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1、我的海洋。我曾经覆盖过整个地球。And I can always cover it again.我也可以再一次把它全部覆盖。s all I have to say.这就是我要说的。第二期:土地Iamthesoil.我是土地。inhills,andvalleys,farms,the orchards.我存在于高山上,山谷中,农场里,果园间。Withoutmehumanscouldnotexist.Butyoutreat melikedirt.没有我,人类无法生存。但你们却把我看得一文不值。Dorealizethatjustathinskinonthis planet?你们意识到了吗,我只是这个地


3、ittlemorerespect.所以也许你们能对我多一些尊重。supposestillwanteat,right?我想你们不想饿肚子,对吧?第三期:珊瑚礁I am coral.我是珊瑚礁。Some people think Im just a rock.有些人认为我只是岩石。When, in fact, Im the largest thing alive on this planet.但事实上,我是这个星球最大的生命体。m so big, I can be seen from space. But for how long?大到从太空都可以看到我。但还能持续多久?I grew for al

4、most 250 million years and humans came along and now one fifth of me is gone.我来到这里大约2.5亿年后人类出现了,从那时起我已经失去了我的五分之一。Sure, l live at the bottom of the sea. And you might not see me that often.是的,我生活在海底,你们很少能见到我。But you do need me.但是你们需要我。Do you realize that one quarter of all marine life depends on me?你

5、们知道有四分之一的海洋生物都依赖我生存吗?I am the nursery of the sea.我是海洋生物的栖息地。coral.Somepeoplethinkrock.When,fact,largestthingalivethis planet.sobig,canseenfromspace.forhow long?grewalmost250millionyearshumanscamealongnowonefifthisgone.Sure,lliveatbottomsea.mightseeoften.doneedme.quarterallmarinelifedependsme?nursery


7、然而你们却用炸药把我撕碎,用氰化物来毒害我。Well,herecrazythought:Stopkilling我有一个疯狂的想法:停止伤害我。第四期:大自然Some call me nature.有人称我为大自然。Others call me “Mother Nature.”也有人叫我“大自然母亲”。ve been here for over 4.5 billion years.我在这里已经超过45亿年。22,500 times longer than you.是你们人类存在时间的22500倍。t really need people. But people need me.我真的不需要人类。

8、但人类需要我。Yes, your future depends on me.是的,你的未来取决于我。When I thrive, you thrive. When I falter, you falter. Or worse.如果我繁盛,你们也将繁盛。如果我衰败,你们也会衰败或者更糟。But Ive been here for eons.但我已经永世存在于此。I have fed species greater than you. And I have starved species greater than you.我养育过比你们强大得多的物种。我也曾让比你们强大得多的物种因饥饿而亡。My

9、oceans. My soil. My flowing streams. My forests.我的土壤。我的河流。我的森林。They all can take you or leave you.它们都可以左右人类的存在。How you choose to live each day, whether you regard or disregard me, doesnt really matter to me.你们如何选择每天的生活,是否在意我还是无视我,我都不在乎。One way or the other. Your actions will determine your fate. Not

10、 mine.不管怎样,你们的行为决定了你们的命运,不是我的。I am nature. I will go on. I am prepared to evolve.我是自然。我会继续下去。我随时准备进化。Are you?而你们呢?第五期:雨林I am the rainforest.我是雨林。I watched them grow up here.我看着他们在这里成长。Theyve left. But they always come back.他们离开了。但他们总是会回来。Yes, they always come back.是的,他们总会回来的。For my trees, their wood

11、.为了获取我的树木,作为木材。My plants, their medicines.为了采集我的植物,充当药材。For my beauty, their escape.我的美丽是他们的世外桃源。ve always been there for them and I have been more than generous.我有求必应。我慷慨大方。Sometimes I gave it all to them. Now gone forever.有时候,我付出了全部。现在一切不复返。But humans, theyre so smart. So smart.但人类啊,他们真的很聪明,真的很聪明。

