25、o V-groove groove the surface of the form XY plane coordinate system. 3.13 reference block method Reference block using the side perpendicular to the two constitutive three-dimensional XYZ coordinate system, usually a fixture base with 3 to 4 blocks can be directly installed on theplatform can also

26、add a bearing fixed to the fixture platform, but requires reference block The last plane to control the height must be consistent with the direction. Manufacturing base to adjust the block in front of the two methods is relatively difficult, but the measurement is convenient, especially the use of C

27、MM measurements. Block method with a benchmark of installation platform plane processing requirements are relatively low, a larger size of the installation platform should use this method. 3.2 The choice of bearing surface Bearing surface should be used when welding pieces are fixed on the surface o

28、f the cut plane to plane and install the platform angle is not greater than 15 degrees on the surface. As far as possible the detection surface and welding pieces of the same, flat surface as far as possible in order tofacilitate processing and adjustment . Structure should be designed bearing surfa

29、ce can be easily processed, with the number of modules for the product can be used to process bearing NC surface, in the design, the car coordinate Xi point was not necessarily suited fixture bearing surface with NC, which requires supporting the fixture block access point S as the base, the establi

30、shment of a digital surface, this surface should be consistent and be the Bearing surface, so that when it was manufactured to S base point for NC machining, precision machining and assembly debugging easy. 4. positioning the workpiece The general location of the workpieces to holes or obvious surfa

31、ce features as the positioning reference surface. The positioning pins are commonly used components. Fixture positioning sub-activities, and fixed positioning of two, for some jobs, in order to facilitate the workpiece into and out, positioning the form of optional activities, events or block pin po

32、sitioning structure of the form sub-pneumatic and manual, in principle, put the workpiece seeded, positioning pieces to open into the workpiece, the positioning pieces out, and then clamp; workpiece removed, the position to return items before and after clamp release. Activities can be used locate pieces of the movement structure of pan-type or flip-style, pan-type structure is usually given

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