12、Such big brains and opposable thumbs.这么智慧的大脑,灵巧的双手。They know how to make things. Amazing things.他们善于创造,了不起的创造。Now, why would they need an old forest like me anymore?现在,他们还需要我这片古老的森林做什么呢?Jungles? Trees? Well, they do breathe air.需要我的丛林还是树木?对了,他们总得呼吸吧。And I make air.而我制造了氧气。Have they thought about tha

13、t?他们意识到这件事了吗?Humans, so smart. Theyll figure it out.人类,这么聪明。他们会想出办法的。Humans making air. Thatll be fun to watch.人类制造氧气。那可太有意思了。第六期I am a flower.我是花。Yes, Im beautiful. Ive heard it before and it never grows old.是的,我很美。人们常这么说,而且从来不会变老。m worshiped for my looks, my scent, my looks.人们崇拜我的长相,我的气味,我的容貌。But

14、heres the thing. Life starts with me.但是事情是这样的,生活由我而起。You see I feed people. Every fruit comes from me.你看,我在哺育人类。每个水果来自于我。Every potato. Me.每个土豆,来自于我。Every kernel of corn. Me. Every grain of rice. Me.每粒玉米,来自于我。每颗麦子也来自于我。Me, me, me, I know. But its true.我,我,我,我知道,但这是真的。And sometimes I feed their souls.

15、有时人类的心灵也会需要我。I am their words when they have none.当你无法表达时候,我可以帮你说出。I say “I love you,” without a sound. “Im sorry,” without a voice.我说“我爱你”不带一个声响。“我很抱歉,”没有一个声音。I inspire the greatest of them.我是启发伟人的源泉。Painters, poets, pattern makers. Ive been a muse to them all.画家,诗人,模型师。我一直是他们的缪斯。But in my experien

16、ce, people underestimate the power of a pretty little flower.但以我的经验,人们低估了一朵漂亮小花的力量。Because their life does start with me and it could end without me.因为他们的生活确实由我而起,也可以由我而终。第七期water.Tosimplythere.我是水。对于人类来说我司空见惯。somethingtheytakegranted.我对他们只是理所当然的东西。thereonlymuchme.moreofthemeverysingleday.但是我是非常有限的,


18、rythingelse?就像他们为了其他事而做的那样?alwaysanoption.itoption.那倒是一种选择,但并非唯一的选择。第八期How come youre so smart?你怎么这么聪明?Kid, Ive been around a really long time.小子,我已经活了很久很久。As a matter of fact, our kind has been around longer than just about anything.事实上,我们是这个世界上最古老的生物了。ve seen just about everything.我已经什么都见识过了。Reall

19、y? Like what?真的吗?比如什么?Well, Ive seen weather. All kinds of weather.比如气候吧,各式各样的气候。And lots of critters? -Yeah.还有许多动物吗?是啊。At first there were just some bugs and spiders, then some mice and rats, and some rabbits and bears, and skunks.最早的时候就是些昆虫和蜘蛛,后来就有了老鼠,兔子,熊和臭鼬。Then, all of a sudden, there were huma

20、ns. And all hell broke loose.再后来人类突然出现了。一切就乱了套。Why? What did the humans do?为什么?人类做了什么呢?Well, they changed wolves into dogs, rivers into lakes, and us into wood.他们把狼驯化成了狗,让江河变成湖泊,把我们变成木材。They started using the planet like it was put there just for them.他们把地球归为己有,就好像专为他们准备的一样。Act like theyve got an extra one laying around.就好像他们还有一个地球一样。Why do they do that? Why dont they understand?他们为什么这样做呢?他们不懂得后果吗?t know.我不知道。If they dont figure out that theyre part of nature rather than just using nature, they probably wont be around to see you grow up.如果他们不懂得自己是大自然的一部分而是肆意利用自然,那么他们也许等不到你长大。

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